
By Le_Purple_Panda

398K 7.7K 1.3K

Kaylee, a normal 16 year old girl at a normal teenage party. However, on her way home her life changes. The t... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author's Note
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 18

2.4K 89 38
By Le_Purple_Panda

Alright my dearest readers... Since I haven't been on in awhile I decided everyone EVERY LAST ONE OF YOU!!!! Who messages me will get a response. Whether you want to just talk give me a suggestion or even ask for a little advice I WILL answer you guys. :3 In fact I encourage you all to message me!! Those who follow me and share my story, star every chapter, and all that good stuff will get a shout out and I will make a character in my story based off of you! :3 But it might be in my other story... this might be the ending chapter my dear readers. perhaps an epilogue, but till then. Farewell to Max and Kay!

-Kay POV-
Groggily I open my eyes to my mother's voice.
"Kay?!" My mom yells from the hallway.
I shoot up and look around. Where's Max?
"Oh no..." I say quietly. They must have found him. I scurry out of bed and put on some clothes. I look at my window and it is still opened. This means he must have left right?
"Kay?!" My mom yells once more as she opens my door. She gives me an odd look, since I'm just standing in the middle of my room, looking at her with a wide eyed expression. "Hungry?" I open my mouth to answer her, but I can't find my voice. I just nod my head. My mom eyes me suspiciously and slips out of the room. I scurry over to my closet, and pick out a pair of faded blue jean skinnies. I browse through my shirts. Finally deciding on my tank top with the Beartooth logo, one of my favorite bands.
As soon as I slip the shirt over my head I hear the doorbell ring. I'm sure it's just a bunch of police or something.. I roll my eyes, but still hurry into the living room area. I stop dead in my tracks and my mouth hangs open. I turn around to runaway when my mom stops me.
"Kay, a visitor for you," I turn slowly. I take baby steps. How is this supposed to go?
"Max," I whisper.
"Max," my mom says sternly.
"Hi," he says sheepishly. My mom goes to slam the door and I step in front. I grab Max and pull him in. She goes to yell and I put my hand up.
"No." I say. My mom's eyes narrow.
"I'm calling the cops," my mother goes to fetch the phone.
"No!" I yell it this time. This grabs her attention.
"Why not? Crazy lunatic is the one who took you!" She gives Max the dirtiest look possible.
"I love him," I try and sound strong but my voice sounds weak. I wrap my arms around Max.
"Now you're a lunatic too!" My mom exclaims. I can't disagree with her... it is crazy. Though, it happened. She sits down. She is actually taking this rather well. Why?
"What?" I ask. She glares at me. Her reaction is almost unreal.
"What do you mean?" She questions.
"Why aren't you freaking out?" She throws up her hands.
"I can," she states. I shake my head. Max hasn't moved a muscle. He truly is a lunatic, coming here like this. I gulp and look at my mom.
"Aren't the cops after you?" My mom asks.
"Maybe," Max shrugs his shoulders. We all look at each other.
"I'm not hiding a fugitive, so figure it out," she growls and storms off. my brows furrow and I look at Max. He shrugs. I drag him to me room.
"Are you crazy?" I snap.
"You wouldn't leave so I decided I would just show up," he bites his lip. I try to be mad but I can't. I breath deeply.
"What are we going to do?" I ask defeated.
"Just go away for a little bit! Please," he begs.
"I can't!" I exclaim.
"Just tell your mom you will be right back, and we will be. Just not... right back," he looks confused himself.
"Really?" I put my hands on my sides.
"Yes," he says meaningfully. "You won't be gone forever," his eyes are full of sadness.
"How long?" I walk over and grab his hands.
"Give it a couple months in a different state," he looks into my eyes and I can't say no. I find my black duffel bag from the top of my closet. I stuff it with clothes, as much as it will hold. I walk into the living room where my mom is sitting.
"I love you," I say aloud.
"I love you too," she says as she turns around and looks at me. She gives me a suspicious look but I quickly head back into my room. Max is waiting patiently on the bed. He gives me a warm smile when he looks up. He sticks out his hand and I take it.
"Let's go," he says as he helps me through the window.
My feet hit the grass and Max is right behind me.
"How are we getting to wherever?" I ask almost annoyed.
"Well, I have a car." He raises his eyebrows as if he is asking if that is good enough. I nod and get ready to follow his lead. He pulls me along the wall of the house so my mom won't catch a glimpse of us. Once we have his red car in sight we bolt. The doors are already unlocked so I yank the door open and slip into the passenger side. he starts up the car and pulls off.
"I already have clothes and money so we are just going to head for the airport," he glances at me. "Any suggestions?" I really take this into consideration... anywhere I want.
"Deal," Max gives me the biggest grin. I smile back and take his free hand that he had resting on the counsel. To the airport we go. I will be back soon mom and dad.

-Don (Kay's Mom)-
I sit on Kay's bed and touch her sheets. I don't see why we couldn't tell her the truth or the game plan. I was surprised when Max stopped by this morning... I knew she was going to choose to leave for a little but Max promised she would be back. He said later on he would let me know where she decided to go. As long as she is happy and safe, I will be ok. I put my hands together and stand up. I make her bed and clean up the mess she made. I look at her room one last time and walk out. I shut her door gently. I tell myself I will be okay and she will be back soon...
"Take care of my baby Max."

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