Dare You To Move

By peterprkerr

27.2K 404 73

Friends with benefits is supposed to be just that. Friends with the benefits of fooling around and not having... More

Chapter 2 - Snowfall
Chapter 3 - Tongue Tied
Chapter 4 - Confused Hangovers
Chapter 5 - Polaroids
Chapter 6 - Lego House
Chapter 7 - Frozen Bearings
Chapter 8 - Just Friends
Chapter 9 - Selfish
Chapter 10 - 5 words
Chapter 11 - How's This For Honesty
Chapter 12 - Wanted
Chapter 13 - It's Jenny
Chapter 14 - Oxygen
Chapter 15 - Lifeline
Chapter 16 - Heartbreak
Chapter 17 - Photograph

Chapter 1 - SOS Text

2.6K 41 12
By peterprkerr

The Flash mug in front of Elli steamed with fresh coffee while her laptop was open in front of her face. She leaned her chin on her hand, using one hand to control the settings in Lightroom. Her eyes strained as she looked at the screen and the only thing keeping her awake is the coffee which is starting to lose its effect.

Elli likes deadlines. It means she has to have a schedule, organization if she wants to get things done and she hates when things don't get done on time. Her parents always taught her that it's better to be fifteen minutes early than thirty seconds late. She's carried that long into her adulthood and blooming career as an event and freelance photographer. But, sometimes, the deadlines become a lot and she'd have a concert, art show, a store opening, and a wedding to all get done around the same time. Maybe she shouldn't take on so much but if she didn't push herself, what's the point?

Elli's eyelids droop while her hand starts to slow across the trackpad of her laptop. Sleep is calling her name and she's finding it harder and harder to ignore. Maybe she can rest her eyes for a few minutes and it won't be such a terrible thing. She's almost done anyway.

Two hands grasp Elli's shoulders, squeezing them gently and she lets out a surprised yell, her head shooting up. Parker chuckles from behind her but doesn't remove his hands. Instead, he rubs her shoulders over the bright red hoodie covering her torso. Elli looks over her shoulders and shakes her head before looking back to the screen.

"How long've you been awake?" Parker asks and there's the smallest touch of concern in his voice. He hates when Elli pulls all-nighters.

Elli looks to the corner of her screen before her croaky voice fills the room. "About thirty......six hours?"

"Please, go to sleep, Elli." Parker says, still working her shoulders while she relaxes into his touch.

"I'm almost done." Elli mutters, eyes closing again.

"And falling asleep at the kitchen table." Parker chuckles before taking his hands from her shoulders and reaching for her mug.


"So, I've a date tonight and who's supposed to help me pick out the right tie if you're snorin' up the place?"

Elli turns and glares at Parker. "Okay, I'll finish this, go to your room and pick out your clothes, and then I'll sleep. Everyone wins."

"No!" Parker groans, resting the mug back down after taking a sip and walking around the table to the fridge. "It's not the same. I had to help you pick out your shoes last weekend and you didn't even wear them!"

Elli tosses her head in laughter. "Because you have terrible taste! I always choose the opposite of what you say!"

"Why've you got my jumper on then?" Parker counters, pulling out the milk and eggs from the fridge.

"It's comfy and smells like you." Elli tugs at the sleeves so they cover her hands.

"I live here." Parker laughs, rummaging through cabinets for a pan. "Don't you smell like me, too?"

"Your point?"

"Go to sleep."

"Make me." Elli taunts and Parker turns around, a glare and a contradicting smirk decorating his face.

"Don't threaten me with a good time, darlin'." Parker licks his lip and wiggles his brows.

"You're the one tempting me." Elli points a finger at his shirtless form, toned torso on display for her viewing.

A blush creeps onto Parker's face. "Nah, pretty sure you're the more tempting one."

Elli's heart stops in her chest and her mouth goes to open but she doesn't have a comeback. He's looking at her with pretty eyes and bedhead, his curls unruly and pajama pants hanging low on his hips. She doesn't need to say anything else.

Parker laughs and turns back to start making his food. "Get some sleep, ya? I'll wake ya when I get back so you can finish."

"Do you promise?" Elli raises a brow, hand going to the top of her laptop and preparing to shut it.

"Promise." Parker looks over his shoulder, all joking washed away from his voice and expression.

"Fine." Elli says, laptop shutting.

She picks up her mug and walks over to Parker. She rests it on the countertop by him and goes to the fridge, plucking out his coffee creamer. Elli pours just the right amount into the mug and Parker just smiles while he cracks an egg onto the pan. After she puts the creamer back, she stands at Parker's side and rests her forehead against his bare shoulder. His chest rumbles with a laugh as he glances down to her.

