My Social Network Romance Wit...

By LisaTheVampire

50.3K 907 150

The LAST thing Liisa Danvers ever expected from adding Ronnie Radke as a friend on Facebook was to fall in lo... More

My Social Network Romance With Ronnie Radke.
When A Good Girl Meets A Bad Boy.
I'll Be Damned If I See You With Some Other Man.
They Call Me King Of The Music Scene
Baby I Get Off By Getting You Off First
Ooo Lala, What Lovely Curves
How You Look When You Were Wet Is Something I Cannot Forget
I Was Wrongfully Accused You Left Me Locked Inside A Cell
We Kiss And Make Up And Get Under The Covers
My Bodies Tremblin' Sends Shivers Down My Spine
Waiting, I'm Begging So Please Get Here Soon
You Have Left My Heart, Black And Blue...Ronnie!
One Good Girl One Bad Guy Sequel

I Heard A Knock Upon My Door...MOM?

3.1K 71 9
By LisaTheVampire

"You're going where? my mom asked.

I had'nt been expecting my mom suprise visit, i mean i was happy to see her but at the moment i was really busy with my final packing for my flight but at least now i got to say goodbye to her, "To L.A. Mom"

"What?" my mom asked frowning, Kasey leaned up from her suitcase air-humping the air and mouthing Ronnie's name.

I stared at my friend with wide eyes before picking up a pillow to throw at her mouthing 'Stop it' Jesus my friends were crazy.

My sudden rreaction made my Mom turn to look at Kasey now, Kasey smiled mischievously and dropped the pillow i had thrown at her onto the sofa, "For cheap sales of course, it was Liisa's idea"

"Y-yea, the sales" i wasn't going to tell my mom i was going because i was meeting this hot ass rock-star i had only meet through Facebook she would probably go mad saying that i was insain that i didn't even know him yet i was flying out of the state just to meet him.

"Oh but why so suddenly?, that's the thing i don't get", My mom was inquisitive she could always saw right through me.

I kept my frozen happy face on shielding my nerves "it has been booked for awhile" i lied.

"And you never thought to tell me?, you were just at home not more then a week ago for tea", Mom frowned disappointingly.

I Shrugged feeling really guilty for lying "I Forgot, im sorry mom" just then i felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and took it out.

Ronnie Radke

Message: 4:10pm

'I'm up early excited for tonight, i really really cant wait Good girl, Oh whats up? Rx'

I Replied.

Forward:Ronnie Radke...

Message: 4:12pm

'Up aye ? i think you need to be resting Bad Boy you got a Gig tonight, i expect to be totally amazed. and for what I'm up to I'm packing. Lx'

I Smiled biting my lip it was 4pm here which i assumed in L.A. it was probably around 8am now, but i was so glad to hear from him.

"Who's the boy?" apparently my giddy lip biting didn't go un-noticed to my over over-observant mother.

"Yea Liisa who is the boy" Aaron chimed as he hauled his case out of his bedroom, he smiled at my mom before hugged her "Mrs D, hey you want a drink? Tea? Coffee?".

Suck up i thought and frowned i watched as my mom thanked Aaron but refused his kind  gesture she was more interested in why my back pocket was buzzing again, i turned away facing my back to mom and continue folding my clothes as a distraction "Hes a friend".

"Pfft, Mrs D. she likes him alot" Aaron said pleasantly.

I looked around for anything in-front of me to throw at Aaron'd head but i came up empty handed, "Aaron?".

"Yes?" he sounded to sweetly.

"Fuck You", I said it loudly and it felt good he was being a jerk i felt angry with him for telling my mom that i liked a guy, its not that i didn't want her to know its just she worries to much, me being her only child and all.

"LIISA" My mom scolded me and no matter how old i was i cringed but didn't apologise i just kept quite.

"Shes got a rude mouth lately, maybe its that boy" Aaron teased.

"Aaron shut up, if she has a rude mouth its because she getting it from you when your playing that stupid X-box with all your boyfriends", Kasey hissed  causing me to laugh out loud, Aaron looked pissed off but he wouldn't act rude in front of my mother, not until she had gone if he remembered.

My phone buzzed distracting me again i had ignored it because my mom was now hovering over my shoulder i glanced up at her worried face "Mom seriously it nothing serious were just friends at the moment" i blushed.

"You like him though?" she asked then tilted her head to one side "is he nice to you?".

"He's really nice mom". thinking about Ronnie always gave me goosebumps i shivered.

"He's got his own band, hes a singer, there pretty good" Kasey said casually i didn't feel the need to get mad because most guys were in bands now a days, plus even if i told my mom she possibly wouldn't now who he was.

"Oh really?, whats there bands name?" Mom sounded intrigued now.

"Falling In Reverse his name is Ronnie" i whispered, ye i felt alittle smug.

"Is Ronnie's band that kind of music you listen to?, the mad stuff?". she said awkwardly

The way she said it made me and Kasey laugh, by mad stuff my mom meant Rock music. "Yes Mom, he has a rock band".

