Sweet Like Chocolate

By Ibtrill

246K 9.2K 1.6K

Southern raised new CEO Edward Greene never expected to be put at the top of the business he longed for. When... More

Sweet Like Chocolate: Author's Note
Twenty One
Twenty Two


9.8K 469 81
By Ibtrill


The rest of that entire day allowed Edward to get to know me and my life a little better. I even took that extra step and explained to him how hard it was as a Black woman in the United States.

"No,  we don't think you owe us anything, but because of what happened  in a country that enslaved us, even today, we have to face racism on a daily basis."

"I don't get it though," He told me over lunch. "You all have jobs. Segregation has been deemed illegal. You all have the rights as us."

"But that doesn't mean that racism doesn't exist, Edward." I swear it was like teaching a child their ABCs. But the good thing was that he was slowly, but surely getting it and understanding all of this in a new light.

Edward opened up and told me about his experiences growing up in a racist household.

"My father would pull out Black Face tapes from the '60's. He would sit me down and make me watch it for hours." He told me.

"How did that make you feel?"

"I was confused. Dumbfounded. I didn't see any different in skin color until I was about eight, and my father pulled me and my sister out of bed in the middle of the night."

I shook my head. "Edward, Black Women are known to be the most nurturing, strongest beings on this planet. Do you know what we go through?" I explained. "So many of us raise a child without a father. Without the provider. We take on both those roles for our children." I told him. "Did you have both your parents growing up?"

He nodded. "I didn't. And unfortunately, my daughter doesn't as well." I broke down the biased and stereotypes.  I even explained the dream that Martin had.  I told him how it feels to be racially profiled when you walk into a store to buy something with your own money. "Our Black men get the biggest wrap. And you wonder why they are so against the world. Filled with so much anger towards your kind... toward the government. Because in reality, if you really had open eyes, you'll see the oppression as clear as day. Because they get shot and killed for absolutely nothing." I said, with more emotion in my voice. "Nothing. Innocent fathers are sent to jail. Does anyone deserve that?"

"Woah. That's horrible."

Edward reached across the table and wiped the tears from my eyes. "My father was shot for resisting an arrest of a crime that he didn't do." I admitted, more tears coming along with my word. "A stupid one. He didn't have any criminal record. He was a well educated man. He had a nine to five like the normal American citizen. A White woman saw him in the street on her way to work, working on his truck.  It had broken down on the side of the highway. She called the police with suspicion of breaking into a car."

Edward's eyes grew wide.  He was speechless. But I wasn't done. "When the officers pulled up and saw him fixing the motors on his windows, they didn't ask any questions. They told him to put his hands up on the spot. When asked what he was being arrested for, they didn't even tell him why. He began resisting, and they shot him in the leg." I had been dapping my eyes with the napkins that they put in my bag.

"I'm sorry to hear that, Nicole. I honestly hadn't thought about it that way... "

"Yeah,  well now you know." I sniffed two times and got myself together. "To be racist is to be ignorant, Edward. We are all equal by God's eyes. Love is blind."

"I completely agree with you on all of that."

"Good." I smiled at him and wiped the last drops from my eyes.  "I hope that can give you more of an understatement."

Edward surely did look and seem like he had a new light on things. It probably didn't change him all at once, but hell, it was a start.



No one was getting on my nerves, I kept it easy going, and it was until Nancy had some slick shit to say as I passed her through the hall one morning.

"Good morning Miss Nancy,"

"Good morning Misses Greene."


"Oh,  nothing." She let out a giggle. "So,  let's hear the scoop. You and Greene?" Was this woman serious? Me and her weren't even close enough to discuss anything but work.

"Girl, there isn't anything going on with us." I scoffed.

"Hanging out on the weekends? Lunch everyday together?"

"Maybe it's because I'm his assistant? Ever thought about that?"

"Well, not every assistant calls the boss by his first name." She smirked.

I rolled my eyes. I was so over this woman. "Okay, whatever Miss Nancy. You have a good day, honey."

"I hope you do as well, Misses Greene." She said sarcastically,  walking off. I sighed and continued to my office. I sat down and opened up my email.  I read a few responses from my data collection. I had a bunch of extra spam, I noticed. When I clicked on the spam icon, there was over fifty emails coming from the same sender, Homage.

