Peter Quill (fooled around)

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Well would you look at that! I'm not dead!
Life's been busy so a lot of things took top priority over this, doesn't help that I lost motivation and 99% of the things I write I don't know how to end.
Anyway, here's a little bit of fluff that I guess could be counted as a song-fic? I dunno.

~ Dekunuts

"Yn, are you sure you don't want to take a break?" Peter asks groggily. "It's late and you've been flying for hours."

"I'm fine, Quill. I prefer the night life."

"We're in space, we're practically surrounded by night every time we fly. You have to rest."

"No I don't— you do. I can hear it in your voice." It was true, you didn't feel tired, it always seems as though you could evade sleep until your body would suddenly crash. Peter was definitely different, you didn't even need to look at his baggy, sleep deprived eyes to know he needed rest.

"Yn, this can't be good for you." He says through a yawn. "Let me take over." You flick the Milano into auto pilot and stand, walking up to Peter. You appreciate the concern, find it adorable in fact, but he really needed sleep more than you.

"Listen, Star lord; I'll cut you a deal. You go to bed, I'll stay and stear, and in let's saaay... two or three hours we switch off. Sound like a deal?"

"No, c'mon. You need to go to bed- let me take over." You shake your head, grabbing hold of his hand and leading him to his small quarters.

"Bed. Now." You command, pushing him down into the sheets.

"...At least let me take you out to dinner first..." he mutters jokingly, you roll your eyes.

"Go to sleep."

"Ey ey captain..." he yawns. "Wake me up in two..."

"So you're taking my previous deal?" Nothing but a snore in response. You smile at his sleeping figure, wishing that at some point you could be at his side wrapped up in his arms.

As you sit yourself back in the captain's seat, you find yourself getting bored pretty fast, while the sight of the stars in space were beautiful and breathtaking— staring out at the vast, empty abyss of space without someone to enjoy it with could sometimes dull the sights. Not to mention the eerie silence of the ship when everyone was asleep in their rooms, not hearing anything aside from your own breath made it dull as well.

You sigh through your nose, drumming your fingers softly on the control console. "God... what I wouldn't do to get some tunes right now..." You would have loved to blare Quill's music, but due to the circumstances you couldn't exactly do that. You sigh once more, resting your chin in your hand out of boredom. "I'm just gonna grab a snack..." You flick autopilot back on and head to your small room. Hidden under your mattress was the little snacks you liked and kept hidden from the others. The last time you had them out were everyone could see, with a note saying it was yours, you came back to empty wrappers and an in denial Rocket with chocolate smeared on his muzzle. Needless to say you were pissed, those snacks were Terran, something hard to find out in the depths of space, making them expensive. (Seriously, you don't know how many units you've spent on Terran food- but you're sure you'd be rich by now if you hadn't.)

With a bag of snack sized Kit-Kat bars in hand, you head back into the control room. As you unwrap the chocolate-covered wafer and pop it in your mouth, something catches your attention from the corner of your eye.

Quill's walkman.

You head over to it, with a shrug of your shoulders you slip on the headset and press play. Your head bobs gently to the smooth beat as "Fooled around and fell in love" by Rob Stewart began to play, a small smile coming to your lips.

"I must have been through about a million girls
I'd love 'em, and I'd leave 'em alone
I didn't care how much they cried, no sir
Their tears left me cold as a stone."

You sang along softly, just above a whisper as to not wake anyone. Your hips sway softly and you place a hand on one of the head phones.

"But then I fooled around and fell in love
I fooled around and fell in love
Since I met you, baby
I fooled around and fell in love
I fooled around and fell in love"

A pair of arms wraps around your waist and your eyes snapped open as you tense up.

"Y'know... this song is better to dance to with two people..." Peter says, he begins to sway you softly and you relax. You higher the volume of the Walkman, placing the headphones around your neck so that you both can hear it's quiet tune.

It used to be when I'd see a girl that I liked
I'd get out my book and write down her name
Ah, but when the, the grass got a little greener over on the other side
I'd just tear out that page

Quill grabs your hands, spinning you around to face him. He still looked a bit tired, but definitely better than earlier. He places a hand on your hip, pulling you closer as he holds your hand up. You place a hand on his chest and look up at him. He's got a small smirk on his lips. The two of you sway slowly, gently shuffling your feet.

Free, on my own, that's the way I used to be
Ah, but since I met you, baby
Love's got a hold on me
It's got a hold on me now
I can't let go of you, baby

Peter's grip tightens on you slightly as the song begins with its instrumentals. "Have I ever told you how beautiful you look...?" He asks quietly. You feel blush crawl on your cheeks.

"Oh, c'mon, Quill... that's just the sleep deprivation talking..." he spins you slowly before pulling you back.

"No its not... I'm serious."

"Please... you've said that to so many other girls... you can't expect me to believe you..."

"Well this time it's true... you really are beautiful..." you look away for a brief second to hide your smile.

"Well thank you..."

"You know, this song's a lot like our relationship..." your brows furrowed slightly.

"How so?"

"Just listen to the lyrics... 'must have been through about a million girls...' 'free, on my own, that's how it used to be-  Ah, but since I met you, baby...'" He leans in closer to you. "...Loves got a hold on me..." heat rushes to your face, you can feel his breath on your lips.

I can't stop lovin' you now
'Cause I fooled around, fooled around, fooled around
Fooled around, fooled around, fooled around, fell in love

He leans in and your eyes flutter shut, his lips press to yours softly. Your hands slide up his chest before placing both of them on the sides of his stubbled cheeks. He places a hand on the small of your back, pulling you closer if that was even possible.

Fooled around, fooled around; yes, I did
Fooled around, fooled around, fooled around
I fell in love; yes, I did

Quill rests his forehead on yours, smiling softly as the song draws to a close. "Do me a favor..." he whispers. "Stay up with me? If you're not too tired of course..." you smile shyly.

"That wasn't part of our deal... but I think I can make an acception..."

"Good... cause there's no one else I'd rather have as my co-pilot..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2020 ⏰

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