Pushing Onwards

By KapUnivers

311K 6.5K 3.9K

Despite working his entire life so he can become a hero Izuku Midoriya is still told to give up by his idol... More

A new promise
Ten times harder
An encouraging encounter
The first day
Combat training
The symbol of peace
A race to remember
The cavalry battle
The battle tournaments
The quirkless and the gifted
The aftermath of the sports festival
1K reads!
A battle of ideals
Back to school
Final exams
Sins of the past
Christmas Update
Summer Camp
My hero Dekiru
Through hell and back
Moving into the dorms
Ultimate moves
Extreme dodgeball
What lies ahead
Some information
The big three
Passing down the torch
The Rise of Dekiru
Pushing Onwards
Authors note + preview
New book

Giving your all

15.5K 325 304
By KapUnivers

Izuku stood in awe in front of the gates to UA, the school of his dreams. He never thought he would be able to enter the campus and yet here he was, ready to fight for his right to enter the most prestigious hero course in the country. As he entered people started looking at him beacuse of all the equipment he carried. It was to be expected, people relied on their quirks to pass the exam and therefore didn't think about support gear before they had already passed. Izuku didn't pay atention to them, he was to occupied by the thought of being so close to his dream. In fact he was so lost in thought of taking his first steps towards being a hero that he forgot he was also taking real step and tripped in his own feet. However the cold hard impact of the ground didn't come, instead he floated? "W-what is happening?!" "Oh, I'm sorry I used my quirk on you without permision" a girl on his age said. She had brown hair and a bright smile. "I just thought it would be bad luck tripping before the exam" She said while making Izuku stand upright before canceling her quirk. "I'm Ochako Uraraka, good luck on the entrance exam!" She said cheerfully before running towards the briefing hall. Izuku dumbfounded by the whole event took a while before realising he would be late if he din't hurry up too.

"Welcome future heros to your chance at getting into the course of your dream! Can I get a YHEAAAAAAA!!" The whole hall was silent to focused on the exam ahead. "Wow though crowd. Anyway soon you will be sent to one of five replica cities to participate in the practical exam. There you will fight faux villains to get points. There are three types each one with an own point value from one to three. You will have to destroy or immobilise these villains to get the points. Any questions?" The pro hero Present Mic looked acros the hall when a tall boy with blue hair and square glasses stood straight up. "Yes! On the informational sheet there are clearly four different faux villains. If this is a misprint it will surely tarnish the reputation of this prestigious school!" "Thank you participant number 7111. There is a fourth type of villain, the 0 pointer. This faux villain is more like an obstacle to avoid, of course you can attack it, but there is no point in doing so. Now remember the school slogan! PLUUUS UULTRAAA!!" Silence followed except from on small chough. "Now get to the busses that will take you to the exam grounds" The pro said as people started to depart for their chance at becoming heros.

As Izuku was about to enter the buss Present Mic stopped him. "Kid does all that equipment have anything to do with your quirk?" Izuku froze for a moment before giving his answer "N-no you s-see I am-" "If it doesn't have anything to do with your quirk that will not give you an advantedge then you can't bring it, so you will have to leave it behind." "Hizashi let him bring his gear, it's fine. He uses it for a reason" a tall and tired pro hero dressed in black clothes told his friend. "Eraserhead?" Izuku muttered "Yes kid now go and don't fail the exam" "Yes sir! I will try my best" He said as he entered the buss and it drove off. "Shota, why make an exception for this kid? Do you see potential in him?" The louder hero asked. "Yes, he has potential. I saw him fight three thugs in self defence with that gear. Hadn't I taken out the last guy he probably still would have won. As for why I'm making an exception, he is quirkless and I believe he can make a change by becoming a hero." "A QUIRKLESS KID!! IN A HERO SCHOOL!? UA no less" Present Mic exclaimed making the calmer of the two cover his ears. "He may be quirkless, but he has made really good support gear and has the skills to back them up. You also know I don't like the current way society looks at heros with the flashy quirks getting all the attention. Despite the fact there are many more quirks that could be way more usefull. A simple brainwashing quirk could stop both the most powerfull villains and heros under the right circumstances." "Yes I know your stance on the subject, but still a quirkless kid in UA? He will be killed! But I trust your judgment. Anyways I have to get to the site and you to the observation room. Want to have some pizza afterwards?" "Yes that would be nice. See you later." The tired hero answered as he set off towards the observation room.

'This place is huge! How can they afford this?' Izuku thought as he saw the several story tall gates that would soon open in towards a replica city. As he looked at the otheres he saw the girl that saved his face from a meeting with the ground earlier, but as he started to walk over to say sorry someone grabbed his shoulder. "That girl is trying to concentrate. Are you trying to ruining her chances at getting into the school?" It was the tall boy with blu hair from earlier, this time Izuku also noticed he hade exhaust pipes coming out of his leg. "N-no! I just wanted to thank her for something she did earlier and-" before he could finish his response a loud voice was heard across the arena. "START!" Izuku didn't wait and imediatly shot himself toward a building and went into the city to hunt for points and the terrain was just perfect for the odm-gear.

