Changes {Emmett Cullen}

By skjefferson

873K 23K 5K

Ezra Geralds has lived in Forks, Washington almost all of his life. He lived his life in a steady routine. Sc... More

Cast List
Part Two: •Epigraph•
RosaliexBella Fic


34.7K 1K 410
By skjefferson

After History, I didn't see Emmett again until lunch. Oddly enough I had some of his other siblings in my classes though. One of them, the blonde who I had learned was named Rosalie was in my Trigonometry class and I was partnered with his blond brother, Rosalie's twin, Jasper, in our Earth science class.

Rosalie was an utter bitch from what I could tell. She didn't talk to anyone and she had this permanent glare on her face. She kind of reminded me of a mix of myself and Amelia. Jasper was alright, I suppose. I mean we didn't talk in class and he sat as far away from as he could without seeming like a dick.

I found that the twins had shared some of Emmett's habits. Like the constant staring. I always found one of them looking at me as if trying to figure me out. When I would look at Rosalie she would just glare at me silently, while when I would look at Jasper he would flash me a pained smile that I guess was supposed to ease my worries.

I was so thankful for lunch because I would finally have my friends at my side. I walked into the cafeteria with my usual annoyed scowl on my face. I walked through the lunch line to get some of the shittiest food I had ever seen then looked around the cafeteria for my friends.

"Ezra! Over here!" I turned my attention where my name had been called and a small smile appeared on my face at the sight of Nic and Amelia. Nic was waving frantically at me while Amelia was rolling her eyes at him. I walked towards my friends, clutching onto my lunch tray.

I kept my eyes on my friends, while I simultaneously felt eyes boring into my back. I sighed as I took a seat beside Nic, across from Amelia, and I set my tray down.

"How was your morning classes?" Amelia asked as soon as I was settled. I looked at her and just silently rolled my eyes, "That bad?" She questioned.

"I guess it could have been worse. I have one of the new students in every one of my morning classes," I said as I poked at the food on my plate. Was this supposed to be meat?

"I have the dark blond haired boy in my English class. I think his name is Marshall," Nic said as he picked up a fried and munched on it happily, "He's pretty quiet. I have the bigger one, uh, Emmett, in my Algebra class. I didn't talk to him either, but he had girls drooling all over him the entire time."

I don't know why, but I suddenly felt a pit in my stomach at the thought of girls drooling and fawning over Emmett. I tried to push my uncalled for jealousy aside and focus on my best friend's words.

"I had Emmett in my first two classes. He's not so bad," I responded vaguely. He's breaking down my walls after just a few hours and he doesn't even know it.

"I seriously think I need to start working out though. I mean guy really has all the girls looking at him. What do you think, Ezzy?" Nic flexed his biceps and I looked at his arms. Nic wasn't as big as Emmett, but he did have something there. Not much, but it was something.

"You're fine, Nic. Sexy as always," I told my best friend with a small chuckle. Nic grinned at me and put his arm over my shoulders. I could have sworn I heard a growl from somewhere behind me, but I chose to ignore it figuring my mind was just playing tricks on me.

"Thanks, Ezzy. I know I can always count on you," Nic said with a smile. I rolled my eyes, but didn't have a chance to say a word.

"Emmett Cullen is currently staring at you," Amelia whispered across the table to me and Nic. My brows furrowed in confusion and I turned my head to see that indeed, Emmett was staring at me.

His eyes were narrowed and zeroed in on something. He looked to be slightly angry or annoyed with something. I didn't like that expression on his face. I wasn't used to it. He was always smiling.

His other brother, the bronze haired one I had yet to learn the name of slapped him in the shoulder and Emmett's eyes lifted slightly until they met my own. He flashed me that ridiculously attractive grin of his. He even winked at me and I found my cheeks warming up, I quickly turned around before he could see me blush.

"Did Emmett Cullen just wink at you?" Nic whispered in my ear and I shrugged casually and pushed my shoulders up, causing Nic to remove his arm.

"He's been trying to talk to me all day," I responded as I grabbed the Gatorade from my tray and opened it.

"What?!" Nic and Amelia whispered shouted in harmony. I rolled my eyes at them as they stared at me with wide eyes.

"Did you forget to leave out that detail?" Amelia questioned as she leaned over the table.

"Whats the big deal?" I rolled my eyes again.

"The big deal is that he single handedly the most attractive male I've ever laid eyes on and he goes to our school and he's talking to you! He hasn't even talked to anyone! None of his family have, but he's talking to you!" Amelia said. I found myself glaring at my best friend when she called Emmett attractive. What the hell is up with this jealousy?

"Have you talked to him?" Nic asked as he looked at me. I shrugged casually.

