The Trials of a Misunderstood...

By Cloakseeker

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#1 in NaNo2018 (11/13/2018) #3 in Novel (12/04/2018) #14 in NaNoWriMo (11/24/2018) #22 in Divergent (11/15/20... More

Chapter 1 - Prom dress incident
Chapter 2 - Prom night
Chapter 3 - Graduation
Chapter 4 - Tris's 15th birthday
Chapter 5 - Final weeks before school starts
Chapter 6 - Week three of sophomore year
Chapter 7 - Thanksgiving weekend
Chapter 8 - The week before Christmas
Chapter 9 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 10 - Caleb's graduation
Chapter 11 - July 2nd
Chapter 12 - Camping trip
Chapter 13 - Grand reception at the governor's mansion
Chapter 14 - Thanksgiving at the Carmichaels
Chapter 15 - Christmas dinner at the ranch
Chapter 16 - March 16th, Edward's birthday
Chapter 17 - Prepping Dauntless for business
Chapter 18 - The wedding
Chapter 19 - A new innovation
Chapter 20 - Senior year bleeding
Chapter 21 - My bleeding heart
Chapter 22 - Aftermath
Chapter 23 - Another year has gone by
Chapter 25 - Telling the parents
Chapter 26 - Giving thanks and starting fresh

Chapter 24 - A new life

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By Cloakseeker

Tobias and I decided to keep our romantic relationship a secret for the time being. While we both agreed that we would give each other a second chance, we knew that if we told our families about this everyone would step in and state their unsolicited opinion. It was important to us to figure our relationship out without anyone badgering us.

For that, we found the perfect solution. While we were still in Chicago, we would have to sneak around. Admittedly, that part wasn't my favorite, but we managed to go on incognito dates and he often came to visit me during the night.

By the end of August, Tobias and I agreed to find a place for the two of us in California, and while he insisted to pay half the rent, I told him no. I decided to look for a small house that was close enough to his college, and thankfully we found something we both liked. He flew ahead to rent it, and get everything ready. He told Shauna and Zeke that now that he and Myra were no longer together he felt like a third wheel in their apartment, and decided to move out. Both of his friends protested, but he told them he had made up his mind. Eventually, they accepted his decision, but made sure to tell him he was always welcome.

Marcus was harder to convince, not because he didn't want to give his son the privacy he requested, but because he insisted to pay the rent of the new place Tobias would find. Knowing that without giving up our relationship, he had no excuse to refuse Marcus's money. So, Tobias decided to not say anything else and use the money his father gave him to pay for groceries and other things we might need. I didn't object either, knowing that he would feel extremely uncomfortable otherwise.

I know that Tobias would have loved to tell at least Zeke and his dad about us, but we both agreed that we first wanted to see where this new relationship is heading before making any announcements. What we had before was another relationship, and every single conversation we had, we would have to have again. It was imperative to get to know the people we've become, leaving the old Tobias and Tris behind.

While Tobias was getting the house ready for us, I went to talk to Grandpa about a much-needed sabbatical. There were no new projects in the works, everything was running smoothly and Grandpa had been telling me for a long time to take a vacation. I know that he meant like a few weeks or so, but I'm sure he'll be okay with me being absent for more than that.

"Are you sure?" he had asked.

"Yes. Ever since the idea of Dauntless started forming, I've been working non-stop. And then all that crap at school happened, not to mention all the new products we introduced in a very short time span. I need a vacation. I was planning to travel for a while, several months actually, hoping to get inspired. I would still be available via email or video chat, but I really need to distance myself. You said it yourself, that the moment I am close to the lab, I go into work mode and forget about anything else around me."

It wasn't hard for him to accept my logic, and even offered to support me in front of my parents in case they objected. It wasn't like they could have stopped me. I was legally an adult now, and could go wherever the heck I wanted. And I wanted to go to Tobias.

On the day of my departure, I had everyone come to my parents' house to say goodbye, claiming that I hated movie-like airport goodbyes. They agreed, thankfully, and around five in the afternoon, I took a cab to the airport. Within four hours I landed, and was finally back in Tobias's arms. Those were the longest two weeks of my life.

"What you doing?" Tobias asks as he enters our living room. It is late October, and college started a while ago. I look between my spread thighs, as I am bent over doing Yoga.

"What does it look like?" I ask with a smirk.

"It looks like my girlfriend wants me to take her from behind but is too clothed for that," he says grinning, as he plops down on the couch behind me. I roll my eyes at him and stand up.

"You're such a perv sometimes," I tell him, and go to stand in front of him.

"It's not my fault you wait for me all ready to be pounded," he replies with a wide grin.

"That was Yoga, you dirty bastard," I say, punching his arm lightly, before straddling his lap. His arms quickly encircle me, and he pulls me closer to him.

"I've missed you," comes his raspy voice just before his lips find mine. We kiss for a long time, and it becomes increasingly difficult to not give in and ride him right here on our couch. I pull back very much aware that I am sweaty and smelly. He pouts a little and refuses to let go of me.

"Honey, I need to shower. And dinner is almost ready," I tell him with a small laugh.

