Reason To Breathe

By oitnbfeels

1.2K 16 4

Just a family book i felt like writing just because. Alex's mom is alive. Her dad is Apart of her life and th... More

Birthday party
"Oh no, Piper? Is that you?"


691 8 4
By oitnbfeels

This is an actual book from the one shot I did in my other book it has a little bit of changes to it and extra added at the end.

11:36 am

"Where is that precious grandson of mines Piper?" Carol approached Piper and Polly with a suitcase behind her.

"He upstairs in the room with Alex resting." Piper smiled and took a sip of her sparkling ice.

"Oh this Alex. I can't wait to see this girlfriend of yours again." She smiled and began to walk away. Until piper put her hand on her shoulder.


"I'm sorry?" She raised her eyebrows turning her head.

"Alex is my wife mom remember." Piper looked hopeful but discouraged all at the same time.

Carol narrowed her eyes and pursed her lips. "Oh that's right. You informed me. You know.... you- never mind I'll see you around." And with that, she walked away.

"Wow Pipes. Your mom... I still don't think she approves of you marrying that lesbian." Prolly said raising her eyebrows and sipping her wine.

"I don't think Your husband approves of you drinking wine so early. Polly, Alex isn't just any lesbian. She's the best lesbian ever. I feel so amazing around her. She makes me feel wonderful after sex.."

"Piper! TMI! I don't want to hear about that. Loosen up where is your wine." Polly raised her hands up in surrender.

"I'm sorry pol." Piper laughed softly.

"It's fine. Have you seen Finn and Pete?" Polly looked scanned the lobby of the hotel before her eyes shot at Alex and carter walking towards them. She raised her eyebrows and smiled with a wide mouth.

"Oh would you look at that, Vause. Dr. Vause holding your child." Polly had the biggest smile on her face pointing at them.

"Gosh you still refuse to say her first name? Hi baby." Piper turned around and kissed her.

Polly's eyebrows furrowed. "You're freaking married to one of America's top surgeons. It's not something regular piper. I don't want it to be."

"Polly don't scare her away." Piper swatted at Polly's shoulder.

"It's fine pipes. How are you?" Alex put Carter down and put her hand on pipers lower back before she kissed her.

"I'm fine. My stomach just hurts." Piper whined resting her head on Alex's shoulder while Alex made circles on her stomach.

"Mama." Carter wrapped his arm around pipers leg, tugging on the bottom of her black skirt. She picked him up and grunted. "Hello my little monster. I missed you Car." She said ruffling his hair and kissing his head making him smile really big. She put him down and bent down to his size.

"Carter look, nana. She's been dying to see you." Piper pointed in the direction of carol before standing up and saw her waving making him run towards her and jump on her lap.

"He's so cute pipes." Polly smiled at her and took another sip. "Oh look Pete. Hey." She kissed his cheek. They Walked over and sat on a lobby couch and had their conversation while Piper and Alex walked away and went up to their hotel room.

Piper kicked her heels off and pulled her skirt up just above her waist. She kneeled on the floor and groaned putting her hands on the floor and began stretching and arching her back. Alex chuckled and threw her jacket on the bed before she sat down in front of piper.

"Give me your hands piper. We're gonna try some different stretches you always do the same ones. Eventually Peanut will get uncomfortable and kick his way out of there." Alex looked at her with a smirk on her face laughing, making Piper whimper.

"Al don't say that. If peanut shoots out of me right now, it's gonna be your fault." She grabbed onto Alex's hands and sat up straight.

"Chill out your only 18 weeks he's not going anywhere. No, no get back on your knees pipes."

"Damnit Alex you could've told me to stay on my knees." She began to get frustrated. Alex released her left hand and rubbed her shoulder.

"Shh calm down." She let go of her shoulder and grabbed her hand again. Piper put her head down as she breathed in and exhaled.


She lifted her head. "What?" She furrowed her brows.

"Your back. Arch it and breathe in slowly."

"Alex you sound like a perv." Piper chuckled before doing as instructed. She arched as much as she could before she felt the slightest bit of pressure. She jerked her head forward And yelped.

"What's wrong?" Alex looked worried.

"The baby. It moved. It never moves." Piper sat up straight and grabbed Alex's hand positioning it on her stomach.

"I feel it." A smile crept onto her face as she looked at pipers ecstatic face until it turned into a frown.


"He stopped."

Alex narrowed her eyes. "You're still convinced we're having a boy?" She raised her eyebrow and chuckled.

"Yes. Gosh, fuck me for wanting another little Vause." She playfully rolled her eyes.

"Okay. Stand up." Alex smirked raising her eyebrows.

"What? Alex I was just exaggerating."

"I know. Stand up so we can finish stretching silly." Alex laughed and stood up before piper.

Piper attempted to stand up but horribly failed making Alex laugh at her. She reached her hand out for piper to take and she simply rolled her eyes. She crawled over to the foot of the bed and put her hands on the bed for balance and stood up slowly.

"You could've just grabbed onto my hand.."

"Shut up. I know but you're being petty. I'm not touching you."

She walked over to her suit case and pulled out her black sandals and put them on.

"Oh wait a few minutes and I'll come back to finish our stretches." Alex said while checking her phone and putting her jacket on.

"Okay. Where are you going?" She said breathing heavily as her chest moved rapidly up and down with her hands on her hips.

"My moms downstairs I'm gonna go get her. Can you breathe? You need water or something?" She said furrowing her brows.

