AfterDeath: 30 Days OTP Chall...

By Emo_daw_ako

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The title says it all... More

List of Challenges
Day 1: First Meeting
Day 2: Holding Hands
Day 3: Cuddling
Day 4: On a Date
Day 5: Job / Work
Day 6: Apart From Each Other
Day 7: Sick
Day 8: Cooking / Baking
Day 9: Shopping
Day 10: Meeting a Friend
Day 11: Jealous
Day 12: Accident
Day 14: Bodyguard
Day 15: Picnic
Day 16: Something Sharp
Day 17: Arguing/Fighting
Day 18: Taking Medicine
Day 19: Close Call
Day 20: Making Up
Day 21: Surprise!
Day 22: Hurt/Comfort
Day 23: Attacked
Day 24: Kidnapped
Day 25: Demand
Day 26: Rescue
Day 27: In Battle, Side by Side
Day 28: Recovery
Day 29: Sleeping In
Day 30: Celebration

Day 13: Watching Each Other Sleep

2.3K 111 99
By Emo_daw_ako


AN: I'm running out of words!




Death sat on the back seat of the taxi, wearing a casual attire of dark hoodie and pants, tiredly leaning his head against the cold window glass and watching the scenery goes by with nearly dead eyes. A bouquet of flowers in his limp, gloved hand.

There was large patch of band-aid on his forehead, covering the bruise that he had acquired from the incident.

He's been silent ever since then. He wouldn't talk to anyone. He rarely sleep which explains the dark purple rings under his eyes. He barely eats.

The overwhelming guilt consuming his whole being.

The taxi stopped at his destination and the young chief wordlessly paid the driver before he got off. The door slammed closed, the taxi left and Death found himself at the bottom of the steps in front of Life's enormous hospital.

Death took a step forward. He kept going with his head bowed, having already memorized the way. He walked slowly, his mind wanders aimlessly.

Death stands before a jade colored door with Geno's name written on the name plate attached to it. He clenched his jaw as his grip on the bouquet tightened. Preparing himself for an inevitable emotional breakdown.

He reached one hand to the silver knob and twisted it before gently pushing the door open.

It was a large, air conditioned, private room filled littered with flowers of different sorts and various colors. There was a large bed where a small skeleton lies unmoving. Hooked to an IV drip and an oxygen mask covers the lower half of his face.

Death could already feel the tears stinging his eyes at the mere sight of the motionless skeleton. He quietly closed the door behind him and walked over to the bed. Setting down the bouquet among with the others before sitting on the edge of the bed.

Looking down with heavy heart at the bandages wrapped around the smaller skeleton's head. Death slipped the gloves off before taking the other one's hand in his, tenderly holding it with utmost care.

"Please, wake up." he pleaded, his voice cracked from under use, as warm tears starts pouring from his eyes. He brought the limp hand close to his lips, nuzzling on it, wanting to feel the smaller one's touch again. "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Please come back to me." He apologized again and again, every time and everyday.

It had been a week and a half since the car crash incident. Tori says that his condition has stabilized. The doctors removed the bulky monitoring machines and told him that he was fine, but why wont he wake up?

Death hiccupped and wiped his tears with his free hand. The other never letting go of Geno's hand.

He heard the door behind him opened quietly. The taller skeleton didn't even bother turning around to look at whomever entered the room.

"Oh Death, you're here." Tori greeted in her motherly tone. Yet no matter how soft it was, it could never soothe the pain in his soul.

"Tori, *sniff* why wont he wake up?" Death asked, sounding like a lost child, without even looking at her, his gaze was fixed on Geno.

Tori already explained to him that Geno had slipped into a comatose state due to severe head injury. Obviously, Death wasn't taking it well.

The goat lady frowned. Her facial features softened in compassion. She would've offered a friendly hug if not for the fact that she'll die. She sighed, feeling at little useless at the moment.

"Just imagine it like this," Tori began. "Geno needs rest in order to recover. Let him sleep and he'll wake up when he's ready." She's been telling this to Death almost every day, trying to lighten up his mood.

