The Head Cheerleader [On Hold]

By absolutemahomie

11.8K 163 22

Selena Gomez was head cheerleader of the squad. She is the most popular girl the the school. Austin Mahone is... More

1. Getting to know all of us
2. The party
3. Say wha?!?!?
4. Justin Bieber concert!!!
5. I can't believe it...
6. Goodbye...I'm back!!!
7. LA, California
8. No way!!!!
9. Dash: L.A.
10. Your my world. Your my everything
11. This is not how I wanted it to be....
12. The birthday
14. Clothing Line; Dream Out Loud
15.Goodbye Austin... for now
16. Madison!!!
17. Beauty and a beat
18. Miami's Traditional High School Riot
19. Miami's Traditional High School Riot Part 2
20. Why?
21. Concert
22. Girls day
23. Valentines day
24. One Direction

13. Truth or dare

390 7 0
By absolutemahomie


Okay. So Austin is nominated for a vma. It's for best lyric video. Go on Twitter, Instagram and Vine with the #voteaustinmahone. Do this for Austin. If you want that big happy smile from him like last year. Please. #MahomiesGoHardest

Selena's POV:

I thought about it and I can't loose Austin. I love him so much. I really do love him. I can tell he loves me as well. Maybe I did over reacted a little to much at my birthday bash. I mean we weren't even dating so I don't know why I got jealous. But I know is that I love him so much I can't let go. At least not just yet.

I heard a knock.

"Come in" I said.

"Hey Sel"


"Hey" I said.

"Are you okay?" She asked.

"N-No. I just can't belive that he would just break up with me" I said now crying.

"I know I'm sorry. But That was two weeks ago. You've seen him with Kendall Jenner. They're dating. He's moved on. I know that once you give him your answer a.k.a a yes he'll break up with Kendall and get back together with you" She said.

"I know but seeing him happy with someone that is not me. Hurts me. Everytime I look at him in the halls he's making out with her. I remember when we did that" I said.

"Forget about him. He's moved on. And you should too. I'm having a group sleepover that also includes Austin and Kendall. She knows everything so she's part of the group. I'm also making you go" she said.

"If Kendall and Austin gonna be there. Count me out" I said.

"Nope your going. You gonna have to deal with the fact that Austin has moved on and he's being all lovey dovey with her infront of you" She said getting up. "Hurry get ready because in about and hour. I'm picking you up" She added.

I'm not ready to face Austin just yet. These past 2 weeks I've been avoiding talking to Austin. I know he hasn't tried to talk to me eaither because I haven't seen his name pop on the screen. The only thing that has Austin's name in it is when he tweets on twitter. I really miss him and him coming here with Kendall makes me want to fall off the face of the earth. They probably will be all lovey dovey. Everyone is dating someone and Cassie is letting everyone bring the girlfriends or boyfriends. I'll be the only one single. But Cassie is right I need to move on. But how? I still love Austin so much and it's only been 3 weeks since me and Austin broken up. Everyday I go through the videos and photos that me and Austin did. I would sometimes cry myself to sleep knowing I might never get Austin back into my love life.

"Selena! Come on everyone is waiting for you downstairs" Cassie said.

I didn't even notice I was thinking for such a long period of time. I go downstairs and see everyone talking but once I step on the last step everyone's eyes go directly to me.

"Hey" I said with no emotion.

"Finally your down what took you so long?" Austin said.

"Why do you care!" I snapped.

"Sorry for asking then" He said.

"You better be" My jaw tighten.

"Sel. Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" Cassie said.

"Whatever" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"WHAT THE HELL SELENA!!!" Cassie shouted.

"What?" I said.

"Don't bullshit me Selena" She said.

"I'm not bullshitting you Cassie!" I said.

"Why are you being a bitch to Austin?!" She said as her teeth grinded together.

"I'm not being a bitch to him" I said.

"Then why were you snappy" She said.

"Cuz I can be" I said.

