Marvel oneshots

By Dekunuts

3.7K 80 5

Marvel oneshots featuring mostly the avengers and a few others. (Dr.Strange, Loki, Peter Quill, etc.) Don't e... More

Steve Rogers (Movie moments)
Loki (Summer days)
Avengers (Definitly and over reaction)
Tony Stark (Drunk confession)
Bucky Barnes (Babysitting)
Thor (Scary Movie Marathon)
Thank you, Stan Lee...
Avengers (Thanksgiving)
Peter Parker (Christmas)
Jeez its been a while
Loki (Baking Mischief)
Peter Quill (fooled around)

Avengers (Problematic)

174 5 1
By Dekunuts

AN: I know I said I was going to do a couple more Halloween ones, but they weren't coming out how I wanted. So here's this one instead! I don't know what it is but its something! Also, the video is for the end, but if you chose to watch it first, that's up to you. I'm sure you'll appreciate the dead meme.

I'll try and get one up for Thanksgiving but I seem to be having problems with how I want it to end and the direction it's going in. But I'll try my best!


"No! No! No! This is bad! This is really bad!" You pace back and forth in the lab, horrified by the effects of what your serum has caused on your body. Granted, while the serum worked, it worked a little too well. When you had tested it on the rats it worked fine, everything went as it should. But since the serum was going to be used on people, it needed to be tested on something bigger. Why not test it on yourself?

What you didn't realize, or more or less forgot to do— was check up on your test rats a couple days later. What had happened was they went from adults to fuzzies, and finally pinkies. By the time you had noticed, it was too late, you had already injected yourself with the serum and passed out. Now here you were, scared and the size of a ten-year-old, unsure how to reverse its effects.

"T-Tony! Bruce!" You cry out, tears brimming in your eyes.

"Hey, Yn. What's up? You sound... Whoa!" Bruce stops in the doorway when he sees you, his jaw drops as he gaped like a fish. "Y-Yn! What happened?! You're- you're so small!"

"Something went wrong! H-help me!" Bruce rushes to you.

"What's with all the- Holy shit! Yn?! What did you do?!" You wipe your eyes with the back of your hand, trying to keep the tears from slipping out as Tony enters the room.

"R-remember that cosmetologist that wanted to commission me for an anti-aging serum?" Tony closes his eyes tight.

"Yn, please say you didn't."

"...I did..."

"God damn it..."

"Why did you test it on yourself?" Banner asks.

"I-I needed a bigger test subject..."

"Yn, that was stupid of you!" Stark yells.

"I know it was...!" You burst into a fit of sobs.


"What? You know I'm right! It was a stupid decision! How many PhDs does she have? And this is how she uses them? It's probably the stupidest thing she's ever done!" Your sobs grow louder.

"TONY!" Bruce yells, he hugs you close to him in an attempt to calm you down. "Did it ever occur to you that this serum may have also affected not just her body- but her mind as well? Her brain could be becoming childlike!" Stark freezes as he stares at your tear-stained face, you stare up at him with a quivering lip and snot dripping from your nose. He rubs the back of his neck in a guilty way as you bury your face in Bruce's chest, gripping his shirt in your hands.

"I-I'm sorry, Yn. I didn't realize..." he gets down to your level and sighs. " You're not stupid, it wasn't stupid that you needed to test your project... We'll figure this out and make you 'You' again... I promise..." you peek at him from Bruce's shirt and nod slowly.

"O-okay..." You whimpered.

"Where's the equation to your formula for the serum?" You point to the stainless steel table in the center of the room.

"I-I can't reach it anymore... but it's in the center of the table n-next to the jellyfish tank..."

"Jellyfish?" Bruce looks down at you, brows furrowed. "You used a jellyfish for this?" You nod.

"Turritopsis dohrnii... I-it has the ability to age backward once it's reached its maximum age or has undergone stressful situations... it reverts all the way back to its polyp stage..."

"So you could possibly revert all the way back to an infant?" Tony asks as he grabs the paper, you nod. He studies it, eyeing the paper up and down. "How long do we have until then?"