Confused at who that may be, I clicked on the first email send by the sender. The email read:

Stay out of this man's life. The last thing that he needs is some woman like you messing it up. You know what's good for him, and you know your name doesn't fit in that category. I have pictures attached that is proof of your employer/employee relationship. I have no problem sending this to the higher power and getting you fired from NOAF.

If you know what's best for you, stay away from Edward.

Stay within your own people, please.


Closing the email, my mouth was dropped open. I didn't even have the words to express my shock. Just that second, Ed came over with a grin on his face.

"I need these papers faxed darlin', you think you can do that for me?"

"Edward, read this." I told him as I rose from my seat and took the paperwork from him. He sat at my desk and glued his eyes to the screen. His eyebrows cringed a few seconds later after reading it. He shook his head and rose from his seat.

Nervous, I didn't know what to expect. Edward looked like it wasn't anything serious. "What does that mean?"

Out of the blue, Edward took both sides of my face and pressed his lips to mine, making me weak in my thighs. I dropped the papers and wrapped my arms around his neck. The passion coming from his lips was lime fireworks sending me to cloud nine. His soft lips tasted so sweet, and the unexpected embrace had me wanting more. I relished in his touch, and his strong arms wrapped around my waist perfectly. He then pulled away. I stood speechless. Shoot,  and a little weak in the knee.

"I don't care. Nicole, I can't deny this. I can't deny this fatal attraction for you, but what I really can't deny is my love for you." He said to me. "The more that I got to know you, the more you struck me with unexpected expectations that left me in awe. You're beautiful. You're intelligent. You're strong willed." I blushed. "There's everything about you that drives my insides insane." He smiled at me. "You drive me crazy."

I  wrapped my arms around his neck even tighter. He kissed me  again, but this time, with more emotion. We kissed passionately in my office, with no care as to who was looking. I pulled away for a breath or to. "Edward... Mr.  Greene..." He grinned charmingly and cupped my waist with both hands. "Oh,  Miss Morton..."

When we heard someone coming down our hall, I pulled my shiry down and adjusted my clothing. Edward cleared his throat and began picking up the papers on the ground as if nothing happened.

When I expected it to be Spike, it wasn't. It was Bret from the front desk. "Am I interrupting something here?"

"No, no, nothing at all." Edward said, shooting me an obvious grin that made me giggle.

"Well, Mister Winsome is on the phone, sir. He wants to speak to you right now."

"Winsome?" Edward froze and handed me the paperwork. "Okay, thanks Bret." And he rushed across the hall. Bret shot my a look and mouthed "naughty, naughty girl." I laughed and walked on out with him to fax the paperwork. Nothing was going to pull me down from this day now.


There was no doubt in my mind that Winsome was pissed off. "Greene, I didn't have you to hire these workers to sleep around with them. This is your first and last warning. As long as that girl is your employee, you keep the relationship where it needs to stay!"

"Yes, Winsome, sir."

"C'mon. You know if the media got a hold of this story, that they'd eat at it until the higher powers take action. This will turn into a huge networth decrease for the company. Please, keep your cock in your pants or find a girl outside of your job. Got it?"

"Yes, sir." And he hung up. I sighed and connected the phone to the receiver. Great.

I continued my work and got another call coming from another company. The CEO wanted an extended proposal hand written by another CEO himself and sent off to the higher powers. He needed it by tomorrow.  I told him I would have it done and ready by tomorrow morning. Sighing, I still couldn't get her off my mind.

When she came walking in with the faxed paperwork, I sat her down and explained to her what my former boss said.

"I'm so sorry," she began.

"Don't apologize, darling. Nothing is your fault." I rubbed her chin with a hopeful smile. "I love you, and I meant that. Do you love me?"

She nodded. "I do."

"Then there's nothing to worry about." I kissed her forehead. "I've got work to do."

"Okay. I'll let you be." She got up and walked out my office. Watching her leave, I then began the proposal.



"I'll see you later, Bret!"

"See you honey!" Bret waved before he got on the elevator to the parking lot. It was 5:05 and I was finally off shift. The chambers opened to the street level. I hadn't realized then that I had completely forgotten my folder of assignments back upstairs. I dreaded the thought of walking up all them damned extra steps in these heels.