The training Izuku had done for most of his life was showing. He was always flying around in the air using his staff to punch the robots at critical points using the exosceleton to boost his power. When he wasn't flying around he was reloading his gas suply and still used small bombs to take out robots. After 7 minutes he had racked up 33 points and was sure he was going to pass. Then a giant explosion went off and a building colapsed. It was the zero pointer, it was bigger than most buildings! 'No way I'm fighting that!' Izuku thought as he got ready to shhot a line into a building so he could get away. Then he heard someone screaming for help and looked towards the zero pointer and there lied Ochako trapped beneath rubble. He immediately turned and went as fast as he could over to her so he could help her. When he got over there he used his exosceleton to lift the rocks and pick her up over his shoulder. The zero pointer was already aiming his fist towards them and Izuku realised he didn't have time to run away and he used the las of the gas to get here. "Hold on, this will hurt a bit" Izuku told the girl. "wha-" was all she had time to say before Izuku had thrown a mine designed to make a powerfull shockway and activated it. The pressure shot the two fast away from the zero pointer and to a safe distance. There Izuku continued to run while carrying Ochako and changing the gas supply for the odm-gear. Eventually Izuku put her down "Are you okay?" he asked with clear concern in his voice. "Yes I'm fine. Thank you" She responded exhausted after what happend. As they where about to continue their pursuit of points a voice said "TIMES UP!"

Earlier in the observation room the teachers where watching the different responses to the release of the zero pointer. Eraserhead more commonly known as Shota Aizawa by his colleagues looked with much interest on a green haired kid when he ran in to save a girl. When the green haired boy used a mine to get away from the impending punch from the zero pointer he said "I want him in my class" much to the suprise of his coworkers . "Aizawa asking to have someone in his class. Now thats rare, you must see something in him" one of the teachers responded. "Yes. Yes I do" Shota said ending the conversation. In the back of the room a frail looking man with blonde hair sat in deep thought. 'That is the kid from that sludge villain. Wasn't he quirkless? And yet he has managed to do better than most on the exam. Maybe I was wrong in my assesment? I should really apologise when I get a good oppurtunity to do so. Also that heroic spirit, maybe, just maybe, he could recive my power? I need to consider this' When the exam the frail man Toshinori Yagi better known as All Might was still thinking about what he saw.

Later outside the entrance of UA Izuku and Ochako was talking with eachother. "Hey we should exchange numbers so that we can stay in touch and tell eachother when we pass" Ochako suddenly said. "Y-yes that's a good idea" They exchanged their numbers and then went in different directions towards their homes to tell about what happened. Inko Midoriya was extremely worried for her son and what had happened. "Did you do good? Where you hurt? Are you sure about this?" "I think it went well, I got a few bruises, but nothing to worry about and yes I have never been more sure about anything in my life. Also I met a girl" Izuku immediatly realised his mistake. "A girl you say. My little boy is becoming a man" Inko said with a big grin on her face. "N-no! No, no, no. It's not like that, we're just friends thats all." Izuku said flustered trying to hide his now red face. "If you say so. Now take and shower, we are having katsudon" She said. "Alright mom"

One week later a letter arrived at the door from UA. "Izuku, it's here!" Inko opened up the door to her sons bedroom to find him already standing right behind the door. He quikly took the letter and closed the door so that he could see what it contained in peace. He tore the letter open to reveal a small metal disk. The disk turned on and showed a holografic screen. "I AM HERE! AS A HOLOGRAM!" The booming voice of All Might came out of the speaker on the disk. The sight of his former idol made Izuke frown with his eyebrows a little. "You are probably wondering what I, All Might is doing on a letter from UA. It Is quite simple, I will be a teacher this year and help shape the heros of the future" Izuku got slightly more anoyed at the thought of having All Might as a teacher 'Great. I will have to endure this false symbol. Can't wait' He let the thoughts be so he could focus one the results. "You must me excited about the results, are you not? You passed the written part with flying colours, not a single error. As for the practical portion you got 83 points. You must be thinking, but I only got 33 points. Well that would be right if that was all, you see there was a secret score system. Rescue points given out on a basis of heroic actions, which you gained 50 of for saving young Uraraka. With 83 points you have the second highest score! Congratulations and welcome. To, YOUR HERO ACADEMIA" The hologram then turned of as Izuku sat in front of his desk filled with excitement.

Izuku's mother was just as happy for the news and for her son achieving his life long dream. Ochako was also beaming with excitement being accepted herself. They also found out they would be going to the same class, 1-A. One week later was standing in front a really tall dor marked with 1-A ready to take another step towards being a hero.

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