No Fate But My Own: Sequel to...

By Doccubus21

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This is the final story in my prophecy trilogy. So Highly recommend that you read Primal Urges and Prophecy o... More

No Fate But My Own: Sequel to Prophecy of Power.
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 1-5
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 11-15
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 16-20
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 21-25
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 26-30
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 31-35
No Fate But My Own: Chapters 36-42

No Fate But My Own: Chapters 6-10

1.4K 17 1
By Doccubus21

Chapter 6

Kenzi reaches out and brushes the blonde hair aside that was cascading over the doctors face, hiding it from view. The goth sighs with relief when she doesn't see a blue and veiny grinning face looking glassy eyed and...dead. Lauren appears to be unconscious, her face is relaxed with no frown in sight. Kenzi checks the doctors pulse and finds it surprisingly strong and steady. The young Russian shakes her head in amazement, she couldn't believe that Lauren was seemingly fine after the exorbitant amount of chi Bo had taken from her. She slaps the blonde gently on the cheek and calls her name, hoping to rouse Lauren from her slumber.

Kenzi hears a noise from downstairs followed by a voice calling out. "Bo? Kenzi? You here?"

The young human is about to respond when a moan brings her attention back to Lauren laying on the floor beside her. Lauren raises her head and blinks in confusion. "Kenzi?"

The voice floats up the stairs again, "Bo? Kenzi? You up there?" Dyson enters Bo's bedroom through the open door and sees Bo through the doorway rocking back and forth, muttering incoherently to herself. "Bo!" he cries out moving swiftly into the bathroom trying to ignore the fact that Bo is wearing very little clothing, as he takes in her distressed appearance. The shifter stops abruptly, his confusion growing when he sees Kenzi sitting on the tiled bathroom floor with Lauren propping her herself up slowly with the aid of the young girl beside her. "What the hells going on in here?"

Kenzi makes sure Lauren is fine in her new position leaning up against the white porcelain tub before answering the wolfs question. "It's a bit of a mystery right now, Dyson. Bo lost control with our yummy doctor here." Dyson moves forward as if to reach out to the succubus, who had stopping her mumbling and rocking and was silently watching Kenzi and Lauren. Bo seemed to have not even realised the shifter was there. She had a far away sad look on her flushed face. Kenzi noticed her unusually pink cheeks and the way Bo seemed to be almost glowing from Lauren's life force.

Lauren's eyes snap up, locking onto the shifter, "Don't touch her!"

"Easy now, doc," Kenzi says patting the blonde on the arm, while indicating with her eyes that Dyson should leave Bo alone. "Why are you here, Dyson?"

The wolf takes a step back, his eyes not leaving Lauren's. She smelt different and the look in her eyes was possessive. Ordinarily he would not of even thought twice about ignoring the doctors wishes, he would have just proceeded to try to aid Bo. But ever since Bo had killed Lauren and brought her back to life, he had sensed the difference in the normally calm and placid doctor. Trick had mention that Lauren had gone through some changes but he hadn't expanded any more information than that. But Dyson sensed that if he pushed her, she would definitely push back. "I came to see what was keeping Lauren, she was supposed to be helping at the clinic, giving The Dark fae population their flu shots."

"Well you may be shit out of luck, D-man. We kinda have a few things going on right now!" Kenzi replies a little annoyed at the shifter. She didn't like Dyson when he was being all, good little soldier boy for The Ash. No she liked the Dyson that ignored the rules and helped rather than making things more difficult.

"I'm sorry Lauren, but we can't afford to keep The Morrigan waiting and she insisted that you be present. She seems to trust you. She said they weren't to start until you arrived and the natives are getting kind of restless."

Lauren sighs in frustration, she knew what the Morrigan was like and she absolutely hated to be kept waiting for anything. She looks over at Bo, gazing into her dark chocolate eyes. The succubus stared back silently, her expression was soft but sad. The doctor could tell that she wasn't completely in the room with them, there was still a sense of turmoil and confusion swirling inside her lover. Lauren had been relieved when she had regained consciousness and had felt the shields blocking her from Bo recede. It had seemed to calm the succubus as well, though the doctor was still concerned that Bo hadn't uttered a word to either Kenzi or her and she hadn't seemed to notice Dyson's presence at all.

"I'm going to have to go, Kenzi. The Morrigan has killed people just for keeping her waiting." Lauren stands up using the the side of the tub for support, just in case her legs refused to hold her. She was almost surprised at how fine she felt, Bo had taken a lot of chi from her after all, but if anything she just felt... light. Dyson had already left the bathroom heading for the stairs. She takes a few steps towards Bo. The brunette's eyes following her every step. The succubus reaches out her hand as the doctor steps in front of her. Lauren reaches out and takes it, she bends down and kisses the knuckles softly. "I will be back as soon as I can, Bo." The succubus doesn't respond but her eyes glisten as if she may cry. Lauren kisses her hand again, before following after Dyson. Their hands still joined, Bo's fingers trail down her palm and along her long fingers as she slowly walks away. Lauren gives Bo a reassuring smile and a soft, "I Love you," as their fingers finally fall apart. Lauren hurriedly gets dressed frowning at the slightly crumpled grey tailored pants and button down shirt. She sits on Bo's side of the bed to pull on her brown boots and that is when she notices the beautiful jewel encrusted dagger sitting on the bedside table. The doctor frowns as a feeling of familiarity comes over her, she's almost certain that she had seen the exquisite blade before. The blonde runs a finger down the shining silver edge of the blade. She lets out a hiss and jerks her hand away noticing the small smear of blood colouring the silver surface. She places her finger in her mouth, sucking on the small cut, frowning at the alluring object.

"Come on, Doc. We've got to go!" Dyson's impatient voice, drifted up the stairs. Dismissing the curiosity she was feeling about the daggers origins and how the succubus had come to get it, she puts on her other boot and heads hurriedly down the stairs. She doesn't see her blood being absorbed by the dagger, leaving it unblemished again as if it had never cut her flesh.

The Ash

"Evony, I assure you that Lauren will be there shortly. I sent Dyson to go fetch her." He listens to The Morrigan continue to rant angrily on the other end of the line. "The succubus' piece of crap car broke down," he says, making up what he thought was an acceptable and believable excuse for his wayward doctor. " I don't see why you won't just let the others start inoculating the first wave of patients." He laughs at the absurd reason Evony gives for not starting without the doctor. "We made a binding deal! No one is going to sabotage the vaccine, Evony. Fine. Look, she will be there soon!" A knock on the door startles the black fae sitting behind the ornate dark wood desk. "Just a minute," he says gruffly. He cuts The Morrigan off before she can start complaining again. "I'm sorry; I really have to go. Someone is at the door. Are we still on for dinner tomorrow night...Excellent...I will see you then." Samuel hangs up the phone and then calls out to whoever is waiting to enter. The Ash is surprised when he sees The Dals way-station keeper Fitzpatrick McCorrigan open the door. He enters the office and closes the door quietly behind him.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of a visit from our resident way-station proprietor?" The Ash enquires, his eyebrow raised in interest. He didn't think he had seen Trick since they had found Bo and put her through the trials.

Trick gives The Ash a small bow of his head, showing his respect for the dark skinned fae sitting in front of him. "I have learned recently that you have something that belongs to me and I would like it back." The words come out bold and confident.

Samuel looks at Trick with even more interest and curiosity as the statement sinks in. "And what pray tell, would this item be?"

The Ash leans forward on his desk his elbows leaning on the hard wood of the table. He notices the small old man hesitate just a little, but it is gone just as quickly. It was as if the old man had made a great decision and the atmosphere in the room seems to thicken with tension as The Ash waits for Trick to continue. The tiny fae looks into Samuel's dark curious eyes and speaks with an authority he had never heard from him before. "I...was... am... The Blood King and I would like my ancestral crown returned to me."

