Children of the Gods (5sos)

By Celeybear

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A 5sos Demigod mini series! Smut will be included. More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3

Chapter 1

867 19 0
By Celeybear


There was a loud banging noise coming from my outside my door causing me to awaken from peaceful slumber. I pulled my covers over my head, hoping to drown out the noise. This worked until someone started yelling.

"Mel wake the fuck up and open the door!" The deep voice boomed through the door.

"No!" I yelled back.

"Mel if you don’t open this door in five seconds, I swear on the gods I’ll break it down."

I didn’t say anything. There was a long silence. Assuming they had left, I snuggled deeper into my covers. I was about to drift back to sleep when a very large mass fell on top of me.

"Shit!" I yelped as my breath was knocked out of me. I peered over and saw mess of blonde curls. "Get the fuck off me Iwrin!"

"No! Not until you say you’ll get up." He giggled.

I shifted a little, but that only made things worse. “I am a creature of darkness! We do not bask in the sun.”

Ash scoffed and I could feel him roll his eyes. “Okay creature of darkness, whatever you say. But I’m still not moving until you wake up.”

"Fine!" I groaned. "I’m up!"

He giggled as he moved off me and I felt an ache in my limbs. Once he was completely off, I reached over and gave him a good smack on the head.

"Ow!" He complained.

I rolled my eyes. “Don’t even pretend that hurt, fish brains.”

He narrowed his eyes. “Whatever, hell hound.”

"I prefer to think of myself as a cat." I smirked.

It was Ashton’s turn to roll his eyes. “You’re such a weirdo. Now get dressed or you’ll miss breakfast.”

With another groan, I got up from my bed, walked over to my dresser, and pulled out some clothes. I was about to get dressed when I noticed Ash was still in the room.

"Uh Ash… You kinda need to leave if you want me to get dressed."

He held a sinister grin. “You can change in front of me. I don’t mind.”

I gaped at him. “Ashton Fletcher Irwin get out now or I will call your mother!”

He held up his hands and giggled. “Alright, alright! No need to get drastic.”

"I’ll see you at breakfast." Ash gave me a small peck on the cheek before walking out.

I shook my head and chuckled softly. Most girls would swoon over the fact that Ashton had kissed their cheek. Not me though. His son of the Sea God charm never worked on me. He was just my annoying best friend and would remain that way until the day I died.

My stomach rumbled loudly, breaking me from my thoughts. I quickly pulled on my black, denim shorts and my ugly orange camp shirt. Not feeling bothered about my hair, I merely ran my fingers through my ebony locks before pulling it into a high ponytail. I moved onto my makeup next.

With the amount of time I spent on makeup, you would think I was a daughter of Aphrodite. I wasn’t ashamed of it either. I just really liked making my eyes look like they were a part of the night sky. Which called for black eyeliner and mascara.

After a quick check, I slipped on my black vans and raced out the door. The sun was incredibly bright and warmed up my fair skin. I say fair,  but to be honest I was just pale. No matter what I did, I could never tan and I was completely okay with that.

"Hey Mel, wait up!" Someone called out behind me.

I turned and smiled brightly once I realized who it was. “Hello sunshine.”

Luke laughed at the silly nickname. “On your way to the dining pavilion?”

"Yeah. You?" I asked, hopeful he would say yes.

He nodded and smiled his brilliant smile. “Wanna walk together?”

"Sure." I shrugged, as if it was no big deal when in reality it was.

Luke Hemmings was nothing more than a friend. We had become acquainted through Ashton, but he had caught my eye since my first day of camp two years ago. He was absolutely gorgeous with his shaggy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. Over time he had grown much taller, styled his hair completely different, and got a lip piercing. If he was hot before, he was like the burning sun now.

Most people thought he was the son of Aphrodite. At least I did when I first showed up. I was completely surprised once I found out his dad was Apollo. Then again, he did radiate sunshine. Hence the cute nickname I gave him.

"Mel?" He said, snapping me back into reality.

"Sorry what was that?"

He chuckled for a moment. “I asked if you wanted to train later.”

I gave him an apologetic smile. “Sorry, I’m a bit out of it.”

"I noticed. Everything okay?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

I nodded. “Yeah I’m just tired. I was rudely awoken by Ash this morning.”

"You too?" He laughed. "Let me guess he sat on you until you woke up?"

"Yes! I swear he’s like a fucking puppy sometimes." I grumbled.

"I thought children of Hades liked dogs." He playfully bumped my shoulder with his.

I rolled my eyes. “Ha ha, Very funny.”

"I know! I’m hilarious." Luke grinned.

"Stick to singing, Sunshine." I laughed.

We were almost at the Pavillion by then. I could see it filled with other campers already eating away. The smell of the hearth made my mouth water and I almost ran towards it.

"So will you train with me later?" He asked again.

"What do you have in mind?"

He shurgged. “I was thinking of hunting some monsters in the woods.”