"I can breathe I'm just getting so fat. The more movement I do the less breath I have." She let out a sigh and sat on the end of the bed with her hands on her knees.

"You okay babe?" She had a look of worry on her face as she walked towards Piper.

"Mmm. I'll be fine. I just need to... walk around a bit."

"Here let me help you baby. Come on." She grabbed the shoes from piper and helped her put them on.

"Come downstairs with me so I can show you off to a few of my family members." Alex finished her shoes before standing up again.

"Show me off? Okay." Piper chuckled and stood in front of the mirror. She put her left hand on her stomach and the other on her lower back.

"I look so fat." She frowned.

"Piper this is your first child you're pregnant, not fat. Besides no one can tell yet that's what you want right? You. Look. Beautiful." Alex smiled as she walked up behind her and put her hands on her stomach.

"You think so?" Piper turned around.

"Yes. Always. Come on let's head downstairs. Family's waiting."

Piper exhaled and grabbed her phone and water bottle as Alex held the door open for her. "Thank you madam." Piper joked as she walked out the door.

"Your ass looks nice." Alex whispered and lightly rested her hand on her butt.

"Mm it's all yours." Piper smiled and winked.

"Well not tonight or the night after because... We'll be sharing the room with my parents." Alex said as they entered the elevator pressing the button.

"Duh. Carter is gonna sleep with us anyways we can't have sex reaching across him." Piper laughed

"Um actually we can. But we won't. It's not like he knows anything anyway. He's only 1, he still sucks on pacifiers and bottles and the only words he knows is mama, duck, paw, nana, gammy and dine and maybe a few others." Alex mocked his words in his voice.

"Don't criticize my son Alex Vause."

"Don't say stupid things like that Piper Vause." Alex said mockingly.

"Shut up." Piper walked out of the elevator being greeted by another young pair of girls waiting for the elevator.

"Good morning." The shorter one said with a big smile and her hand out.

"Good morning." Piper smiled and took her hand in hers.

"You two are a lovely couple. That's if you are."

"Thank you. Likewise." Piper blushed and looked at Alex.

"Thank you so much. I'm Lorna this.."
She was cut off by the elevator closing.

"We can just take the next one lorna. I'm Nicky by the way." The wild haired one finally spoke.

"Nice to meet you Nicky. I'm Piper this is my wife Alex." Piper smiled gesturing to Alex until she spoke up.

Alex smiled widely placing her hand on Pipers stomach causing piper to laugh.

"Oh my! So cute. How many months are you? What are you having"

"12 weeks. We don't know yet, No one knows. Speaking of Babies. I left Carter's bottle upstairs. So I'm gonna go back and get it." Piper began to turn around until Alex grabbed her hand.

"I'll go get it. Go sit and wait for my parents to come i.."

"Al. It's fine. I need to get some movement with my body. I'm taking the stairs."

"Okay fine I'll let you go back up. But you're not taking the stairs. I don't want you to hurt yourself and if anything happens no one will know. On the elevator there is people with you. Please go up the elevator for Me, Peanut and Carter." Alex rubbed up and down her arm.

"Fine fine." She kissed her lips and turned around as the Elevator doors opened again and Nicky and Lorna walked into the Elevator.

"I love you pipes." Alex kissed her hand before dropping it.

"I love you too Al. I'm not gonna die." Piper chuckled and walked into the elevator. She had a small smile until the elevator doors closed. She closed her fingers together and rocked back and forth.

"What floor?" Nicky asked.

"5," she turned her head and watched Nicky press the button.

"Oh! Same floor.... If you don't mind me asking. Who's Carter?" Lorna smiled.

"Carter is my son. And the questions don't mind to me. Keep them coming please."

"Well In that case, how old is he?"

"He just turned 1 two days ago. We're having his birthday party here in the room downstairs that's why we're here."

"Oooh nice nice. Well I don't want to bombard you with questions so I'll leave you to it." She turned her head and look straight ahead.

The next few seconds of the ride was silent. They reached the floor and piper got a sting in her pelvis area. She let a small groan slip from her throat and put her hand under her stomach.

"You okay kid?" Nicky asked letting piper get off before her.

"Yea yea fine. Thank you." She stepped off and started walking slowly towards her room.

"Oh! We're right across from each other. How cool." Lorna squealed as Nicky and Piper stuck the key card in the door.

Piper laughed and waved goodbye and went into the room. She let the door close behind her before looking through his bag and her bag. She couldn't find it so she decided on pulling her phone out and texting Alex.

Do you remember where I put it?

Check the side of my big blue bag his yellow bottle should be in there.

Thx baby. I'll be down in a sec. oh and Nicky and Lorna are straight across from our room. How crazy is that 😂

Pretty crazy but just be careful babe. You don't know what they're capable of. But the family's waiting to see you before they go to their rooms. Hurry down love you. 💋

Piper laughed and locked her phone before walking over to Alex's bag. She looked on both sides before pulling it out and exhaling. "Finally" she whispered to herself before walking back towards the door. She remembered he didn't come down with his pacifier so she decided to grab that also. She opened the door and closed it making sure it was locked before walking down the hall to the elevator. When she made it she saw Lorna standing there waiting with a credit card, car keys, and key card in her hand.

"Lorna hey! We meet again." She laughed.

"Hello piper." She smiled at her as the elevator doors opened.

They both walked on and the whole ride was quiet until Lorna finally spoke up. "Hey Piper, what kind of things does your son like?"