The Ash recognises the truth behind Tricks words but doesn't allow it to show on his face. "And I would hope that you are able to provide proof that you are who you are claiming to be." The small man smiles at The Ash as if he had been expecting that exact response. Tricks tosses a heavy solid gold amulet on the shiny desk. It slides across the polished surface resting in front of Samuel, his eyes recognising the markings of The Blood Kings clan crest engraved into the soft metal. The same crest was inscribed on the inside of the crown. He is about to say that Trick could have gotten the trinket from anywhere, but is silenced as he begins to unbutton his white shirt. The Ash watches as Trick pushes aside the cotton material revealing his chest and the same clan marking tattooed across his heart.

Clearing his throat, he motions that the small man should redress himself as he stands up towering over Trick. The Ash lowers his tall frame and kneels on the floor in front of the long lost and presumed dead King. "Please don't bow to me Samuel; I do not rule these lands or any fae, not any more." Trick sits in the chair and The Ash rises and takes the chair beside it.

"Does Bo know that you are her grandfather? And that the crazy bitch Aoife, your daughter and the one who tried to blow me and the elders to kingdom come, is her mother?" Trick cannot hide his surprise at The Ash's questions. Samuel had obviously suspected that Aoife was Bo's mother already.

"Yes Bo knows. And as for Aoife, I apologise for her actions towards you and the elders, but she was not in her right mind. Centuries of rape and torture at the hands of the most blood thirsty and cruel Dark King to ever rule, would do that to anyone. I did not know for a very long time that they hadn't executed her like they should have. We have since managed to cleanse her mind, she is free of the madness and will no longer pose a threat to The Light. I would request that you show clemency for her actions as she was not in full control of her mind at the time."

The Ash sits back and ponders The Blood Kings request. "And what would you do for me in return if I grant you this request and the one regarding the crown," Samuel asks carefully not wanting an opportunity like this to pass through his fingers. His sharp political mind working overtime on ways that Trick could help him in his plans for bringing his people the stability and prosperity that they deserved.

Trick smiles a knowing little smile at the leader of The Light. He had always respected the dark man's political mind and negotiating skills. He had lead The Light very well during his rule, though he sensed that Samuel had great plans for the future and would try to utilise Trick to politically instigate and fulfil these goals of his. "What is it you want?"


Kenzi crawls over on her hands and knees and sits beside her best friend. The succubus leans in resting her head on the young woman's shoulder. Neither of them speak for a long while. Kenzi just allows Bo to take comfort from her supportive presence and knew that the brunette would talk to her when she was ready. Kenzi notices when the succubus shivers next to her, she looks down to see goosebumps covering Bo's exposed flesh. "Come on, Bo Bo. Lets get you off of the floor and back into bed. You must be freezing."

Bo looks down at herself registering that she was only wearing her underwear. She seems to come back into herself then, registering the cold chill on her skin. The brunette gets up and silently leaves the bathroom and climbs into bed. She rest her head on Lauren's pillow, inhaling her lovers sweet scent and hugs her arms around herself, as if trying to comfort herself. Kenzi gathers the bunched up covers from the bottom of the bed and brings them up covering Bo and tucking her in like a child.

The young woman then gets onto the bed and lays down beside Bo and places a comforting arm around her waist and takes one of the brunette's hands in her own.

"Do you want to tell me what's going on Bo? Something was off with you last night after you were attacked. I saw something flicker in your eyes, something that I had never seen before. I thought I had imagined it, but I asked for Lauren's version of events and she said a few things that had me a little freaked. The thing that freaked me out most of all was the fact that the doc said she took out the biggest guy, by using her special mind powers and well... I seem to recall that he had his throat cut from ear to ear. I am presuming Lauren wasn't there to witness you finishing him off. Slitting someone's throat is something my family on the Russian Mafia side would do, Bo... Not you. I have seen you maim and kill fae before but only if you had no other choice and never in such a brutal manner. Though the other two were pretty bloodied up too. Am I mistaken? You need to talk to me, I can't help you if you don't share what's going on. And I don't want to have to stand guard over Dr. Hot Pants and hit you with a bat every time you get carried away. You scared me Bo...Truly scared me. But I love you and will never abandon you. You are stuck with me whether you like it or not, so you may as well just start sharing...because I'm not leaving this bed till you do. And I don't think Lauren and you will be getting horizontal any time soon if I'm still in your bed waiting for you to talk about your feelings. You don't have to be the strong one all the time." Kenzi lets out a sad frustrated sigh. She thought that after everything that had happened over the last month Bo would stop bottling everything up inside. She had made such huge strides since learning what she was and that she didn't have to kill in order to survive. She had finally started to really allow herself to live and love her new found family. She had finally chosen between Lauren and Dyson and things with the blonde had seemed to be going well.

Kenzi actually jumps in surprise when the succubus finally speaks after being almost catatonic for an hour. "You and Lauren should get as far away from me as possible. For your own safety and hers you should go before I do something that I won't be able to fix by breathing chi into you. There is a new power inside me, Kenzi. It is strong and seems to be closely tied to my succubus hunger. My hunger isn't just about sex any more, I..." The brunette sighs and turns around to face the quiet goth girl on the bed beside her. Kenzi's eyebrows raise in surprise and a little fear when she sees the dagger in Bo's hand. "Something happened when I was stabbed with this. I felt a surge of power and rage that I had never felt before. It washed through me. Engulfed me with the need to cause pain; to inflict damage on my enemies. I used this blade and gutted the bastard that had stabbed me with it and I drank his life force as his blood coated the dagger and my hand. I watched as his life slipped away and it excited me Kenzi. I felt pleasure beyond anything I had ever experienced before. And when he dropped to the floor lifeless and empty; I licked that blade and shuddered with power and unadulterated ecstasy when the warm, thick red liquid coated my tongue joining with the chi that I had consumed." The young Russian watches as the succubus smiles at the memory of what she had felt as the power inside her overtook her control. Kenzi frowns at the exquisite weapon in the succubus' hand. It was spotless and shiny, there didn't seem to be any evidence that I had been plunged into Bo and then been responsible for killing two other fae. There was no way that Bo would have had time to clean it, so how in the hell did it look like it was brand spanking new and just out of the box. The thief reaches out and runs her finger along the blade cutting herself on purpose. "Kenzi!," Bo says in shock even as her pupils dilate at the sight of her blood escaping from the small but reasonably deep cut. The succubus watches as the young girl squeezes a little more of the crimson plasma and drips it onto the blade. Bo gasps and Kenzi can't help but smile proudly at her discovery, "Lauren would be so proud," she thinks as she watches the blood be absorbed by the dagger.

"Bo something tells me that this dagger has everything to do with this new power. We should go see Trick; he will know what's going on. Do you want to go now or do you want to rest for a bit?"

The succubus looks up at her best friend after finally being able to look away from the blood that was still pooling out of Kenzi's cut finger. "I think we should see him sooner rather then later. Before I get hungry again! I am thinking about asking Lauren to stay away until I can control these combined urges of sex and violence. I don't want to continue hurting her Kenz. What if next time you aren't there to protect her from me and I kill her again and I can't bring her back. No! She is going to have to stay away from me."

Kenzi shakes her head as she gets off of the bed and heads towards the stairs. She pauses at the door and looks back at the confused succubus. "You need to get dressed if we are going to go see your grandpappy for answers. And do you really think that Lauren is just going to agree to not be around you while this is happening?

