Summer Rain

By JJJiangx

3.7M 97.1K 13.1K

[Includes Something about Summer & After Rain] Raine Evans had everything. Okay, maybe not. So she avoided he... More

Summer Rain
[1] Dynamite
[2] Young, Wild, and Free
[3] Live While We're Young
[4] Mr. Know It All
[5] Hit the Lights
[6] Tonight, Tonight
[7] Fall to Pieces
[8] We are Young
[9] Starships
[10] Two is Better than One
[11] Good Life
[12] Thunder
[13] Summer Girl
[14] Beat of My Heart
[15] Fireflies
[16] Love Life
[17] Irreplacable
[18] Pocket Full of Sunshine
[19] My Dilemma
[20] Only Fooling Myself
[21] Love Song (Part 1)
[21] Love Song (Part 2)
[23] Take Me Away
[24] Kiss You Inside Out
[25] Gotta Be You
[26] Anywhere But Here
[27] I Must Be Dreaming
[28] Decode
[29] Airplanes
[30] Alone Again
[31] Break My Heart
After Rain
[1] White Houses
[2] Here We Go Again
[3] Ship in the Dock
[4] I Hate Myself for Losing You
[5] All Too Well
[6] I Can't Breathe
[7] Catch My Breath
[8] Like We Used To
[9] Impossible
[10] Curiosity
[11] Just Give Me a Reason
[12] If This Was a Movie
[13] That's What You Get
[14] King of Anything
[15] Daylight
[16] Heart Attack
[17] Unwritten
[18] Fall
[19] Sweet Nothing
[20] One More Night
[21] Fallout
[22] Same Mistakes
[23] Alive
[24] Kiss Me Slowly
[25] I Need Your Love
[26] Looking Up
[27] Dark Side
[28] Endlessly
[29] Made in the USA
[30] Try
[31] Ever Enough
Extra: Forever and Ever
[18] Kaden's PoV: Secrets
Summer Rain Playlist & FAQ

[22] Some Hearts

52.3K 1.4K 200
By JJJiangx

Dedicated to SyannePotts because her comment really made me laugh.

Picture on the side= I need to get a life.



I've never been the kind that you'd call lucky,

Always stumbling around in circles,

But I must have stumbled into something.

Look at me,

Am I really alone with you?

~Some Hearts- Carrie Underwood

      Now, I could say that I was drifting, a white light slowly approaching, but not only would that have been cliché and unrealistic, it would've been a lie.

      Unlike how they described it in books, I didn't feel pleasant and painless. My head was pounding and everything felt sore. Also unlike the books, I didn't take a trip down memory lane. There was no beeping either, instead there was an oh-so-lovely melody of familiar, tired and not really musical voices.

      "I'm going to kill him!" Okay, maybe not every voice was tired.

      "Oh give it a rest, Kaden, you've been at it for the past hour. I have now imagined Blake dying fifty-six times thanks to your awesome descriptions," Kallie said sarcastically in a weary voice. I grinned slightly and tried to pry my eyelids up, but only managed to get them to flutter.

      "Guys, she's awake," Annabelle called from somewhere on my left.

      "Raine? Can you hear me?" Kaden asked.

      "Way to be cliché, Kade," Kallie remarked. I rolled my eyes. Way to make me feel loved, Kal, way to make me feel loved.

      "How are you so calm about this?" Kaden snapped. Yay, nice to know someone cares, even if it's Kaden.

      "The doctor said she's fine. It was just fainting. Nothing deadly. As long as Raine's not gonna die in the next twenty four hours, I'm good," she replied, a bit too loudly.

      I groaned as her voice sent a rocketing pain through my head. "Will all of you just shut up?" I demanded, sighing. "I feel like something ran me over."

      "Funny how that's pretty much exactly what happened," Kaden remarked, sounding bitter. This was enough to make me force my eyes open and attempt to sit up.

      "What?" I demanded struggling against Kaden, who was trying to push me back down.

      Kallie sat up from her spot on the window seat and rolled her eyes. "Ignore him, Raine. He's exaggerating. A drunk driver hit Blake's car, it spun a couple of times and you fainter," she told me. Aww, geez, I feel weak for fainting, but oh well.

      "At least I care," Kaden said, shooting a slight glare at his sister.

      "I care!" she retorted, angrily.

      "Then maybe you should act like it!" Kaden shot back. I pressed my fingers to my temple, trying to calm my raging headache.