"T-two to three days at least..."

"...Damn it..." Tony mutters. "I'll try to figure this out, maybe I can cook something up that will slow it down... For now, Bruce, take her to the lounge room— have the other's keep an eye on her. You can come back up here afterward and give me a hand."

"Alright, I'll call them on the way down." Banner puts a handout and you take it, gripping his hand nervously as he walks you towards the elevator.

Thor spots the two of you in the hall, following you out of concern and curiosity. "Banner, Why is Lady Yn so tiny?"

"I'll tell you in the lounge, Thor..."

You hid behind Bruce once you enter the lounge, for some reason you felt like your teammates were total strangers. They all stared at you in shock and worry as he explains the situation. You grip the back of his shirt in your hands. "Yn? What's wrong?" Bruce places a gentle hand on your head and you look up at him nervously. "These are your friends, you know them." He says.

"I-I know... But... but they scare me... for some reason, I feel like they're strangers... I-I'm not feeling too good either..." Bruce's heart stops when he notices your height slightly change. The effects of the serum might be working faster than you previously thought. He bites his lip.

"You're okay, Yn... just stay here— Stark and I will figure it out, don't worry..." you nod, shyly stepping out from behind him and approaching the group of heroes. "Guys, call either Tony or me if she appears to change. We need to stay updated on her condition. Just keep her calm and relaxed; stress might worsen her condition."

"We'll keep you posted, Doctor." Steve says. Nat comes up to you and bends down to your level, talking to you softly in an attempt to comfort you. You fiddle with your hands as you tremble slightly.

"Everything's going to be okay, Yn..." she softly whispers.

"N-Nat... I'm scared..." You whimper. Her eyes soften and she pulls you into a hug.

"You're okay, Yn. Bruce and Tony will figure it out..." she pulls back, a small comforting smile on her lips. "Let's do something that will take your mind off it, Yeah?" You nod, taking her hand. "Clint, you've got kids- what do we do?" Little to the group's knowledge, Clint had already gone into full 'mother bird' mode.

"I've got this. Steve, Vision- put in a PG movie. Something light-hearted and fun. Thor, Wanda, grab some snacks and juice for her, anything sweet will suffice. Nat, I need you to grab the softest blanket we got- put it in the dryer for ten minutes so it comes out nice and warm." They all start heading off and Clint comes to you, taking you by the hand. "And, Yn... I got something you can cuddle while the movie plays, okay?" You nod quietly. "Alright, Sweetheart... come on let's go get it."

Barton's grip on you tightens when he feels you shrink slightly. "C-Clint?"

"You're fine, Yn." He reassures, opening the door to his room in the compound. He shuffles some stuff around with his free hand until he finds a plush black widow spider toy. "Nat got this for Nathaniel... I don't think she'll mind if you hold onto it tonight..." he hands it to you and you hug it close.

"Thank you, Clint."

"You ready to go watch the movie?"


"Okay come on, Princess..." on the way to the lounge the two of you bump into Peter. "Parker? What are you doing here?"

"Mr. Stark called me, said it was important." He looks to you and you hug the toy closer to you nervously. "Who's the kid? She looks a lot like Yn. Is she related?"

"N-no, it's me, Peter..." he stares at you wide-eyed.

"What happened?"

"It's a long story." Clint sighs.

"Can we go to the lounge now? I wanna watch the movie..."

"Yes, Yn. Just one moment." He looks at Peter. "Kid, I need you to go up to the lab and tell Stark and Banner that she's shrunk a little more, and please ask them if they're any closer to figuring this out."

"I'm on it, Mr. Barton." Clint picks you up, carrying you to the lounge room and setting you on the couch next to Steve and Vision. The title screen for Emperor's New Groove on the Tv.

"Can we make a pillow fort?" You ask, looking up at Clint, Vision, and Steve. Of course, they said yes, Vision goes to grab more pillows and a couple of blankets.