The answer to that is no and honestly I don't know if you will be able to stay away from her for an extended period of time either." Kenzi had noticed that the bond between the two of them seemed to be getting stronger by the day. Bo got all sad and mopey when Lauren wasn't around and Lauren...well the doctor seemed to be quite possessive of the brunette. Her reaction towards that fae's unsolicited advances at The Dal and then her warning to Dyson earlier when he went to aid Bo, proved that. Was Lauren being affected by Bo's new found desire for aggression and violence through the bond? Kenzi's head swam with so many thoughts and fears. Why couldn't they just get a few weeks without getting a new crisis pop up and wreak havoc upon their lives. "We really need a vacation," she thinks to herself, a small smile crossing her features as she pictures herself seated beside a pool, a handsome muscle bound waiter bringing her an endless supply of drinks as she soaks in the warm sunshine.

"Kenzi! Are you going down stairs or do you want to watch?" the succubus says playfully to the young woman who was obviously lost in thought but still standing in her doorway.

"You wish Succubum! Hurry up and don't forget to bring that bloodthirsty magical weapon with you."

Chapter 7


Lauren sits in the passenger seat of Dyson's nondescript undercover sedan. It smelt faintly of sweat and old take out, which could be from the piles of discarded fast food refuse littering the back seat. Dyson notices the blondes face screw up in distaste as her eyes take in the messy surroundings she is sitting in. "Hale and I have been on stakeouts for the last week. I haven't gotten around to cleaning out the car."

The doctor looks over at the shifter in surprise. "You don't owe me any explanations, Dyson. I am sure coming to get me is an inconvenience for you. I..." Lauren found herself almost apologising for her reaction to the wolf earlier when he had tried to aid Bo. The blonde shakes her head, looking away from Dyson's blue eyed scrutiny and looks out the window. Did she owe him an apology, did he even deserve that courtesy. The shifter had after all spent years making her feel like the lowliest piece of scum on the planet. And he had tried everything he could to get between her and Bo, trying to paint her in the worst light to gain the succubus' affections. But he had seemed to be really trying to be okay with Bo and her. He had made a genuine effort to be polite and not fighting Bo on her decision to break off their relationship. Her old doubts came back as she sat beside the wolf. Would Bo have chosen her if it wasn't for the bond? Lauren knew that Bo genuinely cared for her, she wouldn't have been so devastated by the Vex incident if she hadn't meant anything to the succubus. No she knew Bo loved her deeply, she had shown her that love through the bond, but did that mean that Bo didn't still have feelings for Dyson. She loved him too. Lauren was certain of it. Bo had so much love to give. She has the biggest and kindest heart of anyone she had ever met. Is that why she snapped at Dyson earlier? Because she still felt a little threatened by him? Lauren gives a start when her phone beeps and vibrates in her aviator jacket. She pulls it out and reads the message from The Ash and gives a little chuckle.

"What's so funny, Doc?" Dyson asks curiously.

"The Ash just sent me a text with my excuse for being late if The Morrigan asks me about it. He told her that I was late because Bo's crap car broke down. Bo loves that car and I don't think she would appreciate The Ash calling it a piece of crap."

Dyson allows himself a small laugh at the blondes words agreeing with her completely. "I have tried to talk her into getting another car. I don't understand her attachment to the thing but she is very loyal to it, even with the fact that it has the ability to choke her best friend to death with it's fumes. She refuses to part with it."

Lauren finds herself relaxing and smiling as she talks to the shifter about Bo and her incomprehensible attachment to the yellow death trap of a Camaro. "Wow, so that's why she didn't respond well when I asked her when she was going to get rid of the death trap and get a new car. She feels like everyone is ganging up on her and her beloved classic muscle car." An idea forms inside her mind, causing her to smile in the direction of the shifter.

Dyson shifts nervously when Lauren gives him an almost mischievous smile. Dyson was beginning to enjoy the doctors company, though he was determined to fight it. She had stolen the love of his life out from under him. He should hate her more not less. "What?" he says unable to stand the way the blonde doctor was looking at him as she obviously thought about whatever idea had just begun to form inside her computer like brain.

"Well Bo's birthday is coming up and I was wondering if you could help me out with something?"

"And what something would that be?" Dyson asks. He was surprised at the doctor for asking for his help but what surprised him more was that he wanted to help her if he could.

"I would like you to steal Bo's car and then pretend that you are doing everything in your power to find it when she calls you for help in finding it." The shifter lets out a guffaw at Lauren's request. He stops laughing when he realises that the blonde was deadly serious.

"You're kidding right. Bo will have kittens when she finds her car missing."

"And you will use all of your police resources to help find her missing rust bucket, while it is actually sitting in a garage getting restored to it's former glory." Lauren says proudly, excited that she could give something to Bo for her birthday that she would absolutely love.

Dyson nods his head starting to feel the blondes excitement. "Great idea Lauren. She'll love it." He was a little disappointed that he had never thought of doing it. But being involved in giving the succubus such a wonderful gift was better than nothing. "Just let me know when you need me for the grand theft auto and I'll do it." Lauren actually clapped her hands together in excitement which brought another smile from the shifter. Yes, if he wasn't careful he would actually begin to like Lauren Lewis.

The Ash/Trick

"What is it you want?" The Ash looks at Trick his eyes alight with whatever he had in mind. "It has to be something that I can do. Your terms can have nothing to do with Bo. I refuse to use my influence with Bo to manipulate her into choosing The Light or doing anything that she doesn't want to do. She may be young and naive about the fae and their politics, but I respect her decision in not choosing a side."

"As do I, Trick. Bo is very special and yes in the past I wanted to do nothing more than get your very stubborn granddaughter to join The Light. But that isn't my intention any more."

Trick eyes Samuel suspiciously. "Oh and what has changed your mind in concerns with Bo joining our side? I'm sorry but I will remain sceptical that your focus has shifted from Bo completely. She still causes problems for you does she not?"

The Ash smiles at the small fae's protectiveness of his kin. "Yes, her choice to remain unaligned is still causing rumblings of discontent between both The Dark and The Light. Especially with the younger fae, the ones who do not believe in the old laws and traditions as the older generations do." The Ash steeples his fingers and fixes Trick with his unwavering dark eyes. "What I want Blood King is for you to take your place on the joint council as a high elder. And I would like your full unwavering support in rewriting our laws to coincide with this new modern world that we are now living in."

"You do of course know that I am the one that wrote these laws," Trick responds defensively.

"Yes. I have not forgotten that. They were written for an entirely different age though. The world is not the same and the humans living in it are not the same either. We need to evolve or we will become the endangered species."

Trick watches as the usually stoic black man becomes animated and excited as he talks to him. The spark of passion and determination in Samuel actually reminded him of Bo, which makes him smile and decides to tell him so. " This passion I am seeing in you is reminding me of Bo, Samuel."

"I will take that as a compliment," The Ash says with a rare smile.

"What exactly do you want to change?"

The Ash shakes his head, "I am not going to share all of my plans and visions for the future with you. You will learn what I am proposing in the council chambers with the other elders, after you have been inaugurated onto the high council."

"And what of Bo? I know about your interest in her and the prophecy. I need to know that you do not bear any malicious intent upon her. She is my kin and nothing is more important to me than her safety and happiness." Trick wanted to believe in the strong and able leader sitting beside him. Completely declaring who he was to all of the fae and taking his rightful seat on the council could be dangerous. There would be some fae that would not be pleased by his return and that could mean potential danger to Bo and the ones that she loves. But if this was the only way to get his families ancestral crown and the bounty off of Aoife's head removed... well he really saw no other choice. Bo was an incredibly strong and capable young woman and he was sure she had barely scratched the surface of what she could be capable of. Plus his granddaughter hated some of the laws, especially the ones concerning humans. Maybe this would be a chance for them to become closer in their relationship. It had been strained of late and he wanted nothing more than to completely gain back Bo's love and trust again.

