Birthday party

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Grey's anatomy characters in this chapter and the next 😁 and so on and so forth.


Piper woke up to go to the bathroom but once she was finished and back in bed, she couldn't go back to sleep and she was hungry. She went into the mini refrigerator and pursed her lips, rubbing her stomach. She spotted her favorite ice cream and smirked. She looked over her shoulder at a sleeping Alex and shook her head. She grabbed the ice cream and a spoon from one of the draws and got back in under the covers. Having close to nothing to do, she grabbed her laptop and powered it on. On her laptop she looked at homes, Penthouses, and larger apartments while she ate her ice cream. Any homes she really liked and thought Alex would like, she marked them as 'favorites'.

She was clicking through photos of a house and half way done with her ice cream when she felt an arm swing over her waist. "Pipes, go back to sleep." Alex whispered with the raspiest sleepy voice. Piper looked over and put her left hand on Alex' right cheek and smiled.


"Nothing," Piper moved her hand and went back to her laptop. That was until Alex reached over and shut it closed. "Go. To. Sleeeeep." She whisper shouted putting the laptop under the other side of the bed making Piper growl and turn on her side. She pulled the cover up and grabbed her phone to text Polly.

Hey pol. You up?:)

Yep just got done😉

Um I didn't need to know that. What are you doing now?

Laying down

I'm coming up.

Wait! I have to put clothes on pipe 😂

Piper laughed out loud and sat up. "Where are you going? And what are you laughing at?" Alex spoke sitting up next to her. She sighed and stood up. "I'm going to Polly and Pete's room. So I can have fun." Piper said fixing her shirt and sliding her slippers on. "Piper, you are going to go to Polly's room at 1 in the morning?" She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head.

"Yes I am. I love you baby, I'll be back." She leaned down and kissed her lips. She tried pulling away but Alex wasn't having it, she pulled her closer by the back of her neck.

"Alex.." Piper mumbled against Alex' lips trying to pull away. "Stay, please." Alex whispered putting her hands behind Piper's thighs pulling her closer. Piper bent her left leg next to Alex' thigh semi-sitting on her lap. "But you're so boring." She whispered throwing her arms around her neck. Alex made a fake offended face with her mouth open.

"I think I can show you how boring I am." Alex said putting one kiss on her collarbone getting a soft breath from her.

"Your parents and your kid is right there." She said into Alex' ear with her hands tangling in her hair.

"You are too." Alex whispered moving under her shirt. Piper grabbed her hands and moved them.

"Alex, no we can't. Stop." She gasped, "stop it," She smiled.

"Get off of me." Alex chuckled, lightly shoving her shoulder. "But really, stay. Please, for me." Alex wrapped her arms around her waist as she stood up off of her.

"Fine. But only if I'm not waking up to an empty room." Piper said sticking her bottom lip out. That was always a way to get whatever she wanted from Alex. Or anyone for that matter. Alex always obeyed when piper stuck her bottom lip out. That was even something Piper tried 5 times while getting frisky.

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