"I'm gonna be so mad if you don't wake me up."

"I'll wake you, I promise." Parker presses.

Elli looks up and reaches for the mug, handing it to Parker. "I'm begging."

Parker takes a sip and hums with delight. "I'll set my own alarm so I remember." Parker pulls out his phone and sets an alarm for the time he'd return to the apartment. He flashes Elli the alarm screen that reads 'wake Elli'.

"Thank you." Elli says, holding out the ending sound of 'you'.

"Ya know, I'd do anythin' for ya." Parker presses a kiss to the top of her head. "Now, sleep. Please."

"Okay, okay." Elli says, giving Parker a gentle smile before backing away and heading to her room.

Polaroids hanging from fairy lights decorate the top part of Elli's blue walls, wrapping all the way around. The photos are all ones she took and they vary from concerts she attended with Parker and Collyn to family gatherings to college graduation. There are photos of just Collyn and just Parker, just her family. They're all different but all hold a special place to Elli. Every photo tells a story and the ones around her room are no different.

Elli plops down on her bed, head hitting the pillows and her bed has never felt so comfortable. It's eight in the morning but feels like it's after midnight. The exhaustion starts taking over as she sinks into her bed, pulling a thin blanket over herself, thinking she's lay there for a few minutes before actually getting under the covers and getting more comfortable. That didn't last long, however. In seconds, Elli was completely asleep, not even an earthquake could wake her.

Meanwhile, Parker is sat at the table, scarfing down his breakfast. He probably should have woken up early but he likes his sleep a little more than Elli does. Elli is a bit of a workaholic sometimes while Parker, he knows when to sleep and take his breaks. He wishes Elli would listen to him more even. It hurts a bit when he walks into the kitchen some mornings to see her falling asleep in front of a screen. At least when she used to do it, it was over a textbook but this is just sad.

She works herself to the bone but never gets sleep. But, Parker knows it's her dream and the way her entire being just radiates a warmth and energic feeling the second she gets a job and works through it, it's everything. She reminds him of himself when he's on stage or on his show. Living the dream even when it's hard.

Parker finishes his food and immediately heads to the shower to get ready to leave. The good thing about his morning job is that he doesn't have to spend much time in getting ready. He can take a quick shower, toss on a pair of sweats and a hat and go for the door. A beautiful upside of having a job where his viewers don't actually see him. And, there might also be a plus side of Parker putting a hat on his wet hair. Elli will help fix it before he goes out later and Elli never fails to make sure he looks perfect.

Within half an hour, Parker is out the door and to his car, putting his phone on shuffle and heading to the radio station not far from his and Elli's apartment. He remembers the day he got the job and it felt like things might be starting to look up. The station had been looking for another host. It was just a regular radio show where they talk about what's going on in the city and play whatever is popular. It wasn't exactly the dream Parker had envisioned, but he knew it'd be the start.

And it was.

He got the job and Elli and Collyn through him a party with a few of their other friends. It was amazing and just the start. Once he got that job, he got a gig at a dive bar a few blocks from the apartment and this time, it didn't fall through because of a storm. The customers enjoyed his covers and that got him a weekly job performing. A few months later, the radio station he was working for was wanting a new show and his boss had gone to one of his performances and loved the way he spoke and presented himself. Parker was offered to host alongside someone else and that is where he is today.

This show is what Parker really wanted to. They play whatever they want and they can talk about whatever they want as long as it's radio appropriate. People call in all the time to talk, answer questions, anything and everything. It's now the radio stations most popular show. Parker gets his radio show and he gets his gigs, he's literally living his dream and he couldn't be happier.

Parker arrives at work and is soon sitting in his regular seat aside his co-host, Alex. The two of them have their normal morning routine going. Songs lined up for the day, the scheduled time for the two to talk and what they're to talk about. For the moment, they have one of Arianna Grande's new songs playing while they're leaned back in their chairs. Alex has a scone from Starbucks while Parker is sat with cold coffee from Dunkin' Donuts.

"Are you really going out tonight?" Alex asks.

"Yeah, name's Chelsea." Parker explains.

"How's Elliot feel?" Alex smirks, taking another bite of his food.

"Fine?" Parker narrows an eye while quirking brow.

"Thought you two were a thing?" Alex asks with genuine curiosity.

"Nah," Parker sips from the straw. "Just friends."

"Are you sure?" Alex presses. "I mean, dude, she's hot and you live with her. Nothing there?"

"She's my best mate." Parker states, growing annoyed that Alex chooses to pay attention to Elli's appearance rather than anything else.