It always seem to do the trick as Death sniffled and nodded weakly. She smiled and put down her clipboard and pen on the bed before proceeding with Geno's daily check up.

Death let Tori do her work, but didn't move from his spot beside Geno. As the goat lady checks the smaller skeleton's vital signs, Death felt the hand that he was holding moved ever so slightly.

The taller skeleton's 'heart' nearly stopped. His gaze snapped to Geno's face, watching closely for any sign of movement.

But there was none.

He looked down at hand that he was holding, disappointed, maybe his mind was playing tricks with him again. He was proven wrong as he witnessed one finger twitched slightly.

Death's soul leaped to his throat as his eyes widened and hope skyrocketing. "He's waking up!" He declared as he quickly stood up and held the hand tighter.

Tori was startled but nonetheless grabbed her pen and clipboard, ready to take some notes. They both waited in tense silence with suspense for the smaller skeleton to wake up.

For a moment, there was no movement and Death was growing achingly impatient as his grip on Geno's hand tightens even more.

Geno's eyelid twitched and Death unconsciously held his breath in great anticipation. But he was just taking too long!

"Come on, Geno. You can do it." Death whispered encouragingly as he brought Geno's hand closer to his face and pressed it against his lips.

For what felt like an eternity, Geno finally managed to pry his eye open. He was immediately greeted by a sharp throbbing pain in his forehead and his free hand sluggishly moved up to nurse it, but Death was quick to grab it before he could even touch the bandages.

Death was trembling in pure joy and overwhelming relief. Fresh new tears streaming down his face.

"Hi there, can you hear me?" Life immediately began the assessment questionnaire. "What's your name?" She asked gently but loud enough while readily holding her pen over the clipboard.

Geno's unfocused eye shifted towards her, although he didn't say anything. It was obvious that he was having a hard time trying to comprehend the simple question and it made Death anxious of the possible side effects.

"Can you hear me?" Life asked again, a little louder this time, and took some notes down.

Still no answer. Death was growing worried with each passing second without any form of reaction from the smaller skeleton.

"Can you tell me your name?" She proceeded and Death looked up at her and saw her frowning. Not a good sign.

" name?" Geno finally spoke and Death snapped his attention back to him with wide, genuine smile. Overjoyed to finally hear a response. Oh how Death missed his voice!

"Yes, sweetie. Your name." Tori confirmed.

It took Geno way too long than he was supposed to be before he managed to reply. "It's Geno." He said slowly with a hint of hesitance in his tone.

She nodded as she jotted down her notes. "Alright, Geno. Can you tell me what happened? What's the last thing you remember?"


Long silence as Geno struggled to recall anything recently but his mind refuses to cooperate. The deeper he goes to his memory, the more the pain grew intense.

It didn't took long until he reached his limit and visibly winced which caused Death to mildly panicked and to immediately soothes him with soft comforting words. "Hey, it's alright. Don't force yourself."

Geno paused, blinked and turned to look at the familiar taller skeleton, studying his facial features for a moment. Uncertainty flashed in his only eye before asking a question that Death dreaded to hear.

"Do I know you?"

Death's soul died.

"Geno, it's me! Death!" He was full blown panicking. He can't believed- refused to believe that Geno doesn't remember him!

Life shushed him, softly scolding him of Geno's sensitive condition but Death can't calm down knowing that the only person who ever loved him doesn't remember him!

"Geno, please! It's me, Death! Don't you remember me?" He pleaded desperately, gripping both of Geno's hands in his. Hoping for any sign of recognition.

Only for a someone to grab the back of his dark hoodie and drag him out the door. Life then began to firmly scold the teary eyed and visibly trembling Death about how he shouldn't do that.

Life forbids Death from entering Geno's room until he's calmed down. She went back inside and locked the door.

Death couldn't do anything else but wait as he leaned his back against the wall and slid down the floor. Wrapping his arms around his legs and pulling it close to his chest. He buried his face on his knees and cried hopelessly.