"Um he really likes the dogs from paw patrol and ducks." Piper smiled at the thought of her little boy.

"Okay me and Nicky thought it'd be the humanly thing to do. Ya know, get him a gift for his birthday."

"Oh you guys don't have to." Piper swatted the air.

"Well.. we want to." She smiled and stepped off the elevator. Piper stood there in shock with her eyebrows raised before stepping off also.

She saw Alex standing there hugging a woman and kissing her cheek. She smiled at how well Alex got along with her family; she thought it was cute. The woman pointed in Piper's direction making Alex turn around and smile.

"Hey pipes. This is my Aunt Carolina, uncle Lewis, dad Lee, and grandma Margaret, and you've already met my mom. I'll get to the rest of the family at the party tomorrow." Alex smiled as she pointed out all of her family. Her grandma was the first one to speak up but what she said didn't really improve Pipers mood.

"This is who you're married to. You can do better Alex." She gestured to her. Piper put her head down and bit the inside of her lip playing with the clip on carters pacifier.

"Grandma! Pipes she was joking she's a joker." Alex whispered putting her arms around piper.

"Mom that is not nice." Diane defended Piper.

"It's fine. Peanut is sitting on my bladder so I'm gonna go use the bathroom." She whispered in alex' ear and slapped her shoulder before she walked off. Next to the bathroom door she spotted Carol and Carter, fixing his hair in the little mirror. She was on the verge of tears but still managed to smile at their bond and how close they've gotten.

"Oh hey Piper. Carter's been wanting his mommy these last couple of minutes." Carol turned around and smiled.

"Oh it's fine I'll take him I was just about to use the restroom. Maybe come in and keep him company while I do that." She smiled back giving him his bottle and clipping the pacifier to his jacket.

"Of course. I was going to go in and change him." Carol opened the bathroom door and held it open for Piper.

She used the restroom and fixed her clothes in the bathroom mirror. She looked over and saw carter smiling at her; she smiled back. She washed her hands and dried them before taking carter, the diaper, and wipes from carol and letting her exit. She laid him on top of the baby changer and removed his shoes before his baby joggers and opened the diaper.

"Oh somebody's got a stinky diaper." She scrunched up her nose and tickled him making him giggle.

"You know car I really wanted your great grandma to like me. She's so beautiful and she looks just like your grandma Diane. She seems like a kind person, but maybe I messed something up. Do you think I'm a good person?" She talked to him while letting smile quite tears roll down her cheeks as she changed his diaper and put his new one on. With her being pregnant it made her extra hormonal and emotional. He smiled at her and made a baby noise. She stood him up on the changer to put his pants back on him.

"Is that a yes?" she said in her cutest baby voice pulling his pants up. She put his left shoe on and just as she was about to tie his shoe someone spoke up.

"I do like you." Margaret said with the smallest voice.

"You do? But you tol.." she swiftly turned her head.

"I know what I told her, I was only kidding. In fact, if my first words to you aren't a joke, then honestly I don't really like you. And truthfully Piper, you're the best addition this family can get." Margaret smiled and grabbed Pipers shoulder. Piper felt the corner of her lips tug into a smile.

"Really? Thank you." Piper hugged her for a few seconds and exhaled.

"And who might this fine young man be?" Margaret pointed to Carter.

"Oh this is Carter. My son, Well me and Alex's son. I can't believe I'm just now meeting you." Piper took carter off of the changer and put him on the floor.

"How cute. I've been out of town for 5 years. Probably longer than you and Alex's marriage. No offense." Margaret raised her eyebrows.

"None taken. We've actually been married for exactly 5 years." Piper smiled and opened the bathroom door letting Margaret go first.

"Well I'll leave you two at it. I just wanted you to know that I really do like you. I love you actually." Margaret grabbed pipers arm and kissed her cheek before hugging her again and walking off.

Piper noticed carter running towards the waterfall setting that was in the hotel lobby.

"Carter, Baby stop running! You're gonna f.." Just as she said that he tripped due to his one sock and one shoe that wasn't tied.

Piper jogged towards him as Alex ran. His screams and cries filled the lounge as Alex picked him up and sat in one of the chairs. He continued to cry as piper sat next to them. He didn't stop crying until he reached his arms out for piper and she took him putting his pacifier in his mouth. She rubbed the back of his head and shushed him as his cries died down. He closed his eyes and sucked his pacifier.

"He can't go to sl.." Alex started

"Al. I got it. 30 minutes. No sleep." She put her hand on Alex's arm. She removed it and put his other shoe on and tied them both.

"Tuts, You're causing a scene." Piper said talking to him as she removed his jacket.

"It's not his fault he can't tie his own shoes or put them on!"

"It's not my fault he ran off while I was- breathe piper breathe." Piper whispered to herself standing up. She put him on the floor and let him walk. "His cake should be arriving tomorrow at 10." She grabbed his hand and walked off.

Today was just a chill day for the families to get situated into their hotel rooms. They'd be preparing early in the morning for the party tomorrow. Piper decided to give a bubble bath to Carter while everyone else did whatever they were doing.


"Wow sis. Can't believe you didn't introduce us first." Alex's Sister spoke up with her hand on her hip.

"Shut up Ava I had to get to the important people first. Besides she already met you guys a long time ago." Alex laughed making Ava hit her with a fake shocked expression.