"Alright, alright." Alex puts his hands up to surrender. Alex pauses for a few seconds before looking back to Parker. "Is she single then?"

Parker groans, his annoyance growing with Alex asking about Elli. "Yeah." He answers curtly.

"You cool if I ask her out then?"

Parker grits his teeth and there's this weird burning in his stomach that wants to tell Alex no. Parker hates the idea of Elli going out with Alex and maybe that's because Alex has a habit of coming into work after a night out and sharing all of his stories with PArker and none of them are very appealing. Alex just treats women like they're the only one, only to kick them out after he's gotten what he wants. It rubs Parker the wrong way. But, there's another part of Parker that knows that's not the entire reason why he doesn't like the idea. However, it's not Parker's decision and Elli will kill him if she ever found out he told Alex not to ask. It'd make her feel like Parker wouldn't trust her to make her own decisions.

"Not up to me."

"She's your friend and your roommate. I thought it'd just be fair to ask you. If you're not okay with it, I won't." Alex explains and that's the thing with Alex. He's terrible when it comes to dating or anything even close, but as a friend, he's not so bad. He's actually quite decent and if Parker told him to stay away from Elli, Alex would never bother again.

"I don't make her decisions for her. If you wanna ask, it's up to you." Parker says before taking a drink of the cold coffee.

"Sweet, dude. Thanks." Alex chimes, a giant smile splitting his face.

Parker makes sure the conversation is dropped when the song comes to an end and it's time for them to enter one of their Saturday segments.

The rest of Parker's workday goes by and before he knows it, he's on his way home. He has about an hour to get ready for his date and as the time comes closer, he gets a little more nervous. It's normal nervous, though. Just the normal, pre-date jitters most people get. Parker doesn't know much about Chelsea so this is sure to be an interesting date, hopefully, a good interesting. But, even with that playing in the front of Parker's head, the back is loomed with Alex asking about Elli and he just has one thought:

Would be wrong of him to bring it up to Elli? It's not really swaying her, just informing her so she can make an informed decision. Why is he even putting that much thought into it?

Parker arrives home and when he opens the door to the apartment, it's quiet. The TV in the living room is off, there's no music playing, no shower running. Elli's shoes are still by the door along with her keys in the key basket on the shelf beside the door. She was clearly still sleeping and it brought a huge wave of relief over Parker. Too many times Elli has gone to sleep and woken up an hour after Parker left just to keep working. He's so happy she's actually sleeping but it breaks him a little to know he has to wake her.

The alarm on his phone goes off while he makes his way to her room. He quickly shuts it off and knocks gently. There's no sound from the other side so he creaks the door open and sees she's sound asleep, curled up with a single blanket. He's seen her sleeping a hundred times. In the five years they've known each other, Elli has fallen asleep on Parker more times than he can count and if she's not falling asleep on him, she's falling asleep beside him. But, there's always a flutter that consumes Parker's chest when he sees her sleeping. She's just always so peaceful and beautiful.

Parker walks into her room and takes a seat beside her. He lifts his hand to lightly grip her shoulder and shake her awake but there's a small bit of hesitance. She hasn't been sleeping that long but Parker knows he'll pay for it later if he doesn't just wake her. So, he shakes her shoulder until she groans.

"Elli, wake up." Parker whispers.

"Whatitmeisit?" Elli's words are almost incoherent.

"Right 'bout six." Parker says, removing his hand from her shoulder.

Elli groans and rolls over, facing him. "This sucks."

"I can let you sleep longer." Parker offers, brushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"No," She mutters. "I should get up. I have to help you get ready for your date."

Parker rolls his eyes with a cornered grin. "I don't have to leave for forty-five minutes."

"It'll take forty-five minutes to fix that mop you call hair." Elli's eyes glance to Parker's hair where he's since removed the baseball cap and his hair is an utter disaster.

"If you insist." Parker chuckles.

Elli sits up and looks to him, running a hand through his hair. "It looks like a birds nest and yet...it's so soft."

Parker laughs, lightly shoving Elli away. "Fix it then."

"Sit at the vanity and I'll get the hair stuff from the bathroom."

Parker goes and takes a seat at the vanity and Elli goes to grab everything she needs to fix his hair. It's something fairly normal and she might tease him, but she doesn't mind at all. She actually likes when he asks for her help. It makes her feel like he really does value her opinion on his appearance. Of course, Parker values her opinion, they wouldn't be friends if not, but it's nice that he reminds her with things like this. Plus, when Parker does have a date that goes well, Elli gets to gloat that it's because she helped fix his hair and picked out his clothes.