I nodded. “Okay. I’m training with Ashton after breakfast, but after lunch I’m free.”

Luke smiled brightly. “Great!”

We reached the Pavillion and with awkward goodbyes, the two of us went our separate ways. My eyes scanned around the many tables for Ash. Of course, he was sitting at his table by himself. His big brother Percy had left the year before, leaving him pretty much alone. I walked by and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek before heading to my table.

I was a little surprised to see my half brother Michael sitting at the table. Normally he would still be in bed until much later. For some reason I hadn’t noticed until then that he wasn’t in the cabin this morning. Thank th gods though because he would have destroyed Ashton if he had woken Michael up. He was never a morning person. It must have been a children of Hades thing.

"Well you’re up early." I plopped down right in front of Michael, who was scowling down at his food.

"What were you doing with Hemmings?" He growled.

I rolled my eyes. “Good morning to you too.”

"I’m serious Melanie." He hissed.

"Michael we were just walking and having friendly conversation. It’s no big deal." I grabbed my chalice and requested hot chocolate. "We’re just friends."

"He shouldn’t be your friend." He grumbled before shoving some food into his mouth.

I glared at him. “I know you two have some kind of rivalry going on, but that’s between you TWO! Not me and Luke. So either accept our friendship or keep your comments to yourself.”

"I’m just looking out for you Annie." He said through gritted teeth.

Some of my anger melted once I heard him use my nickname. There were only three people who ever called me that and one of them was no longer alive. That name was vey special to me. Whenever Michael called me Annie, I would soften up. Even if I was upset with him.

"I know." I sighed. "But I’m allowed to choose my own friends. You’re my brother, not my father."

"Thank the gods for that." He mumbled to himself.

Michael, like many other demigod children, resented our father. He never publicly denounced him before, but he certainly didn’t keep his distaste a secret. I never cared much for him either. I mean the guy had abandoned me for most of my life. But Hades was still my father whether I liked it or not.

Suddenly, a wood nymph came by, offering me some food. I graciously thanked them and began to load my plate up. I took a sip of my hot chocolate before stuffing some bread into my mouth.

"Why are you wearing that gods awful shirt?" Michael asked eyeing the hideous camp shirt in disgust.

"I haven’t done laundry yet." I sighed. Michael laughed and went back to his food, a clear sign he wasn’t upset any more. "You never told me why you’re up this early."

He glared over at the Hermes table. “You can blame Calum for that. He wants to train after inspection.”

I quirked an eyebrow. “Why does he want to train with you so early? Doesn’t he have several highly trained siblings for that?”

"That’s what I told him!" He said, throwing his hands in the air.

I laughed loudly at my brother to which he joined in. Michael could be a real pain in he ass sometimes, but I loved him dearly. He was the only family I had left in this world. I would be devastated if I ever lost him.

Training with Ashton went extremely well. That is until he started teasing me about Luke. We were doing our normal combat training when out of nowhere he brings up my training with Luke.

"So I heard you and Luke are training later." He said just before taking a stab at me with his Celestial Bronze trident.

I dodged his attack and made a move with my sword. “You heard correctly.”

Ash smiled as he maneuvered away from my blade. “Are you gonna tell him?”

A blush formed on my cheeks, but I didn’t stop aiming my sword at him. “No and I’d appreciate it if you didn’t tell him either.”

"Come on Mel the whole camp knows you and Luke have a thing. Anyone with eyes can see it." He blocked the edge of my sword with shaft of his trident.

The two of us were face to face and I glared. “There’s nothing going on with Luke and I. We’re just friends.”

"He certainly wants to be more than friends." He smirked.

My grip on my sword loosened as I took in what he said. “Wait, what?”

Ashton noticed the change in pressure and knocked my sword out of my hands. Within seconds I was on the ground with Ash’s trident pointed at my throat.

"The boy is crazy about you, Mel." He said, not moving his weapon away. "You’re all he talks about when you’re not around."

His words hit me hard. The thought of Luke liking me seemed unfathomable. He was this beautiful person filled with sunlight and I was nothing more than a shadow. It just didn’t make sense.

"Does he… does he know I like him?" I asked.

Ash nodded softly. “I told him, but he doesn’t seem to believe me.”

"You told him!" I said through clenched teeth. My rage started boiling inside. If he hadn’t had this trident an inch from my throat I would have murdered him.

"Relax Mel! I didn’t tell him out of the blue. He said he liked you and I told him you had feelings for him as well."

Some of my anger melted. “You shouldn’t have said anything.”

"I know, but I’m so sick of the star crossed lovers bull shit. I just want you two together already." Ashton removed his weapon and walked away from me.

My head fell back onto the earth as I registered everything he was saying. Luke liked me. He had feelings for me. Part of me was delighted that the boy I had been crushing on for two years felt the same way. The other part, the loner part, was terrified it was all some twisted joke. I would eventually find out the truth that afternoon.

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