"Ava keep your hands to yourself." Diane said with narrowed eyes as Alex and her 2 siblings continued conversing. 30 minutes to an hour later, Alex decided it was time to head up. She went up to their room with her mom and dad behind her. Before they headed up, she stopped at the vending machine and lounge fridge and got Piper a snickers bar, ice cream, and sparkling ice as an apology for yelling at her. When they made it to their room Alex knocked before inserting the key. She opened the door and the room was dark minus the curtains being closed with just a little light shining through. She turned around and told her parents to be quiet.

She walked over to her and Piper's bed and turned the lamp on. Alex' eyes fluttered with hearts as she saw her wife and son cuddled on the bed sleeping. A smile crept onto her face as she tried not to cry.

"They're beautiful Ally." Lee said walking up behind her rubbing her shoulder.

"Thanks dad." She smiled and put her hand on pipers head and ran her fingers through Pipers hair.

Piper was lying on her side while Carter's head was resting on top of Piper's chest along with one of his hands as the other hand held his bottle in his mouth. His left leg was swung over her legs and his other was on the bed. Piper had a t-shirt on but it was extra long making it look like a dress. She also had on a pair of black capri leggings that stopped just above her knees. Lee took the ice cream and sparkling ice from Alex and put it in the mini freezer as Diane went to settle their things.

Lee eventually walked out of the room and went to talk to family in their rooms.

Diane went and sat on the couch watching Jane the Virgin. She turned her head and saw Alex putting carter on a pillow and moving Piper behind him.

"You can put him in our bed so you guys can get comfortable."

"It's fine mom. He can sleep over here." Alex said still situating the bodies. Diane stood up and walked over to Alex. She picked up carter and looked at Alex.

"I insist. Cuddle with your wife." Diane laughed walking back to the couch. She laid Carter's head on her lap and the rest of his body across the couch. She messed with his hair as she watched his chest rise and fall. She thought about how she's never met this little boy 4 times in her life and was deeply in love with him.

"You okay mom?" Alex chuckled and got under the covers. Diane had tears rolling down her face without even realizing it. She quickly wiped them away.

"Yea yea." She wiped her tears and looked back up at the TV.

Alex cuddled behind Piper and wrapped her arms around her. She placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed up and down exhaling. She kissed her cheek and moved a hair behind her ear. Just as she finally put her head on the pillow Piper started squirming. She turned her body completely around and faced Alex. She didn't open her eyes, she just rested her head under Alex's chin and took a deep inhale of her smell.

"Where were you?" She said in a tiny voice with her eyes still closed.

"I was talking to Ava and Aron." She said as she played with a strand of Piper's hair.

Piper scrunched her face up at the names. "My sister and brother." Alex chuckled.

"Oh you didn't introduce them to me." Piper said as she ran her hands up and down Alex's back.

"You met them a while ago. They aren't important."

"Alex!" Diane yelled and shot a glare at Alex causing piper to look over there.

"I was kidding." She laughed.

Piper put her head on the pillow, closed her eyes and inhaled slowly. She let the breath out and let out a quiet groan with that. She placed her hand on her stomach. "You okay pipes?"

"Yea, great." She grunted as she got out of the bed and stood there. She sealed her lips together and closed her eyes letting out a long breath. "Piper"

"Alex! I'm fine." Piper yelling caused Alex' eyes to narrow at her.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry." Just as she said that piper grabbed the key card, car keys, and purse.

"Where are you going?" Alex said standing up.

"I'm gonna go to the store and get a few things I'll be back." she slid her feet into her Nike slides.

"I'm coming with you."

"Geesh Alex I'm a grown woman I can  handle myself."

"You're a grown married woman. I don't want anything to happen to you so I'm going with you." Alex whispered to her as she walked next to piper and grabbed her hand. Piper laughed simply saying an 'okay' and walking slowly towards the door before turning around.

"Miss Vause do you need me to take him with me?"

"Nope he's fine. And please, call me Diane. Plus I'm married to Lee, it's Vause-Burley." Diane said as she smiled and played with his hair.

"Thank you." She smiled and walked out with Alex behind her.

The walk down the hall to the elevator was about 40 seconds due to the speed piper walked.

"Come on you pregnant sloth." Alex joked smacking her ass.

"Alex that's not funny. My back hurts." She whimpered pressing the Elevator button.

"I'm sorry baby. How can I make it up to you?" Alex said wrapping her arms around Piper's waist.

"Well what I want, you can't give to me so I'm afraid I'll have to keep quiet." She said grabbing Alex's arms and putting her head on her chest.

"Well tell me. Maybe I can help." Alex began rubbing softly up and down her back as piper moaned.

"You can't make my back stop hurting or my cravings stop. Neither can you get this baby out of me." Piper said putting her hands at the small of Alex's back and rocking side to side.

"Piper you're only 3 months, no where near your due date. Wanna message when we get back to the room?"

"Aww you would do that?" Piper asked making just enough space between them to see her face.

"No but my mom gives really great messages." Alex closes her eyes and laughed making piper softly hit her.

"Okay seriously. Yes I can give you message. Why the hell is this elevator taking so long?" Alex started smashing the button.

"Babe, It has 7 floors we're in a hotel Alex. And you don't ever bang me like that so don't bang the button like that." Piper said causing Alex to laugh.

"You two make such a lovely couple." An older woman with a heavy Russian accent spoke up startling them.

Piper's head shot up with a smile.
"Thank you." Alex smiled at her.