"I do not bear your Bo any ill will, Blood King. I see great things for her in the not too distant future and I hope that in time I may be able to get her to agree to some of my plans for the continued longevity, peace and prosperity for the fae. But nothing I do or ask is intended to cause young Bo any intentional malice."

Happy with Samuels response to Trick's fears for Bo and her safety, he inclines his head in acceptance. "Very well I will declare myself to the fae and get inducted into the council as a high elder. In exchange for the crown and immunity for Aoife forgiving all of the crimes she has committed. I would very much love for her to be able to stop running and be able to come back to be a mother to Bo and so that I can try to repair my own relationship with her."

"And so shall it be done." The Ash says, shaking The Blood Kings hand binding the agreement. "The papers declaring Aoife's full pardon will take some time. As you know I need The Morrigan's signature and a majority of the elders to sign as well. I have no doubt that gaining The Blood King as an elder will far out way the desire to seek out justice for Aoife's crimes against the fae. I will point out that hundreds of years at the mercy of The Dark King would be punishment enough for anyone. The crown however I can give to you now. May I ask what you intend to do with it?"

Trick inclines his head. "What do you know?"

"I know that the crown called to Bo's power. I witnessed it on the surveillance footage. Do not worry the footage has since been destroyed, no one else knows. I am just curious if you intend on passing it down to Bo. It is not an item that can be worn in today's society, which make me wonder for what purpose it can possibly hold now... Wait...did it give Bo a vision?"

Trick was impressed that Samuel knew about the crowns ability to give the chosen visions. "You know much about the crown, Samuel. Why would you learn about a relic that by all beliefs no longer held any purpose?"

The Ash motions towards the door, "Walk with me?" Trick nods his head and follows the tall fae out of his office and into the deserted hallway. "My father would talk about the great Blood King throughout my childhood. My grandfather had talked about you to my father for years his faith in his king unwavering even as he laid down his life for you in The Great Fae War. When you disappeared my father sought and found the crown. When he showed it to me he said that he would hold onto it until you returned. He never believed that you were dead. He told me that sometimes a man just becomes broken and needs to disappear for a time to fix the damage that such power and responsibility can bestow. That a great man like you would never fade away completely. That the sacrifices you made on behalf of your people would have been enough to destroy any other man, but not you. He believed till his last dying breath that you were not gone and requested that I continue to hold it until you returned to claim it."

"What was your grandfathers name, Samuel?"

"Barinthus. He was known as Barinthus the Strategist. No one could organise an army like him...well so they said."

"And they were right. He was a dear friend and my best General. With his death the war took a devastating turn for the worse. It was then that I took the war into my own hands and forced the senseless massacre to stop, but not in time to save..."

"Your wife," The Ash finishes for the overwhelmed man beside him. He steps up to the archive door and enters the code on the number pad beside it. The large metal vault door opens and the two fae proceed down the dark spiral staircase. "So did the crown just sense Bo's power or did it try to connect with her."

Trick was silent for several minutes weighing up his trust and his mistrust for The Ash. He saw it now in the black man's features evidence that he was indeed a descendant of one of his most loyal friends and confidants. But could he trust this man as absolutely as he had Barinthus.

The Ash continues to talk as they make there way down the stones steps. "I understand if you do not wish to share this information with me. I have not given you a reason to share the knowledge of such delicate matters with me. Though please believe that I am invested in Bo, not only because I believe she is special but also because of her relationship and bond with Lauren. I care for Lauren's safety and have considerable respect and affection for her. She is and always will be one of The Light most valuable assets and if the crown does fully connect with Bo showing her her true mate. I fear what this will do to them both; I fear that Lauren would never recover from losing Bo because of an age old magic that shouldn't be denied."

Trick was pleased to hear Samuel openly show concern for Lauren. It was the thing that finally made up his mind on whether he could trust him or not. "That's the thing, Samuel. The crown did show Bo who her true soul mate is and it was Lauren sitting beside her in the silver companion crown."

They emerge at the bottom of the stairs, the black man turning to the Blood King surprise and confusion crossing his features. "How can this be?" he utters as his mind fails to grasp the concept of a human, being the true consort to the most powerful royal bloodline known to the fae.

Trick chuckles at the complete look of bafflement written across The Ash's face. "I am not entirely certain, but since when does anything involving Bo be simple and straight forward. I will keep you informed of things involving Lauren if you promise to do the same. Any information that has the potential to affect Bo or the ones that she loves, them being Lauren and Kenzi, you will inform me immediately. Agreed?"

"Agreed. Let's get this crown and return it to it's masters, shall we." They enter the main treasure room, the tall black fae leading the way. Samuel approaches one of the shimmering wall safes as Tricks looks down through the glass at the crown that had once sat upon him and his wife's heads. The Ash enters the combination for the safe and retrieves the key from inside. He then opens up the glass cabinet and motions for Trick to reclaim it. "Do you feel anything?"

Trick shakes his head as he picks up his long lost ancestral crown, "No, I renounced my claim to my birthright; the crown belongs to Bo now. If Aoife had been exposed to it first it would have called to her. But Bo being down here, so close, there was no way that it would have been able to ignore the power running through her veins."

"So now that you have it what are you going to do with it?" Samuel asks curiously.

"I am not sure yet. I have an idea but need to be sure it is a viable option before proceeding. You will be informed when and if Bo and Lauren become irrevocably joined by mind, body, soul and blood. So until then I request you keep this meeting between ourselves. I would like to be the one to tell Bo about my impending elder-ship and that soon her mother will be free to return." With those parting words Trick places the crown in the canvas satchel by his side and leaves with the artefact weighing heavily against his side.

Chapter 8

"Bo you need to calm down," Kenzi exclaims, her voice full of concern as she watches Bo with worried eyes. She could feel the rise of power joining the tense features of the succubus. The brunette's face was set in barely restrained anger, her lips pursed together, the muscles in her jaw twitching with the succubus' clenching of her teeth. Her knuckles were white with how tightly she is gripping the steering wheel. The young goth holds onto the dash board as Bo takes a corner just a little too fast causing her to squeak as the back end of the car fishtails before coming back under control, the engine crying out in protest at it's masters manoeuvring. "Where the hell are we going, anyway?"

"I'm taking you home, then I'm going to go take the edge off this overwhelming need to fuck and kill something," Bo responds, making the Russian flinch at the cold harsh words coming out of her best friends mouth.

Kenzi couldn't believe that just twenty minutes earlier Bo had seemed reasonably calm as they entered The Dal in search of Trick, hoping to get some answers about the dagger and what it was doing to the succubus. They had entered the way-station and approached the bar which had that red headed waitress serving instead of Trick. Kenzi was amazed that Bo knew her name.

"Hey, Kayla. It's quiet in here tonight. Where is everyone?" the succubus had asked good naturedly.

The waitress had turned in her direction a look of annoyance crossing her features as her eyes slid up and down Bo's body. Her eyes lingered on the dagger visible on Bo's hip. "All the dark fae are off getting their flu shots from your girlfriend," she says curtly. "Look, this is a place of sanctuary, weapons aren't permitted. We don't want any more trouble like you caused last week."

The goth watches Bo's brow crease at the woman's obvious hostility. "Look I was just looking for Trick. Is he here?"

"Well do you see him here? I wouldn't be standing here behind the bar if he was here, would I? He had to go out of town for business, he said he would be back in a few days. Now can I get you something to drink or are you going to leave now."

