Their Goddess - The Roses, Bo...

By TheClosetLibrarian

245K 10.6K 357

Completed The Rose Triplets..... Elijah Noah Jericho Their Goddess.... Genevieve Thorn At Sixteen the boys ha... More

Part 1. Jericho
Part 1. Noah
Part 1. Elijah
Part 1. Genevieve
Part 2. Noah
Part 2. Elijah
Part 2. Genevieve
Part 2. Mandy
Part 2. Jericho
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 3. Noah
Part 3. Mandy
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 3. Jericho
Part 3. Elijah
Part 3. Genevieve
Part 4. Nick
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Noah
Part 4. Jericho
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Elijah
Part 4. Genevieve
Part 4. Epilogue
Feedback and Other Books

Part 1. Genevieve

21.4K 540 19
By TheClosetLibrarian

I hated moving, I knew it was best for us as a family but that didn't mean I had to like it, I had been away at school when Dad had been interviewed so this was my first time seeing the estate, mum had been full of stories about how beautiful it was here, the opportunities I would have to make friends and try new things and how I would be able to expand my photography here, but although They had waited till school had finished and I had finished my exams, I hated that they had pulled me away from everything I knew, but most of all, I hated that they may be right about us being happy here.
The cottage was lovely, covered in vines and roses, the warm golden stone glowing in the soft evening light, my fingers itched to reach for my camera but I had packed it  away for the journey and we had to get everything moved in before I could go and explore.

Dad had called ahead and we were met at the cottage by Mrs Rose who apologised that her husbands were not here to meet us as they were away working but welcomed us and handed over keys before inviting us to dinner the next day, so we could met the Rose family, I had laughed at the expression on mums face at the invite, where we had been before there had been a definite divide between the staff and owners but after Mrs Rose has insisted we call her Eva and had been hands on in helping us unload, we were soon all relaxed in her company.
I had listened in embarrassment as both mum and dad had raved about my photography skills and my grades at school and she had been keen to tell us about her sons, triplets who were also sixteen, and would be going to the local college with me at the end of the summer.
I was amazed when she told us about her other children, she was not much bigger than me and to have three sets of triplets seemed impossible. My parents had explained on the journey here the unique nature of the Rose family, that there were three Mr Rose's and one Mrs Rose and they were all together, I had been puzzled at first about how that could work but on reflection it sounded wonderful, to have that much love seemed like a dream come true.
It was dark by the time we had finished unpacking the essentials and getting beds ready, mum had been touched that Eva had left a casserole ready in the oven for us and after eating we had all crashed in our rooms.

It was the sound of birds and the light pushing through the gaps in the curtains that woke me at the crack of dawn in the morning, I rolled out of bed and to the window, my waking mind seeing the full glory of the garden around the cottage in the early morning light, I grabbed my camera and rushed downstairs anxious to capture on film what I could see outside.
I pushed my feet into the boots we had neatly lined up by the back door and rushed outside, the cool morning air raising goosebumps on my body but I didn't feel them, my mind didn't care, I was lost in the need to capture the perfect picture.
I moved through the garden clicking away, spotting a woodpecker I followed in the hope it would land, so I could get a shot of it, the dew ridden grass brushing against my legs as I followed it into the woods, relieved when it landed in an old oak, low enough for me to get a good shot.
I was lucky to take a few pictures before once again it was off, I looked back through the images I had taken and was happy with what I had caught, returning my mind to my surroundings, I glanced round and realised I didn't know which direction I had come from, I cursed knowing my dad would have a field day with this latest mishap, he had teased me for years and even given me a ball of red twine one day, telling me I should tie it to the house before I went off with my camera as I had made a habit out of getting lost and then I could follow the string back. I picked a direction and started walking hoping that I would find a road or path soon and maybe I'd be lucky and get back before I was missed, especially as I suddenly remembered I had left the house in my pyjamas.

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