      "Guys? I really don't think you're helping Raine here," Annabelle spoke up. I smile gratefully at her before leaning back burying half my face in the pillow.

      "....So this is what happens when they're tired?" Brett asked after a brief silence.

      "You should see them when they're hungover," I replied, my voice muffled by the pillow.

      Clark stifled a laugh. "Oh yeah, you know how they pretty much never fight like siblings should? It's like it all comes out when they're tired or hungover," he told Brett.

      "What if they're both?" Brett asked inquisitively.

      "It's never happened, oddly enough, they're never tired when they're hungover," Annabelle started.

      "But it'd probably be really bad," Clark added.

      "And I don't think any of us want to find out how bad," I finished.

      Kallie snorted. "Thanks guys. You're all get kind," she said sarcastically. Suddenly, the door burst open. I looked up to see Blake stroll in.

      "I heard she's awake," he said, looking over at me. "You okay?"

      "You could've kill her!" Kaden exclaimed, glaring at Blake. This caused me to sit up. I watched as everyone else sneaked out of the room without Kaden or Blake noticing. Wow, thanks guys. That's just the best thing you can do. Leave me in a room with two guys who look like they'll kill each other.... Because of me? Whoa, I feel so Twilight scened right now...

      "It's not like I was trying to! I can't control idiots who decide to drive after drinking!" Blake snapped back.

      I closed my eyes and pressed my fingers to my head again, trying to calm the raging headache. "It's not his fault, Kaden," I said, stifling a yawn. I opened my eyes to see both Blake and Kaden shooting me a similar worried looks. Resisting the urge to roll my eyes, I looked at them pointedly.

      "I'll see you later," Blake said, shooting me an easy smile after a long look between Kaden and I. I managed a weak smile back and watched as he exited the room, then turned to look at Kaden questioningly.

      After a couple moments of awkward silence, I cleared my throat. "Why'd you do that?" I asked.

      "Do what?" he asked innocently, blinking at me. We continued staring at each to her for a couple moments, me challenging him to say the truth and him, trying to get me to break.

      Sadly, he ended up winning. I had to break our staring contest to stifle a yawn, which caused Kaden amused expression to transform into a slightly worried one.

      "You should get some sleep," he remarked. I closed my eyes and didn't bother denying it. As I laid down, Kaden turned to leave the room.

      Then something hit me. "Wait, Kaden? Do me a favor?" I asked before he exited the room.

      "Yeah?" he replied. Even though I had my eyes closed, I knew he had an eyebrow raised in part amusement and part confusion. I very rarely asked anything of him, unless I was joking.

      "When I'm better, don't say I told you so," I told him. The last thing I heard before I drifted off to sleep was his quiet chuckle.


      I spent all of Sunday in bed. I didn't want to, but my friends, the doctor and my body seemed to have different plans. I was ordered to two full days of bed rest. The other car hadn't hit me, but it had squished the jeep some, causing me to have stayed in a cramped position for a while, until the ambulance had came.

      I had no idea how I was released from the hospital, given that my parents weren't there, but I suspected that it had something to do with a short call and possibly (or more like probably) bribing. Bad I know, but I definitely didn't want to stay in the hospital until my parents came back, and I was pretty sure that the hospital didn't want me.

      "Please let me do something today," I begged Kallie when she came into my room to deliver breakfast. They were treating me as if I was dying, not just sore. I guess I was more or less used to it, since it happened every time someone got injured, but it was still pretty ridiculous.

      "You're supposed to rest," Kallie reminded me, looking at me apprehensively.

      "I'm bored, though. And I'm better," I told her. It wasn't a lie. I didn't feel sore anymore, but they didn't believe me. Kallie just stood there looking at me with a doubtful expression. "Come on, please? I'll stop if it starts hurting," I tried again, begging her with my eyes even though I doubted that it would work.

      To my surprise, I watched as Kallie began considering. Then I snapped out of it and grinned, pulling out my best weapon. "Come on, Kallie, please? I helped you sneak out when you were sick," I reminded her in a slight, sing-song voice. She looked at me warily as I smiled back at her innocently.

      She sighed. I grinned even more. "Fine," she agreed. I jumped out of the bed and ran downstairs.

      "You're supposed to be in bed," Clark said when I entered the kitchen.

      I rolled my eyes. "Hello to you too," I replied. Kaden opened his mouth to protest, but I shot him a look that told him not to try with me. It worked, somewhat.