Kenzi sensed Bo was losing her patience with the redhead and her crappy attitude.

"Have I done something to offend you? Because I am sensing a lot of unwarranted hostility coming from you."

Kayla lets out a little snort and rolls her eyes at Bo. "Typical fucking succubi, never noticing the effects and damage they cause to the people around them. As long as your needs are taken care of, you don't give a fuck about the people you hurt and trample on to get it."

Bo shifts on her feet, her fists clenching by her side. "What the fuck is this woman's problem," she thinks to herself.

Kenzi knowing a jealous and scorned woman when she sees one, coughs out one word to tell her bewildered friend exactly what the waitresses problem was. "Dyson," she coughs. Bo turns her brown eyes searching Kenzi's blue-grey ones, her eyebrow raised questioningly. The thief nods her head wisely knowing that she had this bitches problem concerning Bo pegged.

"Is this about Dyson?" Bo enquires, as she crosses her arms across her chest and juts her hip out to the side.

"You breeze into town flashing your assets and power around, enthralling anyone you desire, not even thinking that someone may already be invested emotionally in that person."

"Look Dyson's a big boy. I never had to use my power on him; he offered himself to me willingly, no enthralling necessary. And besides we aren't together any more. We are just friends. Nothing more."

"And yet he's still moping about all broody and heartbroken over you. How is anyone else supposed to live up to the expectations after being with a succubus. The answer is we can't, your species destroys any chance for their victims to want a normal relationship after experiencing being with the likes of you and your kind. You destroyed any chance that I had to be with Dyson and that, princess is why I don't like you."

Bo's laugh holds a dangerous edge to it, "You can't be fucking serious. Did you think that maybe, just maybe, Dyson's not interested in you because you're a snotty insecure bitch that blames other people for not being able to keep hold of a man."

"Get out!" Kayla says vehemently, her eyes flashing dangerously.

"Are you going to make me, Bitch?" Bo taunts back, her nerves prickling with excitement at the woman's rise to anger.

"Get your friend out of here before I make her eat those words," Flames flare up from the redheads fingers.

Bo laughs again taking delight in the tense atmosphere, "ooh flamy," she says, not scared at all by the waitresses display of power. Kenzi however pulls at her friends arm pulling her towards the door, not wanting Bo to become barbecued by the bitter angry woman behind the bar. "If you get in my face again; I will end you and take pleasure in doing it. I don't give a shit whether you can shoot fire from your hands, I would drain the life out of you as you sear my flesh, healing whatever damage you do to me. And you would do it gladly. You would die with a huge smile on your face and you would finally realise why Dyson didn't want your skanky, skinny ass." Bo taunts as she allows Kenzi to drag her towards the door. Kayla reacts to the succubus' taunts, she lets out an enraged scream and throws a ball of fire in their direction, hitting the wall just beside the door. Bo lets out a growl, her anger rising to the surface, incensed that the woman had the nerve to actually challenge her.

Kenzi moved swiftly into the brunette's line of sight, blocking her view of the redhead. "No Bo, not here! Not in your grandpa's bar. Let's get some air, NOW!" The goth nudges Bo again, trying not to freak out at the succubus eyes flashing blue and black. "Please Bo, the bitch isn't worth it. Lets go."

So now here was Kenzi in the car, choking on it's fumes as her incensed friend drives recklessly through the streets. "I'm not going home, Bo! I'm going wherever you're going." The hairs on the young woman's arms were raised from the power permeating the small enclosed space of the car. "And could you slow down a bit. I'm getting gassed out by the fumes again."

Bo looks over at Kenzi, her features softening a little. "Sorry," she mutters, easing her foot off the accelerator slowing the Camaro down so that she didn't asphyxiate her best friend. "But god damn it. I'm so fucking angry, Kenz." She slams her hands on the steering wheel. "Argh!"


Lauren was having trouble concentrating. The atmosphere in the clinic was tense. Only two of the people from the lab had even agreed to help the doctor with the flu inoculations. Dave and Boston Harpy Marge were the only ones out of her substantial staff willing to put aside their political feelings concerning The Dark and help. It was of course their right to choose whether to help or not and forcing them to do it against their will would have caused even more tension than there already was. Dyson and Hale stood off to the side, trying to look as non-threatening as possible as she worked as efficiently as she could to administer the cure to the hundred or so Dark fae that continued to continuously filter through the door of the makeshift clinic on the edge of town. Some of them would only allow her to give them the shot saying that getting it from a human was better than getting it from the two light fae sitting beside her. The Morrigan strolled around the room keeping her eye on the proceedings and Lauren was actually grateful to the leaders constant presence. Her vigil seemed to ease her anxious court, her power and grace seemed to settle the animosity they held at having to accept help from their enemy.

But that wasn't what was causing Lauren to lose focus. About ten minutes ago Lauren had started getting an influx of rushing emotions through the bond with Bo.

There was some apprehension and confusion at first, followed by excitement and anticipation. Fearing that she was about to experience Bo feeding from someone other than her through the connection, she had prepared to raise her shields. However before the blonde had a chance to do that she was rocked with a rush of anger so intense that it caused her to cry out, several of the fae closest to her looked at her curiously before disregarding her, resuming to talk amongst themselves. Lauren now just wanted to get out of here and find Bo. Nothing else mattered to her; the concern for her lover was consuming her. She was thankful that after vaccinating all of the light fae the other day, the process was automatic and required very little concentration from the adept doctors attention. As the time dragged on the rage seemed to seep into Lauren's body causing her to become tense and agitated at being stuck in this room with so many fae except for the one she really needed to be with.

Dyson had been watching Lauren closely over the last few minutes and noticed the change in her professional demeanor. He found himself wondering if the doctor needed a break, she had been at it for hours having to administer twice as many shots as her other two assistants combined. He approaches her from the side and places a hand gently on her shoulder and bends down close to her ear. "Are you alright, Doc? Do you need a break." Lauren looks up in surprise at the shifters kind words.

"Is there a problem I should know about?" Evony asks, approaching Lauren and Dyson, her high heels clacking loudly on the concrete floor.

Dyson straightens up, his hand still resting protectively on her shoulder as he looks up at the exotic, graceful and dangerous woman approaching them. "I was asking Lauren if she needed a break. She has been working non-stop for hours."

The Morrigan gazes down at the silent blonde, taking in her drawn and pale appearance for the first time. She watches as Lauren's jaw tenses at her close scrutiny. "Do you require a break Dr. Lewis? This is the last of us, but you have been put under a lot of pressure if you need a few minutes then by all means take it."

Lauren raises her eyes and looks directly into Evony's dark penetrating stare. "If you don't mind? I just need fifteen minutes to take care of a few basic human needs," the doctor says as casually as she can. Her heart was thumping wildly in her chest as she waited for permission from the intimidating woman in front of her. She wanted to call Bo desperately; she could think of nothing else.

"Very well, you have fifteen minutes doctor. The other two will continue to work." Evony turns to the fae standing in Lauren's line. "Unless you are insistent on the human administering the flu shot please join one of the other lines. Dr. Lewis requires a break, so either continue to wait in a patient and orderly fashion or move to another line," The Morrigan says, her voice resonating with authority and power.