Elli returns within a few minutes with hair gel, hair wax, hairspray, and Parker's brush. There's a confident smile on her face as she places the products in front of Parker before running the brush through his hair. Parker watches Elli through the mirror and he has to smile to himself. She's his best friend and she'd literally do anything for him.

"How'd work go?" Elli asks.

"Uh, good, same old." Parker hesitates to answer, the fresh reminder of work and Alex asking about her being brought to the front of his mind.

"What happened?" Elli glances at their reflection.

Parker shrugs. "You remember Alex, ya?" Elli nods. "He asked about you, today."

"Is that a bad thing?" Elli quirks a brow as she swaps the brush for hair wax.

"Just asked if you were single is all." Parker brushes it off, choosing to just keep his opinion to himself. Elli is smart and she's heard Parker relay Alex's stories back to her. As her friend, Parker has full confidence there's nothing to worry about.


"He wants to ask you out." Parker explains and Elli freezes.

She remembers meeting Alex, just the once, at a party he had invited Parker to. Parker brought Elli and introduced them. He seemed nice, just as Parker had said he would be, but there was something a bit off. Nothing, too bad or anything to raise any major red flags, he just seemed like maybe he wasn't as nice as he appeared. Elli's opinion only grew stronger when Parker would come home and tell her about how Alex left a girl high and dry or had given a girl a random number because he wasn't into her, even if she hadn't done anything to deserve it. But, now, Parker doesn't seem to have much to say about it.

"Oh." Elli says. "Um, well, what'd you say?"

Elli's heart stalls in her chest as she waits for him to answer. Her eyes go back to his hair while she works the wax in, making sure his hair lays right this way she's distracted. She wants him to say he told Alex not to. Elli isn't interested anyway but she also already feel the sting of her heart if Parker said he didn't care.

"I just said it wasn't my choice."

Elli bites her lip as the sting strikes hard. "Oh." She mutters and Parker's brows furrow as he watches her.

"I figured you weren't interested but you'd tell him that yourself."

Parker's remark manages to bring a faint smile to Elli's face, easing some of the sting because at least he's right with his reasoning. "Yeah, you're right." Elli's chuckles.

"Thank God." Parker sighs with relief.

"What?" Elli asks.

"Was afraid you were interested for a minute." Parker lets out a low breath, a breath he hadn't realized he'd been holding while telling the story.

"Of course not!" Elli exclaims. "He's a dick to girls." Elli swaps the wax for the gel.

"Yeah." Parker laughs in agreement and the two of them fall into a comfortable silence.

Elli finishes Parker's hair and by then, it was time for her to help him pick out clothes. Parker was taking Chelsea to a nicer restaurant on the north side of the city so Elli suggested a button up with a tie and dress slacks. Luckily, Parker's family happened to have a lot of different occasions that required a dressy casual so Parker owned plenty of ties, slacks, and button-ups.

Elli goes through Parker's closet and pulls out her favorite shirts, having Parker see if he'd be up to wearing it or not. She does the same with the pants and leaves the ties for whatever will go best with the shirt and pants she ends up picking. By the time Parker has denied over half of his dress attire, Elli is left with a maroon shirt, a navy blue shirt, and a plain white shirt with black dress slacks. Parker really didn't leave her with much but Parker is a lucky human who looks good in every color but especially maroon. So, Elli hands Parker the maroon shirt with a black tie and the black dress slacks.

Parker changes into the clothes quickly, standing in front of Elli with his arms out to the side slightly, waiting for her approval.

Elli nods, a proud smile making its way to her face. "I did such a good job."

Parker tilts his head, arms dropping. "My mum bought the clothes."

"You wanna tell your date that?" Elli retorts, arms crossing over her chest.

"...no." Parker whispers, eyes narrowed at Elli.

"Why do you suck at ties though?" Elli gets up and walks the small distance to him, taking his tie into her hands. "It's not that hard." Elli starts readjusting it so it lays flat and straight instead of crooked and bulky like Parker had it.

"Because you're better at it." Parker smirks, watching Elli fix his tie.

"You'd lose your head if it weren't for me."

"And you'd starve if it weren't for me." Parker quips making Elli laugh.

"I cook microwave food!"

Parker laughs, head thrown back. "That's not good!"

Elli lays the tie flat on Parker's chest, hands running over his shirt. "It's better than nothing!"

"If you say so."

"Shut up and go on your date." Elli rolls her eyes, taking a step back from her friend.

"I'll text you if I need help."

Elli nods, knowing what he means and understanding that if she doesn't get a text from him by nine, the date is going great and she won't receive that infamous sos text.

