Suffer. (Chris Brown Love St...

By princesstakeover

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23 year old Ranae Collin who joins Chris Brown crew as a dancer, escapes her pass and starts her life over. B... More

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1.5K 44 14
By princesstakeover

May 5

I woke up to the smell of some food and I was hungry asf. I looked next to me and Nae wasn't there which mean she cooked. I looked at the time on my phone and it read 10:24. I then rubbed my eyes and got out of bed, stretching out my body.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and washed my face. I walked out and went back to sit on the bed then checked my phone and had all these notifications. As soon as I unlocked my phone I heard someone voice.

"Good morning baby" I looked and saw Ranae walk in with breakfast on a tray. She had a big ass smile on her face and a silk robe on.

"I'm glad you up. Here I made you breakfast"

I sat back on the headboard and she placed the tray infront of me. She made Benjamin waffles, eggs, bacon, sausage, and home fries with some fruit on the side and apple juice in the glass.

"Mmmm" I said as my mouth watered.

"Happy Birthday sexy" She said giving me a kiss.

"You gon give me some after this?" I asked.


"I ain't have none in weeks!"

"You can wait sir"

She sat next to me and turned the tv on.

"What's the schedule looking like today?" I asked and started digging in.

"Ok well, I'm going out with Kait soon to get some things done and then later we going out to dinner and then tonight is your bday bash"


"Well let me go get dress" She said getting up.

"Already?" I said with a stuff mouth.

"Time is precious baby"

I nodded agreeing with her.


After I finished getting dress I came out the bathroom. Chris was on the phone talking to his mom and I was trying to look for my other slide.

"Ok ma, Nae moms said hey"

"Tell her I said heyyy mama J"

"She said hey" he said back into the phone. I rolled my eyes because that's not what the hell I said.

My phone started ringing on the dresser and I'm thinking it's Kait. I went over to it and I was right.

Me-"Hello love" I said answering.

Kait-"I'm outside darling"

Me-"Ok I'll be down"

I hung up and shove the phone in my hoodie.

"Ok babe I'm leaving" I went over to him and gave him a kiss.

"I love you" He said.

"I love you too"

I put on my slides and walked out. I made my way downstairs to the front door. I closed and locked it behind me. I then walked to her car and got in.

"Hey hoe"

"Heyyyy" I said putting my seatbelt on.

"Ok so what's the agenda for today" she pulled off.

"So here's what I want to do. We can go get our nails and hair done, and then we need to go over to Victoria Secret so I can get some lingerie and I need to go to the sex store"

"Ouuu bitch"

"Yesss it's going down tonight. And I rented out a boat with a captain so yeah that's what's going down tonight"

"Ouuu bitch fucking on a boat? I need to try that. Wait so how this going to happen? Y'all going there after the bash?"

"I was going to go for the first half and then lie and say I don't feel good and act like I'm going home but really going to the boat. I'm going to need Mijo or someone help to get him to the boat but without him knowing"

"Well I'm here if you need me a bih can do anything ok"

"Ok" I chuckled.

She turned the radio up and I took my phone out. I decided to post some pics of me and Chris to wish him a happy birthday on social media.

We made it to the nail salon and they also did waxing there so I got a Brazilian. Then we went to get our hair done. I got bundles put in but my hair was likely going to mess up by the end of the night but who cares. After that, we made it over to the stores and we went to Victoria Secret first.

"Ok Kait you going to have to help me with this, I never shopped for lingerie or even wore it before"

"Ok girl I gotchu"

We started looking at the different type of stuff they had. I had seen this onesie with the buttoned thing in the back and I honestly didn't know if that was for going to the bathroom or fucking, I don't know.

Kait picked up a couple things for me and demanded that I brought it.

"These are very very exposing" I said looking at the fits.

"Duhh girl that's the point it's suppose to look sexy"


We ended up going to some other lingerie store and found another piece for me. The piece looked like it couldn't fit my body but Kait said it's suppose to stretch, hey whatever she says. We went into this other cute store and I found myself this bomb dress for the dinner that shows all my curves.

