The Heart of a Guardian (Elsw...

Por justforfum

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The maturation of an innocent child to a young adult: it's different for everyone. Some grow into it, others... Mais

Chapter 1: The Night Watch
Chapter 2: Now or Never
Chapter 3: Stolen
Chapter 4: The King and His Queen
Chapter 5: Followed by a Fox
Chapter 6: Humble Hospitality
Chapter 7: Welcome Home
Chapter 8: To the Waterway
Chapter 9: Reinforcements
Chapter 10: Reunited
Chapter 11: Her Feelings
Chapter 12: Infiltration
Chapter 13: Understanding
Chapter 14: Where Real Strength Lies
Chapter 15: The Assault
Chapter 16: She Depends on You
Chapter 17: The Caged Fox
Chapter 18: Good Intentions
Chapter 20: Dark Horizons
Chapter 21: The Merciless Storm
Chapter 22: You Don't Have to Ask
Chapter 23: His Greatest Achievement
Chapter 24: The Fall
Chapter 25: Severing Ties
Chapter 26: The Halls of Water
Chapter 27: My Family Comes First
Chapter 28: One Last Time
Chapter 29: The Temple of Trials
Chapter 30: The Path I Chose
Chapter 31: True Loyalty
Chapter 32: A Hero to Me
Chapter 33: For the Good of the Realm
Chapter 34: The Heart of a Guardian

Chapter 19: It's Fine if it's You

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Por justforfum

The metal door flew open as Helputt rushed into his son's room.

"How is he?" the king called in a panic, "Why wasn't I told of this earlier?" He pushed aside one of the doctors and knelt at his son's bedside.

The advisor, a lanky male with a large protruding nose cleared his throat. "Your majesty, with all due respect, the Velder ambassadors have been growing impatient these past few days and-"

"Why wasn't I told of this earlier?!" Helputt roared at the man, who quickly fell silent before his king.

Helputt turned to his son, a young boy with blonde locks carved into a bowl cut. His normally pale face was a sickly shade of blue and he laid in his bed gasping for air. A tube was wired to his chest, feeding his veins a clear fluid that seemed to do little in helping the child.

"How long has he been like this?"

"Two days, your majesty," one of the doctors replied.

"Two d-" Helputt looked as if it took everything he had to keep his composure. Deep blue eyes stared daggers at his advisor, "And you had me sit at some negotiation table for half a day while my son suffered?"

"Your majesty... I was merely following your guidelines to-"

"Out!" Helputt's voice shook the glass panes in the room. "Get out! Before I throw you off the balcony!"

Like a mouse before a lion the advisor quickly scurried out of the room, leaving the king to discuss the condition with the doctors. He was silent for some time as his big hands gently cradled the boy's head.

"It's not looking good... is it?"

Both of the doctors looked at each other uneasily. The short plump one spoke. "No, my king. It appears the prince has fallen ill to the same strain as our late Queen Raina."

"Papa...?" the young prince stirred. His voice was unsettlingly weak, "You're... home early..."

Helputt tacked on his brightest smile for him. "I missed you so much that I had to come back. How are you feeling, big guy?"

The boy looked as if he was struggling to gather the air to speak.

"Sleepy..." was his answer. "Am I... Sick again?"

"Just a little, son. You'll get better. You will, won't you? For me?"

Again, young Chung tried to gather the air to speak, but only managed a nod.

"You can't be a paladin like, that, you know! I asked you a question. I expect an answer. Why, all the other guardians answer me with a loud 'Ay, sir!' And I didn't hear anything from my son."

The prince drew in several heaving breaths. Maybe he was pushing the boy too hard.

"I'm joking, Chung... you just get your rest-"

"Ay, sir!" the boy wheezed.

A sad smile crossed his father's lips as he squeezed the boy's tiny hand tightly in his.

"That's the strong kid that I know and love. You'll pull through. Now you just get some rest. Your big man has a few errands to run."

Helputt leaned forward, kissing the boy on his forehead. He released the boy's hand and the child lifted his head weakly to look at the small trinket the king had placed in his hand. It was a wooden carving of a Hamel Paladin intricately colored in white and blue paints.

"I'll find a cure," the king muttered decisively, turning to leave the room, "Even if I have to search the ends of the world for it."

