Im sorry (nash grier and came...

By teamirwin94

16.1K 188 38

This story is about a girl named Hazel Collins and how she struggles with anxiety and depression. And to make... More

Im sorry
Ch 6
Ch 7
Ch 8
Ch 9
Ch 10
Ch 11
Ch 12
Ch 13
Authors note
Ch 15
Ch 16
Ch 17
Ch 21
Ch 22
The End

Ch 20

335 3 1
By teamirwin94


I was sitting in math class. last period of the day, watching the teacher talk about ratios and other math shit.

My phone vibrated.

It was a text from Cam.

*hey baby I'm feeling so much better thank you for everything, would you like to gout on a date with me tonight*

Oh my god this is so cute Cam is asking me on a date.I quickly texted him a quick "no problem babe, I would love to go on a date with you."

I love it when Cam does these little things, it really shows me that he actually cares for me the way I care for him.

***CAMS POV****

I'm a really bad boyfriend.

I know you don't need to tell me.

Asking hazel in a date was the least I could do, I can't tell her about what happened with Camila but I can try to sugar coat it before I tell her so that she forgives me, hopefully.

I don't honestly know how I'm going to get through tonight without being awkward, when ever I'm lying or nervous I act very awkward and she knows it too so I have to try and make myself look as normal as possible.

I'm still thinking on were I'm going to take her. I'm not sure if we should go to a club and party or have a picnic.

I think I'll just text her and see what she thinks


Hey bby just wanted 2 no if u wanted 2 go clubbing or just a simple picnic answer me whenever 😘

***hazels POV***

I was just about to leave to go to my car when I spotted Kian from the corner of my eye. I walked up to him just standing by himself.

"Kian, hey!" I said

He turned around and smiled

"Hazel hey what crackilakin?" he said

He obviously sounded either drunk or high

"Are you high and drunk?" I asked

"Hahaha the high part yes, the drunk part.... in a few minutes I will. you want a hit?"

"No thank you.... I'm good. see you later Kian." I said

"Your leaving so early? why babe?"

"Don't call me babe. and yes, now bye"

I started walking away until he yanked my arm and kissed me. I tried pounding and pushing at his chest but he was way too strong.

"S-stop!" half whispered half shouted

"C'mon, have some fun love." he whispered in my ear

"Please just let me go. your drunk and you will regret this. Please" I cried

"Fine, but you owe me one" he said angrily

He pushed me away and walked away. I never thought Kian could be that violent. it sucks to know how people actually are, their true colors. But on the other hand he was drunk and high so I guess, he had a reason to be like that.

I walked to my car and sat in the drivers seat trying to forget everything that just happened. I didn't want to seen startled when cam saw me so I just turned the radio on and the people I wanted to hear right now happen to come on.

"AND WE DANCED ALL NIGHT TO THE BEST SONG EVER, WE KNEW EVERY LINE NOW I CANT REMEMBER!" I sang to the one direction song at the top of my lungs.


Soon enough I was at Cams house with the biggest smile on my face. no doubt one direction can always put a smile in my face.

"Cameron, babe I'm here" I yelled

"Hey baby I'm in here!" he called from the living room

I sat next to him while I took off my shoes and my sweater. he put his arm around me and gave me a kiss.

"So how was school?" he asked

"Ok I guess, I don't really like school." I said

"So what do you want to do for our date?" cameron asked happily

"Umm, I'm tired so can we just have a picnic in here and a movie night combined." I asked, more like begged but whatever

"I knew you would say that, so I already planed it out. You just go upstairs and get into your pjs and I'll take care of the rest." he said while he got up and kissed my forehead

"Hey Cam?" I asked with a smirk on my face


"Put some pants on!" I laughed because he was only in his boxers

He laughed and said he would never because he was way to comfy.

"How did I ever get so lucky" I whispered to myself


The rest of the night went very smoothly. it was really nice that cameron was the one to put effort in our relationship for once.

He made me a turkey sandwich with chocolate covered strawberries and some apple juice with some chips. it was actually really good. After that we cuddled and watched like 3 films before I started to fall asleep. He asked me if I wanted him to take us upstairs but I said no because I like the way we are positioned right now and I don't want him to ruin it. our legs were tangled with my head on his chest, right were I could listed to his steady heartbeat. right before I fell asleep I heard him whisper.

"I'm really sorry hazel. I love you so much" he said

I was extremely confused about why he was apologizing but I didn't bother to ask him. one, because I was way too tired and two, because I didn't want to argue with him right now. I wanted to enjoy the love and comfort he was giving me. I just mouthed to myself

"I love you too."

Soon after I could hear Cameron's soft snores, knowing he was asleep helped me fall asleep.

"I know I'm not your only but at least I'm one" I quoted my favorite song


I'm SOOOO SORRY I haven't updated it's just that I didn't have wifi for the longest time and school has started and it's just all too much. I'll bee updating longer chapters but it might take me longer to update sorry guys!!

Thanks for reading loves!


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