"I'm Galina but if you see me again.. call me red." She smiled and held her hand out; Alex shook her hand.

"Nice to meet you red. I'm Alex this is my wife, Piper." Piper was now standing up straight on her own with her hands on her lower back and a wincing look on her face as she tried a smile.

"Are you doing alright?" Red asked.

"Mm somewhat. I'll get through it." A small smile appeared on her face.

"Well.. oh, elevator is here." Red smiled pointing towards the elevator.

Alex and Piper stepped on before red. "Lounge?" Alex asked pressing 1 and red nodded.

"So What brings you guys to the Provident Doral?" Red asked.

"Our sons birthday party in the party room downstairs." Alex spoke holding pipers head on her shoulder.

"How old is the little fella?" Red turned her head to look at them.

"Turned 1 on Wednesday. We decided to go to a different state to celebrate."

"Aw how adorable. My daughter still has yet to give me any grandkids. We can always become fake family." Red winked and softly nudged Alex with her elbow making her chuckle a little.

"How old is your daughter?"

"26. Nicky"

"Ohh Nicky. Yea me and Piper met her downstairs getting off the elevator." Alex smiled as the elevator open.

"It was nice meeting you Red." Alex nodded her head and walked off the elevator.

"You feeling okay?" Alex asked and ran her hand up and down pipers back.

"Yea I didn't think my back would hurt this much. Especially in less than 5 minutes." She chuckled and lifted her head with her left hand on her back.

"Oh it'll get better. Where are we going?"

They were now outside walking towards the white Range Rover that they rented earlier that day after their plane ride. "Toys r us and maybe somewhere else to get carter some things for his birthday. I haven't gotten him anything." She said as she tossed the keys to Alex and hopped in the passenger seat.

Alex' eyes widened. "Oh my god you're right. I've been so focused on planning this party, I haven't even thought about getting him a gift." She sighed as she brought the car to life.

"It's okay he won't remember this anyways." Piper rested one hand on the center console and the other on her stomach and exhaled. Alex put her hand on top of Piper's and looked at her.

"I love you." She smiled as piper looked at her and said a soft "I love you too al."

Alex then drove off to their destination. They were halfway there when piper started groaning and rubbing her stomach.

"What?" Alex said glancing at piper and back at the road.

"I'm hungry." She adjusted her self in the seat and crossed her feet leaning her head against the side airbag.

"Do you want Whataburger?"

"No Alex I don't want fucking Whataburger. That's the only fast food I eat. Haven't you realized I throw up every time we eat that?" Piper calmed down her tone and realized she was yelling.

"I'm sorry. But I can't keep eating wh.."

"It's fine pipes we'll just find something else. What about Cheesecake Factory, do they make you sick?"

"Now you're just being sarcastic." Piper looked at her and rolled her eyes.

"No Pipes, I swear I'm not. I'm being serious. Do they make you sick?" She took one hand off of the wheel and reached for Pipers. Once she got it piper quickly pulled away and unbuckled her seat belt.

"This is bullshit. It's so uncomfortable." She said being rough taking her seat belt off.

"Piper what are you doing? Put your seatbelt back on." Alex continuously glances over from Piper and the road.

"Calm down. I'm getting too fat for this seatbelt." She sighed and latched onto Alex's hand again as Alex chuckled and shook her head.

"You're getting too pregnant." She corrected raising her brows.

"Whatever. And Cheesecake Factory does not make me sick."

Alex pulled her phone out and called Cheesecake Factory putting it on the car speaker.

"Thank you for choosing Cheesecake Factory How May I help you?" The lady asked with a lot of happiness in her tone.

"I need to place an order to go." Alex replied.

"Sure, can I have a name for your order?"

Alex narrowed her eyes at Piper and smiled. "Piper Vause." She answered making piper laugh out loud and whispered 'wow'

"Okay what can I get for you ma'am?"

Piper sighed looking at the menu on her phone.

"I think peanut wants some seafood." Piper said in a raspy voice as she raised her eyebrows and smiled at Alex with her chin up.

"You and Peanut can have whatever you want." Alex smiled back and put her hand in Pipers hair making Piper giggle.

"Mm the crispy crab bites, dynamite shrimp, and mini corn dogs." Piper said putting her hand on alex' hand as her eyes widened.

"Pipes you are not going to eat all of that." She laughed then repeated everything to the woman over the phone.

"Shut up yes I will. The mini corn dogs aren't even for me anyway." She gave a fake offended face.

"Oh and what about the rest of it." Alex said glancing at her and back at the road.

"Shut up. There's more anyway." She rolled her eyes.

"Reese's peanut butter chocolate cake and the ultimate red velvet cake."

"Piper you're gonna get so fat." She said and repeated once more.

"Alex! No I won't. Shut up." She said narrowing her eyes at her.

"Will that be all?"

Alex glanced at piper
"You getting anything?" Piper asked locking her phone.

"Nope I'll just take a little bit of your food." Alex laughed.

"Like hell you will." She rolled her eyes.

"Fine can I just get the dulce de leche caramel cheesecake and chocolate mousse cheesecake. Oh and the grilled shrimp and bacon club, and crab cake sandwich."

"Calling me fat." Piper whispered to herself making Alex chuckle and roll her eyes.

"Is that it?" The lady spoke up.


"Your total is $75.06, cash or card?"


"Okay your order should be ready within 45 minutes to an hour. Thank you." And with that she hung up.

