A fishy tail

Від Error5

9.2K 346 307

Papyrus is a marine biologist working at a Rehabilitation center for marine wildlife. The most exciting day o... Більше

Chap 1
Chap 2
Chap 3
Chap 5, 6
Chap 7, 8, 9
Chap 10, 11, 12
Chap 13, 14
Chap 15, 16
Chap 17, 18
Finally fucking done

Chap 4

791 31 6
Від Error5

Papyrus was very concerned.

Ever since Sans had discovered he really was missing a limb, he'd become despondent. The mermaid hadn't moved from the bottom of the tank in the past two days. Nor had he eaten, and he hadn't come up when Papyrus came to visit either. Through the observation window, Alphys had worriedly noted that the blue magic was fading once again.

This never really had been apart of their jobs before. Healing wounds was what they were great at, but this.... this was a little out of their expertize. But Papyrus had made a promise. He had told Sans he would help the other get better, to heal, and eventually be released in the great blue. He would never go back on his word, especially for a friend.

At the moment, he was the only one in this room. Well, other than Felix, but the feline was fast asleep and very unlikely to wake. Alphys and a few other co-workers were helping with moving one of the sharks into a transportation tank, as it was being released today. If anything happened, no one would be able to help. Steeling his nerves, Papyrus approached the tank. His soul fluttered anxiously-- the last person who'd been this close to Sans had almost been drowned. But Sans had been scared, then. Sans wouldn't do it now.

The skeleton took a seat at the edge of the tank, legs submerged in the warmed salt water. When nothing grabbed his ankles, he began to untie the sack-bag he'd brought with him.

Sans had expressed an interest with space, as Papyrus recalled, which was the reason he'd brought a few books, along with a moist plastic bag of scrambled eggs (in retrospect, putting hot eggs right off the stove and into a bag hadn't been the best idea, but at least it was probably still edible.) Papyrus put the bag to his side, and pulled out one of the books. It was a little astronomy book on constellations, one he'd received as a kid. Papyrus began to read. While he wasn't entirely sure Sans could hear what he was saying, he'd at least be able to feel the vibrations in the water.

It was around thirty minutes of reading, papyrus swapping stories when he reached the end, when sans finally appeared. He felt his soul twist with concern, Papyrus had assumed Sans had been sleeping, but the heavy bruises under his sockets disagreed. Still, he gave his friend a bright smile.

" Hello, Sans! I Brought A Couple Of Space Books, And Some Scrambled Eggs. You Should Eat, It's Not Good To Skip Out On Food, Even More So When You're Hurt!" Papyrus lightly scolded the small skeleton. Sans gave a weak glare, but still reached out for the bag of eggs by his side. Papyrus winced once he realized he'd forgotten to bring a fork, but Sans didn't seem to mind- eating the soggy eggs with his fingers. Papyrus couldn't help but shudder in disgust, eggs had been a terrible idea. But at least it was nutritious. Sans's eyelights seemed less hazy, and a bit of the exhaustion slipped away some.

" I'm Glad You're Alright" Papyrus admitted, earning a puzzled expression from the mermaid.

" It's Good That You're Eating Again. You... Were Very Sad, And Probably Still Are. But I Want You To Know That I Meant What I Said. We Will Help You" Papyrus stated.

He didn't expect the harsh glare those words received.

"how??" sans scowled, "its gone. it wont be back. i'm as good as dead."

Now it was Papyrus's turn to be puzzled. Dead? Because of a missing limb? Or....

Maybe Papyrus had made some incorrect assumptions about oceanic life? He had thought that whatever civilization down there would be some-what on the land-dweller's scale of technology, but maybe that wasn't quite so. There wasn't much need for such things like up here, if they still hunted and were hunted. Did a missing fin mean a death sentence, under normal circumstances? Wouldn't the community, and/or his family, take care of him?

" Is it okay If I Ask You A Few Questions? You Don't Have To Answer Anything you Don't Want To" Papyrus needed to know. Sans hesitantly nodded.

" What...what Happens When A Mermaid Loses A Limb? I, Uh, Heard That There Were Communities That Mermaids Live In, Kind Of Like Cities Or Tribes? Doesn't Someone Take Care Of The Injured?"

Sans thought over his words before signing. He didn't look happy about answering.

" depends on what limb, but most of the time if they're hurt that bad, they don't live anyway. yes, there are communities. yes, the injured are usually cared for by group or family."

Papyrus frowned in concern, " W-why would you be dead then?"

Sans's eyelights disappeared, his grin tense, claws dug into his own forearms. Daring Papyrus to ask more on that subject. Papyrus didn't like what that answer could mean. Instead of pushing Sans when he was clearly uncomfortable, Papyrus changed the subject.

" Do You Know What A Prosthetic Is?"

Sans's eyelights returned, the smile loosened but still tense. The smaller shook his head. Papyrus's soul felt heavy with guilt, he should've checked when he said they'd make one. He tried to shake off the guilt- he could fix that mistake by informing the mermaid now.

" It's A Replacement For Whatever Limb You Happen To Be Missing. They Can, And Have, Been Made For Sea Dwelling Creatures Before. It's.. Never Happened For A Mermaid Because We'd Never Seen One Before You. Most Sea Creatures Can't Go Back To The Wild After It Happens, But Since You're A Person--"

Sans flinched, Papyrus froze in his words, thinking over if he said anything wrong.

" A-Are You Okay?" Papyrus reached out before pulling his arm back, feeling that Sans might not appreciate touch.

Sans nodded, avoiding his eyes as he signed, "continue."

"....Since You're A Person, Sans, You'll Be Able To Wear And Maintain It. You'll Go Home, I Swear. Once The Injury Is Fully Healed, We'll Begin To Size And Make The Prosthetic, Then You'll Have To Get Used To Using It, And Then You'll Be All Better!" Papyrus explained. It was a little more complicated than that, but it was mostly the work on their end that would make it longer. Plus, Papyrus wasn't part fish, he wouldn't know how difficult it could be to readjust. Sans gave him a slow nod, before pointing to the discarded books in an attempt to shift the conversation. Papyrus gladly let it happen, knowing that the other must be stressed.

" Well, I Did Remember You Like Space, So I Brought Some Books! They.. Are Not Really Water-Proof, But I'm Sure-"

Sans pointed at him. Papyrus tried to figure out what he meant. The mermaid, seeing his befuddled expression, decided to grant him mercy and explain.

" you read? please?"

Wow! That was the second time he said please! How could he deny such a kind request!

" Of Course! I, The Great Papyrus, Would Be Honored To Read To My Friend! Which Book Do You Want To Start With?"

Sans huffed a laugh, grinning at the exclamation before point to the first book on the pile. Papyrus couldn't help the blush at the honest laugh, wowie, that was adorable. He would love to hear that sound again. Fumbling, Papyrus picked up the short 'Milky-Way' book (for Kids) and began to read. Sans shifted into a more comfortable position, resting his head on his crossed arms and watching the taller skeleton as he read. For the first two stories he was all intention, fascinated by what the book's contents held. By the third story, he looked sleepy. Eye-sockets half closed, his consciousness drifting. Just as Papyrus was going to pack up, to leave the mermaid to get some needed rest, said skeleton shifted closer. His head rested on Papyrus's knees- it couldn't of been comfortable, but Sans didn't strike him as someone who'd care about that too much. Papyrus was not rude, he wouldn't make his friend wake when he needed as much rest as possible.

Plus, he found he didn't mind the touch at all.

Two hours later, Felix awoke. It was needless to say that he was beyond panicked when he spotted Papyrus lying still next to the tank.

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