Avengers (Definitly and over reaction)

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An: So this one's not to any one specific, just something stupid that made me laugh when I wrote it out. Anyway, hope you enjoy!

You sat on the couch, watching tv as you angrily ate Cheetos. Why are you angry you may ask? Well you had a real hankering for some good ol' pop tarts this morning for breakfast, and you just so happened to have one last large box that was full- or so you thought. See, recently the oh so mighty God of Thunder decided to visit the Avengers tower- he was going to stay a while and you made the mistake of telling him he could go through the kitchen and eat whatever he wished. So this morning when you went to grab yourself one or two packages of the sweet breakfast food; you came face to face with an empty box, a trail of crumbs, and wrappers piled up in the garbage.

At first you weren't entirely mad- you thought 'Hey, that's fine! Nothing some cereal can't fix!' But after pouring a bowl and going to grab the milk, you found that Odinson had apparently chugged the last gallon to go along with your delicious pop tarts. So for breakfast- you had a dry, very unsatisfying, bowl of fruit loops and a glass of water.

Just fantastic.

You know it's something that shouldn't make you this mad, but you were in a mood. You swear that if anyone disturbs you, their head will be ripped clean off. You place another handful of the cheesy puffed snack in your mouth, the crunching in your mouth blocking out the sound of the Tv to your ears. You didn't care- what ever was on was boring anyway, you just needed something to take your mind off of this morning.

"Hey, Yn." Clint says from the kitchen area, you shot a hard glare at him, a growl sounding off in your throat.

"Whoa! Hey! What's with the death stare?" He asks, taking a sip from the coffee pot, not even bothering to grab a mug.

"Just mad! Sorry, Clint- it's not towards you."

"Well, whoever pissed you off better stay far away. Haven't seen you this mad since Hulk smashed through your bedroom wall while you were changing." Clint goes to the fridge opening it and looking around. "Gotta tell you, never seen anyone or anything take the Hulk out as fast as you did. Feel bad for the poor soul that's going to have to deal with your wrath." His hand flops to the side. "Are we seriously out of milk and coffee creamer?"

"Yes," You growl. "Thor drank the last of the milk, he probably drank all your creamer too."

"Jesus Christ, we don't even have the gross soy shit... How is Thor not dead?"

"Oh he's going to be if I see him today." You cram another handful in your mouth. "He ate my pop tarts, drank all my milk, made me eat a nasty breakfast- I swear to God if I see him..."

"I'll send him a warning." Clint sighs, joining you on the couch. He offers the coffee pot to you. "Want some?"

"No, I hate it straight." He shrugs, taking another sip from the pot. He suddenly freezes, looking back and making some sort of motion to someone.

"Barton, I don't understand? What is it you are doing?" Your hand clenches the bag of Cheetos tight at the sound of his voice.

"Damn it..." Clint sighs. "Thor, you should probably go."

"I wish to speak to Lady Yn."

"Thor, now's really not the time!" Clint prosists. "It'd probably would be better to wait until tomorrow." Thor comes closer anyway.

"Lady Yn," you take a deep breath in from your nose. "I was wondering if- oh, what are those? May I try one?" His hand comes close to the bag and you aggressively grab his wrist, gripping it tight without even looking at him.

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