When they'd moved in together, neither of them were into dating very much but when they would and they happened to bring someone home, that person always got the wrong idea. They always assumed Parker and Elli had something there so it took a lot of explaining and reassurance that they're just friends. However, that came with one upside.

After a bad date, Elli had texted Parker, panicking because she didn't know how to get out of the date. The guy was a creep and she was afraid to actually leave him. Parker had Elli come back to the apartment where he was ready with a red face and fury streaming through his veins. The second Elli opened the door, Parker started yelling at the guy to leave because Elli was his girlfriend and she's just cheated on him. The guy ran out of there so fast, it's surprising there wasn't dust behind him like a cartoon. From then on, it became a thing where if either of them needed to get out of a date but didn't know how, they'd just text an sos and the other would pretend to be the significant other. It's not exactly the best thing but it works and it's gotten them out of not so good situations. 

Parker leaves for his date, sporting a black winter coat over his clothing. The house is completely silent and it's just Elli. It's not so bad, really. Now she can finish the work she wanted to finish before Parker had her go to bed. She can try to finish the book she'd been reading for the past week. Being home alone, without Parker, can be very nice but tonight, there's a soft ache and deep down, Elli knows it's because of Parker's date.

It's weird really. The ache in her chest because she's happy Parker has a date but there's a part of her that wishes the date was with her. But, they're friends and they agreed on the benefits aspect. Elli tried to brush it off as she works because maybe the ache isn't what she thinks it is and maybe it's just because she hasn't been on a good date in awhile. It's not like she's tried anyway but that's not really her point. Work keeps her busy so she spends her free-time with Parker and Collyn so maybe that's where the ache is coming from.


Elli gets to work in the kitchen after making herself Easy Mac. Her laptop screen shines bright on her face just as it did that morning but this time she can focus and adjust the colors for the photos and it doesn't seem like it's the most boring and redundant task she's ever had to perform. Instead, she finds herself relaxing and enjoying it. Elli might work her ass off, but there's not a moment she doesn't enjoy what she does. It's why she works herself the way she does.

Once Elli finished what she needed to, she found herself seated in the living room, a book in hand. It was only half an hour into her reading that she checked the clock on her phone to see it reads just after nine in the evening. She locks her phone and continues in the spot of her book, reading comfortably in the living room. If something were to be off with Parker's date, he'd likely have texted her by now. So, she lets herself get sucked back into her book. However, that doesn't last very long.

A few minutes later, Elli's phone vibrates beside her. She glances at it before putting a finger in her book to hold her place. The screen lights up as she pulls the notifications down to see the sos text from Parker. She rolls her eyes while she tosses her phone on the cushion. She rolls her shoulders before getting up and heading to the kitchen. Within the next few minutes, she'll hear the key in the door and she'll follow the same routine as always. So, she leans against the table, arms crossed and ready to put on the show.

The sound of the key in the lock brings Elli's attention from her feet to the door. She pushes herself from the table and shakes the terrible grin from her face while she approaches the door. The second the door open, Parker is standing there with a girl in an elegant blue dress and hair done perfectly. But, Elli, she doesn't miss a beat.

"Parker!" Elli yells, face pink with anger. "Really?" The girl in the doorway seems to become paralyzed with the appearance of Elli. Her eyes are wide and she's taken a step away from Parker. "I'm his girlfriend and he's a dick." Elli looks to the girl. "You can do so much better."

"I...I'm...I didn't." The girl stutters.

"Oh, I'm sure you didn't because he doesn't tell anyone." Elli turns her attention to Parker. "Give her money for a cab home." Elli crosses her arms and PArker glares at her but gets his wallet out, handing the girl enough money for a cab.

"I'm sorry about this." Parker mutters as he stuffs his wallet into his back pocket.

"Maybe you shouldn't cheat." The girl says before looking back to Elli. "You should dump his ass." The girl states as she walks off.

Elli pulls him in the apartment and just shakes her head. "Didn't have to call me a dick." Parker mutters.

"I'm sorry." Elli giggles. "You're not a dick."

"It was going great." Parker says as he looks over his shoulder, locking the door.

"Was it?" Elli asks, intrigued.

"Yeah, she was cute, ya, but also smart and funny. She wasn't boring at dinner." Parker rambles as he walks across the kitchen, shrugging his coat off and resting it on a chair. "We've similar interests, music and stuff." Parker continues while leaning against the counter, undoing his tie.

"Okay..." Elli says, "So...what's the issue? Why the sos?" She leans her arms over the chair at the table.

"She's in law school, so we talked about careers."

"Right, right, normal date conversation."

"Well," Parker sighs. "She talked more than I did and before I could tell her what I do, she said she was glad to be on a date with someone who wasn't some starving artist." Parker and Elli both wince with his words.