Lauren ducks her head in acquiescence towards the dark fae leader, before exiting the main room through a set of double doors leading into a dingy, poorly lit corridor. She hurriedly makes her way down the hallway and pushes her way through the door marked ladies with one hand as she uses the other to fish inside her jacket for her phone. Lauren goes into the closest stall, locking the door behind her. She uses her boot to knock down the toilet seat before sitting down. The blonde bites at her lower lip as her phone is diverted to voice mail. She listens to Bo's sexy voice telling her to leave a message and leaves one asking the succubus to call her back as soon as possible. Lauren closes the phone and taps it on her leg in agitation, the overwhelming feeling to find Bo was consuming her. She puts up her mental shields blocking Bo's emotions until it was just a slight buzzing in her head. She tries several more times to reach Bo before giving up and trying the next best thing, knowing that Kenzi would be by her girlfriends side no matter what was going on.


Kenzi moves quickly trying to keep up with Bo as she strides confidently past the dozens of people lined up outside the club, the loud music echoing out into the dark street. Bo walks up to the large muscle bound bouncer standing in front of the door and barely breaks her stride as she smiles, touches the exposed part of his bicep and leans in giving him a quick kiss on the surprised man's mouth. He staggers to open the door for Bo and Kenzi, giving them access to the club much to the angered protests of the other people waiting to be allowed in.

Kenzi is left standing just inside the entrance unable to keep up with her friend, who had barely acknowledged her presence since getting out of the car. The young woman watches in concern as Bo seems to stalk gracefully amongst the swaying and gyrating dancers on the dance floor, looking more predatory than ever before. The atmosphere in the dark club that had already been filled with the air of sex and desire seemed to double with the succubus' presence. Kenzi watched in avid fascination as everyone Bo touched seemed to react and move closer to her. Bo ignored most of them, leaving looks of confusion and disappointment on the club goers faces as she continued to touch and occasionally share a chi sucking kiss with a lucky few. Kenzi had never seen Bo use her power so frivolously before. Bo was dosing almost everyone on the dance floor with her seductive ability but only giving a small percentage of the ones affected any sort of attention, taking a little sip of chi and moving on. That was when things started to go completely out of control.

The goth watches horrified as one of the rejected dancers, a young man with blonde spiky hair, punches a sweet looking Asian woman who had just experienced one of Bo's special embraces in the face. Bo continues to work her way around the crowd inciting a sort of jealous riot of sorts as she infuses her power into everyone she touches but teasingly rejecting most of them. Kenzi watches as fights begin to breakout across the dance floor, escalating as Bo continues to prowl and play with her food. There are shouts and cries joining in with the loud thumping bass of the music. The goth is rooted on the spot as she observes the mass of jealous enraged people converge on one another in a huge giant free for all in the middle of the dance floor. Bo eyes glowing, a smile of pure delight on her face as she feeds on the violence surrounding her. She continues to feed randomly from the mass of bodies kissing whoever she decides is worthy before moving onto the next occasionally physically elbowing or kicking someone she decides isn't fighting enough for her attention. Kenzi is jolted from watching Bo licking and sucking on a young man's bloody lips before pulling him in for a kiss by her phone vibrating in the tight back pocket of her jeans. She lets out a sigh of relief when she sees Dr. Hot Pants flashing on her screen. Kenzi blocks her ear as she answers and raises her phone to the other, as she hears Lauren's anxious voice on the other end. "Lauren can you hear me? Something really fucking scary is going on with Bo! You need to get your ass here now. I don't know what to do, hurry! She's out of control. I'll text you the address. Just hurry!" Kenzi hangs up the phone, as about a dozen bouncers try to get the violent mob under control. "Hurry, Lauren," she whispers to herself as she makes her way carefully towards Bo, hoping to stop her best friend from enraging the entire throng of people in the club.

Chapter 9

Lauren curses out loud in frustration as she gazes up at the one tiny window situated high up on the wall of the restroom. Kenzi may have been able to squeeze her skinny ass through that small hole in the wall, but there was no way she would would even get her shoulders through. "Fuck!" she curses again. The only exit to this god damn forsaken warehouse was by getting past Dyson, Hale, several dozen dark fae and The Morrigan. "Easy Peasy," Lauren says at the absurdity of it all. The blonde rubs her face in desperation. There was nothing she could do! Kenzi would have to try to settle Bo down on her own for now. There was no way that The Morrigan would let her just walk out without finishing the inoculations so she rushes out of the restroom and down the corridor, determined to finish the remaining fae in her line as quickly as humanly possible. Entering the main space, Lauren can barely contain a cry of relief that half of the fae in her line had indeed moved over to her assistants lines. She does a quick head count at the remaining fae in her line. Counting only twenty more heads to go, she almost runs back to her seat, wanting to get this over with, so she could get to Bo.

The Morrigan strides over towards Lauren as she injects the first fae in line quickly, shooing him away and vaccinating the next. " I'll be ten minutes at the most," the doctor thinks, moving onto the next fae in line.

"Dr. Lewis, you still had seven minutes left on your sanctioned break."

Lauren answers the dark fae leader without looking up as she injects yet another. "I am fine, Morrigan. There are only a few left to do, I can rest once I am done."

"Very well. The sooner this tedious exercise is over with the better. I had to miss a preview of next seasons fashion line from one of my favourite designers to fucking be here today," The Morrigan responds, as if saving her people from being wiped out by a virulent strain of fae flu was a real inconvenience for her. Five minutes later and Lauren was left with only Dyson, Hale and the Morrigan. Lauren pulls out a smiley face band-aid and places it over The Morrigan's injection sight.

"Okay! All done," the doctor says, unable to hide her eagerness to escape and go to Bo.

Evony raises an eyebrow and smirks a little at the doctors smiley faced band-aid. "You seem to be in an awful hurry to get out of here, doctor," the exotic woman says, her curiosity peaked at the sudden haste the doctor had finished her task with. Evony had watched the blonde work with almost unnatural speed and precision after coming back from her break earlier. The dark fae leader had surmised that Lauren had made a phone call during her requested human moments and that her current state had everything to do with Bo. She was curious to see how the succubus had been affected after being awakened by the dagger and she had a feeling that if she followed Lauren wherever she went after this she would get to witness it first hand.

Lauren looks up from packing up her gear. "I have another engagement to get too."

The Morrigan hums in response. "Yes, something is definitely going on with the succubus," she muses to herself. Bo was the only one that seemed to be able to break the doctors cool and calm exterior and the blonde before her was definitely a little frazzled around the edges. "Even the light fae mutt seems to sense something is up with her." She waves her hand dismissively at the two men and Lauren. "Very well, I proclaim the trade between our sides concluded. You may go."

"Thank you, Morrigan," Lauren responds softly, relief evident in her eyes. Evony waves her hand again as if she had no need of the humans thanks and turns, her heels echoing in the silent warehouse as she leaves . "If you ever decide you would like to switch sides doctor and work for me, all you need to do is ask. The invitation is always open," she adds over her shoulder, as she makes her way outside to her waiting town car and driver. Yes, she was going to follow Lauren straight to the succubus...

Dyson approaches Lauren, after watching The Morrigan leave the warehouse. "Lauren, what's wrong? I can smell that you are anxious and afraid. What's going on?" Lauren searches the shifters face, she wasn't used to him being so aware of her and so...nice. He seems to sense Lauren's uneasy distrust of him. He sighs, "Lauren, I know we haven't exactly gotten along over the years since you came to be with The Light and I know I only got worse because of our rivalry for Bo's affections. I am trying to be the bigger man here. I'm trying to be alright with Bo choosing to be with you and not me." Lauren picks up her equipment and start moving towards the exit, Dyson and a silent Hale following behind her.

She responds to the shifter as she stows her stuff into her cars trunk. "I know you are making an effort Dyson and I know it can't be easy." The doctor looks up at him genuine understanding in her eyes. "I know how much you love her." The wolf looks away first unsure what to feel about the kindness he sees in the blondes brown eyes.

