Transformers Prime: Not Quite...

By The_GirlWhoWaited

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I've seen a few people do this, so it's not my original idea (aka @TFALokiwriter) but they write a story wher... More

Chapter One: This was going to be good.
Chapter Two: I warned her.
Chapter three: THAT was weird.
Chapter four: I wasn't talking to you
Chapter 6: *Untitled*
Chapter 7: "Retracing your Steps"
Chapter 8: Jungle Floors and Dinosaurs

Chapter five: Falling is just like Flying

354 27 22
By The_GirlWhoWaited

We reached the lab after probably 3 minutes, but to me, with my whining stomach, it felt like an eternity.

"Finally!" I exclaimed, and the Dauntless initiate inside me (Divergent reference) took over. I stood from my sitting position on Starscream's shoulder, and jumped off.

Scrap. I'm an idiot, I told myself as I plummeted feet first towards the ground, an over excited idiot.

I felt slightly disappointed that no one was there to scream 'Sherlock!' for me.

Suddenly, just when I thought it was my stupid time to die, there was a large servo there, and I landed in it, but got caught off-balanced, and collapsed onto it. I laughed. I didn't care who's it was, I was just extremely grateful for it.

"What in the name of the all spark was the fleshling trying to do?" A familiar, smooth voice exclaimed, and I glanced up from where I was sprawled out in the giant hand to see a bot with. A shiny red-and-white finish. It was Knockout, and I couldn't help but grin.

"I got over excited, I guess," I told him as I stood, and brushed invisible dust off of my shorts. The way he looked at me almost made me laugh aloud. He still looked cute, though.

"Yes, they both have a tendency to do that," Screamer interjected, before manhandling me and keeping his servo and digits wrapped around me.

I shivered and winced. He needed to watch the way he positioned his digits when grabbing and holding me. I was a woman, and it hurt.

To put it bluntly, Starscream was applying too much pressure to my feminine chest.

"I think you are hurting it," the medic said, noticing my expression, and I nodded vigorously.

"Dude, you're touching me. Like, touching," I informed the second in command, and the idiot tightened his grip, and I cried out. He obviously didn't care. I could feel his malicious smirk boring into my back. My pain brought him some twisted form of delight.

I turned to look at the conceited, red Con in front of me pleadingly.

"Dude, he's really, really hurting me. Help me. Please," I begged in a breathy voice.

"Starscream," the medic began, sounding thoughtful, as if he was going to say something, but he decided against it, closing his mouth.

"Fine," I muttered, pushing against the silver mech's digits as hard as I could, hands and feet both involved. I felt his grip release, and relished in my moment of triumph before I realized what was happening.

The ground came much faster than I had initially expected.

'Falling is just like flying, only with a much more permanent destination.' -Jim Moriarty.

I've always wanted to fly.

Focus, Brain, we're falling to the ground from an unsafe height. I scolded my wandering thoughts, and prepared myself for landing.

The extreme pain of landing on my feet jarred up my legs, beginning at my ankles and working it's way up like an electric current. My knees-which have always been weak- trembled with the landing, and almost gave out. My left ankle did though, and I fell to the ground, my left side taking most of the blow. I could feel bruises already forming. It took a few moments to recover, rubbing my sore calves until they were comforted enough to stand up straight, but intense agony still lingered in my ankle, a throbbing and burning sensation that made me worried.

I knew then that I could get hurt. Did that mean I could die? Or could my strange companion get hurt too?

"Dude," I muttered, my face scrunched up in discomfort, "I don't know about you guys, but a human's bones are rather fragile, and a drop from that height is just pushing the limit, if not stepping over the line."

I let out a large outtake of breath and slid down the wall, sitting on the floor, rubbing my injured limb, staring at it thoughtfully. I had never broken a bone before, not even sprained anything, unless a pinkie finger counts, so if I had severely damaged something, I probably wouldn't know.

"I think you damaged the pest," Knockout voiced his thoughts, which were directed to Screamer.

"Yeah, a mistake on your part, Screamer," I smirked despite everything "you might actually have to carry my everywhere now, whether you like it or not."

The red Con's smirk matched mine. He was obviously imagining the image, and he was also smugly watching the second-in-command's agitated facial expression, Starscream's eyes were narrowed, and the idiot was muttering colourful adjectives under his breath, and I heard some of my infamous titles as well.

Eg. Vermin, Pest, Filthy Organic, the usual lot.

"Well, it was your fault," Knockout reasoned, using his servo to make a gesture that fit in with the way he spoke.

Knockout was my favourite. Ever since I began watching the show, I had fallen for the smooth voice and charming yet devious smile. The shiny, cherry red paint job and the amazing choice in vehicle mode. Soon he became my iPad wallpaper, and I would screen-shot his face when I watched Netflix on my iPad.

I was obsessed with a Con who was obsessed with himself, and I could tell by the way he merely glanced at me, he didn't like me that much, only when we had a common interest, like teasing the annoying, whiny Con that was pouting.

I cleared my throat.