"She said that? What'd you say?"

"I told her I was a musician and a radio host." Parker shrugs. "She said I should find something else because it won't last. Then," Parker sucks in a breath. "She went on about photographers and artists, how I wouldn't wanna end up like them. So, I...,uh, I told her about you being a photographer and Collyn being a sculptor."

"What the fuck? Keep going." Elli's grimace doesn't fade as she waits for the impact.

"Said we'd all be mooching off of each other and our parents in no time if we didn't get better plans."

Elli's eyes narrow and her jaw drops. "I should have screamed at her! What the fuck? I do our taxes! We make decent money, individually! What'd you say?"

"I told her that!" Parker says, disbelief in his voice. "She was insistent but she didn't want the date to end and I didn't wanna be a huge prick and leave her stranded."

"So you brought her back here?"

"She wouldn't leave!" Parker says. "She was all over me in the car on the way back, wouldn't take no for a bloody answer. So, sos."

"She just wanted to lay a musician." Elli scoffs but there's sarcasm in her voice.

"Wouldn't be the first." Parker bites his lip and his face drops.

Elli's heart aches with the look on his face. Parker has his moments where he doens't make all the right choices and he can be nicer, but everyone is like that. However, Parker is all around a very nice person and he'd do anything for anyone that would give him their time. He's not a pushover, of course, he's just very kind to the people who are kind to him. Unfortunately, girls sometimes take advantage and Parker is attractive and he actually makes a living playing music. Some girls think that means he's a fuckboy and only cares about sex. Luckily, it's only happened twice but it's seemed to stick with him, something Elli didn't fully realize until now.

"She's not worth it, Parker." Elli says with honesty.

"Yeah, I know." Parker looks to Elli with a grateful smile. "Thanks."

"I'll always be here to help." Elli smiles back.

"Think I'm gonna head to my room, you alright?"

"Yeah, I'm gonna shower anyway." Elli reassures.

Parker and Elli head their separate ways in the apartment. Elli grabs her things for the shower and Parker starts changing out of his clothes.

There's a small weight in Parker's chest as he switches into a black t-shirt, a hoodie, and sweatpants. It's not that the date ended up not being good. It's the fact his date felt a need to insult him and his friends. There's a way to do something and insulting Parker and his friends aren't one of them. Everyone always said Parker wouldn't amount to anything. He's a musician who doesn't actually want the fame but he still wants to play for people. That's not exactly a good idea when it comes to making a living but Parker stood up and told every person that doubted him to watch him and he's doing it. He's doing it now which means he'll only keep moving forward, of course, there will be a few hiccups in the way but he'll keep moving forward. But, Chelsea didn't bother to even ask. It's not her, it's her reminding him of everything he could have lost. So, Parker does what he does best, he sits in his chair with his guitar.

While Parker plays his favorite songs, Elli takes a quick shower, being done in only fifteen minutes. Elli shakes her hair out with the towel from around her head. Her hair falls in messy tangles as she flips her hair up, standing straight and looking in the mirror. Elli wipes the steam away with her hand and is met with her reflection, tired but clean. No makeup, no jeans or normal day clothes. It's just messy hair and Parker's old hoodie with a pair of her old sweatpants. It's comfort in an image. But, her brows furrow when she hears the strumming of a guitar from down the hallway. The furrowing of her brows quickly halts and she closes her eyes, listening to Parker play. She picks up her brush and slowly and quietly, turns the knob to creep out of the bathroom.

The carpet of the floor eases her tip-toeing steps to Parker's room. The door is cracked, a yellow light illuminating a small portion of the hallway. Elli can see Parker sitting in the chair by his chest, back to her while he plays and she can't stop smiling. His voice fills the air and it's the purest sound she's ever heard.

Over the four and a half years they've lived together, Elli never gets tired of listening to him. She could listen to him sing, play guitar, piano, drum, anything if it just meant he was doing something. But, there's something special about his voice. It's the second he starts singing, goosebumps rise to her skin and it's as if she's on another plane of existence for that small amount of time. Parker has one of those voices that just makes everyone turn and listen, it doesn't matter what he's singing. Parker's voice is beautiful. Parker's voice remains beautiful even though Elli has heard him play Ed Sheeran's Photograph a billion times. There will never be a day she doesn't stop and listen.

The strumming stops and Parker finishes the last line of the song. It's only then that Elli brings her knuckles to the wooden door and knocks softly. Parker spins his chair quickly, his feet barely stopping him in order to not overspin. Elli giggles as she opens the door more and allows herself in.

"How long've you've been there?" Parker asks.

