Can't do this alone

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I stood adjusting the tight black dress so that it hugged every area perfectly. I looked into the mirror feeling a little disgusted at the image staring back at me, but if this was the only way I could save murphy and the guys I'd do it. Smecker was in the other room changing into god knows what. The dress I wore was jet black and was a v neck so you saw my cleavage. It was way too revealing for me. I grabbed a black leather jacket and slid it on. I smiled as it covered the little baby bump I had gotten.

"Olivia ya almost ready?!" I heard smecker yell.

i took one last look in the mirror and sighed,"ya on my way!"

I slid on my heals and walked out of the room. I grabbed my gun and put it in my black purse as I heard someone walking my way in heals. Wait heals? I quickly turned and about fell over when I saw smecker dressed in a dress with a red wig. He had make up on and panty hose. I almost didn't recognize him. I know my face had to have paled with shock. He smirked,

"don't think you're the only one who can look good in a dress"

i laughed and grabbed my purse to take my gun out. I loaded it and set the safety on as smecker came over to me,

"try not to get into a problem where ya have to use that. Don't need you both getting hurt" he said glancing down at my stomach.

i followed his eyes and nodded as I placed the gun back in my purse and put it on my shoulder. We walked out to the car and drove to yakevettas. We stopped a ways from the house and he turned off the car and turned to me. I just starred wide eye at the house. It was huge! My stomach was tightening as I thought what they could potentially be doing to the guys. I don't know what I would do without any one of them. I felt a tear slip down my cheek as smecker said,

"hey. I need you to be strong"

i turned to him,"what if they're dead! I can't even imagine what they are going through right now! Paul I can't raise this baby by myself"

"you won't have to. I may not have known murphy long, but I know he's tough and he ain't gonna give up till he gets back with you and his baby. Same with connor" he said.

i smiled and wiped my tears as his expression turned from comforting back to serious," alright here's the plan. Once we're in I'm gonna distract em you are going to sneak out and find the boys"

i nodded and opened the door, but right before I stepped out smecker grabbed my arm. I looked at him confused and he said,

"be careful"

i nodded and we both walked up to the house. Smecker put sunglasses on and turned to me,

"leave the talking to me. Just stand there and look sexy"

i arched an eyebrow and didn't know what to do. He just starred at me,"alright perfect. Let's go"

i just stood there awkwardly. I didn't know how the hell to be sexy! Especially in this situation! This was awkward! I watched as smecker turned away from the door and lit a cigarette. I leaned on one of the pillars as the door started to open. My breathing hitched when a bigger man stepped out. His eyes immediately checking out mine and smecker body. I laughed mentally to myself. If only he knew what he was checking out. Smecker turned to face the man,

"Joey Bevo sent us over. As entertainment"

"Listen baby. Tonight ain't the night for this shit. "The man said looking nervous and seeming like he was fighting with himself.

He wasn't going to let us in!? My breathing hitches and smecker grabs my hand and then drops it real quick. Then smecker surprised the hell out of me and kisses him full on the lips and rubs up against him. I gasp as the man kisses back. Once smecker pulls away, the man looks defeated and grabs ahold of smeckers hand and leads him in. I follow. We are led down the hall of this really nice house as another man is seen.

"Hey, Chaffey" The man with us says.

"What the fuck?" Chaffey asks when he sees us.

"ain't been laid in a week. Take five minutes." Our guy begged.

Chaffey sighs,"If I die cause you're getting a piece of ass, I'll come back and beat you to death with a big rubber dick."

"Don't worry about it." Big guy said and started leading us up the stairs.

while I walked passed Chaffey he grabbed onto my arm causing me to gasp. Smecker and the guy turned back to us and Chaffey smiled,

"go ahead you don't need two"

i turned back to smecker eyes filled with fear.

"She's with me. We work better together. Two in one package. If ya don't take us both ya get nothin" smecker said.

"come on man" the guy begged.

chaffy sighed,"fine but I'm next"

The man nodded as Chaffey let me go. We entered the room and smecker began doing his thing. I knew I didn't have much time to sneak out and find the boys once they got him unclothed and saw he was a man. Smecker had the man distracted so I silently snuck out. My heart pounded as I descended the staircase taking my gun out of my purse and clicking off the safety. I had made it down he stairs without being seen until I heard,

"hey babe!"

i turned in fear and saw Chaffey smiling wide,"ready for round 2?"

i raised my gun shaking and pulled the trigger as I watched the man fall dead. My breathing quickened as fear flew throughout my body. I quickly looked around and entered another room. I started hearing screaming. Not just anyone's screaming, but Murphy's. I quickly ran and came to a metal door. I leaned my ear against it and heard the boys screaming. I had very mixed feelings. They were screaming which meant they were alive, but why were they screaming? Were they hurt! I grabbed onto the latch when I felt something cold hit the back of my head and click. I froze as I heard a man with a Russian accent say,

"drop the gun"

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