Not Something Sisters Do (Cam...

By yeahx5h

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 16: Part 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Part 2
Chapter 40
Final Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 39

17.7K 542 368
By yeahx5h

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Enjoy ;))

I'm hot. Really fucking hot and I've been lying here dying for awhile now. I wanted to let out a groan of frustration and kick the heavy blanket off of me but I didn't want to wake the sleeping beauty who was pressed against my back, her nose buried in my hair. I lifted my head slowly and took a glance at the alarm clock on Camila's night stand.


Are you kidding me?

Camila and I fell asleep only a few hours ago, if that. The slow breaths hitting the back of my neck, and the soft snores behind me made me smile and push my backside further into Camila. I nearly melt when I feel her unconsciously tighten her arm around my waist pulling me closer to her body, making me forget all about how hot I was before. Kicking one of my legs out of the blanket helped also.

Honestly, all day I've been wanting to tell her about Normani and Devon leaving Thursday and the party that's going on tomorrow. Well today, technically but whatever. It's been gnawing at my gut all day, for the past few days actually. Devon has been texting me non stop about their going away party, Normani has even texted me about it too.

Before Camila and I fell asleep we cuddled and watched baking shows on Netflix. I had just sat and laughed as I watched Camila suddenly become a professional baker by calling out everything that each contestant was doing "wrong" after only finishing the first episode. Although she was cute as fuck and watching her kept me distracted, I couldn't stop the guilt that crept on me every time she would smile at me like I was the greatest thing in the entire world.

I'm so fucking dramatic and freaking out over something that will probably be nothing. But on the other hand.... Camila did freak out on me for not telling her I smoked a cigarette the other day and she found out by smelling it on my breath. Oh god, she's really gonna flip this time. Normani and Devon told me about them leaving like two weeks ago and I still haven't told her so she's gonna assume that I'm planning on going with or something stupid since I haven't told her and she loves assuming shit.

I huffed in frustration and lifted my head to check the time, I've probably been up for an hour now freaking out over this.



I quickly pressed my lips together, I didn't mean to say that out loud. When Camila didn't stir, I knew she was in a deep sleep. Thank god. I sigh deeply and roll around so I'm facing Camila. The light from the moon peeks in through the shades shining perfectly over Camila's face so I'm able to lay back and admire.

I slowly and carefully reach my hand up and move a strand of hair out of her face so I can see her better. Her skin is so soft, I think to myself as I run the pad of my thumb gently across her cheek trailing down to her curved pink lips.

Damn, I really love this girl.

I continue with my exploration as my thumb travels down to her chin and my fingers lightly brush her jawline. My eyes stay on her face just admiring and feeling incredibly lucky to have her as mine, I really don't deserve her. To have someone this special and amazing, how did I get so lucky? What did I do? What could I have possibly done, to be blessed with someone like her?

Camila could have anyone in the world and she chose me. Just me. It literally takes everything in me not to just engulf her in a bone crushing hug and wrap my arms and legs around her and try to be as close to her as possible. Soft snores make the smile on my face grow. Her long dark lashes resting on her cheeks, cute sloped button nose, and her perfect pink lips that I love to kiss so much make my heart throb with nothing but love for her.

My hand goes lightly down to her slender neck, my thumb slowly trailing down the middle to rest at the base of her throat and stroke the skin there. I want to kiss her. So I do. I lean forward and press my lips gently on the corner of her lips feeling her soft breaths hit my cheek. I lift my hand that is resting on her throat to push Camila's dark hair out of the way as I begin leaving small kisses down her cheek to her jawline and finally press them against small spot underneath her ear, one of Camila's many hot spots.

My lips leave goosebumps in their wake as I trail kisses up and down the side of her neck and my hand lightly strokes against Camila's side, when I bring my lips back to her hot spot and begin to suck on the soft tender skin she moves and an annoyed groan falls from her own lips. I sit up slightly with one arm pressed against the mattress and the other still on her side.


Camila rotates her body only slightly now her body is twisted. An amused smile forms on my face at the sight of her with her left arm bent above her head and her chin tilted up in my direction, one leg lying flat on the bed and the other still bent towards me. She's such a weirdo. Her brows are still furrowed and I subconsciously reach up and stroke her cheek with the hand that was on her side. When her facial feature relax and the soft snores begin again I smile at her cuteness and pick up where I left off.

I lean down once again push my hair to the side so it doesn't get in the way or tickle Camila's face. I bring my hand back down and tilt Camila's chin to the side and press my lips under her ear and leave a gentle kiss before applying more pressure and lightly suck. Before Camila begins to stir, I trail the tip of my tongue down her neck until I reach the base of her throat and give her an open mouth kiss. I push the blanket off of her and use my free hand that isn't supporting myself to stroke her side once again. I thank whoever that she's only in a thin tank top and wearing my old basketball shorts that she stole.

My eyes widen a little and the corner of my lips tug up into a smirk when I see she isn't wearing a bra and her nipples are hard, poking through the thin cotton.

