A New Normal


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In this series the Winchester's are trailing a nest and end up saving reader; corrupting reader's normal appl... Еще

A New Normal: Part 1
A New Normal: Part 2
A New Normal: Part 3
A New Normal: Part 4
A New Normal: Part 5
A New Normal: Part 6
A New Normal: Part 8
A New Normal: Part 9

A New Normal: Part 7

18 0 0

Your body flopped down onto the corner of the bed a loud sigh came from your mouth, you bent down and started untying your boots when your eyes snapped to the door to your motel room as a knock came from the other side.

You rolled your eyes and frustratedly opened up the door, expecting Sam or Dean. Your body froze in place as your eyes landed on a red haired woman where you expected a flannel covered Winchester.

"No, I don't need anymore towels or anything." you began to shut the door.

"Dear, I'm not the maid." Her thickly accented voice made you stop from shutting the door, she started to walk in. "But, you are a smart one... Winchester's could really use you from time to time..."

Your body stiffened and your hand went under your shirt at the small of your back; reaching for your 9 mm pistol. She looked deep into your eyes and whispered something in another language and then she was gone in a flash. You bolted out of the doorway that she was just intruding before she vanished, your head whipped from right to left looking for her. "There's no way she could have—" You furrowed your brow and shook your head, slowly walking back to your warded room.

"Hey, Y/N." Sam called to you from the impala, Dean standing from the driver seat. "You okay?" He questioned you concerned.

You nodded your head hesitantly, eyes looking at the rain soaked pavement of the crappy motel you had all gotten rooms at. "Yeah, just thought I saw someone...I guess not." You laughed sheepishly and brushed your hair behind your ear, brushing the thought too.

"You want to come over to our room, hang out for a while? We can go to the bar in town if you wanted to." Dean's voice exclaimed as he played with his keys in his hand.

Once your eyes met with his, all you heard was the muffled sound of his strong voice, your mouth opened in awe; taking in the sight like it was the first time you were seeing him.

"Hey! Y/N." Sam's voice boomed, his large hand snapping in your face. "Are you sure you're good?" He paused and looked over at Dean, who was staring confused at you as well.

"Uh, yeah Sammy. I'm great actually." You shook your head. "I could go for a drink actually so, bar?" You shrugged your shoulders.

Dean smirked and Sam guided you to the vehicle and opened the car door for you allowing you to take the middle seat up front. You caught the scent of Dean as his warm body took place next to yours. You subconsciously leaned in closer to him, seeking to feel his warn body on your.

"A little cozy in here but," Dean paused, looking into the back seat that was littered with bags and other hunting essentials they went to go gather. You could feel your cheeks blush, you have been close to Dean before and haven't ever felt this nervous. Dean turned the car on, you too. He placed his right arm around you and drove the three of you to the bar in town.

"Thank you Sammy." You smiled and exited Dean's baby, Sam slammed the door shut after you.

You walked into the bar and it was all normal for you anymore, before you would have never gone into a bar, hell you rarely even drank before you started your life as a hunter; now it was just as essential as holy water.

"Triple shot of whiskey on the rocks." You pursed your lips together and ran your hand through your hair and let out a loud sigh.

"Rough day?" A voice called to you from two barstools down. You brushed it off, you were hit on all the time, you rolled your eyes and simply responded with a confident, "Sweetheart, I don't think you could handle me." You took a long gulp of your drink. The man got closer, his tone sparked a connection in your brain. You spun around, noting who the voice belonged to, "Crowley. Miss me?" You sarcastically stated, smiling, his face mimicked yours.

"Trouble." He smirked and snapped his fingers, gaining the bartender's attention. "I'll have a tequila sunrise and another one of that she's having." His tone low and rough.

"Such a gentleman for the King of Hell—" your voice was cut short by the Winchester's finding you.

"What are you doing here, Crowley?" Sam questioned him, his body towering over his.

"You're a little early, we don't even know if she's here yet." Dean's voice made you weak in the knees and your heart skipped a beat. You stared intently at him and sipped your drink, tuning out of the conversation the men were having.

"Oh no, Squirrel. She is here." He hissed and grabbed his glass taking a sip. "She knows we are here. I have some of my eyes out, looking. She's been doing magic, she's done something to Y/N." He pointed to you, you were mindlessly staring at Dean.

"What? She's fine, Crowley." Dean interjected.

"Moose. Look at her. She's undressing Dean with her eyes." He spat through his teeth.

Sam looked at you and then followed your lustful gaze at Dean, then to Crowley cocking one eyebrow up and sipping his beer, "I think he's right Dean. I mean, she's been acting weird."

"She warded her room Sam. What could she possible have done to her?" Dean denied.

"When we pulled into the lot at the motel, she was running out of her room looking around for someone Dean, I mean it's possible it was Rowena." Sam spoke, his brother interrupted him.

"She never got to ward our room yet did she?" Dean tightened his jaw and set down his full beer bottle and dug in his pockets for his keys. "You two stay here, make sure she's okay. Call me." He stated then briskly walked to the exit.

"What are you doing? Where's Dean going?" You frowned, breaking your gaze at the man you wanted so badly as his frame was gone from sight.

"He forgot something at the motel." Sam answered quickly, "Y/N. You said you thought you saw someone, back at the motel where I saw you in the parking lot." He took a breath and looking in your eyes, "Y/N. Who did you see?"

"Some woman. I thought she worked in housekeeping, I told her I didn't need anything. She looked at me and said something, I don't know what then disappeared. I could have just thought it all up Sam." He looked at Crowley who's face was laced with a 'I told you so look.'.

"Did she have an accent and long red hair?" Crowley said smugly. You set down your glass cup, nodding your head.

Sam's demeanor shifted, "That was Rowena. Y/N." You looked at them shocked, "Do you know what she said to you?" You shook your head 'no'.

"Y/N, we need to go, now." He said grabbing your arm and nodding his head towards the exit, signally Crowley to follow.

He frustratedly set his drink down and followed you and Sam outside. "Moose."

"Can you get us there? Dean left with the car..." he said and used his superpower puppy dog eyes. Crowley rolled his eyes and huffed, snapping his fingers.

"Dean!" Sam yelled running to the room, your boots followed him. Sam opened the door and burst through the room, Dean's attention swiftly came to the two of you. A woman, the same one who you had seen before was there, then she wasn't.

"Rowena!" Sam yelled, taking a few heavy breaths.

Dean made eye contact with you and suddenly there wasn't anything that mattered more in the world than him; than you.

"Ehemm!" Crowley cleared his throat, his meat suit suddenly appeared in the center of the room, just so happened to be in-between you and Dean; his hands placed in his pockets. "Look's like mummy dearest struck again." He stepped out of the line of sight. "Can you feel that Moose?" He looked up to the taller Winchester.

Sam looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed, confusion heavy on his face, "Feel what?" He scoffed and watched you and Dean just stare at each other like you have never seen each other before.

"The connection, the feelings. The spell." He seethed

Sam's tone went from confused to concerned, "What spell?"

"A love spell." He said flatly, "She knew that their true nature would be our achilles heel, slow us down from getting to her." He paused, "The sooner we fix this, the sooner we can get Mother." He disappeared to his throne once more, leaving Sam alone with two love stricken hunter's.
He sighed and brushed his hands through his brown hair, "Cas. I need your help buddy." He submitted and left the room at the sight of Dean's lips making harsh contact with yours.

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