After running around doing shopping, I had to meet with this jeweler to pick up a piece that I got for Chris. We drove about 30 mins out to meet him at his shop.

We walked in and was immediately greeted.

"Hello" He said.

"Hi I'm here to pick up my diamond piece" I said walking towards him.

"Ranae right?"

"Yeah and you're Elliot?"

"Yes, you can follow me to the back"

We followed him and I ou'd and ah'd at his work he was very talented.

"So the piece is done, here you can see" He grabbed the box from behind the counter and opened it.

"Oh my gosh that's beautiful" I touched it.

"Damn that shit is beautiful, how much that come to?" Kait asked Elliot.

"This will be 10K"

"10 thou for a ring?!" Kait asked me.

"Yup" I said grabbing my purse to get the money out.

I took 10 bands out, each being a thou. I felt Kait eyeing me as I was taking them out. I know this seems bizarre but I got money and this ain't nothing to me fr. Elliot went to wrap up the jewelry for me and put it in a bag.

"Thank you so much" I said taking the bag.

"No problem"

"Damn bitch 10 racks?" Kait whispered as we walked away.

"Shut up" I playfully rolled my eyes.

After we left we made our way to the sex store. I never been in a sex store so this will be interesting. We walked into Amor Lingerie Sex Shop and immediately saw dildo's everywhere. Wow, I thought to myself.

The workers greeted us and we began looking around.

"So what you looking for exactly?" Kait asked me.

"I want to buy some hand cuffs"

"Ouuu kinky"

Kait picked up something but I couldn't see. She put it on top of her head and turned around. It was a hat with a penis on it.

"Look I'm a dickhead" I bust out laughing, she really got problems.

I looked around some more and finally found some to buy.

"Oh girl look at this"

I looked at what Kait had in her hand.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It's a vibrator but you put it on your finger like a finger tip"

"Gimme that" I snatched it from her.

"...Yous a freaky bitch"

I chuckled and we checked out our stuff at the counter.

"Ard lets get outta here"

It was now about six o'clock and I made dinner reservations for 7:30 so I need to hurry up and get home so I can get dress.

me: Baby you can start getting dress we have to be at the restaurant by 7:30

my love💕: ok

We was about 5 mins away from the house and I was so excited for the rest of the day.

"So the party start at 10 right?"

"Yeah but imma try to leave half way so I can set everything up"

"Ok if you need help with anything just shoot me a text"


"Ard see you there"


She pulled up and I got out and grabbed my bags. I went up to the door and unlocked it. Chris must be in the shower so that was good. I stored the bags I didn't want him to see in the guest room where my things was at so he would'nt find it. I went upstairs with the my bags I didn't mind him seeing. When I walked in music was blasting and I heard the shower running.

Before I put my phone on charge I texted P.

me: hey P, we'll be ready at 7:15. I'm planning something for Chris tonight and imma need your help.

I put it on charge and started taking my clothes off. I slipped my robe on and tied my hair up. I heard the shower turn off and started walking to the bathroom.

When he opened the door he jumped when he saw me.

"Damn Ranae!"

"I'm sorry baby" I stood on my tippy toes and gave him a kiss.

I tried to move pass him but he held me back.

"Come on we got time" He said looking down at me.

"Time for what?"

"One round"

"Boy bye" I pushed him out my way.

"You gon get it tonight I promise you that"

"Whatever you say sir"

I closed the door behind me and ran the shower. I took a solid 10 minute shower since I was rushing and went to get my dress from out the bag. I checked the time on my phone and seen I had a text from P.

P: I'm in.

I locked my phone and got back up. I rubbed lotion and oil on my body and put on my cute bra and panty set.

"How this look babe"

I looked over at Chris and he has his dress pants on and his white shirt tucked in with his tie undone. I stared at him, dude was a whole full course meal.

"Ouuuuu" I said and licked my lips.

"Come on get ready"

I sucked my teeth and went back to what I was doing. I pulled the dress over my head and pulled it done my body. I looked in the mirror and this looked good on ya girl. Stomach on flat flat and ass on what's that plus titties sitting nice.

"Who said you can wear that?" Chris said looking at me up and down.

