burning desire || klance au

By Just_a_dreamer_457

12.8K 435 112

demon!keith x human!lance Lance continued to stare standing frozen in his shoes "there's- wha- what the quiz... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Added Fluff pt 1

Chapter 8

881 37 5
By Just_a_dreamer_457

burning desire
chapter 8
|| dangerous part 1 ||

Lance's phone buzzed and a text from Hunk popped up on the screen 'hey buddy we're outside'. Lance smiled and grabbed Keith's hand smirking as he pulled the taller boy outside towards a big yellow jeep. Keith yelped quietly and stumbled after Lance, before catching his balance and straightening out. He blinked. "Wow...is that a car?" he whispered to Lance, his eyes wide.

Lance nodded opening the door for Keith "yep, mines nicer tho" Lance pointed to the blue Mazda parked outside his house. Keith got in after kissing Lance's cheek in thanks. He stared at the inside of the car. "woah...".

Hunk smiled brightly "Hiya I'm Hunk, this is Shay what's your name" Hunk beamed happily as Lance got in shutting the door behind him. Keith smiled softly and waved awkwardly. "uh...hey. I'm Keith. Nice to meet you".

"oh you're Keith! Lance and Pidge keep mentioning you but I thought they were talking about that stupid fake demon it's nice to meet you Keith" Hunk started the car up again and drove to their destination. Keith hummed and nodded, scratching his cheek. "That's me, I guess"

Lance rolled his eyes pouting slightly "..it's not stupid... summoning a demon" Keith grinned lightly over at Lance. "Oh yes. It's all very very serious". Lance poked his tongue out at Keith smiling like a dork "yeah Hunk he's also my boyfriend so be nice" Shay gasped excitedly "boyfriend!? Oh Lance I'm so happy you found someone!" Lance smirked proudly "thanks Shay, when Keith and I first met he couldn't keep his eyes off me so naturally I pursued him".

Keith snorted quietly and poked Lance's tongue, turning back forwards. "oh yeah." he rolled his eyes. "That's definitely what happened." Hunk and Shay laughed softly together "of course you'd say that Lance" Hunk stated rolling his eyes playfully. "well duh it's 100% what happened" Lance smirked raising an eyebrow at Keith.

Keith rolled his eyes again. "Yeah no- I don't think I remember it that way". Lance scoffed folding his arms a smile still plastered on his face "oh really so how do you remember it". Keith giggled quietly and grinned. "I believe, that we met somewhere at a cafe, and you split coffee on me. You felt so bad that you bought me another one. And since then, we both happened to catch each other at the same cafe until this happened" he hummed.

Lance pouted looking out the window "yeah yeah okay you spill coffee on a guy once and he never let's you forget it" Lance eyed Keith out of the corner of his eye. Meanwhile Hunk found a park outside of the cafe they were all meeting at. Keith grinned at Lance. "I liked my shirt, thank you very much!" He huffed, sticking out his tongue. Shay chuckled and shook her head. "Are you like this all the time?"

Lance shrugged "I have no idea what you're talking about". Keith raised an eyebrow. "uh-huh, sure..." he sighed and shook his head. When the car finally came to a holt Lance jumped out waiting for Keith grabbing his hand as soon and he was out of the car. Hunk and Shay held hands as well walking towards the cafe where there was a large table with 4 people already sitting around it.

Lance lead Keith to their seats. "Hey guys" he beamed smiling brightly. Allura and Romelle smiled back waving "Hi Lonce, who's this you've brought with you" Allura tilted her head gesturing to Keith. The cuban boy smiled widely "this is Keith, my boyfriend". Pidge spat out the water she was drinking and slammed the glass down on the table coughing "you're what?".

Lance bit his lip as Pidge and Matt looked at Keith in awe "my boyfriend" Lance repeated. Matt and Pidge shared a questionable glance "mhm, nice Lance what a score" Pidge remarked slightly sarcastically. Keith laughed quietly at the Holt's awe and waved awkwardly at them. "uh...thanks".Allura shushed Pidge telling her to be nice before turning to Keith "well it's very nice to meet you Keith" he smiled innocently and turned to Allura. "er...yes. very nice to meet you to...um...I'm sorry, I don't know your name".

Allura's eyes widened "oh how rude of me my name's Allura, this is my girlfriend Romelle and those two gremlins are Pidge and Matt" Lance smirked "gremlins is damn right". Keith smiled faintly and nodded. Keith and Romelle shared a small smile before Keith sat down in a chair waiting for Lance to do the same. Lance sat next to Keith resting his head in his hand while his friends talked amongst themselves.

Keith hummed, looking over at Lance a few times and smiling softly. Lance raised an eyebrow smirking at Keith "whatcha lookin at huh Keith, like what you see?" Keith hummed and smiled sweetly "am I not allowed to admire my gorgeous boyfriend?". The tan boys cheeks burned a dark red as he hide his face in his hands "quiznack.." he mumbled.

Keith smirked at him and continued his conversation with Romelle and Allura. Lance huffed as Pidge poked him "can I talk to you for a second?" Lance nodded and stood up looking at Keith "we'll be right back okay?". His 'boyfriend' looked over to Lance nodding quickly and eyeing Pidge, before going back to talking.

Pidge pulled Lance far enough away so the others couldn't hear "what the quiznack are you doing bringing a demon to lunch!?" Lance shrunk under Pidge's wide glare "it's complicated Pidge". His small friend crossed her arms "yeah no kidding but what the fuck dude" she punched Lance in the arm waiting for a response. Lance just yelped a little too loudly and held his arm "excuse me I'm pretty sure it was you who told me to use him to my advantage.."

