The Story Of McGiva.

By zoehall1999

4K 85 17

First NCIS fanfiction and first ever written fanfiction so please no hate. Ways on how to make the story bett... More

Chapter 1.
Chapter 2
Chapter 3.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
Chapter 8.
Chapter 9.
Chapter 10.
Authors Note:
Chapter 11.
Chapter 12.
Chapter 13.

Chapter 7.

277 6 1
By zoehall1999

Tim woke up to the sound of Tony rushing around trying to quickly prepare things last minute for the wedding. At that very moment Aaron flew into the room and started to jump up and down until his father acknowledged the fact he was there. Tim groaned and got out of bed, he then went into the bathroom and had a shower and brushed his teeth, once that was done he went into the living room to find Gibbs already in his suit and doing the tie up.

"Eat your breakfast" came the gruff voice of Gibbs until he continued "if ya don't eat before ya get married, your gonna regret it big time. Take it from experience".

Tim was astonished he had even thrown up in his life, so he tucked into the bacon and eggs set out in front of him as a smiley face. Tony then came in and said "the smiley face was Aaron's idea, he says you'll be happy later so you can start now", by now Tony couldn't put the rose on the suit so Gibbs did it for him without any trouble. Once Tim had eaten something, Tony told him to go brush his teeth again, have a shave, put on his best aftershave, put on his suit perfectly, add a whiff of his best cologne and he should be ready then but as Tim ascended the stairs, Tony added "don't forget to brush your hair".

Ziva was up extremely early and decided to go for a run in which she met Gibbs downstairs ready to go running, do they went together. She told Gibbs that she was quite nervous about getting married, he told her not to worry and that he was nervous when he married Shannon. When they got back Jenny was in the kitchen with coffee brewing, and Gibbs realised he was going to be late to Tim's house so he left giving out kisses. As Gibbs left, he promised that Abby would be here soon and he wasn't wrong, 10 minutes after Gibbs made his promise she arrived. Abby kept asking Ziva if she is nervous and said it was for future references, which Jenny then said "Abs, your marrying DiNozzo, you have every right to be nervous when that time comes".

It was now 12:30 and Tim, Tony, Aaron and their 'Fearless Leader' was stood in the registration office waiting for 13:00. Tim was nervously pacing the length of the office whilst his father and Sarah was trying to calm him down before he pursued his threat. To walk out and explain to Ziva that he couldn't do this anymore.

It was now 12:55 and the only guests missing was the bride, her two bridesmaids and their boss, who she had chosen to walk her down the aisle. Most of NCIS was there and they had also invited Fornell. Aaron was patiently waiting, sat on the admiral's knee.

It eventually turned 13:00 and the traditional music of 'here comes the bride' started to play and Tim realised it was time. They were having an interfaith marriage, meaning two people from different religions getting married. Tim stood straight at the alter in an impeccable suit, his nerves starting to vanish as he realised he was marrying the women he loved after all.

The music had now stopped and Ziva was stood next to him wearing a grin he had only seen once before, the birth of Aaron. They had a Rabbi constructing the wedding and after a few moments silence he began.

"Welcome family and friends. Ziva and Timothy are delighted that so many of you who mean so much to them have arrived. May all that is noble and true in the universe keep your lives together and bring peace to all humankind".

They then took the time to remember who had sadly passed away and couldn't be with them today, which for Tim was; his mother, Kate and soon Sarah. For Ziva it was; her mother, Tali and her father.

The couple was then blessed and the Rabbi blessed the wine by reading a parable out of the bible. Then it was finally time for the couple to exchange their vows.

"Ziva and Timothy, have you come here freely and without reservations to give yourselves to marriage?"

"We have"

"Ziva and Timothy, since it is your choice to be married, please join your hands".

Joined hands.

"Timothy, please repeat after me".

"In the name of God, I, Timothy McGee take you, Ziva David to be my wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, until we are parted by death. This is my solemn vow".

"You will now exchange rings, these rings are a token of your love to one another, it is a enduring symbol of trust and affection that you bring to one another. Timothy, as you place the ring on Ziva's finger, repeat this:"

"With this ring, I join my life with yours. This is my beloved and this is my friend".

"Ziva, as you place the ring on Timothy's finger, repeat this:"

"With this ring, I join my life with yours. This is my beloved and this is my friend".

"I will now light a candle to symbolise the commitment of love, these people are declaring today. All rejoice in happiness and this makes many more blessings you will share. Now by the power valid in me, I declare you, Timothy and Ziva, husband and wife. You will now break the glass on celebration of human relationships. Repeat after me Timothy:"

"May our bond of love as difficult to break as it would be to put together the pieces of this glass".

"Timothy please step and break the glass as much as you can. I make invite everyone to shout the Hebrew words "Mazel Tov" which means "good luck" or "congratulations".

The ceremony had last just under 30 minutes and Tim was glad he had saved some strength and actually broke the glass, he could do without Tony never letting him live that one down. The party was in full swing and the only people there was Gibbs' team, Abby, Ducky, Palmer, John and Sarah McGee and Tobias Fornell.

It was now time for the first dance which Ziva hadn't particularly wanted to do but agreed because it was Tim's tradition. The music had been chosen by Sarah who wanted them to dance to the song she wanted to have her first dance to. The only thing Tim knew about it was that the song was from an English band who she had found a couple of years ago whilst surfing the Internet.

The music slowly started to fill the room, it was a slow song with a guitar in the background with a striking melody from a piano. The song followed into a man with a lovely English accent, perhaps up north of the country. Ziva and Tim settled into the music and listened to the lyrics, the smiled when they found it actually suited the moment they were in.

"Today this could be, the greatest day of our lives. Before it all ends, before we run out of time. Stay close to me, stay close to me. Watch the world come around alive tonight. Stay close to me".

Now that everyone was going, Tim was completely exhausted and went to bed with Ziva. Sarah had put Aaron to bed earlier and then gone herself.

The now married couple lay in bed admiring the gold bands on their left hands, they finally went to sleep cuddling each other with a smile on their faces.
A/N: Okay, so there's quite a bit to say here. First of the lyrics of the song go to: Gary Barlow, the frontman and songwriter of British boyband, Take That.

Secondly, I should probably put a disclaimer on this: NCIS IS NOT MINE, it belongs to Donald Bellisario.

Thirdly, that is a shortened version of an interfaith marriage and that is how a Jewish and Catholic one takes place.

Fourthly, I hope the wedding part makes sense, this was typed on my iPod so he didn't have the option to use italics.

Finally, as I said it was written on my iPod, so if there are any spelling mistakes, they are mine.

ALSO WELCOME, NEW READER @CMAGreaves and thanks for the votes.

Thanks for reading, Zoe :-)

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