"You know, you kinda sound like a housewife," he teases, and I scoff. He starts laughing at me and kisses the underside of my jaw. Standing up with me still in his arms, he walks us to our bedroom, where he carries me into the en-suit. I can't help but love him for these little moments, and kiss his cheek.

We end up having hot, passionate sex in our shower, forgetting the world around us. It is only after he comes one last time deep inside of me that his stomach growls loudly, reminding us, we are hungry for more than just each other. Laughing at the noise his stomach made, Tobias sets me down and we finish showering without starting to fool around again.

While Tobias puts his sweatpants and a tank top on, I go to check our food, and satisfied that it is done, I take it out of the oven, leaving it on the counter to cool down a bit. I return to our bedroom and put some panties and one of Tobias's old tee shirts on.

Tobias sets the table for us, while I plate our food. This has become a nice habit of ours to always eat together whenever we can. During the day, he is at the university and usually has lunch with Zeke. Sometimes my sister joins them, but often she sits some place secluded and video chats me. They still don't know about us or that I actually live not far away. A part of me feels guilty about that, but Tobias and I both feel that it is better for us to see where our relationship goes before we involve other people.

"I ran into Shauna and Myra today," Tobias suddenly tells me. I try not to react, because the idea of him and his ex anywhere together makes me feel sick. I just hum, and hope he won't ask me to look at him right now. "They were just exiting a class when they saw me." I hum again, and try to focus on my food. "Babe, look at me," he says, and I try my hardest not to roll my eyes. I look up, and he looks worried. Please, Tobias, don't tell me you did something stupid.

"What?" I ask, my voice annoyed, almost angry. He gives me a small smile, before he scoots closer to me.

"I think it's time we tell people about us," he tells me with a hopeful glint in his eyes. I tilt my head slightly, signaling that I don't quite understand why he wants that. "The other day, Zeke and I talked, and he mentioned that Shauna will try to get me to give Myra another chance. She knows Myra broke up with me, but she doesn't know why. We figured that Myra believes that I didn't talk to you after all after the break up, and thinks there might be a chance she and I could get back together."

I remain silent for a moment, trying to process what he told me. It is logical, kind of, that she might think that, although if it were me knowing that a guy I like, even love doesn't feel the same for me, I wouldn't be so eager to try again. The only reason Tobias and I tried to be back together is because we still have strong feelings for each other, feelings that even time and distance didn't quell.

"What do you want?" I ask him, hoping he won't break up with me.

"I want to tell the whole world that the most beautiful, stunning, sexy, smart, loving woman is mine and that I love her very much," he tells me smiling. I can't help but be infected by his enthusiasm and reciprocate. I lean in and kiss his lips. It's chaste and sweet, and a silent promise.

"You said, Zeke and you figured out," I start saying, and he nods. "Does that mean you've told him about us?" I ask confused. We agreed not to tell anyone. Did he go behind my back?

"He knew about us talking on the night of the vigil, and he also knew about us texting back and forth during the last weeks of school, before your graduation. That's why you overheard us. He tried to be supportive, and even told me that if I was sure I wanted to be with you, I should try harder and make you see that I'm serious about us. He kind of stopped after he saw that you became distant, and frankly, I didn't know what to make of your absence either. I wanted to tell him that I would try again on your birthday, but then we got back together, and yeah, you know the rest," he says smiling. I nod my head, and wrap one arm around his neck, pulling him closer to me. I kiss him softly, and lean my forehead against his.

"I love you," I tell him sincerely. I see a smile form on his handsome face before he replies.

"I love you, too, babe." He pulls back, but kisses the tip of my nose before sitting back up. "So? What do you think?" he asks excited.

"I think, we should tell our parents before anyone else. We could visit them for the weekend and invite them to a nice restaurant." Tobias seems to think about my proposal, and then nods.

"How about we then tell our friends during Thanksgiving? We'd all be back home, and Mom already told me that between her, Natalie, your aunt Ellie and Hana they will prepare a big family dinner."

"I love it. So, it's settled then. This weekend we fly home and surprise our parents with our news, and then on Thanksgiving we tell the rest of our family."

We kiss to seal our deal, and return to our dinner. Tobias tells me about some projects he has to finish for several of his classes, and asks me to help with a math assignment. It has become somewhat of our thing to help each other. I would lend my rested mind to help him with homework, and he would look over new prototypes and business deals I want to make, giving me his honest two cents.

At first, we were reluctant, but it turns out we make a great team. There is no competition between us, and we both only want to help the other. I even showed him a few tricks when it comes to the stock market. Last week, he actually made his first solo transaction and it was a success. He is really talented and has an eye for good business deals. He might even be better at it than me, which I wouldn't mind.

Watching him work, so concentrated and passionately alike, I often wondered if he would like to come work for me. I know that Marcus and Dad would like him to take over their business, together with Zeke, but maybe Tobias would be interested to run Dauntless instead of Grandpa. I haven't brought it up, nor will I until he finishes college and I had a chance to talk to Grandpa first. After all, the man gave up his retirement to help me. I don't want to make a decision on my own without even consulting him. He always had mine and the company's best interest at heart and I would be a pretty lousy jerk if I'd just forgo asking for his opinion. Perhaps, Grandpa, Tobias and I could have a business talk soon.

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