Night and Day

By sheighnyyy

44.9K 1.1K 352

What really happens off cam? How deep is the relationship going behind the fans' knowledge? Are they going to... More

Change (MS&WS)
Why Are You So Greasy?
Hidden Feelings
Hold My Hand Tightly...
Yet She Remembered...
What is real?
Fakes it till she makes it...
Don't Forget

Been waiting for this.. For you.

3.2K 84 12
By sheighnyyy

"Byul-ah!" Solar stood up when moonbyul finally picked her phone up.


"I've been calling you for hours... Byul-ah. Are you okay?"

"Of course! Why wouldn't I beeee~?" She drawled on the last word.

"Are you drunk?? Byul-ah... Please stop making it hard for me.."

Moonbyul laughed "Im making it hard for eonni? Aigoo..Mian...I didn't know. haha"

"Why are you being like this? Was it because Eric-ssi kissed me?"

"This has nothing to do with that jerk and that peck." Her voice went from a drunken tone to a serious one.

"Eonni, I'm not dumb. You know I'm crazily head over heels for you.. But I'm not dumb. Not dumb enough to make things harder for you..." Her voice turned to a whisper.

"If you don't love me and you can't fight for me, then let's just stop this. What's the point, right? How about. Let's just be FRIENDS? Or how about SISTERS?" She laughed sarcastically. "Eonni, I'm really sorry but Im tired now. We have a schedule tomorrow so let's just sleep.." She hanged up leaving Solar stunned.

Solar had to grab on her sofa as she felt her knees buckle. She could feel her heart beating so fast and hard but at the same time felt everything around her stop. Her mind went blank and she couldn't fathom what was happening. Is moonbyul actually breaking up with her right now?

Slowly, her eyes filled with tears.

It hurts.

No... We cant end like this.


Moonbyul's phone kept on ringing that night. But she knew it was Solar and she didnt want to talk to her after blurting out everything. Sure she's drunk and maybe she does regret it but what's done is done. With a heavy sigh, Moonbyul got up to grab a drink from the fridge. She was chugging her glass of water when someone suddenly banged on her door.

"Byul-ah. Come out here please? Please byulyi-ah.. Let's talk about this, okay?"

It's eonni.

Immediately, Moonbyul went to her door and was about to open it but stopped herself.

What am I doing? If I dont want her to have a harder time, I should stop now..

"Byulyi-ah.. I kow you're awake. Please..Open the door.." Solar's voice came as a whimper. And that did it for Moonbyul. She opened the door slowly, not thinking of anything but just wanting to comfort her girlfriend.

"Byulyi-ah.." Solar barged in as soon as the door opened. Not letting moonbyul think for another second, She grabbed her wrist and pulled her close into a deep kiss. Tears continued to flow but she ignored it. Her right hand went around Moonbyul's waist pulling her closer and her other hand went up to her neck, making their kiss deeper.

Moonbyul's mind was going blank as she was caught off guard. She couldn't think of anything but Solar. Her hands around her. Their lips on each other. Soon after, Moonbyul closed her eyes. Losing herself to Solar's kisses. Letting her body take control. Her hands slowly caressed Solar's back as she moved from her lips down Solar's neck. Giving her soft teasing kisses, resisting the urge to mark her where it can be seen easily. Solar moaned to this. She just couldn't wait for more. Slowly  she urged on moonbyul and they made their way to her bed pushing anything that was in the way, not letting go of each other. They were on the bed when moonbyul stopped kissing her all of a sudden.

"Why stop?" Solar asked. She was breathing heavily, leaning on top of her.

"Eonni, I love you so much and you know that but.. Us.. This.. we cant." Moonbyul said, looking away from her. 2:30am. The clock read..

They have to stop. This might just make matters worse and she knows how this would pressure her more.

"Do you NOT want me, Moon Byul Yi?" Solar asked in a hard whisper that made Byul turn her focus back at her.

She wants her right now. She's inches away from tearing her clothes but seeing Byul hesitate makes her heart break a little. It's making her sad and a little angry at the same time.

"It's not that.." of course it's not that Eonni. I'm goddamn ready for you.

"Well then, do you want me?"