Why does these things keep happening to him? Why does everything seems to be going against him?

What had he done wrong?

He just wanted someone to love him. Is that too much to ask?

Death continues to sob. Praying for a miracle to happen.

After a few minutes, he heard the door unlocked and he perked up. Hastily wiped his tears with the sleeves of his jacket and stood up. Looking up at Tori, silently inquiring about Geno's condition.

Tori slowly shook her head, signifying something bad and Death lost the will to live.

She left solemnly and Death hesitantly went back inside the room.

Geno was asleep again.

Death stalked back to bed, sitting back down on his spot again and once again taking his hand in his.

Why does fate has to be so cruel?

Days passes by as Death still remained faithful to Geno. He never stops visiting him, bringing him flowers and some sweet snacks. Even though Geno never shows any sign that he recognized him and it kills Death on the inside at how Geno looked at him.

As if he was looking at a stranger.

Death can't do this any longer. He can't keep going like this.

As he sat on the couch across the room, he watched Geno as the smaller skeleton blankly staring through the window parallel to his bed. The window wasn't even that close to the bed and they were at the top floor.

There was nothing to see outside but the sky.

Did he broke him?

Death let out a defeated sigh as he pushed himself up on his aching tired legs. He walked over to the bed sat down on his usual spot.

Geno doesn't seem to notice him.

Death held Geno's hand, effectively gaining his attention and sluggishly shifted his gaze towards the taller skeleton. Death smiled when their eyes met. But Geno didn't.

Death's smile faltered and his eyes wandered to Geno's hand. At least Geno still allows him to touch his hand. It's the only thing that keeps his sanity intact.

Death didn't noticed his growing drowsiness and before he knew it, he was already asleep. Curled up next to Geno. It was a large bed after all.

Geno studied him. His appearance, his smile, his voice. It was all painfully familiar. He'd been getting flashes of random images. For the last few days, he'd been trying to piece it all together.

He wanted to remember.

He stared at the taller skeleton's face, the dark purple rings under his eyes and dried tears on his cheeks. Also the large patch of band aid on his forehead.

Geno gently run his hand over it. Briefly wondering what's under it. Death stirred slightly in his sleep, unconsciously leaning into his touch.

Geno's curiosity peaked and he experimentally cupped the taller one's cheek. A sudden sense of déjà vu hit him. Geno wondered who was this skeleton.


~~~ Time skip~~~


Death woke up to find the room was plunged in the dark. He was lying comfortably on something soft and a hand was holding his own. He instantly knew who it belongs to and where he was.

He sighed and sat up, causing the bed to move slightly and alerting the other occupant of the bed.


Death's soul lurched as he stiffened and eyes going wide in shock upon hearing the voice that he hadn't heard in a while. He quickly ran for the light switch and flipped it on.

Blinding white light burst from the ceiling and Death saw Geno, who was sitting up on the bed, flinched from the abrupt brightness.

Death was frozen on his spot as he gaped at the smaller skeleton. "G-Geno? Did you just-? Did you call my name?" The taller skeleton asked with utter disbelief. Greatly doubting himself.

But no.

He watched with growing expectation and tears in his eyes as Geno nodded in confirmation.

Death's lips trembled as joy welled in his heart. Yet he couldn't bring himself to come closer. His legs wouldn't move. He was stuck there. A small part of him said that it was a dream.

And Death didn't want to ruin it.

"Do you-? Do you remember me?" Death asked. He wanted to make sure that this was real. He couldn't handle another heartbreak.

And he wasn't disappointed.

Geno smiled at him and open his arms to offer a hug.

Death can't hold himself any longer as he finally burst to tears and ran into the other's arms. Sobbing uncontrollably while protectively hugging the other, pressing their body closer. Utterly terrified for his life.

Geno returned the hug and rubbed soothing circles on the taller one's back and Death whimpered. Oh how he missed his touch!

"Thank God, thank God." Death mumbled again and again. Absolutely grateful that his prayers have been heard.




To be continued...



AN: I think I pushed Death to his limit. :/


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