"Your majesty?" the plump doctor called, following him.

"You. What's your name?'

"Erm... Picklebottom. Doctor... Picklebottom, my king."

"That's Advisor Picklebottom, from now on. Inform the so-called ambassadors that the White Colossus has left on another errand. If they throw a fit have my personal guard see them out." Helputt's facial expression softened and he looked on at the man with exhausted eyes, "And... Do make sure my son hangs on for as long as he can... please?"

The new advisor stared up at the king in astonishment before gingerly bowing graciously for his new promotion. "I'll do my best, your majesty."

One time the bell tolled. A funeral service had been held. Pyres were lit and hundreds of Velder's men and women were given their soldier's right to a proper send off.

Mud was not among them. Traitors deserved no place among the righteous. Chung wondered if he were to fall in battle, would the army hold a ceremony for him? Would he be deserving of such an honor? Or would he join Mud in a nameless grave; left to rot among the piles of demon carcasses?

Chung had plenty of time to reflect on the decision he made as the ceremony proceeded far below. Locked in his old bed chambers high in one of the castle's many spires, it was all the prince really could do. He thought about Ara and her well-being; about whether or not she evaded the search party sent after her the night before. He thought about Useli and her first full day without any food. He thought about Mud and his expression of pure helplessness as Penensio had driven the blade through his neck.

As Chung reflected on all of this, he began to wonder where it all went wrong. Among the whirlpool of emotions that spun in his head, the lingering feeling of doubt in his own choices grew. Was it right for him to let Lyra fall to her death? Was it okay to let Julius sacrifice himself in the prince's place? Was sparing Ara from torture at the risk of the hundreds of men and women the best choice? Thinking upon his choices in such a way brought on such hatred for himself that he pounded his fist again and again on the stone railing until his knuckles ran red with his own blood.

The prince watched as the procession continued. Nearly all the soldiers had gathered en mass to honor the dead. Each one stood in a rigid salute as the melancholic send off from a bugle played.

Among the ranks were Noah, Elsword, and Elesis. Each one had visited him earlier and each one expressed their condolences regarding Mud's untimely death. He had expected Noah, of all people, to berate him for such stupidity but the Ice Princess, instead, regarded his actions with a nod, expressing how she expected this from him and reassured him that neither option would've been easy to follow through with.

Elsword and Elesis expressed their condolences by smuggling in a bottle of Velder's famous whiskey. Beyond earshot of the Red Knight guarding the doorway, Elsword told Chung that he would've done the same for Ara or any of the other friends. Probably. Maybe. Elesis, however, disagreed, standing by her statement that it was always better to save many over one.

Rena visited after the three and her opinion was the same as the Blazing Heart's, though she was surprisingly much more cold about it than the red-headed woman. Visiting alone, the elf scolded him for such brash actions without warning the others. She expressed how by doing so Chung is endangering the lives of his closest friends, especially Raven's who was still bedridden from his injuries. Even though Ara's life was spared, the sacrifices of thousands of soldiers were effectively being thrown away along with all the progress they've made thus far.

Aisha came by a few hours after Rena's and close to dawn. Having finished her early morning watch of the northwestern gate, she went into detail about what they did with Mud's body. Although it hurt to listen, Chung was glad he had some closure of the aftermath, though the truth was still unsettling. His body had been dumped in a mass grave where both demon carcasses and cockatigles were left to rot just beyond the castle's inner walls. She said that Roger was the one who carried his body and he spent a great deal of time standing over the pit before leaving.

The mage didn't criticize Chung nor praise him for his actions. Rather, she gave him a shoulder to lean on and an ear to listen to as the prince went on and on about what he did and what he could've done. It helped but an ear and a shoulder could only do so much for a situation he knew he was completely responsible for.

As for Roger? He never visited.

To think he called himself a guardian. To hold on to such lofty goals that boasted selflessness when all he did was act on his own selfish desires. He deserved a far worse fate than being locked in his own room.

A knock came from behind him and he spun around while trying to recompose himself. On the opposite end of the room from his large balcony, the heavy metal door unlatched. A Red Knight entered followed by two silver-haired individuals: Add and Eve; both without their drones or dynamos. Of course they wouldn't have it. Penensio had forbade the mercenaries from approaching the prince's spire with their weapons. Fortunately, it seemed Eve's involvement in Ara's escape went by unnoticed. Even the horrible burn from last night had completely healed. The prince wondered how long it must have taken to fully repair her face.

