Because I Know { a choni stor...

By _luibi05_

6.2K 194 11

Cheryl blossom has been through a lot and when a cretin group of kids come to Riverdale high she's not happy... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Author's Note
Chapter 12
Chapter 13 *last chapter*

chapter one

1K 21 0
By _luibi05_

{Cheryl's POV}

I still remember the first day i saw her... It all happened so fast , that day had already started off bad because mother had told me something hurtful : "Mother i'm leaving for school see you later" "Child get over here NOW" i walk over to her "yes mother?" "I'll be seeing a "friend" later , so i wont be home until late " "okay mother see you after your business tonight" i roll my eyes "don't be rude child " " i'm not being rude mother just a little grossed out about what you'll be doing later" "Don't be grossed out about something that pays this bill because, you don't do it" she grabs me sternly by my shirt and gets close to me and says in a stern voice "The only reason i'm not making you pay the bills the same way i am is because no one will ever enjoy the work from a loveless , ratcheted , ugly , spiteful , disgraceful little girl like you." She then slaps me across the face and yells at me to leave. I ran out the house and go to my car and sit there and cry, i cry for about 10 minutes and then pull myself back together and drive to school

At school everyone was talking about how South Side high was closing down and that some of them would be coming here and as soon as i was going to say something the speaker came on saying : " too ALL RHS students, As you may have heard South Side high has closed down , Well as of right now Students from South Side high will be coming to riverdale high , and i accept everyone to be kind and respectful to our new transfer students , Please carry on with your day"

i think the only one who was glad to hear that was my best friend and also my cousin Betty Cooper because her boyfriend went to riverdale then went to south side high and is now coming back to riverdale and i was happy for her , because i could actually tolerate Jughead but i wasn't happy to hear about all the others coming and neither were the other captains and Co captains of the football and the cheer leading team which i am the captain of. When it was time for all the other new students came through the door we all had to be there and greet them so being the captain of the Vixens i had to be at the front of the greeting table and then they started to walk in and THEN I saw her....

She was the only girl in the group leather jackets which meant she was a serpent, she was the shortest out of the group , she had long beautiful pink hair and her eyes were dark brown and when she looked at me i felt something i hadn't felt in a long time but i couldn't let her know that so i made my regular HBIC face and made sure my walls were up ... My friend started greeting themselves and I just stood there waiting for this to be over so we could go to class and then she said something to me , " So what's your name red , your obviously bored so why don't you introduce yourself gorgeous" and she winked at me and on the inside i was blushing but on the outside i just rolled my eyes and said "My name is Cheryl Blossom I'm the head vixen and, i look bored because i'm waiting for this to be over so we can move forward with are day m'kay " and gave her a fake bitchy smile and she just said " Oh well I'm Toni Topaz and i don't really appreciate your fake bitchy attitude so can you at least try and be a decent person sweetheart." and she just winked at me and crossed her arms as if saying ' your turn' and after she said that it all went quite and Betty was about to say something but i said " I Don't care enough to be a decent person today shorties" and she walked up close to me and whispered in my ear "Just because i'm short doesn't mean i can't rock your world" and she winked at me just grabbed her schedule and started off to class.

I stood there flustered and started off to my first period glad that i could leave that situation and walked into class and sat in my usual seat but then... She walked in , she noticed me and started to walk her way to the seat next to mine and winked at me , oh my god i swear every time she winked at me my stomach knotted up and this time i let myself blush and she just smirked and sat next to me . Class started and as i was trying to pay attention to the teacher she kept trying to talk to me and she then passed me a note that read : " So cherry , what's your problem , one minute your all 'top bitch' then your all bushy, i didn't know you were gay " i wrote back and gave it back to her , it read : " first off i'm not gay , i'm BI just i'm a closeted bisexual , and if you didn't know i was into girls then why did you flirt with me ? and second off my problem is life , and you don't know my life so you wouldn't know what's my problem " She read it and smiled , she then started writing and gave it back it read: " i just thought you were beautiful and i always like to flirt with beautiful girls , and as for the not knowing you , i would like to get to know you , here's my number (321)-678-1234'' { BTW this is a fake number }

The bell rang and i walked out and she caught up to me and grabbed my hand and pulled me to the restroom and said '' i meant what i said on the note , i'd like to get to know you" she smiled and she was still holding my hand and i looked down at the contact and gave a faint smile and looked back at her and said " i wold like that " she smile and said "text me later beautiful and we can talk about it." she let go of my hand and smiled at me then walked out of the restroom .

that night i text her :

Me: Hey :) Read at 10:07 pm Toni: Hey beautiful ;)
Read at 10:8 PM

Me: So what are you doing? Read at 10:09 PM Toni: Nothing much,
hey would you like to go
to Pop's on Friday with me? Read at 10:11 PM

Me: Umm.. sure Read at 10:13 PM

Toni: Okay then see
you there at 8 ?

Me : yeah 8 is good see you there :) Read at 10:16 PM
Toni: okay then see
you there at 8 beautiful ;) read at 10:18 PM

OH GOD why did she want me , of all girls me? She's so pretty and she makes me feel so , so, i can't even describe what she makes me feel . oh my god i'm so nervous for Friday , i know for a fact that all i'm going to be thinking about id Toni Topaz until then .

And that's how it all started .

A/N : Hey guys and girls i hope you enjoy my story, i don't know when i'll update next but if you want a faster update vote and comment :) please enjoy

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