"Look I know your mad that Austin brought Kendall. But you have to move on stop living in the past" She said.

"I can't help it. Okay. We may have broken up but it doesn't mean I don't love him. I still do" I said trying to fight back the tears.

"I know it hurts right now but trust me if you keep living in the past your not gonna get anywhere. Look if you want Austin back all you have to do to convince him is a simple 'yes I will be your girlfriend again'" She said.

"I can tell he's already moved on from me. By the way he looks at Kendall" I look down so she won't see me cry.

"About that....." She said. I looked up as if it was a sign to keep going.

"Well me and Austin talked about hours ago and uhh I asked him if he still had feelings for you and he said that the feelings for you are slipping away. Before you peotest and say 'Kendall is brainwashing him' she isn't. I can tell he really does love her and she loves Austin" She said rubbing me back. I wanted to break down right here right now. His feelings slipping away from me. Was I not a good girlfriend to him? What did I do wrong?

I fix my self in the kitchen and head back to everyone.

"Hey are you okay?" Riley asks. I nod as a yes.

"Okay so lets play truth or dare" Kendall says. Is this girl crazy?! This is how my relationship started with Austin. Right now I'm praying that if I or Austin pick dare they won't say I have to date him. Because I don't think I can do thag again.

Everyone replyed with a yes and I just nodded.

"Okay who goes first" She said. "How about Robert. Truth or dare" She also added.

"Truth" He said.

"Whimp. But okay. How many girls have you slept with?" She said. I instantly knew this was dirty truth or dare.



"8" He said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Okay. Alex truth or dare" He said to Alex.

"Dare" He said. At least there's a man. lol.

"I dare you to do 7 minutes in heaven with Riley" He said smirking.

I look at Alex and Riley and there faces instantly turn cherry red. Do they like eachother or something? Alex stood up so did Riley. I saw them walk to a room.

7 minutes later:

OMG!!! They were LOUD! I can't belive my best friends just had sex. 1 down 3 to go. Or at least I think. The door opened and they came out with there hand intwined together.

"Uh guys. You could have been louder so the whole town can hear you both" Zach said laught his ass off. We all look at them and there faces are red.

"Shut up Zach" Alex said hitting him in the back of the head.

"Okay Austin truth or dare" Alex said.

"Dare" He said.

Oh this should be good. *note sarcasm*

"I dare you to.....make out with...." He said.

Please not me. Please not me. Please not me.

"Selena" He said.


"Are you insane!" We both said at the same time.

"Uh no. If I was. Would I be here or a mental hospital?" He said. Smartass.

"I'm not kissing him" I said pointing at Austin.

"Same here" He agreed.

"Its a dare. You have three chickens. Wanna loose one?" He said.

"Sure" He said.

"Okay then. Two lives left" He said.

"Okay Cassie truth or dare" He said.

"........Truth" She said.

"If you had to have sex with one of us guys. Who would it be?" Austin said.

"Hmm. Zach" She said.

"Okay. Selena truth or dare" Cassie looked at me.

"Truth" I said. I gave her a 'don't-you-dare-ask-anything-about-Austin' look and she nodded.

"Since Its snowing. If we were playing out there right now. Who would you ask to be your personal snowman?" She said.

"Hmm. Zach. Cuz he's lazy" I said giggling. I looked at Zach and he looked offended.

"I am not lazy!" He said.

"Are you sure" I said.


Everyone has been playing for hours now and I'm here in my room. I left before Austin and Kendall came down. Oh I forgot to tell you. Zach dared Austin and to do 7 minutes in heaven. But but turned into an hour. I heard a lot of noises from the guest bedroom. So before they came I told everyone that I was tired but really I think I couldn't handle more noises from them. They finally came down and I heard Kendall say where I was and I didn't hear a response. I was hearing laughing from down stairs. Since I didn't wany to hear anything I just put my headphones on and played 'Really don't care' by Demi Lovato.