I'm not a necrophiliac but I'm missing Camila's small whimpers and sweet words she whispers in my ears and the way she kisses me back or pushing my head down to continue on with whatever she wants, so I wake her up.

Or at least try to.

I cup her small breast and give it a squeeze and almost let out a moan when I feel her hard nipple in the palm of my hand.

"Baby," I whisper sweetly running my nose down her cheek before giving her a little kiss.

She hums softly but moves her head away.

"Wake up baby."

"Mmmmm Lauren," Camila finally wakes and mumbles sleepily cracking an eye open. "What do you want? I'm trying..... to sleep."

With her finally awake I throw my leg over and straddle her waist and nuzzle her warm neck. I smile grazing my lips against the skin when I feel her hands come up and stroke my sides slowly.

"I miss you."

Camila hums underneath me and when I lift my head her eyes are closed once again and I pout. Literally pout. I want her to wake up, I need a distraction from my thoughts that are keeping me up and the best way to keep them away is to love up on this girl, but she needs to wake up!

"Camila," I say louder and her eyes shoot open as she tried to sit up with a concerned look on her face.

"What's wrong?" Her voice raspy with sleep and it lowkey turns me on. "You okay?"

I raise a brow at how concerned she is and how quickly she goes to sit up slightly, her hair all messy making her look even cuter. "Yeah baby I'm fine I just miss you."

Camila removes one hand from me to rub her right eye sleepily then rests it on my thigh.

"Babe," she chuckles that turns into a yawn. "Are you sure? It's 3 in the morning you never wake me up."

I click my teeth playfully, "Yes I do."

She gives my thigh a squeeze making my blood pump. "No you don't, you're always sleeping through the night."

"Not true."

"Yes it is."

We stare into each other's eyes as she rubs my thighs with both of her hands affectionately.

"Unless," She says with a tiny smirk on her perfect lips. "I'm waking you up with with head."

My jaw literally drops at her words and I cover her mouth with my both of my hands as heat rushes to my cheeks.

"Shhhh babe," I whine embarrassed as shit ugh I hate when she teases me like this. But I know a part of me loves her dirty words. Oh god.

I feel the vibrations through my hands from her muffled laugh and her half lidded brown eyes hold amusement in them.

Camila pries my hands off. "Or," She intertwines my fingers with hers holding our hands up and sits up and leans in close like she's about to kiss me. "It's because there's something on your mind."

I know I have to tell her what's going on my head, but I don't want to get into it.

"Or," I say bumping my nose against hers. "I just want you to love me."

"I do love you, very much."

Camila's eyes dart to my mouth for a split second as I swipe tongue out wetting my dry lips. I go to lean in and finally claim her irresistible lips but she pulls back slightly and I pout once again. Why is she being so damn difficult!? Can't she tell I want her!?

"Tell me what's wrong." Our hands fall to the side of us and she gives them a squeeze.

I sigh dramatically and go to get off but Camila quickly let's go of my hands and grips my hips holding me in place.

I guess I might as well get it all on the table now. Ugh and why does she look so hot right now??? Holding my hips rubbing small circles with her thumbs on my exposed skin. I can't even think straight but I know she won't let this go or let me have my way with her if I don't tell her what's going on right now.

"So Devon and Normani are having a party tomorrow night and it's be–"

"Oh I already know babe," Camila interrupts me.

Wait what?

My brows furrow in confusion, "you know what exactly?" I ask not wanting to get anything crossed.

"They are having a going away party," Camila explains casually her hands wandering underneath my t shirt I fight the urge to squirm. "Cause they're leaving right?" What the fuck is going on?? How does she know?

"Yeah they're leaving," I dismiss that and continue. "But how do you know? Like what the hell."

Her hands stop as she looks into my eyes with a brow raised.

"Just because I'm not popular like you doesn't mean I live under a rock," she says what she used to tell to me all the time and I fight my eye roll. I just chew the inside of my bottom lip as she continues. "Dinah told me about it a week ago because she got invited to the party and I've just been waiting for you to talk to me about it but you seemed like you didn't want to or something so I just didn't bring it up."

I crumple and fall back to sit on her thighs running a hand through my hair. This is a mind fuck for sure, I've been stressing out for the past couple weeks on how to tell Camila about all this shit and she already knew. What the fuck? Dinah is always finding shit out and telling Camila about it before I do. That drives me crazy but it's whatever I guess. I just can't believe I was really tripping out over this so hard and Camila is just sitting her calm as fuck.

"Babe," Camila says in a soft voice cupping my cheeks gently to tilt my chin to meet her eyes. "Laur, did you think I was going to be mad at you?"

"Well yeah," I tell her truthfully and she frowns. "Because I thought you were going to think that I was going with or you were gonna be mad that I didn't tell you sooner."

"A-are you thinking about going?" worry flashes in her eyes for a second.

I grab a hold of her hand, "No! No I'm not going and I already told them."

"Good.. good." She lets out a breath of relief, "I understand why you thought I would get mad but I'm not. Never be afraid to talk to me, about anything okay? We're a team."