"God you are gonna be huge." Alex Shook her head and laughed.

"Whatever. We have about 40 minutes to go to the store then maybe more minutes after we go get our food." Piper explained scrolling on her social media.

She gasped making Alex shoot quick glances over and over at her.

"There's a picture of me on someone's Instagram Page."

"What does It say?"

"It's stupid. You remember the event we went to a while back when I was about a few weeks pregnant? The picture we took and I had on the maroon pants and the black button down shirt."

"Oh that picture. What did they say? Something about the Vause family expecting a baby?"

"Basically. I look so fat in this picture." She cringed and furrowed her brows.

"Piper how many times do I have to tell you. You are pregnant. You're gonna be fat eventually because there is a human growing inside of your body. What do you expect?" Alex threw her hand up in the air.

"I know I know. When we go in this store someone is gonna be able to tell. Anyways It doesn't matter." She sighed and put her phone down.

"Do you want people to know yet?" Alex said parking the car in the toys r us parking lot.

"Alex I've been hiding my body for 6 weeks over a stupid baby bump. God I should've put some pants on it's fucking cold. do you have some chapstick." Piper rambled I'm searching through her purse.

Alex glared at Piper and raised her eyebrow. "What do you mean stupid baby bump? Are you calling peanut stupid? Peanut is not.."

"Alex! Stop it. I'm not calling peanut stupid. Calm down. I need pants and chapstick- never mind I found one."

"You found pants in your purse?" Alex made an unamused face.

"No dummy. Chapstick." Piper opened the car door and got out. She Put the chapstick on and tried wrapping the rubber band around the back of her shirt but gave up and dropped her hands to her legs and sighed. She fixed the shirt back to its normal size and put her hands on her hips.

"I have an extra bag in the back. It has the dark jeans with the holes that you love seeing me in." Alex laughed taking the keys out and opening the door.

"They'll have to work." She grabbed her purse and closed the door. She went to the back of the truck and grabbed Alex' bag. She pulled the jeans out and slipped her shoes off. Leaving her shorts on, she pulled the jeans up her body and tried buttoned them up.

"Jesus Al did your pants shrink? When was I not able to fit your pants." She said letting the button hang.

"When you got pregnant dumb ass." Alex laughed, and bent down, grabbing the button. She tried to help button them but piper refused her help.

Alex pushed the suitcase back in the truck and closed the door and they walked off with their hands intertwined.

When they made it in the store piper put her black Michael Kors crossbody purse on her shoulder and squeezed Alex' hand.

"I've never had a one year old. What are we supposed to get him?" Alex said looking around.

"I have an idea." Piper gripped tightly onto her hand and lead the way.

When they stopped, they were standing in front of a bunch of miniature cars. Piper looked over at Alex and smiled. Alex raised her eyebrow and smirked.

"You're so smart pipes. But don't you think he's too young." She said before wrapping her arms around pipers shoulder and leaning down, kissing her temple, making her blush.

"Whatever. Which one do you think he'll like?" Piper asked resting her head on Alex's shoulder holding onto her hand.

"Um considering he's only one and we're still looking for another house we should get something simple but cute. Our apartment isn't big enough for trucks yet."

"Mmm I like the Audi. It looks like.. you." Piper said as she pointed out which one she liked.

"looks like me? What the hell does that mean?" Alex narrowed her eyes looking at Piper.

"I mean like it fits your personality. It was a compliment." Piper laughed and walked towards the car. She bent down and looked at the price tag.

"It's only $199. How bad is that?" Piper shrugged and stood back up slowly.

"They don't even have a.. fuck." Alex groaned running a hand through her hair.

"Are you having trouble looking for something ma'am." A young girl with brown wavy hair asked from behind.

Alex turned around and softened her expression. "Me and my wife were looking at the Audi but there isn't another one."

"Oh it's okay we have more shippings coming in later tonight so you guys can just take this one it's already built and everything. I'll just get one of the higher up workers to unhook it and put it in your vehicle. Is that fine?" She asked with a smile.

"Yeah but can we just go actual shopping first. Then we can come back for this." Alex said gesturing to the car.

"Of course. Come find me when you're ready." She said before walking off.

"Okay you think a basket would be a smart idea Al?" Piper said sarcastically.

"Oh yes Pipes. Let's go. Or never mind go find toys. I'll go get it." Alex said before she walked off also.

Piper chuckled to herself and began walking down aisles. The first two things she managed to pick up and was a mini cleaning set and a stuffed duck. She was currently in an aisle with action figures and things like that when she heard a fit of laughter. She kept her head down but let her eyes roll forward to look at them. Her eyes got big at the 3 women she saw standing there. She was about to speak when she suddenly heard something behind her.

"Shit Sorry pipes." Alex said rubbing her shoulder.

"It's okay just be careful, please." Piper told her with pleading eyes putting her items in the basket.

"I promise babe I'm sorry." She leaned down and kissed her.

"Look I found some avengers action figures. I fig.."

"Chapman?" She heard a familiar voice. She had totally forgotten about the 3 women in front of her.
She turned her head to see one of her best friends from high school.

"Taystee! Hi, how long has it been?" Piper said with a big smile. Taystee scoffed and pointed at piper's ring. "Long enough. How've you been. I see you married your high school sweetheart." She raised her eyebrows hugging Piper.

"Yea I... guess I did." She said softly looking at Alex with a smile.