Lauren wasn't sure what she was up against with Bo right now, but she had never heard Kenzi so afraid. Deciding that she may need more help with whatever is going on with Bo than she could handle on her own, she closes the trunk with a loud resounding thud before turning towards the two detectives. "Something is going on with Bo, I talked to Kenzi and she text me the address telling me to get my ass there asap. It sounded like she was in a club. There was a lot of loud music in the background, I could barely hear her." Lauren fishes out her phone and shows them Kenzi's text.

"That's the address for that new club that just opened, uh it's called Crave I think. If Bo's in trouble, Lauren, I want to help," Dyson says, a desperate and pleading look crossing his rough features.

"Yeah, Doc. We got ya back! How can we help?" says Hale, as helpful and upbeat as always.

Lauren looks at both of them making sure that what she says next is understood fully. "If you come with me, you are coming because you both care about Bo. Not because you are police men and definitely not because you are light fae. Whatever we stumble into I want your word that nothing reaches The Ashes ears and nothing is reported to the cops." Lauren didn't realise she was using her new power until a sort of glazed over look appeared on both Dyson's and Hale's faces. They both nodded and said "okay," and "no problemo doc!" before sort of shaking their heads a little before heading off to their own car with a, "we'll meet you there," directed over their shoulders.

Lauren scrambles into her own car and turns the key bringing the sedans engine roaring to life. She drives as quickly as she can avoiding the busiest streets trying to get to Bo as quickly as possible. She felt like it had already been hours since she had talked to Kenzi, when in reality it had only been forty minutes max. God, she hoped they were both okay. Her fear and anxiety for both, Bo's and Kenzi's safety threatening to overwhelm her. The doctor tried desperately to keep her emotions in check as her sunglasses and a couple of cds float up from the middle console scaring her half to death when the objects moved into her peripheral vision. She curses as she straightens the car from her involuntary swerve just missing a parked car, the sunglasses and cd cases clattering loudly as they crash back down to earth making impact with the console, then sliding onto the floor.

She ignores the no parking signs and parks half on the side-walk and half off, coming to a screeching halt in front of her destination. There seemed to be a commotion out the front of the club. Lauren jumps out of the car and tries to assess what the hell was happening in front of her. There was a large guy with a T-shirt that had bouncer written in white across his broad muscular chest and he was standing in front of the door trying to explain that no one else was getting access to the club tonight and that they should find somewhere else to party or go the fuck home. She watches as half of the amassed crowd disperses but that still left a few angry people still yelling and arguing with the man wanting to know why they weren't allowed to go in.

Lauren hears Dyson and Hale arrive and turns to see the wolf parking just as badly, behind her car. They run up beside her as if waiting for Lauren to tell them what to do. Looking up into Dyson's face that is exactly what she sees, him waiting for her to give him orders. "Um, I need you guys to get rid of the remaining people so that I can talk to the bouncer and get inside, can you do that for me?"

Lauren watches in amazement when without a word they do exactly what she asks, no questions, no alpha macho crap from Dyson... just compliance. Not having the time to think about whether this was because of her power or because they were just eager to help her inside, she slowly pushes past a few people to come face to face with the bouncer. "Look lady, the clubs closed until further notice. Now move on and get your jollies elsewhere."

Lauren clenches her fists at her sides wanting to smack the muscle bound, self important jack-hole across the head. Instead she looks him straight in the eyes and says, "I'm meant to be here. Your boss called me to help with the situation inside. So step aside and let me in." The blonde watches as his eyes glaze over. "I'm meant to be in there," she repeats once more. The bouncer nods his head and moves to the side.

"Hey! Why are you letting her inside," someone behind the doctor shouts out, coming up the few steps and into the bouncers face. He grabs the young guy by his fancy silk shirt and physically throws him back down the steps onto the side-walk.

"Sorry Miss," muscle bound says apologetically, as he opens the door for her allowing her access to the dark interior hallway and the sounds of heavy drum beats and terrified cries and screaming. Lauren makes her way down a small steep staircase and into a nightmare. Lauren looks across the mass of flailing bodies and chaos. Standing in the centre of it is Bo, a look of dangerous intent and satisfaction written over her features. As if Bo senses her lovers intense gaze, she looks up her flashing blue and black eyes meeting terrified doe eyed brown.

"Oh Bo, What have you done?" Lauren whispers...

Chapter 10


Kenzi changed her mind about approaching Bo directly. She made her way around the dance floor, skirting around the edge trying to avoid the chaos that was ensuing in the more central part, with Bo at it's core. The succubus' eyes appeared glassy as she absorbed the violence and chaos going on around her, as if she was a junky riding a high, oblivious to the horrors going on around her. As Kenzi made her way around, she notices that not everyone was completely enthralled by the succubus. Some of the club goers were trying desperately to escape the melee and get to safety. The goth sees a semi-conscious girl laying on the outer rim of the fighting and decides to try to pull her out of harms way before she gets trampled to death by the raging mob. Moving as swiftly and covertly as possible she makes her way over to the girl and grabs a hold of her under the arms and pulls her to safety.

The thief then finds a fire exit and opens it up, revealing the dark ally alongside the club. She grabs a garbage can situated right beside the open door and moves it so that it held the door open without assistance. She then proceeds to usher out as many of the less succubus whipped people out of the club, encouraging the more able bodied to help the more injured and bloody victims outside. Kenzi wasn't sure how much time had elapsed from when she started evacuating, she kept scanning the club for signs of Lauren every time she went back in to rescue more people from her best friends all you can eat buffet. After about the seventh trip out of the club, the Russian spots Lauren enter from the front stairs and lets out a huge sigh of relief. The goth didn't know why she was so sure that the blonde was the answer to stopping Bo's feeding frenzy, she just felt that with the bond they shared, Lauren was the best chance of bringing the succubus out of her power induced state and back into reality. Kenzi hoped that Bo's girlfriend would be able to bring the succubus back under control. The young woman's hopes rise even more when Bo seems to sense her lovers appearance at looks directly at her. Spotting a few other patrons huddled in the far corner of the club, Kenzi decides to do another sweep to save as many people from her friends influence as possible.

The Morrigan

Evony curses under her breath as she sees Dyson and Hale pull up outside the club and join Lauren on the side walk. The Morrigan watches as the doctor manages to somehow sweet talk her way into the club leaving the two light fae detectives to clean up the mess the was happening outside. She wanted desperately to get in there and see what the hell was happening behind that closed door. Dyson turns his head towards her black town car as if sensing someone was watching. Thankful for the heavily tinted windows, Evony sighs a frustrated sigh before telling her driver to drive on back to the darks headquarters. "Soon Bo, soon. I will find out exactly how this new power is affecting you and if you are going to need to be put down. Chosen one or not, I won't risk the exposure of the fae."


Lauren sees the flicker of recognition in her girlfriends eyes and relaxes slightly. This wasn't like what had happened a month ago with Seth's darkness, this was something else. The doctor opens up the bond, fully absorbing herself into Bo's emotions and desires. She gasps as she feels the bliss Bo is feeling from her feeding. Lauren frowns, confused. She could feel the succubus struggling to control the power that was coursing through her entire being. Lauren feels the shift of the air surrounding her as she continues to maintain eye contact with Bo. The power Lauren felt through the bond was different, but the same. There was an undercurrent of something darker, more sinister, trying to meld with Bo's familiar succubus power. She could feel her lover fighting it with every fibre of her being, that it was almost painful for the blonde to experience. She needed to help Bo gain the control she was so desperately trying to obtain. She could feel Bo's shame at feeling so good about the chaos she was causing around her. The succubus was so gentle and loving in her nature and she was crumbling with guilt and shame at causing the violence and pain to all the people surrounding her. And where's Kenzi? Lauren looks around trying to spot Bo's best friend hoping that she hadn't gotten hurt trying to stop the succubus during her power filled feeding frenzy.