"Me, don't it look nice" I smiled doing a full turn.

"It will when I take it off tonight"

I laughed because he really don't know what he's in for.

I went on to do my makeup and hair which took me the longest. After I was finished that, I looked for my heels in the guest room and also grabbed the bag with the jewelry in it. I gently put the bag in my purse and grabbed my long wool coat.

"Come on babe!" I yelled from downstairs.

It was 7:47 and P was waiting for us outside.

"Black folks never on time" I said to myself.

He finally came downstairs with his whole fit on plus shades because Chris always have to have shades.

"Go head papi I see you"

He smiled revealing his diamond grills. He gave me a kiss and we headed out. We got in the truck and buckled up. Chris slipped his hand in mine which cause me to smile. I laid back and looked out the window the rest of the ride.

When we got there Chris helped me out the truck then we walked in the entrance of the restaurant. This restaurant was beautiful especially because of the crystal chandeliers. We walked up to the lady who was standing at the podium.

"Hi, reservation name?" She said.

"The Browns" I said and smiled at her. She looked at her list and then grabbed the menus.

"Right this way"

We followed right behind her to our destination. I looked around as we walked and was amazed. They also had white roses everywhere and an pianist.

"Here you go, a waiter would be with you in a minute" she placed the menus and silverware on the table.

I sat in the chair and Chris sat on the opposite side. I moved my curls out my face and picked up the menu.

"What you getting?" I asked Chris.

"Ummm I don't, probably some steak or some type of pasta"

"Yeah I think imma get some pasta"

He took his glasses off and sat it on the table.

"I'm getting fucked up tonight" he said.

"Don't get too fucked up, imma need you to remember this night"

"Mhmm" He said nodding.

"Hello my name is Max I will be your waiter for tonight, do you have anything in mind for drinks?"

"Can I have peach tea" Like I said, I didn't want to drink like that anymore.

"And can I have a glass of water and the best wine recommended"

"You got it. Are y'all ready to order the food or y'all need a few minutes?"

"No we can order, you know what you want baby?" I asked Chris and he nodded.

"I want the Cajun Spice Chicken Pasta"

"And I want the T-Bone steak with asparagus and potatoes as my sides"

"Ok coming right up sir"

We gave Max our menus and he walked off. I was looking around the place until I seen a flash. I looked forward and saw Chris smiling holding his phone up like he taking a picture.

"Did you just take a picture of me?"


I seen the flash come on again and I put my hand up.

"Can you at least warn me"

He took another picture and this time I was smiling. I told him to take more pics since he want to be the photographer.

"Now let me take some pics of you" I held out my hand for his phone.

He gave it to me and I started taking some flicks. He did different poses but all he did was that thug face.

"Let me see them pearly diamonds daddy"

He gave me a smile and I took the picture. I gave him back his phone and he looked at them. By the time the food and drinks came we started digging in immediately. This pasta was hitting and I see that steak was hitting for Chris too since he ate it all.

"Lemme get some of that" he asked eyeing my plate.

I put some on my fork and fed him some.

"That shit hit"

"I know right"

He took the bottle and pour some more wine in his glass. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, it was now 9:15 and I think it was time to give him his gift. I grabbed my purse and took the bag out. I placed it in front of him and sat back.

"What's that?" He said sitting his glass down.

"Open it, it's for you"

He gave me a weird face expression and grabbed the bag. He dig in it and grabbed the box. He opened it and his whole expression changed.

"Baby what's this?"

"I bought you it"

He took the ring out and looked at it closely.

"Bro this say eliantee..Ranae did you got to Elliot?"

"Yes, do you like it?" I smiled.

"I love it but how much did this cost you? He's clearly not cheap at all"

"It doesn't matter Chris. I love you and I got you a gift because I wanted to"

He looked at the ring and then looked at me.

"This shit is fire, thank you"

He reached over the table to give me a kiss and then held my hand.

"We should get going soon, don't wanna miss your own bash"


"Y'all better turn the fuck up for my muthafucking birthday" Chris said onto the mic.

Everybody yelled and clapped.