"A few words here or there. You guys know how I am with change. He's been trying to talk to me, I guess to be my friend, but like thats a big change and a huge transition. I don't know if I'm ready," I said softly, looking down at my tray. Amelia and Nic were silent for a moment.

I was messed up. Because of all the shit that's happened in my life, every little change is a terrible change in my eyes. I didn't want it to be. I didn't want to be like this but this was what happened when every worse thing that could possibly happen, happened because of change. I felt Nic wrap his arm around my shoulders again and hug me into his side.

"Then don't push it, Ezzy. If you want to be friends with him then you will be. But if can't, don't try. Okay? It's not that big a deal," Nic said calmly, Amelia nodded her agreement to his words. I sighed and nodded my head.

"Thanks, Guys," I said simply and sat up, pulling out Nic's embrace.

"No problem, Ezra," they spoke in harmony. I rolled my eyes silently, but a small smiled settled on my face as I grabbed either side of my tray.

"I'm gonna go throw this away," I said.

"You didn't eat anything," Nic frowned as he looked from the untouched food on my tray then to my face.

"I'm not all that hungry," I shrugged casually, "I'll eat at home later," before either of my friends could protest I stood up, with my tray in hand. I walked towards the trash silently. I was almost halfway to the trash bin when a foot suddenly struck out and caused me to trip before I could stop myself.

I let out a gasp and slowly fell towards my death. Okay that may have been a bit dramatic. I groaned as I landed face first into my tray of slop. The laughter of everyone in the cafeteria surrounding me. I sat up and turned around, wiping my eyes in embarrassment to see who my assailant was. Of course. It was Tyler.

"Fag," Tyler smirked at me. I opened my mouth to retort and give him a piece of my mind, but before I even had a chance I saw Emmett already had him pinned against the lunch table, his hand on his shirt. I had never seen anyone look so angry in my life. Emmett's glared even rivaled Amelia's stone cold one and put his ice cold bitch of a sister's to shame. He let an almost animalistic growl as he glared down at the boy.

"Don't touch him," He growled angrily, his voice had dropped an octave and sent shivers down my spine. Good God, how could someone be so hot when angry?

I knew from the way Tyler was shaking that he was absolutely terrified and he had every right to be. I quickly stood up and ran up behind Emmett, I grabbed his arm. I didn't want him to get in trouble for killing someone because of me.

"Emmett, it's okay. Everything's all good. He's just a stupid idiot," I said as I tried to tug on Emmett's arm. Jesus, this guy was rock hard. Almost like he was made of marble. And he was cold as hell.

Emmett didn't listen to me, instead he continued to glare at Tyler, staring him in the eyes. Tyler looked to be on the verge of shitting his pants. Emmett's jaw was clenched tightly and I was truly afraid of what might happen if he didn't calm down. I turned to look at his siblings to see if any of them would help, but they all sat there just watching. Some of them looked almost as angry as Emmett, while others wore blank expressions. Alright then, no help from them.

I looked back at Emmett and sigh, "Come on, Emmett, please?" I decided begging may have been more efficient. Emmett's jaw slowly unclenched and his grip on Tyler shirt loosened, but his glare remained.

"Apologize," he growled. Man, he was sounding a lot like a caveman with these short phrases, but not gonna lie it was sexy. Even at a time like this I find him attractive! God, stop me!

"I-I-I-I'm sorry, Ezra. It won't happen again," Tyler said, stumbling over his words as he looked at me then back at Emmett.

"See, he apologized. Now let him go," I said softly. Emmett's scowl remained, but, thankfully, he did as I said and let Tyler go. Tyler immediately slid away and ran out of the cafeteria. I looked at Emmett, who still seemed tense. A frown took over my features when I noticed his once beautiful topaz eyes were now black.

"Are you alright?" I asked him and he just looked at me. He didn't speak, just kept his eyes on me.

"Emmett! Let's go take a walk," out of nowhere a set of hands placed themselves on Emmett's shoulders and turned him away from me. I recognized the person as Marshall, "Sorry bout this. He's not feeling like himself today."

Before I could even respond, Emmett was being pushed away from me outside the backdoors of the cafeteria. I frowned and stood there awkwardly. I looked around to see all eyes were still on me. Everyone was in shock. Nic and Amelia were the first ones to get out of it though and raced towards me. Nic grabbed my arm and turned towards the cafeteria doors that led back into school.

"Come on, Ez. I've got some clothes for you to wear until later. Let's get you cleaned up," Nic said and he pushed me out of the cafeteria. Amelia was following along closely behind us.

"What the hell was that?" I muttered lowly, rubbing the back of my neck as Nic led me towards the bathrooms.

"That my friend is the beginning of an interesting love story," Nic smirked at me and I looked at him with wide eyes.


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