Package boy

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I sat inbetween Connor and murphy. Murphy had his arm around my waist. We were drunk as hell. Even me. I normally don't drink much, but this is some heavy shit and I didn't want to spend my night worrying about the boys. We ordered some pizza and drank as murphy told us the story of what happened. It honestly sounded like something out of a movie. I was laughing hysterically at anything that was said. I get giggly when I'm drunk. Connor got up to get another beer and I said,

"grab me one con!"

he smirked and winked as he opened the fridge and pulled out two more drinks. He threw me one and I caught it thanking him. Rocco had on one of the boys masks and was trying to light a cigarette but was failing. Connor hit him upside the head as he passed him to come back and sit by us.

"I will fuck you up man"Rocco threatened slowly.

i laughed and watched as the cat came and sat infront of me.

"we should get the cat drunk" I laughed.

muphy and Connor busted out laughing. "What?" I asked.

"how the hell are ya gonna get the cat drunk?" Connor chuckled.

" Have it drink beer! Duh!" I slurred.

"lass I think that'll kill it" murphy chuckled.

"whatever you guys are no fun!" I whined.

"You fuckin' guys. You ruined me. I'm fuckin' done. Permanent package boy." Roc complained

Murphy shifted me so I was now sitting on his lap. I was blushing like mad and giggling.

"Who says that? You could take credit on it" murph smirked.

"What are you serious?" Roc asked both shocked and drunk.

"Yeah, fuck it. If you think about it, it's all you can do really. You can't tell him it was us. Go in braggin' and shit." Murphy said reaching around me and flicking his cigarette in the ash tray.

"Climb the corporate ladder, boy. Don Rocco." Connor smirked

"Fuck it! I'm doing it. I deserve it. I've been working for those fat bastards since I was in high school and look at this place." Rocco shouted standing up.

We all nodded agreeing with him. Soon it was like he went into a frenzy. I started petting the cat while listening to him vent,

"They're fuckin' me man! Hey, they can suck my pathetic little dick. And I'll dip my nuts in marinara just so the fat fucks can get a taste of home while they're at it. That's it, it's done, I'm doing it."

Rocco slams his fist down on the table next to Murphy's gun. The gun goes off and the cat is blown off the table. Blood spattered everywhere. We all 4 jumped and fell over. Murphy grabbed a hold of me protectively and pulled me up behind him. We all 4 looked at the wall that now had the cat plastered on it. Me heart was beating a million miles a minute and my breathing was quick.

"I can't fuckin' believe that just happened!" Murphy yelled.

"is it dead?" Rocco asked.

we all 3 turned to him and gave him an "are you serious" look. I shook my head and Connor asked,

"ya alright lass?"

"Ya I'm fine" I replied trying to get my breath calmed down.

i felt murphy quickly grab my hand,"shit! Did ya get shot Olivia!"

i looked down down at my hand. There was blood covering it, but no wound, I then remembered I was petting the cat when it got shot. I shook my head,

"no it's the cats blood"

he breathed a sigh if relief and said,"alright that's enough for tonight. Let's go to bed."

I nodded and and Murphy started leading me to the spare room. Once inside he said,

"go ahead and change. I'll be back, gotta talk to Connor"

i nodded and he walked out. I slipped into the bed and a few minutes later I felt lips on my forehead. I looked up to see Connor smirking,

"goodnight lass"

i smiled and sat up seeing Rocco and murphy standing behind him,"night Connor"

rocco walked up next hugging me,"night liv, sorry bout tonight"

i chuckled,"it's ok good night roc"

i watched as Connor and murphy exchanged a weird glance as Rocco left. I arched an eyebrow confused and watched Connor walk out after roc. Murphy closed the door and slipped off his shirt. I tried to avert my eyes, but I couldn't. He was beautiful. he threw his shirt on the floor and noticed my starring and smirked. I quickly looked away blushing and lay back down. He climbed in after me and slid his arms around my waist, pulling me to him. I turned so I was facing him. He seemed bothered by something.

"what's on your mind. Something Bothering you?" I asked.

"no I'm fine" he sighed breaking eye contact.

i sighed and said,"murph I've known you long enough to know when something's bothering you and now that we're together I want to feel like you can come to me with anything"

he lightly smiled and sighed,"they sent roc into that room tonight with 9 men, he only had a six shooter."

"you think his boss knew?" I asked.

he nodded,"ya, He probably knew he'd end up nailing the fat guy, maybe one or two more, but he had to know he weren't walking out of there. Figure it out. Shooter's dead on the scene. No in-depth investigation. It'd slide right off his back"

i thought about it. It did sound like that was true,"Connor think so too?"

he nodded,"ya"

i sighed and started to worry about Rocco. He was like a brother to me and if the boys wouldn't have been there, he would've probably been killed.

"you need to talk to him" I said.

he nodded,"we are tomorrow"

"good now just try and get some rest" I smiled and kissed his lips softly.

I knew I would never get tired if how good his lips felt on mine.

"I love ya Olivia" he whispered.

i smiled,"I love you too murphy" and snuggled into his chest where I fell asleep listening to the sound of his heartbeat.

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