Murphy's angel

By Kay0993

86.8K 3.3K 533


Murphy's angel
Meeting the twins
Saint pattys day
Walk back
The night
I am so in
She's not
New job
Kill em all
Package boy
What happened?
Ya complaining?
Just as bad
Can't do this alone
No ones dyin
My kid!
I need ya back
Ders my girl
Murphy's angel

Love er like ya never loved er before

2K 89 14
By Kay0993

Murphys pov

my heart immediately sped up as those words left my brothers mouTh. I quickly ran past da and scooped her up,

"let's go!"

da and connor ran ahead of me and liv with their weapons pointed. We had finally made it outside where Connor yelled,

"wait ere! I'll get da car!"

Connor ran quickly to the side where we had parked our car. I just starred down at my dying girl. This is all my fault. I placed a hand on her cheek,

"hang in there liv, please"

i felt a hand touch my shoulder. I looked to see da,

"she gonna be alright."

i nodded at da and then heard the sound of tires screeching. Connor drove the car up to us and we quickly got into the car.

olivias pov

darkness consumed me. Was I dead? What's going on? Where's murphy? I started regaining some consciousness and felt like I was being carried. My hearing started to come back and I heard the boys screaming. Why were they screaming? Were they hurt? I felt myself be sat down on something soft. Where was I? I finally started opening my eyes, but it was extremely blurry. I saw 3 figures. 2 were yelling at each other and one was at my side. That's when I recognized the voices, it was Connor and murphy.

"we gotta take er to a hospital!" Murphy yelled.

"we both know we can't do dat!" Connor yelled.

"fuck you! Dis isn't bout us anymore!" Murphy yelled.

"just shut up murph! She'll get through dis!" Connor yelled.

"she's losin too much blood! How da hell we gonna stop it!" Murphy yelled.

thats when the burning started again. It was worse than a bullet wound. I started screaming and that caught the boys attention. The man next to me had moved down by my legs and I felt my hands grabbed on each side. The figures were blurry, but I knew it was Connor and murphy.

"Da fuck is wrong with er!" Connor yelled at the man looking back to me worried.

"she's got ta deliver boys" the man yelled back.

i felt a hand run down my cheek and I knew instantly it was murphy even though I couldn't see him. I started screaming again and tears fell down my face.

"Yer fuckin killing her!" Murphy yelled while sobbing.

"Murphy! Help me!" I cried.

"dammit! Da!" Murphy yelled.

"almost ere!" The man yelled.

I felt myself start fading into unconsciousness again and After a few more seconds of agonizing pain, it stopped. I felt the boys hands loosen from mine as I slipped into the darkness again.

3rd person pov

connor and murphy stare down at the unborn fetus now sitting in their da's hands. It wasn't very big at all, it fit perfectly in his hand. Murphy felt like his whole world just collapsed. He barely stayed standing. Connor felt tears come to his eyes as he starred at his once future nephew or niece. He was so angry. So beyond pissed. Da looked at his two trembling sons and put the pieces together. This obviously was his future grand child. This little peanut like body that lay on his hands was family. His heart was broken, but he dare not show it to his boys. His eyes went back to Olivia as did Connor and Murphy's. Murphy quickly noticed his fiancé was once again unconscious and began to worry,

"what happened!"

"it's alright murph, she just passed out from da birth. She be fine" da said.

murphy hesitantly nodded and tried to blink the tears out of his eyes. He would not cry in front of his father. Especially at a terrible loss like this. A few hours later Connor and da were sitting in the living room of Rocco's moms apartment. Murphy was out on the fire escape. He hasn't talked to anyone and has been keeping his emotions bottled up inside. Da looked at Connor,

"da baby was his wasn't it?"

connor sighed,"ya"

"and da girl? Who is she?" Da asked.

"she my little sister" Connor smirked and then sighed,"she be Murph's fiancé"

"fiancé?" Da asked surprised.

connor nodded and walked back into the room to check on Olivia. Da took this time and walked onto the fire escape next to his son. Murphy didn't acknowledge his presence, just continued starring at the city. Da sighed,

"I'm sorry son"

murphy just nodded and da said,"when dat girl of yers wakes up ya got ta understand somethin"

murphy looked over over at his dad with regretful eyes and Noah continued,"she's not gonna be da same. What you and er just went through, I couldn't even imagine. But ya listen to me murph no matter how far gone ya think she is, da girl you fell in love wit is still der. Ya just gotta find er again and reach er. Yer gonna ave ta love er like ya never loved er before. Ya understand me?"

murphy nodded and sighed,"it's my fault da. If we would've known da place was a trap. Roc would still be ere, da baby would still be ere. Olivia would ave never come lookin for me!"

da was shocked at bravery the young women had to go after his boys while being pregnant. He looked at his son sympathetically,

"no it's not. She's strong just like ya and Connor and just like ya mother. Ya both will get through dis and after da court hearing next week ya will feel better."

Murphy nodded and began to walk back inside,"gonna go check on liv"

da nodded and murphy went back inside. In Olivia's room Connor had pulled up a chair and was sitting by her bed, holding her hand. His eyes filled with tears he was trying to fight off,

"Ya better not leave liv. Murph's goin crazy, fuck I'm goin crazy. Yer strong alright. We aren't gonna let dis slow our family down. He'll get what's comin to him liv I promise."

murphy started to enter the room, but stopped when he saw Connor. He hadn't noticed murphy yet so murphy leaned against the door and listened to his brother.

"Dat baby of yers is in heaven now and is being watched by da lord. Ya got nothin to worry bout. Except maybe da man ya decided to make ya husband."

murphy smirked and Connor continued,

"And if ya don't wake up, me and murph will kick yer ass so those eyes of yers better open" yer strong liv. Fuck yer stronger dan any man I've met. Including me" he chuckled,"and da only reason I'm tellin ya dat is cause her unconscious and won't remember dis"

"unless I tell er ya said that" murphy said stepping into the room.

Connor jumped up from his chair looking like he had been caught doing something wrong and wiped his tears.Murphy walked over to him and stood infront of him. Connor rubbed his neck,

"how ya doin man?"

murphy sighed and looked down at Olivia,"as well as I can"

Connor knew murphy was bottling up his emotions inside. Murphy continued to stare down at her and tears came to his eyes. Connor noticed and right before one could drop he pulled murph into a hug. Murph hugged back tight as he started to sob. Connor felt his brother shake around him and heard his sobs as his own tears started falling down his cheeks. They both cared about Olivia more than anything and cared about the baby much more than they thought they did. Each brother feeling guilty that they couldn't stop it from happening. The boys finally pulled out of the hug and leaned their foreheads on each others. Both still had tears flowing down their cheeks. Connor gripped onto Murphy's shoulder,

"we're gonna get him. He's gonna pay for what he did" Connors voice cracked.

murphy just nodded and the boys hugged onto each other again. Something happened that day to The hard and tough macmanus brothers. They were both broken men that night and they were determined to get fixed.

"Destroy all that is evil" Connor choked in the hug over Murphy's shoulder.

"so that which is good may flourish" murphy responded gripping onto his brother tighter and looking at Olivia laying on the bed.

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