"Yo Chapman!" The other 2; Poussey and Cindy said walking up behind Taystee.

"It's Vause now." Piper held up her left hand to acknowledge the ring on her finger.

"Oh shit y'all done married?" Cindy gestured between Alex and Piper causing them to nod their heads.

"Congrats congrats. What y'all doing in here? Or out here for that matter." Cindy said crossing her arms.

"Getting our son a few things for his birthday." Alex said leaning against the basket.

"Oh y'all got a kid? How many?" Taystee asked

" a half." Alex shrugged

"A half?" Taystee furrowed her brows. Alex reached over and lifted Piper's shirt.

"Oh shit congratulations again."

Piper laughed and pulled her pants up. "How couldn't you tell?"

"Girl you got a humongous shirt on." Cindy chuckled.

"It's not that big." Piper purses her lips and looked down. "Well we will leave you guys at it. Here take my number just in case you want to get in touch again." Piper took a paper out of her purse and wrote her number on it. She handed it to Taystee with a smile and she took it with a smile.

"See you later chap- vause." Cindy said laughing.

Piper laughed and waved as they walked off. "So you think he'll like avengers? These little stupid action figures." Piper said shaking the box.

"Pipes why is everything stupid to you. Put it in the basket." Alex said looking at the other toys.

"Ooooh look al. The bath toys, they're so cute." Piper squealed picking up the toys.

"Those are adorable." As Alex said that piper put the toys in the basket.

They spent their whole 40 minutes laughing and playing around with some of the toys in the store but they eventually got everything they needed and checked out. The total came to $325 including the truck.

"Geesh Alex. This is a lot to put in the truck." Piper said opening the back door and starting to put things in.

"Don't worry about it Pipes. I'll do it go chill. As a matter of fact you are driving to the Cheesecake Factory fatass." Alex informs Piper grabbing her hand. Piper groaned rolling her eyes and getting in the drivers seat. She shut the door and pulled out her phone. She was on Snapchat watching Polly's story with Finn on it and started smiling.

"What are you cheesing at?" Alex interrupted her moment.

"I was watching Polly's story it had Finn on it. He's so cute. It's so sad that Carter doesn't sleep like Finn." Piper sighed and put her phone down

"Are you calling my son ugly?" Alex stopped putting items in the truck and began to stare at Piper. Piper turned her head and looked at Alex with an annoyed look on her face.

"No. I have the best looking little boy ever. No one tops him." Piper stuck her bottom lip out as Alex shut the back door of the truck. She got in the passenger side and looked at piper with her eyes nearly closed. Piper smirked and furrowed her brows.

"What?" She chuckled as Alex grabbed her hands and intertwined their fingers. She leaned in for a kiss and smiled into it.

"Alex we've been together for 16 years you've never smiled into a kiss before. Or kissed me like that for that matter. What's up?" She said turning her body sideways to face Alex.

"Come here," Alex said softly.

Piper leaned forward slowly and raised her eyebrow. Alex shook her head and smirked. "No, I meant come. Here." Alex reached over and wrapped her arms around pipers waist. Piper grabbed her hands and made a sad face.

"Baby, as much as I want you right now... I'm afraid we are in broad daylight in a parking lot of a toy store. Aaand we have to go get our food." She moved Alex' hand and sat up straight in her seat before starting the car. Alex rolled her eyes and ran her hands down her face.

"Babe, I'm so fucking horny right now. We don't get any privacy anymore and I feel like a 50s housewife. We haven't had sex in like 2 weeks." She said slapping pipers thighs.

"Jesus al you are like a horny teenager. You're 31. Don't you have toys to play with?"

"Oh whatever." She rolled her eyes again and put her seatbelt on.

The rest of the ride was filled with linked fingers and sing-alongs. When they got their food, they switched spots and Alex forced Piper not to mess with the food until they got to the hotel.

"Aleeex. Please I'm hungry. I haven't eaten since we got off the plane."

"Well I'm hungry but guess what you don't see me complaining." Alex said sarcastically rolling her neck and turning up her lips.

"Alex, do you want peanut to die?" Piper asked in a soft voice rubbing up and down Alex' arm.

"Pipes, Peanut will not die just because you haven't eaten Which is a lie. Pipes you just ate chocolate in the store." Alex said making piper roll her eyes and throw her body back onto the seat and growl.

"Calm down." Alex said laughing and rubbing pipers stomach.

When they made it to the hotel they both decided to leave the things in the truck and get them in the morning. The walk and elevator ride was pretty quiet until they got to the door.

"Pipes there's a bathroom in here." Alex said turning around and blocking the door.

"There's a baby and a mom and dad in here too." Piper sarcastically smiled making Alex roll her eyes and open the door. As soon as she opened it and her face was revealed carter jumped out of Diane's lap and ran up to Alex with his pacifier in his mouth.

"Mama!" Carter hugged Alex' legs looking up at her with a smile. She picked him up and kissed his head.

"Hi buddy." She said smiling big and attacking his face with kisses. Piper walked past them and sat the bags of food on the computer desk next to the tv stand and exhaled. Alex closed the door and put him down.

"Why do you have your sleepy clothes on bud." Alex laughed sitting on the floor playing with him.

"Gammy," He let out in his baby voice pointing at Diane causing them all to laugh.

"Grandma Diane let you walk around with your sleep clothes." She said with a big smile tickling him.

Piper ran a hand through her hair and growled while walking towards the bed with her food. She sat it all on the top of the cover and laid back onto the pillow.