Elli shrugs but there's a gentle smile on her lips. "Long enough."

Parker rolls his eyes. "Don't you ever get bored?"

"Of?" Elli quirks a brow, taking a set on the edge of Parker's bed, facing him.

"Listening to me." Parker chuckles, one arm across the guitar and another running through his unruly curls.

Elli shakes her head. "Nope."

"Liar." Parker shakes his head, scrunching his nose. Elli's mouth opens but Parker is quick to cut her off. "Don't you fuckin' dare quote Drake & Josh."

Elli bursts into a fit of laughter. "But you called me a liar when I told you the truth!! I'm a truther!" Elli quips between laughs and all Parker does is groan.

"You're so annoying!" Parker laughs.

"I'm funny, you're annoying."

"You're not funny if you're just quoting movies and TV." Parker smirks.

Elli scrunches her face, sticking her tongue out. "You do it, too."

Parker gets up and rests his guitar on its stand before walking in front of Elli. "So?"

"So." Elli mocks.

Parker smirks, pushing his way to stand between her legs. His arms go over her shoulders and he hovers over her until she's flat on her back and he's holding himself up with his hands on either side of her head.

"So what?"

"So..." Elli bites her lip as his breaths fans across her face. He smells like Armani with a tint of Old Spice. Her heart races as she glances between his lips and his eyes, knowing what he's thinking. "So, I'm getting your bed went." Parker's eyes widen but his brow is quirked and he's gaining a shit-eating-grin about to make a smart remark. "MY HARI. My hair is wet. I am getting your bed wet because I'm laying down and my hair is wet. Parker, shut up."

Parker's elbows buckle slightly as his head hangs, uncontrollable laughter falling from his throat. "I didn't even say anythin'!"

"You were gonna!" Elli defends. "I know you!"

"Cause you ruined the moment!" Parker's eyes are wide, mocking her but they're locked on hers and there's a smile dancing across his face.

Elli sighs and leans up, pressing a chaste kiss to his cheek. "Okay," She starts. "We have sex." Parker huffs, shaking his head but lets her continue. "And you brush my hair afterwards."

Parker bows his head in the spot between her shoulder and her neck, laughing against the exposed skin. "What? Why?"

"Why the se-"

"Am I brushing your hair?" Parker cuts her off, finishing his question and looking back to her.

"It's cute!" Elli's face lights up like a Christmas tree and Parker couldn't wipe the smile off of his face if he tried.

Parker leans down, just centimeters above Elli's face. "I'll brush your hair if I get to the pick movie." Parker offers, his lips ghosting over hers before he tilts his head and starts kissing down her jaw.

Elli hums, eyes closing with Parker's movements. "Sounds like a plan." Elli whispers as she reaches for the hem of Parker's shirt, urging him to tug it off.

Parker sits up and tugs his shirt off exposing his perfectly toned torso. Parker sends Elli a smirk as she eyes him but the smirk disappears as Elli pushes up and wraps her hands around the back of his neck, pulling his lips to hers. His hands go down to either side of her head as Elli pulls him down with her. The kiss deepens and Elli moans into Parker's mouth as he rolls his hips against hers, his hardened length pressing between her legs.

Parker detaches his lips from hers only to reattach them to her neck. Elli's eyes close as she tilts her head, giving him more access. He tugs her hoodie down low enough to start sucking a small mark close to her collarbones. A pleasure-filled sigh falls from Elli's lips as her hand comes up to Parker's back, lightly pressing her nails into his skin. A low breath falls from Parker's mouth with the sensation but he continues to leave the hickey, running his tongue over the spot once he's done to sooth the skin. Elli pushes up and strips herself of the hoodie she'd been wearing, revealing no bra or undershirt.

A smirk comes to Parker's face while he wraps his arms around her, bowing his head to press open mouth kisses around her collarbones and down her chest until he reaches her breasts. One of his hands comes from behind her and plays with one of her nipples. Elli moans out, one of her hands going back to the bed to hold herself up while Parker's mouth starts working on the other nipple. Elli's eyes are closed as she starts to lose herself in the pleasure, her hips starting to just buck forward into Parker's.

Elli pulls Parker's head from her breast, bringing his lips to hers before pulling him down with her and pushing his shoulder for her to get on top. His hands instinctively go to her hips while Elli follows the same pattern Parker did to her neck but once she's left the mark, Elli kisses her way down his chest, slow enough that it's becoming teasing. Once she reaches the hem of Parker's sweatpants, she slips her thumbs into the waistband, pulling both sweats and boxers off and moving to allow him to kick them all the way off. Elli strips herself of her own pants and underwear before kissing up his thighs and to his hip, around his pelvis and back up his chest, intentionally avoiding his twitching length.