      Instead of telling me to go back to bed, he turned to Kallie, who had just come down from the stairs. "Why is she out of bed?" he asked with a slight glare.

      She shrugged non-chalantly. "Couldn't keep her in." I grinned at her easy lie and grabbed a piece of toast from the bag.

      "So, what are we doing today?" I questioned. The rest of them exchanged glances and all simultaneously shrugged. "So... Nothing?" I asked, disappointed.

      A thoughtful expression crept onto Kallie's face, before transforming into a wicked grin. Oh no. I have a feeling that I should've stayed in bed, now. "Well, we could film some of the video," she drawled, looking at me with the ever-dreaded sly expression.

      "Oh?" I asked with fake curiosity as I took a sip of orange juice.

      "Yeah, we could do the bed scene," Kallie replied casually.

      I nearly spewed out all the orange juice in my mouth. "The bed scene?" I demanded with wide eyes.

      Kallie laughed at me (yeah, nice right) and shook her head. "Not like that, Raine," she told me. "And I thought you were the innocent one," she teased. I glared at her, which ended up turning into a staring contest. She was staring back with that amused expression that every person in her family had seemed to master while I was, well, I was just glaring at her.

      "So," Brett said clearing his throat loudly. "Can we start?"

      I shook my head. "I have no idea what's going on. I don't know the lines, or any of it," I told them.

      "How about this, Raine, Kallie will give you the script and read it over once or twice then do your best to memorize the scene while we set up," Annabelle suggested.

      "Set up?" I asked confused.

      It was Clark who answered this time. "Kallie may or may not have gone a bit overboard," he replied with a shrug. Oh god. I don't know if I should be happy that it'll be good, or upset that it costed so much. Then again, Kallie goes overboard with a lot, which I guess is pretty useful in this situation.

      Before I could respond, Kallie shoved a pile of paper into my hands. The script. There were small scribbles scattered around the printed text, last minute actions and extra dialogue. "We'll be in Clark and Annabelle's temporary room for this scene. It's three doors to the left from mine," Kallie informed me. Hmm, I didn't know that Annabelle and Clark had a temporary room. Well, I guess it made sense since they were staying here. Wait. If they were staying here, and had been since the beginning of the summer and they're roomw as a guest room...

      "Wait, Kallie!" I called before she could go upstairs. She paused on the stairs and glanced at me, looking like she already knew what I was about to ask. "You lied when you said all the guest rooms were under renovation at the beginning of the summer." Although I hadn't intended it, my remark came our more like a statement than a question.

      Kallie nodded slowly, not bothering to deny it. "It's all part of the plan," she said mysteriously and ran off before I could question her further.

      Dagnabit! I sighed and sunk into the couch before turning the first page of the script.

      The story was about a girl, who's brother had cancer, so they had decided to go on an extended road trip through the States, in the one year he had before chemo. They were in a small town near New York when Niko, the brother, suddenly disappeared, leaving only a note with a date and a meeting place. My character, Ella, began exploring the town in hopes of finding Niko. During that time she met Tristan, a local artist, who offered to help. He took her around town, and was basically her tour guide for the two days her brother was gone. During the time they spent together, they began falling in love, but Ella knew it wouldn't last because of her leaving. The story ended with a small scene was supposed to happen a year later, on a train. They would see each other and exchange a glance, then it would be the end.

      I had to hand it to Kallie, while the plot was a bit cliché, it was good. The ending was especially good, with the hope and slight romantic feeling it left. At the very end of the script, there was a list of who would be who. I had the part of Ella, Clark would be playing Niko, Annabelle would play any extra people we needed and Tristan was played by Kaden. Dagnabit! I knew I really shouldn't have expected anything different, I mean, Brett was directing and having Clark play the love interest would just be awkward, but I had hoped that maybe Kallie would have found someone else.

      I didn't have anything against Kaden, I guess, I mean we were more or less friends now, but that didn't mean it wouldn't be awkward. Especially with what had happened.

      Sighing, I turned back to the bed scene, which I had only briefly scanned over and started reading. As I continued reading, I felt my eyes widen. Oh no. The scene we were filming today was the last night Tristan and Ella spent together.

      It was also the scene where the talked about their feelings and... Kissed? Oh. My. God.

      "Kalysta Caroline Fleming!" I exclaimed as I ran up the stairs. Kallie turned away from helping Brett to look at me with an amused expression.

