Chapter 2

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McGee woke up to the sound of Ziva trying to give Aaron a bath. He heard Aaron having a tantrum which is what woke him. He walked into the bathroom to the sight of Ziva- her top wet from Aaron's outburst when putting him in the bath.
Now he was finally in the bath, as soon as he saw Tim he tried to get out with shouting his "Daddy". McGee did his best to try and keep the boy in the bath and it only just worked.
"Come on Buddy, stay in the bath and have a wash and we can go see Grandad Gibbs!".
After hearing this Aaron stayed firmly put in the bath and even started to wash himself- not wanting to miss a moment with his Grandad.

Tim and Ziva came into work at 9:03 with Aaron trailing behind. Tim was silently was overjoyed when he didn't see Gibbs ready to hit him on the back of the head for being late. Aaron however nearly cried when he didn't see his Grandad in the bullpen.
"Ganpa?" he asked with a wobbly voice, Tony picked up on Aaron's negative vibe and gently patted him on the back saying
"Don't worry Buddy, he's probably gone for coffee".

Then Tony returned to his normal self, giving Tim grief to why they were late.
"Aaron wouldn't take a bath". Ziva said with a straight face, Tim quickly picked up on her mistake and corrected it before Tony noticed.
"The expression you are looking for Ziva is have a bath, you do not take baths you have baths".

Just then Gibbs entered the bullpen, coffee in hand and Aaron ran to him shouting "GANPA". Gibbs picked the young boy up and kissed him on the head, but he then put him down, much to Aaron's disappointment.
"Tony, McGee your with me".
Aaron quietly asked if he could come too, but it was loud enough for Gibbs to hear it,
"Nah, Buddy you can't come it's too dangerous. You stay here with your Mama and help here okay, Jen might come down of your lucky". Gibbs said this with a slight smirk. Aaron had acquired a love for Jenny but went no where near calling her anything but Jenny.

Tim, Tony and Gibbs went to Lt. Jason Langford's home, but found nothing of interest until they went into the kitchen. This is where yet another dead body lay.
"Boss, I think I found something",
"No good thinking, DiNozzo" came the reply of their fearless leader.
Gibbs then saw the body and grunted but then sighed, "call Ducky, another autopsy needs doing".

Tim was told to go back to the bullpen and inform Ziva of what they found and the plan of action, once Ducky had done the autopsy and deliver some evidence to Abby. Ziva had told Tim that she had taken Aaron up to daycare because she was making a phone call which could have scared him a little, if he listened. Just as Tim was about to give Ziva a kiss, Gibbs walked in. The pair immediately pulled apart as Gibbs said "keep it out of the office",
The pair nodded their agreement and then Gibbs said "Ziva, go down to Abby and see if she has anything yet, McGee you over here, need a word".

McGee walked over to Gibbs' desk to hear what he was to say to him
"Tim, that guy that DiNozzo found today, he wasn't a Lt. He was a Navy Seal, his admiral was your father, he's on his way Tim".
McGee muttered a quick crap and then continued whilst pacing "my father, he doesn't know about Ziva and I or Aaron for that matter. And I don't plan on telling him. I don't talk to him, or keep in touch with him. He made that perfectly clear when I was younger". Gibbs looked at him with sympathy and then told him
"To late McGee he's already here".

McGee made the first step and walked over to him and put his hand out to shake with a polite "hello Admiral McGee".
McGee was disappointed to say the least when his father blanked and directed the question of "where is Director Shepard?" to Gibbs.
Gibbs quickly told McGee to go and see the girls downstairs whilst he took the admiral upstairs to the director.

As McGee walked into Abby's lab, both the girls ran to him, with Abby giving him one of her bone crushing hugs and Ziva giving him a quick peck on the lips and asked him what was wrong. The couple told Abby that Gibbs needed them in the bullpen ASAP and they needed to go. When they was in the elevator, Tim flipped the emergency switch.

"My Dad, he's upstairs with Jenny. He doesn't know about us, or Aaron. I don't want him to know either, to him, he doesn't have a son, he made that perfectly clear to me when I joined here. So I don't regard him as my father".
Ziva hugged him and held his hand. She then flipped the switch and the elevator came to life again and went to the bullpen and sat at their respective desks for a short while.

After a while Aaron came down from daycare because he got bored, he made up the excuse he had no toys up there, and Gibbs just laughed at him.
About 20 minutes later Aaron got a bit sleepy, and climbed into Gibbs' lap and fell asleep almost immediately. Gibbs knew it was time to send his team home, and the admiral was still with Jenny so he quietly said to his team "go home guys, its late i'll see you tomorrow".

Tim and Ziva took Aaron home and got him into bed and then went themselves.
Tony went down to Abby's lab and the pair ordered Chinese and picked it up on the way home. They spent most of the night watching movies.
Gibbs went up to Jenny's office and as usual didn't bother knocking and walked straight in. She was just saying goodbye to the admiral and she and Gibbs went home and went straight to bed.

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