Glitter eyeshadow l.h

By adoringXash

24.4K 614 70

"Get off my makeup" "Sorry I just like the glitter eyeshadow" • Part of the glitter trilogy (1) • Completed... More

Glitter eyeshadow


1.5K 33 8
By adoringXash

*Nicky's pov*

"Nicky what's wrong"

"I can't do it anymore" I said crying into his chest as the usual aftershave scent entered my nose making me feel extremely safe

"Nicky calm down please"

"I hate him he's never forgiven me he never will" I said as my tears turned to hysterics

"Hey none of it was your fault"

"It is it's been 6 months since we happened but he still won't forgive me"

"You still chose him over me though nick" he said losing his grip on the hug

"I'm not choosing him now am I Harry" I said as he pulled me close again before lightly brushing his lips on mine before kissing me roughly causing memories to flood back.


I rolled over in the bed sheets I know too well they were still the same from the days I cheated on luke. The days I regretted everything single day, but met someone amazing from. As I rolled over my eyes met the black haired boys and I smiled as he pulled me in for a hug

"Morning gorgeous"he whispered as I smiled before realising what I was doing and how weird it is

"I'm sorry I need to go" I said shooting up as he pouted "I've only made things worse by coming in so sorry" I said as he rolled his eyes

"Whatever you know where the door is nicky" there's the rudeness that keeps me away yet I crave to snap me back to reality when I'm lost

I grabbed my phone from downstairs and left not shouting bye to Harry at all reminding me of when I'd used to sneak in and out of his house when I was with Luke and I'd go to him after an argument just like I had done last night

As I walked down the street my phone began to buzz as lukes name appeared my stomach dropped, and panic set in. He knows. Someone must have seen me come into the house.

"Hello" i said with a shaky voice

"Nick omg you sound scared what's wrong where are you I've been worried sick have you eaten" he said extremely quick as fear took over his voice

"I'm fine I'm nearly home I'm just tired" I said as the phone went silent "Luke?" I said worrying myself that he'd now disappeared as well

"Sorry I was just really worried about you nick"

"I'll be back in a couple of minutes luke" I said bluntly before hanging up not wanting him to say anything else

Everything felt exactly the same as before it was almost as if I'd gone back in time.


"Nicky thank god you're back" luke said before hugging me as I opened the door before I started crying again "let me make you some food" he said taking my hand and pulling me into the kitchen. "Nicky I'm sorry for yesterday I was stressed and I wanted to show I cared but it made things worse I really am sorry" he said as I jumped up onto the side "do you want food" he asked calmly knowing that forcing me to eat wasn't the best option and would stress the other of us out.

"Yeah go on then only something small though" i said as he nodded and pulled out some bread and ham

"Ham sandwich?" He said as I nodded

"you know I can't cook so this is the best your getting" he said as I laughed remembering the date we once had where we ended up ordering pizza because he didn't realise you have to cook pasta in water it doesn't just go soft in a dry pan.

My thoughts were distracted as Luke passed me the ham sandwich and suddenly the empty sick feeling returned
"One bite Nicky please just something" he said as I put the bread up to my lips before gaging from the smell. As I took a bite I struggled to chew nothing tasted right it all felt wrong I couldn't swallow my body wouldn't let me take the food. I looked up at Luke who opened the kitchen bin

"Spit it out nicky I don't like seeing you struggle" he said as I quickly got up and spat out the food as I started crying once again before being engulfed in one of his hugs "baby steps nick baby steps"

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