I pressed the floor of our office. Despite the elevator, there were an extra set of steps leading into the main office. When the doors opened, I had my heels in my hand instead of on my feet.

I walked across the carpeted floor in the dark and made my way to my office.

I was stunned to look to my right, and see Edward's dark room, and him sitting in it. The computer screen beamed on his face as he starred directly into it. He looked at me, then looked back at the screen, then just as fast, looked back at me again. He waved. I grinned and sat my heels down at my door.

I pulled his door open and switched the lights back on. "What are you doing?"

He blinked rapidly at the bright lights shinning. "Turn those off," he squinted and shielded his eyes. I switched the lights off and made my way to his desk. "I'm still working on this extended proposal for Walmart."


"A proposal in detail," he elaborated. I sat on the edge of his desk and looked over the papers on his desk. "Walmart wants to sell our products in their stores?" I had read over some of the paperwork. "Yeah," he smiled. "I'm excited about this."

"I am to, babe."

He glanced up at me from his screen and lifted a brow. "Babe?"

"Yes." I smiled at him and reached over to wipe a spec of dust from on his shaved face. While touching his face, he took my hand and pulled it, leaning me closer to him. He softly pecked me on my lips. "Call me that again."

"Babe..." I said in a more sexy tone for him. He looked at me and my lips like he didn't know which one to gaze at. "Now get to work, Mr. Greene." I pulled away and crossed my legs. I sat there and let him work for the next ten minutes.

"Do you have any plans tonight?" He asked me, his eyes glued to the screen.

"Nope. Layla's spending the week with her Nana. She'd been asking to see her."

"That's sweet. Her Nana, is that your mother?"

"No, that's my grandmother. My mother lives Louisiana."

"Aw. Nice. Can I meet her?"



"Oh,  sure.  We can drive by and meet her one day."

He nodded,  but didn't respond. He seemed like he really needed to get this proposal done. "Do you need me to step out?"

"No, darling.  I want you sitting right here on my desk,  where you belong." He flashed that charming crooked smile and had my heart fluttering. I grinned and remained here. Another ten minutes had passed, the tapping sound of his keyboard filling the atmosphere.

"So...  your parents."

"What about them?"

"Will I be able to meet them?"

"One day,  I hope."

"Do you think they'll..."

"I don't know, honestly. If they loved me, they'll accept you. If they won't, well that's a personal problem, ain't it?" He grinned at me and touched my leg. The touch of his hand sliding up and down my leg felt so good. He took it off and went back to his screen. "I would love it if I had a talk with them about..."

Edward shook his head.


"My father, he's too far gone." He said. "That man is the definition of racist."

I sat quiet, and suddenly had the urge to change the conversation.

"You want some coffee?" I offered. The coffee machine worked 24/7 around here, thank God.

"Yes, please."

I got up and walked around the corner. Coming back with his steaming cup, I sat it on his desk.

"Thank you, beautiful."

I blushed, and tapped him on the arm. "Stop it. Got me blushing."

He analysed my rosey cheeks with a smile. "I love making you blush. It's sexy."

I grinned and leaned into his desk. "Yeah? What else is sexy?"

"What isn't sexy about you?"

"Edward..." He was getting me with these words... I loved it.

"Nicole..." His hand traveled up my leg. Just when I thought he'd pull them hands off my thighs, they slid further up my skirt. I let out a small, quick breath of air. "Edward..." I whispered, grabbing his arm. He didn't stop there, despite my clasp on his sleeve. His hands were just inches away from my flower under my skirt. "Nicole..." He watched my reactions to his touch, and slipped his hands inside my panties.

I gasped and clenched his sleeve even harder. "Edward... stop it..."

His voice changed in tone. "You want me to?" He said, peeling my panties down to feel at my clit. He rubbed it in circular motions. I rolled my head back. "Oh my..." I moaned.

"You want me to stop?" He offered again, knowing damned well that  I didn't. He felt my dampness and slowly, but surely, slipped a finger inside me.


He slid his papers to the side and held my shaking legs with his free hand. My body warmed up for him. My heart began skipping beats; I was heating up. He watched me bite my lips and close my eyes. His tone dropped and octave, and he spoke smoothly to me.  "Tell me not to stop." He demanded. He slid two fingers in me, and began pumping. "Go ahead, tell me."