"How big would you like it?" Vision asks. Natasha enters the room, draping the warm blanket over your shoulders. You nuzzle into it with a smile.

"I want everyone to be able to fit!" You say, outstretching your arms. "It will be the bestest! We can all watch the movie and- and it will be funner than anything!" They look between each other, realizing your mind is starting to revert even more.

"Yes, it will, Yn," Steve says. "Would you excuse me one second?" He steps to the side, using FRIDAY to pull up a video call of Tony. "Stark, her minds starting to go... You almost done up there?"

"We've got something... but we're not sure what the effects will be. It could slow the process, stop it, reverse it, or speed it up..."

"Is there any way you could find out if it will work?"

"The only way would be to test it on her..."

"Then do it, if it's got a chance to fix her- do it." Nat cuts in. "We have to do something..." you tug on her shirt and she looks down at you. You had shrunk more, taking on the look of a seven-year-old. Your clothes are sagging down because of their size. Natasha's face goes slightly pale.

"Whatcha talking about?"

"Stark, bring that serum down now!" Thor and Wanda enter the room, snacks, and juice in hand. They freeze at the sight of your tiny form. You bound to them excitedly, the toy spider flopping around in your hand.

"Goldfish! Gimme the Goldfish!"

"Lady Yn, you're... you're smaller?!"

"Can I have a pop tart too?" You ask, ignoring his words. He blinks a few times before complying with your wishes, handing you the snacks. With a giddy smile, you take them- darting to the large pillow fort in the middle of the lounge. Wanda stares in shock as she watches you munch on the snacks happily; as if oblivious to the changes happening to your body. "That cannot be good..." Thor mutters.

"Where are Stark and Banner? We can't wait any longer!" Wanda snaps.

"Mr. Stark, as well as Banner and Parker, are on their way down as we speak." Vision says putting up a hand to stop you from trying to feed him Goldfish. "They should be here any second with the serum."

"Why won't you eat?" You whine.

"Yn, I do not have any sensory organs for taste- nor do I have a human metabolism capable of digestion. You know this."

"But they taste good!"

"Where is she?" Tony asks the three of them speed walking into the room.

"Tony!" You giggle happily, hopping off the couch and dashing to him. You hug his legs, the three of them stare down at you, eyes wide.

"We made a fort! And now that you guys are here we can watch the movie!" You grab Stark and Parker's hands trying to drag them to the pillow fort.

"H-hold on, Yn. We have to do something before we watch the movie." Banner says, he pulls out a syringe full of the serum and you go deathly pale.

"NO!" You scream, startling the group.

"Yn, it's the only way!"

"No needles!"

"How could you be scared? You injected yourself with the serum!" Bruce says.

"I don't want to hurt!"

"Yn!" Tony picks you up and you struggle in his grip, you shrink more slightly. "Y-Yn! You're only making it worse!"

"That's not going to help, Stark!" Clint yells, heading to the couch to grab the toy. "You have to be calm about this!"

"Well, it's hard to stay calm when you have a child kicking you in the gut!" Peter steps closer to you.

"Yn... look at me..." Peter says softly, you look over at him as you breathe heavily, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. He gently grabs your hand. "Y'know... I used to be afraid of needles too..." he says. "But you know what I did? Even though it was scary?"


"I held my Aunt May's hand, looked at her, and breathed... I felt a little pinch and it was done! So, Yn- I want you to do the same with me Okay?"


"Keep your eyes on me... don't even look at Dr. Banner. You're going to be fine..." you do as your told, squeezing Peter's hand tight in anticipation when you feel Bruce roll your baggy sleeve up. The feeling of a pinch was an understatement. Due to the chemical properties of the serum, it felt more like a bee stinging you two or three times in the same spot. You tried to hold back a yelp when the needle is pulled out, a large bruise beginning to form where it was inserted. Peter can see the tears in your eyes and begins to panic. "No! No! Don't cry! D-don't cry! You're alright!" Clint quickly takes you from Tony as you cry out, tears streaming down your face as you sob loudly, he gently bounces you as Steve hands you the spider plush. Natasha gently grabs your arm and places a band-aid over where the injection happened.