"Erm, we do have a point to being here, Screamer," I broke the silence, and supporting myself on the wall, rose shakily to my feet, "let's go see if we can convince Shockwave it's logical to let me hang out with them today."

"You won't need much luck," Knockout said, inspecting his nails quite femininely before sauntering away.

I led the way for a few moments, limping majorly as I walked, my pace significantly slower than my usual one due to this physical issue. Walking should be enjoyable and easy. Instead, it was excruciating and bothersome.

"Ivy," I called, my eyes searching the lab, "Shockwave."

"Leah?" A familiar, girl's voice echoed back, but I couldn't spot the speaker. Then I heard light footsteps, and suddenly, her head popped out from behind one of the counters.

"Hey! Leah!" Ivy ran over and embraced me, and my unbalanced-ness caught us both off guard as I stumbled back. She immediately let go, and I toppled over.

"I swear, if this keeps up, my butt and hips will be purple," I muttered as I helped myself up, wincing as a burst of pain erupted from my ankle. My companion noticed instantly.

"Are you okay? Did Screamer abuse you? Did he through you against the wall? Did you get in a fight with a Vehicon?-you tend to get on people's bad sides. Please tell me you won," She questioned, her blabbering manner reminding me of Miko. I would've laughed if I wasn't in so much pain.

"No, well, in a way, yes. Let's just say, if he had sparklings, they may all end up on their heads once or twice."

Her mouth dropped slightly.

"He dropped you?" She said it more as a statement than a question, "remind me to tell him to never have children."

"Sparklings," I corrected, "Yeah. No kidding. He's stupid enough though, to have me convince him that I should hang out with you and Shocky for the day, while he does important second in command stuff," I told her, smiling, and feeling quite proud of myself.

"Shockwave won't be that hard to manipulate-I mean convince!" She caught herself as the Cybertronian-Cyclops came over, his one optic looking back and forth between us two humans.

"What is she doing here as well? This does not seem logical?" He inquired, his droning, robotic voice already beginning to irritate me.

"Starscream and I discussed it, and we decided that for today, it would be more logical if I stayed here with you and Ivy, while he serves-Lord-Megatron faithfully and completes his second-in-command duties," I interrupted my friend and said as levelly as I could without bursting into fits of laughter. Triumph bubbled up inside me as he nodded.

"That is logical, and alright with me," the scientist turned back to what he was working on, signalling Starscream was dismissed and Ivy and I could start talking.

"I'm starving and injured-this sure isn't how I imagined this happening," I told her glumly, although by the way her eyes were gleaming, I knew mine were too.

"Isn't Shockwave some sort of doctor?" She pointed out, jerking a thumb towards the mech, "just get him to do something."

"Food won't be that hard to get, but do you know what kind of doctor he is? I'd get some sort of robot foot that could shoot lasers and help me fly. Or he'd turn me into a fragging Techno-Organic or something! Don't you know what he's like?"

"No. But, come on. It doesn't matter, Leah, your ankle has turned purple," Ivy finished our conversation and cupped her hands over her mouth, "yo, Shockwave, Starscream dropped Leah, and she's hurt. It would be logical to fix an injured person, wouldn't you say?"

I frowned, picturing my soon-to-be new, Cybertronian foot in contrast to my human body. It would look strange. Why couldn't we just show him a picture of crutches to design?

She didn't sound very convincing while shouting, but I wasn't surprised when the mech turned around, his glowing red optic fixed on me.

"You are injured?" he asked, even though we had already told him I was.

"Well, yeah," I answered, gesturing to my ankle, the purple one in which I wasn't putting any weight on, "I sorta landed on my feet from 10 feet in the air, and it just, gave out."

"Interesting," he said quietly, and scooped me up in a large servo, his clawed digit raised slightly so they surrounded me like a cage. I sat down.

Did he think I was going to jump off? Idiot.

Suddenly, my trains of thought derailed as the floor-well, metal palm-underneath me tilted downwards, and I slid off.


I hit the medical berth harder than expected, and all of my bruises were effected, sending me little needles of sharp pain to let me know I shouldn't do that again.

"Starscream dropped me, if you were wondering," I told him as he went over to grab something, "but you probably weren't."

"I assume he dropped you for a logical reason?"

Of course that's what he says.

I opened my mouth to say no, but reflected on my memories briefly. My answer changed.

"Yeah, I guess so."

My stomach rumbled, groaning and growling, and the noise echoed.

"Did you make that noise?" he inquired, stopping what he had been doing to look at me.

"Yes," I sighed, knowing what was coming next. I had to stop myself from mouthing the words with him.

"Was it logical?"

I nodded, gritting my teeth behind my half-hearted smile. I was really starting to despise that word.


So, here it is! Sorry it's so late, I was in Nashville Tennessee for a wedding, and we were so busy I couldn't handle anything. But we're back now, and I've written this chapter to the best if my abilities, considering how exhausted I still am. I hope it can make up for my long absence, and I assure, things will progress from here on in!! I'm sorry, it's probably also quite unedited, although I tried! I hope you enjoy!!!

-Loki Xx

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