"I want to thank everyone for coming out to this wild ass foam party and want to personally thank my baby Ranae muthafucking Collin for planning this for me and making my day special, I love you girl!"

I smiled and blew him a kiss.

"Now let's turn this bitch up"

This party was a huge turnout. Everybody and their momma came with their swim wear on and stuff. Girls had their asses and titties out but that was the whole point and I wasn't mad they looked good asf.

"Hey bihhhh" I saw Kait walking up to me.

"Heyyy" I said giving her a hug.

"Bitch you look good" she said looking at me up and down.

"And so do you" I looked at her up and down. She had her bathing suit on with her see through cover up.

"Where Brandon?" I asked.

"His big head ass up there" she pointed.

I looked where she pointed and saw him speaking to Chris.

"You got your plan ready to go?"

"Yeah I just need to go back to the house and get the stuff and then go over to the boat"

"Oh ok, where the boat going?"

"We just sailing out to the water and then coming back the next day, nothing major"

"Ok whatever you say" She said sipping here drink.

"You get on my nerves" I smiled and sat down.

I'm glad everyone was enjoying theirselves especially Chris. I checked the time and it was going on 1 am so this would be a good time to start my lil plan. I tapped Kait and gave her a nod and she gave one back.

I changed my whole mood and walked over to Chris. I grabbed on his shoulder and leaned on him. He turned to look at me and then grabbed my waist.

"What's wrong Nae?"

"I don't feel very well"

"What's wrong?"

"I have a huge headache, I don't think I can stay any longer"

"Noooo don't leave"

"But baby my head is pounding"

"Ok come on"

He grabbed my hand and started walking down the steps. I looked back at Kait and winked, she smiled and shook her head. We walked out the entrance and into the parking lot. I saw P pull up infront of us.

"Come on lets go" He said walking towards the truck.

"Wait you coming?"


"No no no, stay it's your birthday party. You don't have to babysit me I got it Chris. Now go, have fun"

He sighed and pulled me close to him. He gave me a kiss and let go.

"Okay" He said.

He opened the door for me and I got in.

"Don't forget to text me"

"I'm not"

He closed the door and P pulled off.

"Ok P imma need you to drop Chris off after the party to this location that imma text to you. I told him I wasn't feeling to good so I left"

"Ok good, anything else you'll like me to do?"

"That's all I can think of for now. Imma have the guys blindfold him while he in the car. Imma have to make a lie and say it's a part of a surprise or something"

"Ok just let me know"


When we got to the house, I got out and quickly went in. I didn't have to move too fast but I didn't want to move slow either I just wanted to make sure everything was in order. I felt my phone vibrate in my hand and looked to see what it was.

Kait💗: I just told the boys the plan. Just give me the go.

me: ok tell me if he's about to leave

I put my phone in my purse and closed the door behind me. I sat it on the couch and went into the guest room to get the bags. I then went upstairs to change out my fit and take another shower. After I was finish all that, I grabbed everything and headed out. I decided to take my car and then went over to Walmart.

When I got there I went to go find some condoms since I couldn't find where Chris stash his and picked up some snacks including some Reddi Wip for something else😏.

After I was done my little shopping it was time to go to the bay. That took me about 15 mins to get over there. When I arrived, I grabbed my bags and got out the car. It was a little office near the deck and I went in there to see wassup.

"Hello may I help you?" The lady at the desk said.

"Hi I rented a boat for tonight"

"The yacht correct?"


"Ok, Ranae Collin?"

"That's me"

"Ok I just need you to sign a couple things, your boat is ready. I'll show you the way when you're finished"

"Ok" I took the pen and read over and signed a couple papers. Once I was done, she led me the way to the yacht.

As we was walking on the dock I saw different kind of boats and then we made it to the end which was mine. I followed her up the railing and onto it. We walked towards the front of the boat and then entered this door. I saw this old white man sitting down looking at the little tv that was built inside the system.

"This is your captain, Captain Miller. He will be up here the whole time, you can't really hear from the other side of the boat so you can come up here if you need him or just rang him up, I'll show you. Captain this is Ranae Collin"

"Hi dear" He smiled.