Keith looked over, his eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the exchange between the two friends. Pidge grabbed Lance by the collar bringing him close to her face "do you have any idea how dangerous he is- I told you to use him for your bidding not as your fake boyfriend!" Lance pulled away from Pidge crossing his arms. "he's not dangerous and again it was your idea to summon him so you can't blame me".

Pidge rolled her eyes "After you texted me saying you two had made up I did some more research and- he's just gonna hurt you Lance I can't stand to see that" Lance huffed "well it's too late now" Pidge raised an eyebrow "don't tell me you're like in love with him or anything" The taller boy shrugged which earned him another punch to the arm. Lance whimpered rubbing his arm "ow..".

Pidge scoffed. "I can't believe you Lance!" she whisper yelled at him waving her arms around. Keith huffed quietly and looked away. Pidge continued to flag her arms around "do you know how bad this can be for you!?". Lance huffed "he already owns my god damn soul Pidge what the hell am I supposed to do not fall for the incredibly attractive demon my best friend dared me to summon?"

The little gremlin huffed "well-" she scoffed and crossed her arms looking away. Lance's head started pounding again "quiznack...Pidge are we done? can I go back now". Lance was over this conversation he wanted to be with Keith, he didn't want to fight with Pidge and if he was honest he just wanted something to eat.

Pidge sighed "yeah- whatever". She rubbed her face and walked back to the table, sitting down next to Matt. Keith looked over at Lance, frowning slightly. Lance sighed sitting down next to Keith. The sun kissed skinned boy rubbed his head taking a sip of water. Keith leaned his head on Lance's shoulder "are you feeling okay?". Keith was cut off when a waitress finally arrived at the table "hey there guys, can I get y'all anything?" her blonde hair was pulled back into a high ponytail her green eyes glistened in the sunlight. Naturally Hunk was the first to order followed by Shay, Allura and Romelle. The girl got to Lance and smiled brightly "and for you?" Lance looked down at the small menu "just some garlic knots, thanks" she nodded once moving on "and for you?" she asked Keith.

The pale boy sat up straight and looked at the waitress. "Oh- uh...I'll just have..the-" Lance, ignoring Keith's previous question, answered for him "he'll have... uh an espresso with 2 sugars and nothing else thanks" Keith blinked "yeah...that" he puffed out his cheeks. Pidge glared at Lance and huffed ordering herself a smoothie and Matt a bowl of fries "so" Romelle started "you two met at a coffee shop huh". Keith smiled innocently "yeah...kinda weird, considering I'm really bad with coffee. My brother just orders things for me".

Matt raised an eyebrow at Keith "brother?". Keith hummed and nodded. "Yep. I have a brother". Pidge elbowed Matt in the gut but that didn't stop him from asking "is his name Shiro by any chance? Takashi Shirogane?" Matt didn't get the memo about Keith being 'the keith' but seeing as Matt recognized Keith's similarities to the demon >even though Keith really was himself< he asked anyway. Lance's entire body froze up but he tried to play it cool. "stop trying to get with my boyfriend Matt" he teased.

"Ahaha-" Keith smiled awkwardly. "No?" he shook his head. "I don't know who Takashi Shirogane is." he hummed, leaning back in his chair. "My brother's name is....Hyeon..." He nodded. "Hyeon...Kogane." Lance looked at Keith with slight confusion "Hyeon really Keith" he whispered. Matt sunk down in his chair pouting "he's the coolest demon to ever exist that's who he is..."

Allura laughed realizing what Matt what talking about "oh not this demon summoning again I told you all they don't exist" Matt pointed at Keith "he has the same name as him and what, coincidentally looks identical to demon Keith well minus the horns n shit I was just curious!" everyone at the table except Matt and Pidge shook their heads "it's all nonsense" Shay exclaimed "but now that you mention it he does kinda look like him" Allura nodded "yeah I guess he does" Hunk frowned "like scarily similar to him".

Keith tilted his head. "Really? Demons?" He shrugged. "Demon's existence is kinda iffy, I guess" He puffed out his cheeks. He looked down at himself. "I don't know whether to feel happy, or offended that you guys think I l look like a demon" he sighed. Romelle silenced them "you guys and your obsession with the super natural. I'm so sorry for their rudeness Keith they can get really carried away" Lance glared at Pidge while Pidge held her breath trying not to say anything.

Keith chuckled quietly and waved her off. "No worries. It's fine. I don't mind. "He hummed, smiling a bit. Thankfully the waitress reappeared with everyone's orders setting them down in front of them. The girl made an effort to hand Lance a small piece of paper with small writing on it. Everyone thanked her as she winked at Lance walking off. Keith growled and clung to Lance, glaring daggers at the girl's back and huffing, latching onto Lance's arm.

Lance chuckled screwing up the piece of paper "down boy I'm not interested in anyone else". Pidge stared, staring at Keith keeping her gaze on him as he clung to her best friend. Keith huffed and stuck his tongue out at Lance, resting his cheek on the other boy's shoulder. He stared back at Pidge, almost daring her to do something.

Lance hummed happily eating his garlic knots. Pidge raised an eyebrow at Keith before narrowing her eyes "so Keith what high school did you go to?". Keith tilted his head and smiled a bit. "I actually came from Marmora High School. It's a bit away, but I've done more travelling than that"

Pidge was a bit taken back by Keith's solid answer "what did you study? what kind of job are you doing hm?" Lance looked up from his food whisper yelling at his friend "what are you doing". Keith hummed and smirked at Pidge, still leaning into Lance. "I studied art. Back at my place I have a studio set up and I sell my art".

Pidge sat back in her seat huffing "you've already thought about this haven't you... well I'd love to see your studio sometime". Lance held Keith's hand fiddling with his boyfriends fingers. Keith smirked. "I'd be happy to show you, by all means" He hummed, nuzzling into Lance.


had to cut this into two parts as it was 4000+ words and I like my chapters to be roughly the same size


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