The Trials of a Misunderstood...

De Cloakseeker

11.7K 305 118

#1 in NaNo2018 (11/13/2018) #3 in Novel (12/04/2018) #14 in NaNoWriMo (11/24/2018) #22 in Divergent (11/15/20... Mais

Chapter 1 - Prom dress incident
Chapter 2 - Prom night
Chapter 3 - Graduation
Chapter 4 - Tris's 15th birthday
Chapter 5 - Final weeks before school starts
Chapter 6 - Week three of sophomore year
Chapter 7 - Thanksgiving weekend
Chapter 8 - The week before Christmas
Chapter 9 - Valentine's Day
Chapter 10 - Caleb's graduation
Chapter 11 - July 2nd
Chapter 12 - Camping trip
Chapter 13 - Grand reception at the governor's mansion
Chapter 14 - Thanksgiving at the Carmichaels
Chapter 16 - March 16th, Edward's birthday
Chapter 17 - Prepping Dauntless for business
Chapter 18 - The wedding
Chapter 19 - A new innovation
Chapter 20 - Senior year bleeding
Chapter 21 - My bleeding heart
Chapter 22 - Aftermath
Chapter 23 - Another year has gone by
Chapter 24 - A new life
Chapter 25 - Telling the parents
Chapter 26 - Giving thanks and starting fresh

Chapter 15 - Christmas dinner at the ranch

384 10 3
De Cloakseeker

Grandma decided to throw a big Christmas dinner party. For that, she invited obviously her children, her grandchildren, and a few other people. Among the guests were the Eatons plus Tobias's girlfriend, Myra, the Pedrads, my Uncle Cameron and his fiancée, Maria, as well as my cousin Matt and his girlfriend, Emily. Grandpa also invited his old friend, Ezra Rosenberg who obviously came with his wife, Margueritte, and Edward's parents, Deborah and William. To my surprise, grandpa also invited an old Army friend of his, General Mitchells.

During dinner, everyone made light conversation, but afterwards the men retreated to grandpa's study, while the women remained in the living room chatting or helping clear the table, before dessert got served. I just wanted to help grandma pull out a cake from the fridge, when Caleb came and asked me to go to the study. I excused myself, and went to see what Grandpa wanted. I knocked on the door, and when I was told to enter, I did. Every man at this dinner party was there, and I wondered what Grandpa had so important and urgent to tell me that it couldn't wait.

"Sweetie, I asked you here, because, believe it or not, Gen. Mitchells never had a bullet to the head." At that, every pair of eyes was on us, including my ex and my current boyfriend. Really? That's why he called me in here? Wasn't it enough that I had to endure this entire day with both Tobias and Edward around, but now this.

"Do you prefer a Glock or a sniper rifle?" I ask, and both of the military men and my godfather start laughing, leaving the rest of the men in the room perplexed.

"Your grandpa told me you make a mean one," Gen. Mitchells comments.

"You should taste her Red Russians," Uncle Ezra says with a big smile on his face.

Without further ado, I nod my head, and go to my grandfather's bar, passing the rest of the men, staring at me in wonder. I prepare two kinds of drinks: the already requested "Bullet to the head" and "Red Russian". Once I'm done, I pour the drinks in glasses, one of each for each of the three men, and walk toward where they sit. I offer them the drinks, and wait for their assessment.

"I'll be damned!" Gen. Mitchells says. "That's the best bullet I ever had," he says, obviously a little tipsy already.

"Try the Russian," Uncle Ezra urges. The general does so, and seems even happier now. Grandpa drinks his bullet, while declining the Russian. I'm so tired and irritated that I have to be in this room, that without giving it a second thought, I down the spare Red Russian, as if it was water.

"Easy there, young lady," the general says.

"Don't worry, Francis. My Arizona isn't some wussy who can't hold her liquor," grandpa says, using my middle name, as he so often prefers it, and it's now I see the bloodshot in his eyes. He is drunk. Great! Grandma will be thrilled.

"Dad, Tris is underage, she isn't allowed to drink," my father tries to reason with Grandpa.

"It's okay," I say, and turn my back to the three older men, and look pointedly at my father. "He's really tipsy," I whisper, and Dad nods.

"Arizona, why don't you pour us some vodka? And cut a few onions," Grandpa orders.

"Dad, you shouldn't expose your sixteen-year-old granddaughter to hard drinks," Dad says irritated now.

"Andrew, you're such a pussy!" Grandpa replies, and I know he is not himself. He doesn't really believe that, and he would never say this to Dad while sober.

"Dedushka," I start saying in Russian, and he looks at me. I continue in Russian, not wanting anyone to understand us. I, basically, tell him, he had too many drinks and he starts insulting people to their face. And if he doesn't want me to tell on him, he better behave. He keeps cussing under his breath, but ultimately returns to talk to his buddies, more peaceful however.

"What did you say to him?" Uncle Joe asks flabbergasted.