"Hi" I smiled back. He looked sweet.

"I might look old but I know how to whip this thing"

"Oh really" I chuckled.

"Been doing this for almost thirty years" he nodded.

"That's amazing"

"In deed it is. Are you ready to see the rest?" the lady asked.


"We'll be back captain"

He nodded and went to sit back down. I
followed right behind her and walked through the boat. We walked down these steps and entered this door. When we walked in, there was a kitchen and a mini living room area.

"This is the kitchen slash living room area as you can see. If you need anything you can just use the kitchen phone to dial the office or the captain"

I nodded.

"And through this door here is the bedroom"

I walked behind her towards it and she opened the door. I looked around and it was like a small  master bedroom.

"This is sooo nice" I said.

"Yes, it includes the master bed, couch chairs, the television, a little desk area"

I nodded looking around the room.

After she showed me around the whole boat, she left me going back to her office. Now it was time to get ready.

I took all the things out the bags and sat them out. I laid out my lingerie pieces since I did buy 2 and decided which one I should wear. I stripped out my clothes and tried on the first one that was from Victoria Secret. It was a two piece and I have to admit it look sexy but I wanted to try the other piece also. I grabbed the other one which was a one piece and tried it on. I never wore no lingerie so this was a bit much for me. I grabbed my phone and took a pic and sent it to Kait.

me: this a bit much?! I feel awkward.
          (Attachment: 1)

In no time she responded.

kait💗: bitchhhhhh😍 👀👅👅👅if I was gay chileeee, where that shit!!

me: 🙄😊

I locked my phone and looked myself in the mirror one last time.


(this is the piece)

While I was waiting for that text, I put some music on the tv and took some pictures in the mirror.

A hour later I got a text from Kait.

Kait💗: the target is on the move!!

me: ok y'all know what to do.

I exited our messages and texted P.

me: ok plan in action. I will be outside when y'all pull up.

I exited our messages and then went to text Mijo.

me: text me when y'all pull up. Y'all niggas better stick to the plan too!!

I grabbed my long trench coat that I brought and put it on buttoning it then tied it. I put the bags in the closet and turned the music up a little.

About 20 mins went pass and I got a text from Mijo.

mijo: we here, can you hurry this nigga trippin

I locked my phone and got up.


"Aye man let me out the car before I snap" I said looking at Mijo, Reese, and P like they was crazy. These niggas took me at some boat dock when I thought I was going home and now won't tell me why the hell we was here. I was a little tipsy and I wanted to go home to Ranae.

"Can y'all just tell me why we're here??" They looked away and ignored me.


"Sorry Mr.Brown"

He turned the music up and looked away.

"Wowww ok" I nodded.

As I looked out the window I seen a girl walking with a trench coat on towards the car. Once she got closer I noticed it was Ranae.

"Ranae??" I said.

P unlocked the doors and she came to open my side.

"Hey babe"

I looked at her and then looked at them, confusedly.

"What the hell going on?"

"Get the fuck out nigga" Mijo said laughing.

Ranae grabbed my hand and pulled me out the car. She slammed the door and grabbed onto my waist.

I saw the back window roll down and Mijo and Reese in it.

"Happy birthday blood!" Reese yelled and Mijo just yelling shit.

They put the window up and P drove off.

"Come on" Nae said pulling me.

"I'm confused as hell" I admit cause I was, highly.

"You'll see"

"I thought you wasn't feeling good"

"Sorry I lied"

"Wowww, so why we here again?"

"Chris shut up and just walk with me"

I followed her order and kept walking but I was still confused. When we walked down the dock some more I saw this yacht that we approached. I saw some man at the railing standing there with his hands behind his back. As we walked closer he greeted us and led the way into the boat.

"Ranae what's going on?"

"This is for you. It's your birthday babe I wanted to surprise you with something"

"And you did, that ring that cost I don't know how much"

"I know but I wanted to do this for you too, now come on"

"And how much did this cost?" I asked.