Chung approached, them, leaving the balcony and stepping into his old bedroom.

The Red Knight silently nodded at the two of them before leaving the room and shutting the door. The sound of a heavy latch locking in place could be heard clanging on the other side. The two silver-haired visitors stood there silently as their host waited for them to speak.

"Good afternoon," Eve greeted.

"Uh... good afternoon. How're things down at the courtyard?"

"Uneventful. The half-elf has been detained in Ara's old cell. She is to go without food for a week, according to Penensio." Chung nodded half-heartedly as this was old news to him.

"And Ara?" Chung asked. He noticed Add had been glaring at him the entire time. It was unsettling to say the least. The Nasod didn't take notice as she continued on her report.

"Her fate is unknown. The Red Knights have refused to answer questions regarding their search but rumors have been circulating that they have not been able to locate her."

"I see... And the rest of our group?"

"Upon hearing the full story, everyone has agreed that you acted on your own. I have told them that my involvement is to be kept from anyone else outside our circle. Still, the group in general is divided on your decision to save Ara. I believe Elsword expressed it best saying he honestly wouldn't know what he'd do had he been in your situation."

Chung nodded as he took in her report. Though, now that he thought about it, he assumed Add and Eve would be the least likely to visit him next to Raven and yet here they were. He was sure neither would benefit much from coming to see him outside of sentimental reasons-none of which were either of their strong points.

"So..." Chung said after a long moment, "Why are you here-"

Add landed a powerful hook that struck Chung square on the jaw, sending him to the ground.

"That was for endangering my Queen," the mastermind whispered in a low growl. Chung felt his collar being pulled upwards, not even a moment was spared as Add struck him again.

"And this is for burning her perfect face!"

"Human," Eve interjected as the second punch landed. Her attempts at garnering his attention were ignored as the fanatic backhanded the prince, who did nothing to resist the punishment he was receiving.

"Enough!" the Nasod shouted. Hearing the anger in his obsessions voice quickly forced him to stop, shoving Chung back on the ground.

"But, My Queen," Add reasoned, "I'm only exacting justice that he deserves. He disfigured your beautiful features... It is only natural that I disfigure his face in return. Had you not specifically instructed me to spare him..."

"You shall not lay another finger on him."

Add bowed, "As you wish, Eve." He turned to Chung once more, giving the prince a swift kick on the gut all the while smiling cockily at the vermin on the floor before him. He looked back at his mistress, giving her an innocent smile as he showed that he indeed had not laid a finger on him.

The Nasod sighed, placing a gentle hand on Add's shoulder and leaning close to whisper in his ear. The Mastermind paused, listening to his queen's words as the cocky smile softened into one of compromise.

"Yes, My Queen."

She continued whispering. Again, Chung could see that her golden eyes were looking at him as she spoke to the other.

"Only for you... yes. You are correct, I'll apologize immediately."

Chung blinked as the man who was beating him only moments ago suddenly offered a hand to help him up. Hesitantly, the prince took it and for a moment, he could feel the overwhelming disgust the white-haired man had for the prince as he was pulled to his feet.

"Sorry about that, Prince Seiker. I've let my emotions get the better of me. Are you alright?" Add said, dusting off the young man's back and shoulders.

"I think I have a concussion, but other than that, I'm fine," Chung replied, wiping the trail of blood that dripped from his lip.

"Good. Good," Add said with a grin. He turned to Eve as he gave the guardian a hard pat on the back. "See? We've become friends, again."

"That's all I wish for you two," Eve nodded in approval.

"Anything for My Queen."

Chung cleared his throat. "So did you come here specifically to beat me up or is there a purpose for visiting a traitor?"

"That was my purpose," Add replied, "My Queen spoke with Penensio, requesting an audience with you. I personally did not trust the Red Knights getting close to her so I requested to be her escort."

"Your purpose is fulfilled, then. You may leave us."

The Mastermind took her by her hand, "But, Eve. I won't leave your side until you're safely out of this room-" She slapped him. Hard. Chung winced at the sound that echoed off the stone walls.