"Oh god Liisa he not a druggie is he? or a drunk?" her words stunned me, Ronnie was a recovering addict but he didn't do that stuff anymore.

"No mom, hes not", i didn't feel the need to tell her that he was a recovering addict, there was somethings you just don't tell your parents and this was one of them.

"oh good" my mom sighed.

"Listen mom, everything is OK i got this under control" i smiled up at her trying to reasure her everything was ok.

"Bet he is going to miss you while your gone, anyway how long are you's on going for?". she looked more calmer now.

"yea i guess he will um- were going for a week". Finally my packing for our trip was done i sighed with relief i hated packing, my phone buzzed again in my back pocket i knew it was Ronnie i hope he was'nt worried that i had'nt replied yet, i looked up towards my Mom who had stepped away from me and was now  talking to Aaron and Kasey not paying any attention to me now, i took my phone out checking my Messages.

Ronnie Radke

Message 4:15pm

'Packing some nice things for me are you now? are they sexy? ;) Rx.

Ronnie Radke

Message 4:20pm

'Thinking about that has got me all bothered ;), i wish you were here in my bed, Rx.

Ronnie Radke

Message 4:35pm

'I can't wait for tonight, your probably busy i will let you finish packing Rx.

Wow he wanted me in his bed my skin felt all hot suddenly i felt like dramaticaly fanning myself but i had an audience behind me, his easy kinky talk was really new to me but i still was able to keep up with his kinky-bad-boy-self.


Re:Ronnie Radke

Message 4:40pm

'My my bad boy in your bed? i can only imagine there wont be alot of sleeping done there, and for the did i pack nice things? that's for you to find out i ain't going to tell you :P, anyway I'm done packing sorry i didn't reply fast enough my moms here. Your good girlx

i shoved my phone back into my pocket joining into the conversation my friends were having with my mom, Ronnie had'nt replied quick this time so i didn't have to keep reaching around drawing my phone out of my pocket incuraging worried questions from my mom, when she finally said she had to go now that Dad was expecting her i hugged her goodbye at the door and told her to tell Dad i loved him i watched as she took the elevator down to the ground floor with a final wave goodbye before closing the front door behind me, Kasey and Aaron were still packing i offered to make them coffee since all my packing was done, five minutes later i walked back into the living area with three mugs of coffees joining them on the floor to help finish there packing, Everything had been booked that night after my phone call with Ronnie he had also kindly mailed me 3 backstage passes to the address i had given him leaving a naughty letting for my eyes only which made me blush, i couldn't wait even Kasey and Aaron seemed super excited to be going Kasey had talked about window shopping and buying shit loads of cheap designer things that cost way more here then it did in America, Aaron couldn't wait to buy himself a new digital camera one that was way to dear here to buy but now he could afford it, all i was excited for was meeting Ronnie i hopped he liked me in person then he did in my photos on Facebook that's what i was mostly scared, scared he would reject me.

Ronnie Message brought me around from my rambling mind

Ronnie Radke

Message 5:30pm

'You're one tease good girl i should have know i was going to have my hands full with you, and not just mentally but physically too ;), Sorry i was late replying Ryan our drummer came around i had to head out with him for awhile but im back now and you finally have my full attention again, oh and by the way later i might not be able to reply much i will be at band practice so when you get on your plane i defiantly will be thinking about you i wish we could meet before my show but i cant get away :(. Bad boy Rx'

If this was a dream i still had'nt woke up i sinisterly hoped it was'nt, the goose bumps i had from earlier were back i tried to rub them away but to no good, for some reason i just couldn't seem to calm myself down today i knew i would'nt fully be calm and relaxed until i meet Ronnie and everything went OK then i could finally breath, i also secretly hoped that there wouldn't be a altercations between Ronnie and Aaron that was another thing i was worried about along with everything else, it was 5:32pm and our plane still wasn't for couple of hours yet which kind of sucked, we had to get a 2am flight to be there in L.A for 6 O'clock. which was why we were all drinking our body weight in coffee, Kasey and Aaron already were feeling the affects of the caffeine rushing through there system i on the other hand just felt sick and nervous, Ronnie had said that the Gig started at 9pm and our flight was due to land at 6pm American time which meant we would have at least 3 hours to shop for some new outfit for me and Kasey to wear to the gig and still have plenty of time to get ready, Aaron always complained that we took too long to get ready for a night out, but a girls make-up was her art and i took it super seriously everything had to be perfect it was why i was always took the longest getting ready, tonight i wanted everything to be perfect and right maybe three hours was'nt long enough!....

Our plane was on time and before we knew it we were on our way to L.A. to see Falling In Reverse live and i would finally would get to meet Ronnie in the flesh, the amount of coffee we had drank hadn't wore off yet so any sleep we were planning on we could forget it, i looked out the window at the dark ocean beneath us it sparkled from the light of the moon above it as we took off but as soon as we hit L.A it became brighter and the ocean view was replaced with towers and apartments, i was so close to Ronnie now not long to landing.  i couldn't believe my luck...


Message 5:55pm L.A time.

To Ronnie

'Our plane has nearly landed guess i will be seeing you soon bad boy. Lx'

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