"It don't matter now come"

I followed her and she showed me around the yacht, it was dope asf I ain't gon lie. Then we went into the bedroom and I was surprised. I saw the mood light on and the music was playing on the tv. I've been on a yacht before but not the ones with the rooms like this. This shit look like a regular bedroom in a house.

She closed the door behind her and gave me a look.

"What?" I asked.


I grabbed her hand and pulled her on my lap. I kissed her and went to kiss her neck but the coat was in the way.

"Take this off" I said tugging on the buttons.

"Wait, get up"

We both got up and she went into the closet.

"Strip" she told me.

I ain't ask no questions I just did what she asked. You know how long we ain't have sex? I felt like I was in the dog house by the way she was treating me. I sat my jewelry on the dresser but I still had my chain on and put my clothes on the chair. I was only in my underwear and socks waiting for whatever she was doing.

She came back in with a bag and chuckled.

"Oh you ready" she said.

"Damn right I'm ready, let's go"

"Mmm mmm not so fast"

She sat her bag down and took out a pair of handcuffs. I gave her "the look".


I laughed at the expression on his face, priceless.

"You gon put those on me?"


I grabbed them and walked towards the bed. I threw the pillows off the bed and motioned for him to come.

He just stared at me and I cuffed each arm to the pole on each side of the bed.

"What you about to do now??" He asked.

"Shut up let me do what I'm doing, you'll see"

I walked over to the lights and turned them down some more. I turned the music up more and stood in front of the bed.

I slowly untied the belt on the coat and then unbuttoned it. I slowly took the coat off and let it drop to the floor. I kid you not, his jaw immediately dropped once he saw what I had on. I did a 360 turn and laughed at his reaction.

"Damn damn... damnn" He said.

"You like?" I said walking towards him.

"I ain't never see you in no lingerie"

"Well you better get use to it"

I climbed on top of him and wrapped my arms around him. He tried to move his arms but realized they were still cuff.

"Nae you can take these off now"

"What will be the fun of that?"  I put my hand on his chin.

I climbed off and turned my body then positioned where my legs was around his waist but now my ass was on him. I arched my back and started moving my booty up and down on his print as if I was riding him. I looked back at him and notice the frustration on his face. I smiled to myself and stopped. I straddled him again and wrapped my arms around him. Lmaooo he looked so sad, he was so cute.

"Why are you teasing me? I didn't do nothing to you"

"I'm sorry baby" I chuckled.

"But you right. You ain't do nothing so thank you" I said.

"For what?"

"Being there for me when I needed you. After all the bullshit, you was still there and I want to thank you for that" I said looking in his eyes.

He looked at my lips and begin moving closer. I started kissing him passionately. I took my hands and rub on his bare chest and abs.

I felt him getting hard as we was making out. I started kissing his neck and down his chest and then his stomach. I pulled his underwear all the way down and threw them on the floor. I got up and went to grab the Reddi Wip from the bag.

I climbed back up to him and pulled the cover back so I can get under it. I honestly didn't want him to watch me do this because it was my first time and I was nervous.

"Wait, you don't have to do it if you don't want to"

"I know but I want to... sit back baby, relax"

I went under the covers and laid on my stomach. It's just me and you Cj. I grabbed him and slowly started stroking him. Here goes nothing. I had in mind everything I read about doing this and they said kiss the top slowly and gently.

I licked my lips and started planting kisses on him. I kissed and licked taking pauses in between.

"Stop teasing girl" I heard him say.

I use both of my hands and gripped it gently. I took it in my mouth and slowly started going up and down. I grabbed the Reddi Wip and put some on the tip to make this tastier. I started blowing him again going from top to bottom twisting my hands as I suck.

"Damn Ranae" I heard him say, which was good cause I was doing good.

I started going faster but then stopped in the middle. I wiped my mouth with my hand and pulled the covers back.

"What the hell ? Why you stop?"

I smirked and got up. I grabbed the key to the cuffs and took the cuffs off of Chris. Once I did that this animal grabbed me and started attacking me with kisses. I chuckled and he put his hand over my entrance and moved my lingerie to insert a finger in me, I wasn't laughing anymore. He slowly stroked me and then put two fingers in making me moan. He stopped and was about to insert himself in me but I stopped him.

