Chapter 4

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Kenny was squealing in the backseat as we were driving. 

"Kenny." I turned around and scowled him. 

"It's okay Nora." Niall said. 

I sighed and returned to my seat. "Sorry."

"Don't be. I don't mind at all."

I stared out the window, we were passing by houses. This was unfamiliar. My heart racing as scenarios ran through my head. What if he tries to hurt me or Kenny?

"Where are you taking us?!" I demanded. "Its a surprise."

"Niall I hate surprises. Tell me please or I will-" I paused, what would I even do? Maybe hit him in the balls but he'd lose control of the wheel and Kenny and I could die.

"You will what?" He asked. His voice wasn't challenging or anything just full of curiosity.


"Nora, I wouldn't take you somewhere you or Kenny could get hurt. I wouldn't hurt either one of you, I swear to it." He sounded genuine.

I sighed in defeat, I want to believe him its just I felt like I, you know, shouldn't.

We pulled up to a park. There was two swing sets, four giant slides, one spider web thingy, a spinning wheel and a large field. There was a wall of tall trees surrounding the sides and back, the front was open.

A few families playing and laughing. "Ready?" Niall asked. I nodded.

Niall got out of the car and ran over to my side and opened my door. He held out a hand. I starred at it for a moment debating whether or not to use it.


"thank you." I allowed him to help me out.

"Course." I opened the back door and unbuckled Kenny. "Where are we mum?"

"We're at the park bud." I smiled. His eyes lit up, "Hurry mum! I wanna play!!!!"

I heard Niall chuckle behind me. I finally got Kenny unbuckled and he jumped out of the car.

"Come on guys!" He called to us. I smiled.

"I'll grab the food and meet you guys over at the giant oak tree okay?" Niall smiled.

"I can help." I said.

he walked over to the trunk. He pressed a button on his keys and the truck magically opened. He reached in and grabbed a picnic basket and a giant blanket.

With a smile, he gave me the blanket. "Thanks." I smiled.

"Your welcome." We stood there for a second starring at each other. His blue eyes dazzled in the light. They were perfect. His smile was perfect. Everything about him was perfect. His hair, his personality, his lips god his lips were so kissable.

"MUM!!!" Kenny wailed.

"Coming Kenny." I broke gaze and walked to Kenny who was waiting by the curb.

I grabbed his hand, I turned back to see where Niall was. He was standing behind me watching us. He made a small smile but something looked wrong.

"You okay?" I asked.

"Yeah. I'll be right there." He said. I nodded.

"Come on Kenny bear." I smiled and we started walking. Kenny started swinging his arm. I laughed, "Mum, you're no fun!"

"Kenneth, I am plenty fun." I returned. 

"No you aren't." We made it to the oak tree. Niall was still at his car. I hope he was okay. "Want me to prove I am fun?"

He nodded. I smiled, "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!!!!!!" I let go of his hand and took off running towards the playset. 

"MUM! THAT'S NO FAIR!!" I heard him yell. 

I laughed as I climbed up the stairs on the giant playset. I looked to see Kenny running towards me. He was grinning from ear to ear. 

"Ahh mummy!!!" 

Niall's POV

Watching Nora play with Kenny warmed my heart. She was a really good mother. When we were just starring by the car, I thought about kissing her. Her warm brown eyes looked welcoming and his lips were just there. 

I had to literally hold myself back. I don't know what came over me. I have never ever wanted to kiss a woman so bad after knowing her for a short amount of time. 

But Nora is, she's amazing.  I don't know if its her kind eyes, warming smile, flawless skin, beautiful face, etc. 

I sat the picnic basket on the blanket Nora had laid out. I smiled as I watched Kenny chase his mother, who happened to be wearing heels. Kenny finally grabbed her dress. Nora smiled and screamed, "KENNETH, DO NOT PULL DOWN MY DRESS!!!" 

Other families starred. I chuckled. 

Nora looked over at me and waved as Kenny ran towards me. "MUM LETS EAT!" 

Nora started walking over as well. I smiled, "You're my kind of guy." 

Kenny sat down, "You like food?" I did too. 

"I love it my man." I said. 

He held out his fist, I put mine to his. 

"Are you guys hungry?" Nora stood above us. 

"Starved." I answered. Nora took a seat next to Kenny. "What did you bring?"

"Well, I brought two foot long sandwiches from subway, chips, and caramel apples with candy bits." I smiled. 

Nora rubbed her stomach, "Yummy." Her brown eyes sparkled. 

*Two Hours Later*

Kenny was playing on the playset. He was laughing and smiling. Nora watched him. "He's a great kid." I said. 

Nora turned her head and smiled, "Thank you, he really likes you."

I cracked a smile, "I really like him." 

"I'm glad. Um, I saw a snow cone shack over there." She stood up and brushed her dress off, "Want one?"

"Sure. I'll take a pina colada." 

"Okay. Um, if Kenny asks I'll be right back." She brushed back a stray hair from her face. She looked beautiful. 

"Okay, here let me get-" 

"No, no, no. I can get it." She bent down and grabbed her wallet it was white with diamonds on it. 

I watched her walk away, and no I didn't check her ass out. I am a gentleman. 

Kenny ran towards me. "Can you watch my hat?" He asked. 

I nodded. "Sure thing bud." He took off his cap. 

When he removed his hat, I gulped. His head was nearly bald with little patches of blonde hair. 

"Don't worry, I am okay." He said. "Mummy just says I am a little sick but I will get better." Sick? 

He took off before I could respond. 

What was wrong with Kenny?

A/n: I hope you all liked the update!! (: Please let me know what you all are thinking!! I love you all!! Please comment and Vote! Also check out my new story 'English Rain' (:

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