Wings of an Angel ||niall hor...

By hxran1D

22.1K 1.1K 158

"you are so brave and quiet, I forgot you are suffering." -Ernest Hemingway More

Prologue to the Prologue
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 6

697 34 4
By hxran1D

I sat at my office when my computer made a noise, letting me know that I had an email. I sat the manuscript I had been reading  down and clicked on the mailbox.


Subject: The Matter of Courting

        Dear Miss Williams, 

                Hey, its Niall. I don't know if you can tell by my email. Don't worry I'm not stalking you, I got your email from Google. Don't be alarmed! Anyway, I am writing to ask for another date. I know its only been a day but you have been on my mind, and Kenny too. He's an excellent kid, I know it's because he was raised by an amazing woman. Let me know if I am being too straight forward. I look forward from hearing from you. 

                                                                                Not a Stalker,        

                                                                                   Niall J. Horan

I smiled as I read along. I had been thinking about Niall all night and day as well. He was so sweet yesterday, a true and model gentleman. I bit my lip and began typing. 


Subject: Re- The Matter of Courting

        Dear Mr. Horan, 

                Thank you for your kind words. Kenny loves you dearly, you are ALL he talks about now. He even begged me to take him to your game this week. And yes, I did buy him tickets. Anyway, as to your question, I believe a second date would be rather appropriate. 

                                                                                Yours Truly, 

                                                                             Lenora M. Williams

I looked away from my computer and looked back to the manuscript. It was about a undying romance between a vampire and werewolf. What ran through people's head these days? My computer beeped two minutes later, I dropped the fat stack of paper on the desk and turned myself towards the machine. 


Subject: Second Date?

                Dear Miss Williams, 

                        I do enjoy being around your son. He is a true delight. Maybe after the game, I can give you two a tour of the stadium. And Kenny can meet some of the other players. 

                          As I do recall, you told me when I asked you out the first time it was NOT a date. But if you insist on calling it a date now, I will not crush your spirit in telling you otherwise. So the question is, Lenora M. Williams, will you go out with me on a SECOND date?

                                                                        Niall J. Horan

I slapped my mouth, as I held in laughter. He was right, ugh I hated eating my words. Someone knocked on the door, I looked up to see Margie standing there. 

"Are you busy?" She asked looking from me to the computer. My eyes widened, "Oh no, please do come in." I stood up and ushered her to the chair in front of mine. 

She walked in and sat down and crossed her legs in her black pant suit. "I wanted to see if you and Kenneth would like to attend a BBQ at my house that I am throwing tomorrow." 

I smiled, "Yeah, I'd love that. I can leave Kenneth at home if its-"

She waved away my comment, "No, no. There will be plenty of other children there. Also I will be having a bouncy castle, due to my niece's request."

"Oh alright. Do I need to bring anything? And where will this take place?" I asked. 

"If you could bring a desert that'd be great. And at my estate. Well, I should let you get back to your work." She motioned to the manuscript. 

"Oh yes!" I stood as she did. She smiled as headed towards the door. She stopped and turned to face me, "Oh Nora."


"Just ask the poor lad to come. Also, Shawn the IT guy reads emails." 

My face burned with embarrassment, "Right. Thanks Margie."

She dipped her head and disappeared. I sat down immediately and froze. "Oh my gosh." I smiled and bursted out laughing. 


Subject: Tomorrow Evening

        Dear Mr. Horan, 

                I would love to go on a date with you but I was wondering if you would grace me with your presence and accompany me to a work BBQ at my boss's house with Kenny and I. It is at 5.

                                                                        Not A Date, 

                                                                Lenora M. Williams

Niall responded immediately. 


Subject: Not Bringing Flowers

        Dear Miss Williams, 

                I would be honored to go with you to your boss' BBQ. Not only because I love being around you and your son but because I love food. Now, I will NOT bring you flowers since its NOT a date as you so clearly pointed out. I will meet you at your house at 4:45 SHARP. 

                                                                        Until Tomorrow, or when we speak again, 

                                                                                        Niall J. Horan

A/n: I hope you guys enjoyed the SHORT update! I am going ot be slowly updating my stories just an FYI! Anyway, the email used are NOT real. So please don't try to email or they don't exist or at least not that I am aware of. 

Anyway, please comment and vote! Love you Monduckies!

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