"I do! Of course I do!" She combed Solar's hair behind her ear and met her eyes. "But this will just make things harder for eonni and I just seriously. seriously dont want that.."

"No. I'll prove it to you. I'm willing to take the risk this time. Not being with you tonight will be harder for me than people finding out." Solar said. Her eyes fixed on Moonbyul as her hands slowly unbuttoned her top. Teasing her as she exposed the red sexy lingerie moonbyul had bought for her as a joke a year ago

"Do you remember this? Everytime I try it on, I imagine you taking them off..." Solar blushed as she confessed her little secret. Seeing this, Moonbyul's heart skipped a beat. It's driving her crazy and she knew she couldn't resist any longer. She just have to make her feel how much she loves her tonight.

"You can stop imagining it now.. I'll gladly do it for you" She pulled Solar down for a kiss, now more passionate, showing their hunger for each other. Their lips locking, their tongue dancing with each other. Solar unbuttoned moonbyul's top as fast as she could without breaking the kiss. Moaning while she felt Moonbyul's hand reaching for the clasp in front of her lingerie.


It was Solar who first got tired that night. Moonbyul propped herself on one elbow and caressed her girlfriend's hair. Listening as she snored softly. She was a little tired but honestly, she could've went for one last round. She smiled at the thought of waking Solar up by turning her on..

Should I?, she thought.

She looked at the clock for a sec and was shocked to see that she only have 3 hours to sleep before their call time. Seems like No is the answer to that question Moon Byul Yi. She shook her head and let out a soft laugh. After giving Solar a kiss on her forehead, she wrapped her arms on her waist and forced herself to sleep..


"Wheein-ah! you're turning from your left again!"

"Oopsyy~~ Sorry eonni. I cant really think straight these days and we've been doing this for 3 hourrrrs! cant we have some break?" Wheein flopped at the floor, exhausted.

Solar lied down beside her, her mind going back to that night. It's been 4 days and they were too busy to talk about it but they steal kisses and short makeout sessions now and then, secretly. They've become sweeter and their fans could feel it too! They even saw that light hickey she gave her.. She blushed at the thought. Good thing, Byulyi covered it up as an insect bite.

"Eonni.." Wheein softly started


"I want to ask you something."


"What do you value more in a relationship?"

"Huh?" Solar's forehead scrunched.

"The love or the friendship?"

She turned her head to Wheein, just to see her eyes teary.

"Wheein-ah,are you okay? Is this about Hye–"

"Ya! who are you to slack off!"

Solar was cut off when Byul and Hwasa went inside, carrying their food and 4 cups of milktea.

Solar saw Wheein wiped her eyes quickly and as if nothing happened, smiled and screamed loudly, "RAMBEOKKIEEE!!!"

She hurried to the food and quickly grabbed her portion with a huge smile plastered on her face. If it wasn't for earlier, She would've been fooled with that smile. Solar thought.

"Eonni~~ Here, eat up!" Moonbyul gave her an extra plate of tteokbokki saying, "You're getting too thin from the diet. It won't hurt to cheat today."

"Okay if you say so~~ you should eat too. Come sit beside me"

While eating, Solar noticed the silence between Hwasa and Wheein.

"Ya byulyi... What's happening between those two? are they fighting?" Solar whispered. "Huh? No? I dont think so l.. Hyejin was telling me about how Wheein spammed her with Ggomo's pictures last night.." She replied without taking her eyes off her notebook. Her pen gliding on it fast.

"What are you writing?" Solar leaned in to read but Moonbyul was fast enough to hide it from her.

"Ya...No peeking."

"What? Why? Is that a love letter for me?" Solar smirked.

Ohhh she's teasing me again.

"You take that smirk off of your lips right this minute, eonni.. Or I'll bite it."

Solar saw the glint on her eyes and, being mindful of the two best friends, decided not to take her chances.

"it's the lyrics for the moosical solo. You'll know it once you hear it, so no peeking!" She chuckled as she ate the last of her rambeokki and got up to continue practicing.

"Ugh..Ya you two. Let's go perfect this thing." Solar reluctantly crawled to her phone and played their song. It'll be a long tiring day again..

(a/n: okay look.. I suck at describing things 😂 im honestly sorry 😂 😂)

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