"Out," the Nasod commanded, showing him the door.

The look of happiness quickly shifted to one of indignation as Add slowly turned and made his way to the exit. Rubbing the reddening mark on his cheek, he did not take his eyes off his obsession as he pounded on the metal door, prompting the guard to open it.

"Make sure he makes it down the stairs," Eve said to the guard who nodded in acknowledgement before showing the engineer out.

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs, then," Add remarked.

"Don't," was Eve's reply as the door shut with a heavy clang.

Chung and Eve listened as the footsteps echoed down the stairwell, giving Eve a chance to finally breathe a sigh of relief. The prince watched her as she looked around his bedroom.

To her immediate right from the entrance, in a corner walled with children's books and folk stories, was a child-sized round table. A dusty folder filled with colored artwork lay tucked under it while more intricate sketches of monsters and paladins could be lay on the surface of the table. At the other corner, a large toy box topped with old wooden figurines sat untouched for years.

On the opposite wall to Eve's left was a large, dust-covered bed with curtains positioned in the middle of the far wall flanked on either side by an armoire and curious set of storage shelves that stood as high as an average man.

Eve went to the figurines first, bending over to examine each one. To the left was a red and silver one; a knight of Velder. Armed with a simple sword and a shield bearing the Velder Crest, it held its weapon high as if rallying for a charge. From the looks of it, it seemed like it had been buried in dirt in more than one occasion as the paint had been chipped off and grime caked the smaller areas between the figure's feet and arms. To the right was a trock; a cute furry grey and tan native humanoid of the Sanders region. Distant relatives of the Pongoes of Altera, they were known for their shamanistic practices and overall kind-hearted attitude towards their neighbors. Unlike the Velder soldier, this one appeared largely undamaged.

Standing in between the two and easily the largest figurine of the three, was a blue and white Hamel Paladin. Decorated in its full plate and bearing a cannon similar to Chung's, this figure was placed defensively as a wall protecting the Trock from the Velder soldier looking to harm it. This figurine looked as if it had been intricately painted long ago but appeared to have suffered the abuse of an overly affectionate child for many years before finding its resting spot in display.

"My father gave me those," Chung said, taking a seat at the foot of the large bed as his visitor picked up the large paladin figurine, "Each one was hand made by their respective region's artisans. There's more in the toy chest, too."

Curiously, Eve lifted the lid on the chest and saw piles upon piles of figures hailing from all parts of the world. She shut it, not wishing to get dust in her circuits before moving on to the corner of books and drawings.

"You liked to draw?" the Nasod mused, looking over the pictures. One of the best looking ones was a paladin. Upon closer inspection, the soldier garbed in armor had two ear-like marks on his blond hair and cyan colored eyes.

Chung shook his head. "Not really. But there wasn't much to do when I was a kid. Especially when my father was always away." Eve left the corner, crossing the room to Chung's side as she eyed the large storage shelf.

"You were a prince, correct? Surely you had the freedom to walk the castle as you pleased." She opened a shelf and found nothing but a collection of sterilized needles. Odd. She opened another containing expired medicines. Another held old IV bags.

"I... wasn't exactly the healthiest when I was little," Chung mumbled.

"Your father traveled the world, did he not? Shouldn't he have spent his time with you?"

"He traveled the world looking for medicines to cure my illness. It's funny because when he actually came home, all the political stuff would have piled up that he would barely have time to see me before he'd take off on another search for a cure."

"Did he find one?"

"I'm alive, aren't I?"

Eve shut the shelves, spinning around to face the young man. "Your father's diligence was fortuitous. I would never have thought that you were once a weakling, given how strong you are, today. You've grown into a respectable young adult."

Chung ignored the comment and gave a half-hearted shrug. "Yeah, well... strong, sure. Respectable, I don't think so."

"What makes you say that?"

Chung sighed sadly, "Do you really want me to spell it out for you? It's bad enough that I had to reflect on my actions up to this point." The young man leaned forward, running his hands through his hair as he wallowed in self-pity.

Eve tilted her head as golden eyes scanned over him. "I'm not following. What actions are you speaking of?"