I let out a louder moan and grabbed one of my breasts. "Don't stop, Edward please..." He reached for my other breast and squeezed it in his palms. My breath taken, I found myself loosing control of my legs.

When he saw the tremendous shaking of my legs, he rose from his chair and laid me across his desk. He walked around and split my thighs wide open.

I reached down and rubbed at my throbbing clitoris. My flower was just pounding for this man. He removed my hand from inbetween my legs, saying, "don't worry darling, I've got this."

Yerning for his touch, I dropped my arms and curled my back up. He slipped his fingers back inside me, and used his thumb to massage my bud. "Oohh.."

"You like that?"


"Say it. Say you like it."

"I like it, faster, oh God..."

Edward's fingers picked up the speed. I was soaking wet, trembling here on his desk. He leaned over me and kissed me on my lips, my neck, my colar bone, my nipple... He stopped there and sucked. "Fuck..." He kissed my cleavage, my navel, and planted a kiss on my lips. He didn't waist time licking my clit, sticking his tongue deeper. I welpt and yelped for air, my back curving to an S.

He got up and  began undoing his pants. I grabbed his belt amd snatched it apart. He smirked, and threw his hands up to let me do it for him.

I pulled down his pants and boxers, and was greeted by his thick and long friend. I grabbed his shaft in my hand and began stroking. Edward groaned and grabbed the back of my hair.

I put him completely in my mouth, bobbing my head back and forth on him. "Damn, Nicole..." He groaned. "Fuck..."

He picked me up off my feet and bent me over the desk. He spanked me hard on my ass, leaving a red print. "You like that?"

"Yes..." I moaned. He slapped my ass again.

"Answer me louder." He instructed.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Edward, yes, Daddy!" The title slipped out my mouth like an accident, but noticing that I called him that made me hornier.

"That's right." He slapped my ass again, before reaching into his desk drawers. He pulled out a rubber and ripped the wrapper open.

He slid it on him and shoved the head of the biggest, thickest pole inside me. Believe it or not, it had been a while for me. It stung as he slowly eased himself on me. I squealed when he got it fully inside me. He grabbed my hair and pulled it as he moved in and out.

"Ahhh... Ooh, Edward," I whined, my voice trailing off.

"What's my name?" He said, shoving his shaft deeper inside me. "Daddy!" I moaned out louder, possibly screamed. "That's right. Good girl." He began slapping my ass, moving at the speed of light. Greene pulled my arms behind my back, pinned me down on the desk so that I couldn't move and pumped his rock hardness furiously, pounding me and fucking me, as he talked little dominant sweet talk in my ear. He pounded hard, it was driving me wild. I screamed and begged for him to keep going, keep making my pussy feel good. He pounded on my pussy faster whenever I begged loud enough. He smacked my ass and grabbed a palm full, giving me a sense that he loved the curves and juicy booty of a black woman.

"Turn over." He instructed.

I flipped over on my back. He took hold of my knees and thrusted inside me without warning. I quivered and sweated. Hell, both are bodies were putting in a sweat load.

Just before I could nearly explode, Edward leaned over and kissed me on my neck passionately, like he knew exactly where my spot was and that he hit it before I could utter the words.

"Come for me, baby," he said.

I felt my muscles contracting between my thighs as my body erupted and convulsed into several tense orgasms. He kept fucking the orgasms out of me, my mouth hung open, moaning for him and panting for air. "Come on this cock, baby. C'mon,"

He dominated me with his long, skilled cock. "Edward!" I moaned one last time, before floating back down to Earth. He ended the sweet session with a spank on my ass.

I pushed myself up and regained some of my breathes. Edward panted behind me, watching me try to take a step. There was juices all over us. He grinned and reached for a tissue. He wiped himself down, and even took the courtesy and wiped the juices off me and my rump. "This is all you?" He smirked, trying to scoop it all up.  "Messy,  messy, girl." He chuckled, making his way to the can, as I rolled my eyes. He dropped the tissues in the can. He pulled me in close and pecked me on my lips. He gave me sharp eye contact. "I think this is the beginning of something very special." He said, with a huge smile on his face. I could tell that I genuinely made him happy, and couldn't wait to see where this took us.

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