      "Yeah?" she asked, drawing out the word slowly.

      "You are the most manipulative-" I started.

      "But magnificent," she cut in.




      "And marvelous,"

      "Matchmaker ever!" I finished, glaring at her. She returned it with an amused (of course) stare.

      "So... Any reason why you guys just listed every other adjective in the dictionary that starts with 'M'?" Brett asked after a beat of silence. We all turned to state at him disbelievingly. "What?" he asked.

      "Dude," Kaden said clapping a hand on his shoulder. "You should return your hair back to its original color. You'd get a lot less weird looks," he told Brett.

      "Yeah, says the blonde one!" I exclaimed, rolling my eyes

      "Shall we get started?" Kallie asked, a mysterious twinkle in her eyes. "I kind of want to do the lines leading up to the kiss, because that's probably gonna be the hardest scene," she remarked. Oh gee, thanks Kallie, I don't even get time to prepare for it. I could do the scene, but I needed time to slip into character. Five lines wasn't enough, and I'd bet everything that Kallie knew it too.

      "Wait! I don't know what we're doing. All I know is the dialogue," I told Kallie, trying to stall.

      It didn't work. She just grinned and shook her head. "It's a simple scene, Raine. Just lie in the bed and look cute, a bit shy, and doubtful," she told me, with an innocent tone that was nowhere near the smile on her face. She shoved me towards the bed, causing me to almost trip. Luckily, I managed to place my hands out in front of me and catch myself on the bed. I heard a quiet snicker and looked up to see Kaden staring at me, obviously amused, from his spot on the bed.

      Gosh, I feel like some kind of caged up animal used to perform tricks with all these amused looks. Reluctantly, I crawled into the bed beside him.

      Then I fell.

      No, the bed wasn't some kind of trap prank, the comforter was just, oh, I don't know a meter thick and really squishy. It had looked like a completely normal comforted from the outside... Where in the name of Sherlock Holmes did Kallie get this?

      "What the heck?" I whispered to Kaden, voicing my thoughts.

      He shrugged and shot me a small smile. "You know how Kallie is," he replied.

      "Can they even hear us? Or see us?" I asked.

      "Yes, we can hear and see you," Kallie's voice cut in before Kaden had the chance to respond. "Now, how about we go from line seventy-two?" Oh no. Oh no. Oh no.

      It's official.

      My best friend is pure evil.

      Line seventy-two... That gave me two lines to slip into character before the kiss. There was no way I could do that.

      Curse you, Kallie!

      Was this karma? Was this revenge against me for not telling Kallie about what happened?

      "It would be incredibly rude if I kissed you," Kaden as Tristan said way too soon, interrupting my still swirling, worried thoughts.

      I knew we were just playing the part, but something about it felt real, as stupid and cliché as it might sound. There was just something about the look in his eyes that almost made me believe that we were doing this for real. It was probably just me not being able to slip into character. It had to be. It couldn't be anything else.

      "What if I want it?" I asked, trying to sounds breathless, though I didn't have to pretend that much. I dragged out the line slightly, knowing what was coming next. I tried to resist the urge to keep my gaze elsewhere, but at the last moment, I ended up locking eyes with him.

      It was almost as if I wasn't me for the next part. As if I was watching from the sidelines instead of experiencing it. I watched Kaden's face dipped closer to mine like I wasn't going to actually experience it. Like it wasn't going to happen.

      His grey eyes sparkled with amusement, hope and some other emotion I couldn't read, but it felt familiar. Everything felt and seemed so familiar that it was almost scary.

      Before I could truly process what was going on, I felt his lips brush against mine.


Muahahahaha. I'm mean, I know. Sorry for the late update. I was going to add another scene to this, but dagnabit, the next scene was/is hard to write! I love Brett and his half blonde-ness, lol (no offense to blondes). Also, thank you all so much for the votes and comments last chapter. It's on its way to sixty votes. I really didn't think I had that many readers. I expected thirty, forty tops, nothing over fifty, so thank you, it really made my week. <3

Teaser: Some of you will love me for this, while some of you will attack me with pitchforks. Depends on what side you're on. That's all I have to say.

Vote, if you think I'm evil for ending the chapter there (or if you like this chapter)
Comment, if you think Raine should just freaking get together with someone (but who? Tell me in your comment!)
Fan, if you like Brett's blonde-ness as much as I do. xD

~JJ :)

PS. How many of you guys would kill me if I skipped the kiss? :3

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