Ghost of you 》5 Seconds Of Su...

By _taylinn_

419 23 4

As far as everyone knows Michael Clifford was an only child. That is until he told the world of his twin sist... More

Chapter 1// A phone call
Chapter 3//Familiar faces
Chapter 4//Tally mark
Chapter 5//Late night swimming
Chapter 6//Laser tag and locked lips
Chapter 7//Quality time
Chapter 8//Crowds and Confessions
Chapter 9// Family reunion
Chapter 10//America
Chapter 11// Halloween Party
Chapter 12//Mistakes
Chapter 13//Safety Pin
Chapter 14//Broken Love
Chapter 15// Roommates
Chapter 16//Vacation
Chapter 17//Big decisions and big mistakes
Chapter 18//Ghost of you
Chapter 19// Youngblood

Chapter 2//Visitor

29 1 0
By _taylinn_

Mena's P.O.V

I rolled over again facing the window from my bed where sunlight poured in causing me to flinch. Then, suddenly I realized Michael could be here any time now. My eyes snapped open and I swung my legs over the side of my cot letting my feet touch the cold and musty floor.

Later on, I put my hair up in a pony tail and laid back down hoping to get at least a few minutes asleep before my headache of a brother arrived.


I jolted upwards from being awoken from the incredibly loud. Seeing there were 3 guards waiting for me.

"You have a visitor"

I jumped and walked out quickly but one of the guards gripped my arm pulling me back.

"What the f-"

"Cooperate, or get tasered."

Still holding my arm, he cuffed my hands together. Just to make sure I didn't try anything on them...again.

All four of us walked down the corridors slowly. The prisoners growing loud as I passed. Some shouted cat-calls to me, and others were pleas to get out, but we all ignored them until we got to the visiting room.

A guard stepped in front of the door holding onto the door knob but didn't open it. Making me grow impatient.

He turned and looked back at me, "You get an hour use your time wisely." He said as another guard uncuffed me and pushed me into the empty room with five stations each with a glass divider which separated you and your visitor. But there was no Michael.

"Sit and wait." The guard ordered and I quickly obliged sitting down in the middle seat.

I leaned back in my chair looking over at the two guards watching me closely at each side of the room.

Soon I got bored and took my hair out of the ponytail, running my fingers through it, brushing it over to one side, like always.

Then the door opened and my twin stepped in quietly thanking the lady behind him. My jaw dropped at the sight of him. He had bright red crazy hair, and the same red lips as I did. He didn't sound different on the phone but he sure as hell looked different in his black skinny jeans that were ripped at the knees and rolling stones shirt. But his face, I could finally see the somewhat resemblance we had. When we were younger I used to joke around saying he wasn't my actually brother because I never thought we looked anything alike. Now i see it. I see it all.

Michael scanned me with his grey-green eyes identical to mine while sitting down in the chair slowly. I swallowed hard and stared at him.

He gave me a warm smile and picked up the phone, putting it to his ear.

"Long time no see, sis." His smile turned to a smirk.

I picked up the phone. "Yeah."

"You look amazing! Totally diggin' the hair." Michael laughed but I didn't.

"Thanks," I replied dryly.

His smile faded and he sighed, "Mena, there's something I need you to hear."

I raised an eyebrow, suddenly interested. "Go on."

"My band, it actually made it big. Now I live in L.A and I'm currently on tour with them." Michael stated.

I rolled my eyes. "Sure."

He stared back at me in all seriousness. "Its true. Luke, Calum, Ashton, and I realeased our first hit single two years ago then went on tour with One Direction." Michael continued.

I leaned my head against the wood, bored with his stories. Michael was shit at the guitar when I left, and almost gave it up because it wasn't as easy as guitar hero. So there's no way in hell he made a song that hit number one in America and Australia with his 'band'.

"Luke Hemmings? That shy blonde kid you used to hang out with all the time? The one you used to hate?" I crossed my arms. "Michael, you're terrible at the guitar what makes you think you can convince me you're in an award-winning band?"

He sighed and pulled out his phone and the guards got closer making sure we weren't up to anything bad. Then Michael faced the phone towards me showing a music video for a song called 'She looks so perfect' by.... 5 seconds of summer.

Then realization hit me like a semi full of bricks. He chased his dreams and actually caught them, without me. Mom and dad didnt send me away for nothing. I leaned back feeling like a total asshole for not believing him, but was too shocked to say anything.

"Believe me now?" He asked putting his phone away.

"You actually did it." I marveled.

I truly wanted to hate him. He didnt send me away, mom and dad did. Michael and I used to be inseparable, he was my other half, we used to tell eachother everything. How could I hate him for something he didnt do? Something he had no control over...I caved in and let my walls come down.

"I missed you, Mikey." I confessed with a shy smile.

Michael's eyes immediately lit up, "So you don't hate me?"

"How can I you had no control over any of this."

Michwel grinned. "Good. Cuz' I'm getting you out of here and you're gonna go on tour with me and the boys."

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