I was enjoying my music until someone took my headphones off.

"WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled.

"I was talking to you" A male voice said. I turned and be face to face with...


"Well I was busy. Can't you see?" I snapped.

"Busy just writing on that website" He said.

"Don't you have someone waiting for you" I said.

"Kendall's mom called her and said she has go home early" He said.

"Okay" I turned my head back to my laptop and started typing again.

"Oh so this is what it's about" He said.

"What do you mean?" I said my eyes still on the screen.

"Kendall. You don't want me to move on. Because you still want me" He said.

"No I don't" I said.

"Don't play dumb with me Selena I heard you and Cassie talking in the kitchen earlier today" He said.

"Okay. Wanna know why I don't accept you moving on and dating Kendall? Is because I'm inlove with you okay. My feelings for you can't just slip away like yours. Sometimes I would cry myself to sleep thinking that I might never have you again. I miss your hugs, kisses, eyes, smile. I miss all our memories that we made. I miss everything. These 3 past weeks have been hell for me. I always think when I wake up your next to me like we use to. Seeing you and Kendall do the exact same things we did breaks me. There's not one single day where I don't think about you Austin. I love you Austin. As much as people want me to move on. I can't. Why? Because I'm inlove with a guy named Austin Carter Mahone" I said. I didn't even realize I was crying.

"Really? Well do you want to know you i'm inlove with?" He said looking into my eyes. I nod in response.

"Come here" He said as he grabbed my jand and led me to the balcony.

"I'M INLOVE WITH A GIRL NAMED SELENA MARIE GOMEZ!!!!" He yelled. I was shocked. I thought he didn't love me anymore. In a matter of seconds I felt those pink plumo lips I've been craving for 3 weeks. I instantly kiss back.

"AUSTIN CARTER MAHONE!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!" I heard someone say. I pull away amd see the one person I don't want Austin all over.


"Uhhhh Kendall it's not what it looks like" Austin said nervously.

"From my looks. It looks like you were kissing her" She said as tears were streaming down her face.

"Baby I'm sorry. This kiss meant nothing to me" He said.

Ouch that hurt.

"Are you sure?" She said.

"Yes the kiss meant nothing. She means nothing to me anymore" He said.

Okay that just killed me. </3

I slap Austin across the face and see that there's a hand print. Tears are coming like a waterfall.

"Selena let me ex-" He ttied saying but I cut him off.

"Save it. It's obvious that you want Kendall. After I spilled my heart out and you practically yelled that your inlove with me all over town. Next thing you know it you tell that thing that the kiss and me mean nothing to you!!" I said crying.

"First of all don't call her a thing cuz she's more than that" He said.

"I can't belive you Austin. I was this close on giving you the answer but I guess you don't want it anymore" I said as I started walking away.

"No Selena please say yes. I want you back babe" He said grabbing my wrist.

"Okay here's my answer. No" I said. I looked at him and he was angry. Next thing you know it I felt a sharp pain on my right cheek. I gasp. I can't belive he slapped me. I started crying more.

"Selena I-" He didn't have time to finish I just ran downstairs. I reached the living room and everyone looked at me.

"Oh my god. Selena what happen your cheek is purple!" Melissa said.

"A-austin slapped m-me" I stuttered. Just on my que Austin came down.

"Selena I can explain" He said.

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!?! Your want me to forgive you after everything you did. After you slapped me!!! Forget it Austin. You will never be in my life again. Go running back to your little slut. Oh and I bet her 'mom' didn't call her. I think she went to see another guy and fucked him" I said running back to my room.


Finally I updated🙋 Okay Question time!!!

So Austin admited he's inlove with Selena and then Kendall shows up and he tell her that the kiss amd Selena meant nothing to him.

Austin slapped Selena after she gave him her answer.

What do you think will happen throughout their lives?

Will Selena forgive Austin for what he did?

Did she mean all those things?

Do they still love eachother?


And comment!

xoxo M🌺

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