The prince looked up at her, disbelief splayed across his face. "I killed Mud! Were you not there, watching from the balcony when it happened? It was all because I chose to save Ara. I chose to save one person at the cost of everyone else's safety. And I did so willingly. I call myself a guardian... but what does it all mean when I so easily choose to endanger the lives of others for the sake of one person? Now my friend is dead and I have to live with this guilt for the rest of my life..."

The prince slumped forward as the guilt continued to well in his chest. How many more lives would he lose like this? He dreaded the day that he'd have to make a decision like this, again.

He heard the Nasod's footsteps draw closer and felt the shift of weight on his bed as she sat next to him. They were silent for a long moment. She didn't have to say anything. He was going to say it for her.

"You and Noah were right," he muttered, staring at his palms, "I can't save everyone. No matter what I do, someone's going to suffer for it."

He watched as soft, delicate fingers traced down his forearm, coming to a rest on his palm. Her fingers laced between his, and he winced as she squeezed over the torn skin on his knuckles. Without a word he returned the gesture, entwining his fingers with hers. It hurt having her fingers rest over his bloodied knuckles but the familiar comfort of the simple form of physical contact made it surprisingly easy for him to ignore both the physical and emotional pain.

"Now you know how I felt," Eve whispered.

Sad cyan eyes met with emotionless golden orbs once more as he looked on in confusion. Yet, in her gaze he sensed a worn feeling of melancholy and guilt that has been tugging at the Nasod's chest for years. He thought of the moment last night when she explained how she wanted him to understand real consequences yet she never elaborated. Was this what she was talking about?

"What do you mean?" he asked, turning to her more.

"I, too, had to make a difficult decision like you did. It was the choice to save a few over many. You should be familiar with it. You've been rebuking me for such a decision ever since."

At first he was unsure what the Nasod was talking about but as the gears turned in his head, it all slowly fell into place: the Nasod King.

He leapt to his feet, ripping his hand away from hers, the short relieving comfort now gone.

"Don't you dare compare my actions to yours," the prince growled. Yet even as he spoke he could feel his whole body shake as the realization settled in.

Eve remained seated on the foot of the bed. Through her blank expression he expected a hint of something on the lines of quiet vindication. But he found no trace of it. Instead he sensed something else swimming in those golden pools of hers that he would have never thought she could express: empathy.

He shook his head. "You don't understand. Unlike you, I've felt-"

"Nauseous?" Eve cut him off pushing her silver locks over her shoulder, "Did you feel disgusted by your own actions? Like you blame yourself for everything that has happened to the victims? Did you wish that there was a way to turn back the hands of time? Did you feel grief?"

She stood, taking a step towards him. Her eyes searched his and he looked away, denying the truth in her words. She continued.

"Because that's how I felt when I killed my race. Every day of my life afterwards I've regretted it-and I had you to remind me of my mistake every step of the way."

The Nasod turned her back to him, hugging herself tightly as her internal conflict visibly affected her ability to keep her composure.

"That's why I wanted to be sure freeing Ara was what you truly wanted. I wanted you to know what it meant to live with the consequences. You needed to experience it yourself to understand what I had to go through."

Chung remembered what she had said the day they met. They were riding up that elevator to the surface when she explained her reasons for acting. She had three choices:

She could meld with her network and gain control of the military-grade Nasods, protecting her loyal subjects in the process. Though preserving the king's corrupted core put her own codes at risk.

She could have destroyed the core and replace it with herself, giving her full control of the Nasod factories. Though the added burden of running an entire island with her coding alone meant sacrificing less essential portions of her code, including her ability to identify friend and foe. This put everyone at risk.

Her last option was to destroy the core and restart the revival process herself. This meant wiping out the current military-grade Nasods for the guaranteed safety of those that accompanied her. This meant completely starting from scratch with no one but the two drones that accompanied her to help.

For the sake of her new friends... she chose option three.

The prince clenched his fist tightly as he reflected on his own two options. Both had its pros and cons yet neither felt better than the other. He just didn't want Ara to die. That outcome was an absolute that he had to prevent. He felt like risking it all to save her from death was the best thing to do. Or at least, he thought it would be. What happened after was an outcome he could never have foreseen.

"Did I... do the right thing?" The prince questioned. Eve glanced over her shoulder.

"That's not a question I can answer, Chung. It's something you have to decide for yourself. And you must remember: what's done is done. The best I can do for you is help you cope with your loss and move on."