"To cool it," I say, as I pass the men once again to put the used up glasses behind the bar.

I leave the study, and return to the living room, where I take a seat next to Maria, my soon-to-be-aunt, and chat with her.

Later that night, after everyone returned to the bed and breakfast we rented for our guests, since my grandparents' house wasn't big enough, I sit with Dad in the study. A roaring fire is all that keeps us warm. Well, that and the two hot chocolates we sip.

"I don't like the fact that your grandpa lets you drink alcohol," Dad comments.

"Actually, he doesn't. He just showed off," I explain, and Dad gives me a look that says "I don't buy it". "Alright. He might have allowed me a sip or two. But I'm not a big fan of alcohol. I promise." Dad nods. I don't know if he actually believes me, but he doesn't insist anymore.

"I had an interesting chat with your grandpa tonight. Before he started drinking," Dad adds. I knew Grandpa wanted to talk to Dad, but I didn't know it would happen tonight. I remain silent, wanting to see what Dad knows. "I'm a bit disappointed that you didn't come to me yourself, but I guess I can understand it. But, sweetheart," he says and sets the mug aside, grabbing my right hand in both of his and looking at me intently, "you don't have to hide these things. I am very proud of you," he says with a warm smile. I smile in return, glad he isn't as upset as I thought he would be. "Even if you would be just a regular high school girl, I would still be proud of you, and I will always love you, with all my heart," he adds, and kisses my forehead.

"Thanks, Dad. I love you, too."

I start telling him how over the past year I've been developing devices that could help the military, but not just. How I've been working on security protocols for computers. Dad listens to me, nodding every now and then, and when he has a question, he asks me to explain further. I know engineering isn't Dad's area of expertise, but he seems eager to learn more about my inventions.

Since that very revealing camping trip we shared, Dad and I got closer to one another, and I started opening up more. He even became stricter with Shauna, demanding she either manages the money he and Mom give her so it lasts or she gets a job. So far, she is still unemployed. Thankfully, when she commented that it wasn't fair, since she lived far away across the country and used me as a scape goat, Dad got mad and argued that Caleb was away studying too, and he got a part-time job. There wasn't much Shauna could say, since Dad didn't compare her situation with mine, but my brother's, which was basically the same as hers.

I had to promise Dad to drive him to the facility grandpa bought with my money, and henceforth expanded and consolidated – Dauntless Industries, my pride and joy. I even told Dad several months ago, that I didn't really lose five million dollars, but transferred them into a safe account. He was upset at first, but once he saw how much I multiplied my fortune, he was impressed. However, he grounded me for a month for lying, and I accepted it. But now, he would see that my money was well spend on re-building the old factory that now houses my company, and invest in new technologies.

"Gen. Mitchell said the government wants to invest in Dauntless Industries," Dad tells me, explaining what the US military hopes to get in return. Thankfully, Gen. Mitchell, despite his older age, is an open-minded soldier, who sees the benefits in investing in future tech, and isn't afraid to take a risk. He too will get a grand tour of my company.

Dad and I remain in the study for another hour. We mainly talk about the company, he gives me advice, although his advice would be more helpful for Grandpa, since he is the CEO. I'm just in charge of the innovation and creation department, as he calls it. Nevertheless, I'm grateful my dad is so accepting and supportive when it comes to my work and plans for the future.

The next morning, I wake early and get dressed. To my surprise, both Dad and Grandpa are already waiting for me in the entranceway at the end of the stairs, together with the general. Seems like, they've been waiting for me. Grandpa hands me the keys to his car, obviously still hung over from last night, and we leave. The drive isn't long, and while Grandpa chats a little with his friend in the back, Dad sits in the front next to me.

"You are a really good driver, honey," he says a little surprised.


"I don't understand why you didn't want a car," he says looking out the window.

"Because I want an electric car, but I'm in no hurry to buy one."

He drops the topic after that. As we pull up to the facility, I park the car and get outside. From the outside, the building looks like just another old factory. Admittedly, it is in far better condition than it was when we bought it, but until we actually hire personnel, and start production, it'll do.

As expected, the moment we enter the facility, everyone's jaw drops. While from the outside it doesn't look like much, from the inside it looks like a room from a sci-fi movie about space travel. I spared no expense when it came to making this place state of the art. A lot of the design, and decorating I did myself. Well, the robots I build to do that did it actually. But I designed and build them, so I should get some of the credit. Right?

The general seems amazed by what he sees, and as we show them different work stations with different devices, the general asks how long until we can start production. Technically, we've been ready for a while. We just need to remodel the factory, and build an area that is dedicated just to research. Thankfully, the land is also mine, and we can expand as much as we want. But I didn't want to go expanding for nothing.

"I will talk to the president, and by June next year, this factory will be full of life," he says with a wide grin. Ironic. A building full of life, that, among many things, builds weapons that take lives. Hopefully, the military will use the primary mode of my weapons, and modes II and III only as a last resort.

A/N: Dedushka=grandpa

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