Just Lauren's presence seemed to be giving Bo strength. She needed to get to Bo, to physically touch her. The doctor steps towards the mob, she touches the closest person on the shoulder, "Stop," she says, her voice smooth and calm. The dishevelled man does as the blonde asks and relaxes in her presence. Lauren visualises spreading her wishes and calm over the mass of people surrounding Bo. The doctor feels her body heat up and a sort of pleasant tingle disperse throughout.

"Stop and calm down," Lauren says, her voice barely a whisper. The effect is instant. A sense of calm fills the air, dousing the succubus' hold on the crowd. The mob seems to go completely still as if frozen by Lauren's request before seemingly coming to their senses and looking around in confusion as if uncertain of what had just taken place. She sees movement out of the corner of her eye and sees Kenzi getting people out to safety through a side door of the club. The blonde relaxes even more at seeing the young woman safe and sound and her calming power responds as well, spreading out and covering the entire interior of the club. She feels her power trying to penetrate Bo's power unsuccessfully. Lauren had managed to stop the succubus' power from being projected but it was still consuming Bo herself who was slowly losing her battle to keep it contained. Hoping Bo can hang on just a little bit longer, the doctor focuses on the still and confused club patrons. She needed to get them to a safe distance from the succubus first, before trying to help Bo.

Lauren's power was the only thing keeping Bo's power that was still radiating off her, from affecting the people surrounding them. "I want you all to move towards the rear of the club and exit out of the side door. If someone near you needs assistance help them." Lauren watches as the crowd begins to move doing exactly as she commands. Lauren catches one of the clubs bouncers on the arm bringing his ice blue eyes into contact with hers. "Do you have a cell phone?" the man nods yes in response. "Good. After helping get these people outside I want you to seek out the two officers situated at the front off the club entrance and call for several ambulances. Then take them to the ally and assist them in helping the injured. Do you understand?"

"Yes," the tall man responds, as he wipes at a trail of blood running down his cheek from a small cut above his eye.

"Good, now go." The man nods his head in compliance and after picking up a hopefully just unconscious woman off of the floor, he makes his way, carrying the woman in his strong arms towards Kenzi who was helping everyone out of the club. The doctor in her was screaming at her to aid the injured people being ushered out the door, but her heart and soul just wanted to aid her beloved Bo.

"Lauren?" Bo says, in a strangled whimper. "Help me, please." Lauren moves slowly towards Bo, her heart breaking at the torment showing in her still flashing eyes. The blonde steps in front of the struggling power filled succubus, the hairs on her arms raising at the power still radiating off her. She must of got quite a feed from the people that were now luckily out of Bo's presence because Lauren could feel the power washing over her. "Lauren, I felt the power you used against everyone, it brushed over me. It helped me to gain a little more control, but not enough, I'm starting to slip into the abyss of this new hunger again." Bo closes her eyes and groans at the effort to hold onto the tenuous tiny amount of control that she had. "Maybe if you channel the power again and touch me, I might be able to stop it. Hurry, Baby. I can't hold it at bay much longer, it's too strong, too demanding."

Lauren, who had been starting to panic at the visible strain Bo was enduring to keep whatever this new power was in check, closed her eyes in an effort to calm her own emotions. "Calm," she thinks to herself. "I am the embodiment of calm. I am a soothing, tranquil force to combat her raging power. We are connected in mind and body." Lauren feels her new power rise up and surround her.

She opens her eyes and sees the succubus gasp, "Lauren your eyes, they are..mesmerising...absolutely beautiful...You're beautiful." The blonde takes another step towards Bo, their bodies not quite touching. She didn't know what about her eyes seemed to be holding the succubus captive at that moment and she didn't care. All she wanted was to be the calming force in the succubus' life, to ease her burdens, to fill her with nothing but inner peace, stability and love. Lauren reaches out with both hands and cups Bo's face. The succubus lets out a sigh, her agitated tense form relaxing at the blondes touch and the power that flowed though it, into her. The flashing black that marked her dark and chaotic power disappeared from Bo's eyes, leaving just the familiar glowing azure of her succubus power. Lauren is hit hard with her lovers power. Lust and passion for the creature in front of her causing her to gasp and shiver at the intensity of Bo's love and desire.

Lauren leans forward as an almost unbearable ache at the blondes core urges the blonde to take Bo's lips with her own and kisses the succubus hard. Bo's arms wrap around the blonde pulling her body tight against her. Bo positions her thigh between the doctors legs as Lauren continues to possess her mouth with hungry, deep kisses. Bo begins to feed from Lauren, her calming life essence fills her up causing her to moan into Lauren's mouth. Bo lifts Lauren off of the ground and walks with her until her ass hits the barrier separating the dance floor from the bar area. Lauren breaks off from Bo's mouth at the impact of the succubus' thigh bumping deliciously into her eager and pulsing sex, when her ass hits the barrier and gasps, "Oh God, Bo, yes." Bo growls at Lauren's responsiveness. Her hands go under the doctors button down and then pulls at the offending tank tucked into the blondes pants wanting to get to the heated flesh underneath. Bo wanted to feel Lauren's skin pressed into every inch of her own. Bo's hands run up and down Lauren's back as the doctor kisses, bites and licks, up and down the succubus' neck and collarbone, before moving down and nuzzling between the top of the brunette's breasts accessible with the plunging neckline of Bo's blouse. Bo continues to use her thigh to grind into Lauren's centre causing her to cry out and beg the brunette not to stop, to never, ever stop. Bo pushes Lauren away from her neck as she moves her hands to the front and starts massaging and tweaking, Lauren's breasts and nipples through her simple cotton bra. The blonde throws her head back as she moves her hips harder against the succubus' thigh, her mind lost to the pleasures that the succubus is causing with her leg and hands. She looks at Bo her eyes wild with passion. "Kiss me Bo, feed from me as I come." The succubus who's eyes had returned to there usual chocolate brown, flash neon again as she eagerly devours Lauren's parted mouth with her own. Bo senses that someone else was in the club with them, but was too lost in the taste and feel of Lauren to care if they had an audience. Bo continues to feed from Lauren until with a few final thrusts of her hips, the blonde screams into Bo's mouth as she is rocked my a mind blowing orgasm. Lauren almost collapses from the intense voracity of her climax, her knees buckling beneath her. Only Bo's strong arms still wrapped securely around her hold her upright. The blonde buries her face into Bo's neck as she comes down from her pleasure, taking quick panting breaths as her inner walls continue to pulse with the remnants of her orgasm.

"Ahem. Um sorry to disturb your post-coital bliss ladies, but we really need to be leaving now. Dyson and Hale told me to get you guys and skedaddle, so let's go," Kenzi says apologetically, her head turned away so as not to embarrass the doctor who seemed to have turned into jelly. She had witnessed so much that the succubus did that Bo wouldn't be embarrassed by her untimely interruption but she knew that Hot Pants was a very private person. So even though her and the doctor were a lot closer than they were before, she still wasn't sure whether Lauren was that comfortable with her. Bo made sure Lauren had recovered enough to walk on her own before letting her go and following behind Kenzi out of the club through the front entrance and straight into Lauren's car. Kenzi drove with both, Bo and Lauren climbing in the back to stay close together, the succubus seemingly needing the continued contact from the doctor. "All I ask is that you wait until I get us home before you two go for round two. Okay?"

"Hmm Yes. Okay Kenzi," Bo mumbles in response as she cuddles into Lauren who's eyes were already closing in exhaustion...

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