Help him? How could she? Up until now he has been nothing but a nuisance to her.

"Why... after all those times I've criticized you for what you've done... why would you help me?"

The Nasod turned to face him and saw a prince wrought with confusion and self loathing. He was broken. She approached, him, tilting her head as she gently lifted his head up by his chin. Chung pulled away, fighting back tears. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly as her lips were upturned in an almost unnoticeable pout.

"Because we're friends... aren't we?"

Yes. They were friends. How could he ever forget that notion? Despite all the things Chung had said to her, through his constant reminder of the choice she made and the callous comparisons to a mindless machine, Eve still saw him as a friend.

He embraced her. Her words had struck him through his chest like a spear and the prince could no longer contain himself. He buried his head against her neck as he poured his heart out onto her.

"I'm sorry," he said finally. "I'm so, so sorry for how I've treated you."

The prince knew he shouldn't be doing this. He half expected the Nasod to push him away at any moment; perhaps drive an actual spear through his chest. Eve did neither. Instead, to his surprise, he felt a pair of slender arms tenderly wrap over his shoulders, pulling him in tightly to complete the embrace.

"I forgive you," she whispered back.

It was like a weight was lifted off of his shoulders. He still mourned Mud's death but hearing Eve say that and knowing she would be there to support him made it much easier to bear.

The guardian released her while still keeping his eyes away from hers, too ashamed in himself to look at her. Chung forced a chuckle, wiping his eyes as he did so.

"You know, I've been wondering: you've saved me twice from Add but what have you been whispering to him to make him stop?"

"I tell him exactly what he wants to hear."

Chung's mind wandered towards everything from offering her body to him, to overly elaborate promises of power, and to assuring Add she would punish the prince herself. None of which sounded pleasant in his mind.

"And that is?"

"I'll give him a part of my personal coding if he behaves himself. If he fails to comply and continues to hurt you then I will bar him from any future access."

Chung blinked. He never was able to follow the complexities of Nasod coding but he knew Eve's in particular held quite a bit of significance especially for the silver-haired male who pursued it. He shuddered to think what he could do with that kind of power.

"You don't actually give it to him, do you?"

Eve crossed her arms. "I have a few times before."


"Bits and pieces. Enough for him to apply himself. He's surprisingly adept in using it for his own Dynamo AI coding."

"Isn't that dangerous? What does he hope to gain from using your codes anyway?"

The Nasod shrugged, clearly not threatened by the idea of him using her codes against her.

"I'm not sure. But I've only given him nonessential coding thus far so he couldn't possibly do anything too dangerous... Though, recently, I have detected his attempts to hack his way through my defensive firewalls time and again, prompting me to reset my defensive programming every time I notice it. This is why I've been distancing myself from him as of late. Giving him some of my code is my way of bargaining should his presence prove to be too overbearing like today."

"I'm having a hard time following exactly what you mean with all this but I'm in your debt, still. If at any point he's being too much for you, just come to me. Alright?"

The Nasod quietly considered his suggestion and, after a moment, nodded. "Understood."

"Also, You're not going to slap me, are you?"

Eve furrowed her brows, curious. "Oh? Why would I do such a thing?"

"Because I... touched you," he mumbled, referencing the brief hug that he had given her just moments ago.

She tilted her head for a moment, regarding Chung with an expression he couldn't quite decipher, before the tips of her mouth just barely moved upwards as she shook her head slowly.

"It's fine if it's you."

Those words echoed continuously in his head as Eve's visit drew to a close. As minor conversations and farewells were exchanged, as the metal door clanged shut behind her and the lock engaged, her words continued to bounce around in his head: It's fine if it's you.

It was strange. It felt like the insurmountable wall that he had built long ago between him and that Nasod had been shattered by those words alone... and he welcomed it.

As Chung returned to the balcony overlooking the ashes upon the courtyard, a new, yet familiar feeling welled in his chest. A sense of uplifting serenity that helped lift the burden of his guilt. Out of all the visitors he had that day, he was grateful Eve was there to talk to. She was doing so much for his sake and he was in her debt, yet again. It was almost sad to think that the most he could possibly do is offer her solace in his room away from that technophile. Especially at the state he was in: he would rather be alone than around others... But for Eve? It's fine if it's her.

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