"Caarrteer. Mommy's got food, are you hungry?" She said putting her hands behind her head.

"Food!" He came running and stomping his little feet and clapping.

"Ohhh, is my little man hungry?" She grunted picking him up and sitting it next to her. Alex came over and sat in front of her smiling. "What do you want psycho?" Piper asked playfully handing a corn dog to Carter as he sat with his legs crossed. "Nothing. Can't I just love to look at my beautiful wife." She said smirking.

"Go away." Piper chuckled sticking a crab bite into her sons mouth. Alex reached over and attempted at grabbing one of her shrimp but she immediately slapped her hand. Alex rolled her eyes and dragged herself off the bed. Piper grabbed her arm to pull her back down so she sat down and fake smiled with her eyebrows furrowed. "If you want one, you should ask babe." Piper smiled grabbing a shrimp and putting it in front of Alex' mouth. Alex opened her mouth and piper put the shrimp in as Alex closed her mouth onto Piper's finger. Piper gasped and laughed before slapping Alex' shoulder as Alex sucked on Piper's fingers.

"Alex stop it." Piper whispered looking at Diane. Alex rolled her eyes and opened her mouth. "Party pooper." She mumbled standing up.

"Mom I got you the chocolate mousse cheesecake and the grilled shrimp and bacon club. Because I know when you and dad go on those fancy little dates, that's what you eat." She laughed and handed the containers to Diane. "Aw babe you didn't have to." Diane said smiling at Alex taking the food.

"Well I was already ordering and Piper nearly ordered the whole menu for herself. I figured I should be nice and get my mommy something. Speaking of, where's dad is he still bothering people?" Alex laughed putting a fork of cheesecake in her mouth.

"I'm not sure I think he's with Keith and Lewis somewhere roaming around this hotel." Diane laughed swatting her hands in the air. Alex was about to respond when she heard Piper again.

"Carteerr." She moaned wiping up his mess. Piper was sitting there with her left leg crossed under her and the other leg hanging off the bed.

"What's the matter?" Alex asked stuffing her face.

"He got cheesecake all over his clothes and my shirt. Oh don't- No, Carter stop." She said grabbing his hands as he began trying to climb onto her lap. Alex walked over and picked him up. "You are a messy, fat, little boy." She laughed standing him up on the other bed and taking his pants and socks off of him.

"Do you have napkins over there?" Alex asked looking over her shoulder with Carter's shirt over his face.

"Napkins? No, use the Aveeno wipes on his face he has sensitive skin Alex you know that." Piper said stuffing her face with different foods.

"Well where are they." Alex asked removing his shirt completely.

"Would you not yell at me and get mad for no reason." Piper said standing up.

"You two... calm down." Diane stood up and put more food in her mouth before sitting the container in her spot. She walked over and stood next to Alex. "Where's his bag?"

Alex walked to the corner of the room and grabbed his diaper bag. She grabbed a long sleeve onesie and a pair of shorts. "You guys still put onesies on this child?!"

"Oh- mom he just turned one. Where's the harm in it." Alex waved her hands in the air making Diane roll her eyes. She took the clothes and wipes out of the side of the bag and walked towards the door. "I'm going to go to Ava's room. 720 if you need me and I don't know where your dad is so.. be aware." She raised her eyebrow referring to the time she caught Alex and Piper in the act in highschool. Alex' eyes widened and looked around the room with her head still. "Oh god, Mom! Just.. go... please." She put her face in her palm and shook her head as Diane and Carter walked out of the door. Alex and Piper sat on the bed cuddling and feeding each other.

"Alex stop trying to shove your fingers down my throat." Piper laughed while sitting up.

"Well stop trying to push your head forward." Alex chuckled scooting behind Piper. She put her legs on either side of Piper's body and put her hands on her stomach.

"No one noticed yet." Alex whispered placing a kiss on Pipers head.

"Noticed What." She chuckled letting her head fall on her shoulder. Alex messaged her shoulders, neck, arms, legs, feet, and back for a good 30 minutes before letting piper lay in the bed and going into the bathroom. She ran water and put Soap into the tub to create bubbles. She exhaled and walked out of the bathroom.

"Pipes... baby," Alex whispered in her ear shaking her lightly. She hummed and started squirming. "Bubble bath," Alex asked smiling bending down in front of her. Piper sleepily smiled back before sitting up and kicking her feet off the bed. Alex stood up and leaned down to kiss Piper.

"Come on," she said softly grabbing her hand. She stood up and they walked to the bathroom. Piper looked at the water and exhaled sleepily taking her shirt off. Alex walked up behind her and ran her hands down her arms.

"I'll get that for you," she whispered moving her long wavy hair over her shoulder and undid her bra buckles. She sluggishly moved the straps down her arms and placed small wet kisses on her neck. Piper closed her eyes and tried fighting to control her breathing under Alex' touch. Her bra fell to the floor as did her pants. She turned around to face Alex with all of her skin exposed as Alex placed a hand on her stomach.

"Do you want to tell people tomorrow?"

2nd book😁 it took a week to get these 8,864 words on here. Why? I'm not sure. But... welcome✨💋I kept changing things so if you get confused I'm sorry. This book is an orange/greys anatomy book. Piper and Alex are both surgeons and greys characters are welcomed in the next chapters. Again I keep changing stuff so if you're confused just message me and I'll explain it. Sorry. ❤️

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