"Gonna tease me like that all night?" Parker's voice is raw with lust as Elli's lips meet his, her core hovering over his length.

"Should I?" A cocky smirk comes to Elli's face as she pulls away to meet Parker's stare.

"Fuck no." Parker says, hands coming up to up her face, lips colliding with hers. "No more teasing, please." He mutters against her lips.

Elli doesn't a say a word, she just reaches beside Parker and opens his nightstand drawer for a condom, feeling him smile against her lips. Elli slides her folds against Parker's length, teasing him while she opens the condom and only moves once she's ready to roll it onto him. Once ready, Parker's head is against the pillows and Elli reaches behind her and lines his length up with her center. She brushes his tip across her folds a few times before she slowly sinks down onto him.

Parker's fingers dig into her hips while hers dig into his shoulders. Elli lets herself adjust to his size before she starts grinding onto him. Parker's thrusts meet hers, grunts and moans filling the air and become louder as Elli increases her pace. A coil builds in her stomach and she feels herself getting closer. Parker knows her better than he knows himself and he can tell by the expression of pure bliss and lust on her face and the pitch of her moans that she's getting close so he takes a hand from her hip and presses his thumb to her clit. Elli jerks forward, a higher moan escaping her throat. Parker's thumb is relentless, keeping its pace until Elli is clenching around him and yelling his name before falling over his chest.

Her heart pounds as her sweaty chest meets Parker's. Lazy kisses are pressed to his cheek to his earlobe, goosebumps rising on the back of Parker's neck. Elli feels him resituate under her, planting his feet on the bed but he doesn't move, not yet.

"Alright, darlin?" Parker asks.

"Mmm," Elli hums. "Keep going." Elli encourages. "Please."

She doesn't have to say anything else before Parker's hips are smacking hers fast and hard. His length hits her g-spot and in seconds, she can feel the coil building in her stomach once more. She clenches around Parker and that pushes Parker over the edge. His hips rut against hers, Elli's name now coming from his mouth and sending Elli over the edge again.

The two of them stall their movements, their breathing heavy and chests sticking together with a thin layer of sweat. Parker kisses her shoulder and Elli kisses his neck before going back to place a kiss to his cheek and then to his lips.

"Good team." Elli chuckles, sitting up.

Parker laughs, his chest rumbling under Elli's hands. "We make a good team, ya."

Elli moves off of Parker and gets off the bed, walking around to get her clothes. Parker watches from the bed, lip sucked between his teeth. Elli isn't self-conscious, especially with him and how long they've had this going on. Parker has walked in on her showering and changing and she doesn't even flinch. She can walk around post-sex and grab her clothes without even putting in thought that Parker is watching her. She does the same with him and if anything, it builds Parker's ego.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Elli turns to Parker, clothes in hand but still not making an effort to cover herself.

"Sorry, but it's a pretty sight." Parker says with ease before he starts removing the condom and getting up himself.

Elli's cheeks flush and her heart skips with Parker's words. "I'll be back."

Parker laughs, knowing he's left her too flustered to have any form of a comeback. "We're watching The Avengers!" Parker yells as Elli walks down the hallway. Elli just groans louder than necessary and she can hear Parker laugh in response.

Elli heads to the bathroom and looks at herself in the mirror. A bright red mark with blotches of purple decorate a small portion of her skin and she shakes her head but a smile comes to her face. Parker leaves hickeys just to tease her and she knows it but that's what makes it fun. However, her hair, her hair is not fun. It's now knotted and a tangled mess but it was worth it.

Back int he bedroom, Parker is reclothing himself and turning on the TV that hangs on his wall in front of his bed. He loads the screen for The Avengers and climbs into bed to wait for Elli, sitting cross-legged with her brush in hand remembering that he's supposed to brush her hair. There's the faintest smile on his face as he fiddles with the brush, a faint smile he can't really explain but a smile caused by the thought of Elli.

"You're serious?" Elli asks walking back into the room and pointing to the TV.

"Yes." Parker states, patting the space in front of him. "Why're you surprised?"

"I can reenact this entire movie start to finish from the times you alone have made me watch it." Elli jokes as she goes to sit in front of Parker.

"Sorry, but I don't see the problem." Parker's breath fans over her ear as he laughs and pulls her hair back to start brushing.

"Nerd." Elli mutters as she watches the movie play.

Parker starts brushing, careful not to tug too hard on the tangles. "Yeah, but you love me."

"Yeah." Elli holds out the word, a smile splitting her face as Maria Hill and Nick Fury appear on screen. "I do."

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