The Legacies (Camren)


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Four college students all from well known Families in Boston Massachusetts that also hold a deadly secret. Th... More

Blood Lines
A little Curious
Prelude 12/21
The unexpected.
It Get's interesting
Sooner than expected.
Turning Point
Could it be?
The confirmation
You Are..........
The Mickealson Booldline
Still Learning
A Threatening Past
36 Hours
State Of Mind

Coming Clean

149 0 0

"Lauren, what's going on?" Dinah asks after the older girl ends her call. 

"Dinah the Hollow tried to destroy my family before. Not the witch side but the Mikaelson side. They caused My ancestor Klaus to go through hell for 5 long years. If they are involved in this nothing good can happen" Lauren states making the other three girls go pale. 

They knew who Klaus was. They also knew what he represented. If this coven was behind the threat that Lauren's entire family was in Danger along with the future of the Mikaelson Bloodline. 

"What do we do?" Normani says 

"We can't do much until Mika gets here and calls the meeting" Lauren states and the other three girls become frightened. 


"Okay seriously this place is insane. I now know why you do not leave" Becky says after seeing the game room

"It's alright. I mean yes it is huge and is any child's dream home. But other than that it's still just a normal house" Camila explains 

"Just can't believe this place like wow. Do you think Lauren's parent would adopt me like they did with you?" Becky asks 

"Actually Becky, there is one thing you should know" Camila says 

"What is it?" Becky asks 

"Well you see Lauren's parents have been letting me stay here not just because of what happened on campus but also because" Camila starts but is stopped 

"There you two are. So what do you say about watching a movie in the theater?" Lauren says appearing out of nowhere 

"That sounds great, I already know what snacks I want" Becky states with a huge smile.

"Perfect. Normani is down the hall waiting for you Becky. Camila and I will catch up in a moment" Lauren says smiling while she sees Becky disappear from her sight. 

"Okay what's up?" Camila asks noticing Lauren's nerves 

"We have a problem. Hussey was sent by the Hollow" Lauren informs 

"As in?" Camila asks

"As in the one coven that wanted to Destroy the Mikaelson Blood line and kill Our grandmother Hope. They trapped Klaus in a hell for 5 years until what ever held him there was broken." Lauren explains 

"And you think they are after us now?" Camila questions in a worried tone

"Normani did some research. Hussey transferred from Oxford. the only coven in that region is the Hollow." Lauren states 

"What do we do then?" Camila asks 

"I called my father. He is on his way back with Mika. If anything we will end up having a regional meeting. If it becomes more of a threat then that is when we call on our allies" Lauren responds 


"Okay seriously this family resembles the same about of wealth you have Lauren" Becky says through laughter as she watches the movie 

"We aren't like that" Lauren responds from her spot next to Camila

"Oh come on the huge mansion. the pass protected gate. The only thing that sets you apart is that you aren't Asian" Becky responds 

"Well, If you think I'm stinking rich you should see where Normani's parents live" Lauren belies with a smirk 

"Hey  do not go there Jauregui" Normani warns 

"Actually Lauren makes a point, this place is tamed compared to where your parents live. Like damn that thing is a huge estate with two building, and don't get my started on the fields you have at the back of the property." Dinah add

"Wait are you serious?" Becky asks looking at her girlfriend 

"You didn't know Becky, Normani's parents are so rich that they could own, the Boston Patriots, Boston Red Sox, and the Celtics and still have money left over to buy their own private island" Dinah answers not realizing the glare Normani is giving her

"You never told me that" Becky says giving her girlfriend a shocked look

"It not a big deal okay" Normani states 

"No it actually is. Is that the reason you don't want me meeting your parents? Do I embarrass you since I come from a low middle class family?" Becky argues 

"Babe, it's not like that at all. I swear" Normani says trying to avoid this unwarranted fight

"Then what the hell is it, We've been dating for 2 years and not once have I met your parents. Yet Mila here meets Lauren's family with in weeks. So tell why?" Becky fights back. 

After The Latina shouts those words towards the older witch, everyone else glares at Dinah. 

"What did I do" The younger one asks 

"You know what Dinah. Look Becky, Normani loves you okay. It's not that she doesn't want you to meet her parents. If it were up to her you would have meet them with in days of both of your dating. The issue is that Normani has a somewhat difficult relationship with them" Lauren explains telling the truth. 

"Lauren's right, Mani and her parents don't exactly see eye to eye on certain things. That's why Mani lives with us in Lauren's apartment." Ally clarifies 

"What exactly don't you see eye to eye on?" Becky asks 

"The aren't very excepting of who I decide to date. They have their mind set on me dating a specific type of person and I won't accept that" Normani answer 

"And what type of person do they expect?" Becky question with an attitude 

"Becky, It doesn't matter because I'm not going to fall into their trap" