"Oh no, Piper? Is that you?"

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2 months Prior

October 25 had been a semi busy day at Grey-Sloan Memorial hospital with multiple incomings. Today was an odd day piper had wished she wasn't pregnant or had taken a sick day. Sick days for piper were very very rare and the whole hospital staff knew that.

"Pregnant mother in bed 3 has an aneurysm. That is nothing to be taken lightly, she will die if someone smart doesn't get to her before it ruptures. Smart is equivalent to ZERO of you so one of you get to scrub in with Neuro and Peds. Chief Bailey will choose not me." Piper informed the interns while leaning against the desk of the pit, not looking up from her chart. They all began to run around to different beds, diagnosing different people with different things. She was fixing her patients' meds dosage when she felt the hands of her wife on her shoulders. Not once still looking up, she placed her left hand on top of hers and exhaled. She handed the device to the nurse behind the desk and turned around, wrapping her arms around her waist.

"Hey, you doing okay?" Alex asked running her hands through Pipers blonde hair, making her smile. "Yes, i'm..doing okay for now. This day is really busy. I mean look at it down here I don't think we have any surgeons on the surgi.."

"Little Vause! Stop loving up on your wife. Sarah Bloom, laboring 35 year old. 24 weeks." Owen came walking through the ER doors pushing the gurney. Piper swiftly let go of Alex and turned around.

"No, no, no I work in neuro and I'm in the pit for now. This is an ER not L&D, bring her up there."

"Dr. Robbins— She said she'd meet me...here." Sarah said out of breath.

"Oh yea okay I'll be right there. Al, I love you go take care of your patients babe." Piper patted her shoulder and kissed both of her cheeks before rushing to Sarah's side.

"Okay, Sarah, is there anyone that I can call for you?" Piper asked checking her heart beat with her stethoscope. "No but you'll need a crash cart in here soon. Because if my husband isn't here in the next 10 minutes I will kill him." Sarah complained in between breathing making Piper chuckle.

"I'm sure he'll be here any minute. Okay?" She smiled putting the stethoscope back around her neck and grabbing the ultrasound machine. "Okay, I need you to lift your shirt." Sarah pulled the shirt up to the top of her stomach and exhaled deeply. Piper put the gel on her stomach and she was moving the wand around when she discovered something unusual on the screen. "Owen! I need you to page cardio and peds. Sarah how are you doing?"

"Umm I'm good, maybe. Is there something wrong with the baby?" Sarah said as she sat up slowly.

"I—uh I don't know for sure. I may be seeing wrong so I'm gonna need for Dr. Robbins to come down more quickly." Piper said still with a smile wiping the gel off of her belly. "Is my boy gonna be okay?" Sarah started to panic pulling the dress back down.

Just as Piper was about to respond a man came in rushing to Sarah's side. "Sarah, honey I'm here okay? I'm here it's all gonna be okay." He said kissing her forehead. That voice was an oddly very familiar voice. Piper just couldn't pay close enough attention to pin it.

"Okay Sarah I'm gonna give you an exam so I need you to be very still so that I know what I'm feeling." Piper informed her sitting on the rolling chair. "Oh no, Piper? Is that you?" Her husband turned his head and his face revealing one of pipers ex-fiancé's. "Larry? Sarah is your wife?"

"Yea she— yea she's my wife. You were committed to being a surgeon weren't you?"

"Yes, Yes I was."

"This is Piper. Cheating ex Piper." Sarah said in disbelief.

"Larry?! You told her I cheated on you? What the hell is wrong with you?" Piper removed her hands and sat up straight. "Okay can we get this exam please Dr Chapman?" Sarah interrupted their bicker and raised up supporter herself with her elbows. "Yea, Yes of course. I'm sorry." Piper resumed to the exam.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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