Dark Heaven

By DolphinSD

104K 2.6K 477

What would you do if a dark angel was stalking you? ***MATURE CONTENT. NOT RECOMMENDED FOR YOUNG READERS. CON... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 3

8.7K 263 9
By DolphinSD

Drip. A raindrop fell onto my shoulder. I shuddered as it surprised me. Great, now it was going to start raining, and the train station didn't have much shelter. Suddenly the heavens opened and bitter, heavy droplets poured down from the sky, onto its victims awaiting on the platform. Everyone tried to huddle under some sort of shelter, however there wasn't much room, so everyone ended up soaked to the skin either way. My ginger hair darkened to an almost brown from the water and lay flat against my face and neck. This made tear-like-rain fall down my crop top and trickled down my spine, making me shiver, cold and drenched. The joys of a British autumn.

Finally, after what felt like a lifetime, the newly painted, bright white, with a royal blue streak across the bottom and dandelion yellow front and back, train slowly pulled up to the shabby platform. Everyone gathered around the bright yellow automatic doors sodden and annoyed, and wishing to get into the dry, even though there wasn't much point now.

Eventually I managed to squeeze my way through the group of people and found an empty seat in a carriage. There was a business man to my right, probably on his way to work. I feel sorry for people who have to work on the weekends. His bald head shined with a mixture of sweat and rain. I had seen him run from the ticket office to the train, clearly running late;
I assume from weekend traffic. His glasses were balanced on the bridge of his nose, as he intently read the Daily Mail. I snuck a peek at the weather page when he turned to it. Rain forecasted for the week...yey... I suppose I should be use to it, having lived in England my whole life. But I still despised the rain.

Across from me was an elderly couple. The old man was fast asleep snoring his head off. His white wispy hair stuck up in every direction and his moustache was perfectly formed around his upper lip. His pale, almost clear skin was loosely holding on to his bones and muscles. He was slender and his collar bone was obvious under his taunt skin. It seemed like some parts of his skin barely stretched over him, while other parts drooped baggy, as if his skin was too big for him.

His wife was sat by the window looking out at the miserable weather. She too had white hair, however her's was neatly placed into a bun in the middle of her head. You can see faint make up she has applied to her more tawny skin. Her blue-grey eyes glistened in the reflection of the window, as the train proceeded across the countryside. Her dainty hand rested on the table, while the other clutched her aged handbag on her lap. She wore a pale pink blouse, grey skirt and a smoky grey trench coat, that seemed damp.

We had been travelling for around half an hour when the thunder started. Rainstorms and thunderstorms can last for hours, even a whole day here, so I wasn't expecting the ghastly precipitation to stop anytime soon. Lightning lit up the gloomy, depressing sky; which was now covered in heavy, dark grey clouds. The rain-droplets continued to dance down the window and splatter onto the surrounding ground. A steady sheen of aqua tumbled from the sky.

Abruptly the lights in the carriage went off and the train came to a halt. A slight light glowed through the compartment from the somber sky. Then within a quick blink, a face appeared and disappeared at the window. Was it?... No it couldn't have been... It looked like the man from the station... But how? Now I thought I was going insane..maybe I just kept seeing him, when he wasn't really there...

A train master came through the carriages explaining that there had been a technical difficulty due to the wet tracks and the alarming lightning. Slowly, after waiting for around twenty minutes, we got going again, to mine and most of the passengers relief. I had text mum, warning her of the delay, but she didn't seem to mind.

Its fine, can't help the weather. Mum

After a long four and a quarter hour journey we arrived at London. I was still shaken a bit from the perplexing face at the window. Had it been 'him'? Had anyone else seen the face? Or was I going insane?

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