My heart swells and I finally feel the weight that's been on my chest lift.

"I love you Camz."

She smiles showing her sparkling whites, "I love you too Laur."

Finally, my heart skips a beat when she leans forward with one hand on my cheek and capturing my lips in her own. I melt into her when she kisses my top lip then my bottom before swiping her tongue across and pulls lightly with her teeth, I gasp and she takes the opportunity to slide her tongue through.

The kiss grows with hunger and passion, Camila pulls back with a pop leaving me breathless and wanting more, more of her, more of us. Her lips press against the side of my own before leaving a trail of open mouth kisses down to my jaw line before attaching themselves to my pulse point making me shiver at the contact and I feel myself becoming incredibly wet once she begins to suck roughly. I groan falls from my lips as I tangle my fingers in her dark waves pulling her in closer.

"D-don't leave... a mark baby," I try to say when her tongue swipes across the faded skin and her hand leaves my cheek and both come up to grip my sides bringing us closer together. I can feel my nipples harden brushing against the fabric of my t shirt and I wonder if she can feel it too.

"Why not?" Her hot breath tickles my neck, my heart feeling like it's about to burst through my chest at any second. "I want everyone to know at that fucking party that you're taken baby."

I can't help but moan at the way she swears and how low and raspy her voice had become in the matter of seconds along with her confidence making her sexy as fuck. Camila begins lying back down still slightly propped up by the head board her pupils fully dilated with lust and look me up and down with her bottom lip between her teeth.

She's so fucking hot.

I grip the hem of my shirt and pull it over my head tossing it somewhere in the dark room, Camila's eyes widen for a split second seeing me completely topless I feel her hips shift under me. A smirk forms on my lips and excitement fills me knowing she likes what she sees.

Camila's hands reach forward one grips the side of my neck with her thumb stroking my jawline slowly and the other cups my bare breast giving it a squeeze. I bite my lip pushing my chest further into her hand and I can't help but rotate my hips wanting some sort of relief for my throbbing core. Camila's eyes scan my body hungrily, she stops stroking my jaw with her thumb to wrap around my throat her grip tightens and a jolt of electricity and want shoot through my body straight down to my core once again and I can't stop my hips from rotating into hers more roughly. My lips part and my eyes shut once I feel the heat between our centers through the thin fabric of our shorts, my moan fills the silent room once we get on a steady rhythm and I finally get the relief I've been craving.

"Shh," Camila says through gritted teeth her grip around my throat tightens for moment making me melt. "Quiet baby."

I bite my lips trying to be quiet. In a swift motion I open my eyes to Camila leaning forward quickly to attach her lips to my skin leaving open mouth kisses on my neck, releasing my neck with her hand to cup my other breast just as roughly as she does to the other, her kisses grow sloppy with hunger as they travel down to my collarbone sucking on the skin roughly I look down seeing red patches across my chest and I love it.

With her face in my chest I bite my lip hard to prevent myself from moaning and pull on Camila's hair as she pops one of my nipples into her mouth and tugs on the hardened bud with her lips before twirling her tongue around it while her other hand massages the other and gently rolls my nipple between her thumb and forefinger. Camila's free hand cups my behind giving me a rough squeeze pushing me further into her body.

"You're so beautiful," Camila says breathlessly dragging her tongue across each nipple to the center of my chest up my neck until she presses her lips against my own again, her hands now both cupping my backside making me move my hips against hers.

Camila let's out a frustrated groan and lifts me up and shifts us so that I'm underneath her panting and wanting only her. I watch as she moves towards the edge of the bed and lifts her tank top over her head and throws it close to where I threw mine before now only in basketball shorts. I take my lip between my teeth when I see her flawless bare chest for the first time tonight.

She's so beautiful. I think back to when I saw her naked chest for the first time and how cute and shy she was, the blush on her cheeks and the tiny little smile on her lips. We've come a long way since then and there are some nights when she's my shy little baby but nights like tonight, she is my confident and sexy Camila, taking control. I love her so much, every side, every laugh, every smile, every eye roll. I love everything about her.

"Come here," Camila says but it comes out as more of a growl and I press my legs together instinctively and feel how soaked my panties are. Fuck. Camila reaches forward and grips my thighs pulling me closer to her and spreads my legs until she's in between them and begins taking off my shorts and panties.

"Now let me really love you, baby."


Wellllllll that was interesting...

Lmao what did you guys think of this chapter?? Did you like it? I haven't written smut in so long and idk if it showed I thought I did okay but I'm my worst critic soo let me know what you think!

There's going to be another part to this, this was only Part One and there's gonna be a Part Two coming along some time maybe soon? Idk when exactly but this story is gonna end at Chapter 40 which is why I'm making a part two to this... so yeah.

Anway! Thank you for reading VOTE VOTE VOTE so I know you guys are enjoying it show some support! I love reading the comments so make sure you do that too!

If you guys have any questions feel free to ask I always go through the comments and I wish I could like them or something so you guys can see that I do notice and appreciate you. But yeah.


-Victoria :)

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