"You got a condom?"

"Nah not on me"

He was about to continue until he saw me reaching for the nightstand drawer. I opened it and grabbed a condom I had placed in there earlier. I tried to give it to him but it was like he was stuck.

"What?" I asked.

"You bought those?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Nothing" He grabbed the condom and ripped it open.

Did I do something wrong? Cause now he looked like I ruined his mood.

After he finished putting it on, he center himself back to where he was and lift my leg up. I wrapped my arms around him and looked down at what he was doing.

He slowly entered me causing me to gasp. He looked back at me and kissed me. He started at a slow pace and massaged my breast.

"Take this off" He demanded.

I untied it behind my neck and pushed it down revealing my boobs. He gently grabbed it and started sucking on them while stroking me. I threw my head back and closed my eyes enjoying this pleasure.

He then started going faster and faster making me grab onto the sheets.

"Turn over" He demanded.

I forced myself to turn over and he pulled my lingerie all the way off. He brought my body towards him making me arch my back. He slipped back inside me and started pounding in and out of me.

"Shittttt Chris" I moaned.

"What's my name?"


He started pounding harder in me.

"Wait wait fuckkk"

"I will once you tell me my name babygirl"

"Daddy" I mumbled.

"I ain't here you" he continued.

"DADDY" I moaned out loud.

He stopped and I climaxed. I was out of breath but he didn't care cause he flipped me over and entered me again. This was going to be a longggggggg night.

Next morning

No surprise that I was going to be in pain this morning but it was worth it. Chris was still out so I tried to make my way to the bathroom. I wanted to take a warm bath but it was only a shower but it was one of those showers where you could sit down in.

I ran the shower and put my hair up in a ponytail.


I woke up and notice Ranae wasn't next to me but that was no surprise. I got out the bed and stretched out while dick was slinging everywhere. Last night was the best sex me and Ranae ever had so far since she wanted to try new things.

I walked to the bathroom and seen her showering. I walked over to the toilet and lift the seat up to pee.

"Goodmorning Daddy"

"Goodmorning babygirl" I said back clearing my throat since I was still half sleep.

She turned the shower off, stepped out and grabbed a towel from the rack. She wrapped it around her and started limping pass me.

I chuckled and flushed the toilet.

"It's not funny, you wrong for putting it down like that yesterday"

"It was payback for cuffing me up and teasing me like you did"

"I'm sorry" she gave me a cheesy smile.

"Are you about to take a shower?" She asked.


"Ok I'm getting dress and going out on the deck. I packed you a shirt, draws and some basketball shorts along with your toothbrush, I'll put it on the bed"


I ran the shower and wait till it got hot so I can get in. A place where I think a lot at is in the shower I guess since it's quiet and it's nothing else to do but think.

I'm still kinda bothered from last night when Ranae had condoms for me. I guess she really is serious about not having a child anytime soon and it hits me but hey it's up to her if she wants a child or not since it's her body.

After I got in the shower, I brushed my teeth and got dressed. I grabbed my jacket and grabbed the blunt out the pocket that I already had rolled up and my lighter. I walked out onto the deck and spotted Ranae sitting down. I looked around and saw we wasn't near land.

"Where we at?" I asked Ranae as I walked towards her.

"We not far from where we was calm down"

I lit my blunt and took a puff.

"Can you take this picture for me?" She asked giving me her phone.

"And make sure you get the booty cheeks"

"That depends, where this pic going?"

"Chris just take the damn pic"

I playfully rolled my eyes and took another puff of my blunt.

I took about 10 and gave her back her phone cause I know how girls is about their pictures, they gon keep asking until it look right.

"Thanks baby"

I sat beside her and put my hand on her upper thigh and took in the view. She scooted closer to me and then put her phone down.

"How was your birthday?"

"Best fucking birthday thanks to you"

She smiled and looked away.

"You know I love you right?" I asked.


"Especially after what you did yesterday, you sure that was your first time doing that?"

"Yess" She wrapped her arm around my waist.

If lil mama keep it up she'll become my wife on my mama.


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