Eventually, you calm down, Clint wipes a stray tear off of your face as he looks down at you. "You ready to watch your movie?"

"...y-yeah..." You sniffle.

"Okay. Let's go watch the movie..." he sets you down and you hold his hand. Everyone climbs into the fort with you and Clint before starting up the movie. About halfway through the movie, you fall asleep, your head resting in Thor's lap.

Your eyes flutter open when you feel a pounding pain wracking your skull. "Ugh... God... My head..." you groan quietly, your body feels stiff as you sit up. You groggily look around you. Everyone was passed out around you sleeping soundly. When the memory of everything that happened last night comes flooding back you tense up and quickly examined your body. Everything was back to normal. "Oh thank god..." you breath, lazily lying back down, your head resting back down on the back of your patriotic pillow- Captain America, who was sleeping on his stomach. You don't know when or how everyone's positions changed to what they are now, but you couldn't complain. It was warm and comfortable. Thor was laying his head on one of your thighs, Nat was curled up next to you, Clint was on the other side of you with an arm on your waist, Vision and Wanda were on the couch cuddling, Tony was sprawled out on the floor hugging the spider toy, Peter followed Thor's lead and was also using one of your legs as a pillow- but a blanket was placed over the top of it, and Bruce was sleeping sitting up against the couch.

A small smile comes to your face as you stare up at the ceiling. All of them did what they could to help you out in your time of need, you definitely owed them one. A content sigh passes your lips. "I love this family..."


"Do you have any idea how dangerous that was?!" Tony shouts at you. You sink down in your spot sheepishly. "You're lucky Bruce and I were here when it happened! Otherwise, you'd probably be a damn fetus on the floor!"

"I-I'm Sorry..."

"Sorry doesn't cut it! You scared me! You scared all of us! We thought we were going to lose you!"

"I know. I-I shouldn't have tested it on myself— I didn't mean to scare you guys."

"Well, you did! And as punishment, I'm taking away your pass for the lab for two months!"

"What?! T-that's not fair! I have work I need to get done!"

"Tony, go easy on her. She was just doing her job." Clint cuts in.

"But she did it irresponsibly!" Bruce retorts. "She shouldn't have tested it on herself!"

"Oh, what? And you guys are perfect saints that haven't done that?" Nat asks, crossing her arms. "Bruce, you're only alive because of the 'other guy' that formed when you got exposed to your experiment— that Gamma radiation should have killed you! And Tony, do you want me to pull up every video on file of you testing out your gear, it failing, and you sustaining some form of injury?" Tony rubs the bridge of his nose and lets out an agitated sigh.

"Fine, three weeks without the lab and you have to tell that stupid cosmetologist that you can't do what they requested— it's impossible to control and has serious side effects! I don't want you working on it anymore!"

"Okay, 'Dad'. " You mutter. "You going to send me to my room too?" You ask sarcastically.

"Yes, actually. Go- now."

"M-Mr. Stark? I don't think you can tell her what to do?" Peter asks more than states.

"The hell I can't, Kid."

"Tony, you can't be serious! I'm not a child!"

"You were less than 12 hours ago, and this compound is owned by me- that lab is owned by me; so what I say goes! You're grounded! Go to your room. Now!"

"This is ridiculous! You can't ground me!"

"Stark, she's a grown woman!" Thor says. "She has the freedom to make her own decisions."

"Not under this roof, Pointbreak!"

"Tony, you're overreacting..."

"Shut it, Capsical! Yn. Room. NOW!" A loud groan escapes your throat and you throw your head back.

"Ugh... Fiiiinnne..."

Once the door closes behind you, you get a text message from Peter with a video attached.

" You and Mr. Stark atm LoL "

You click the link and can't help but laugh as it plays.

"Okay, you know what- you're in time out! Get on top of the fridge! Get up there!"

"This house is a fucKING NIGHTMARE!!!"

You shake your head, a large grin is plastered on your face. "God I love this family..."

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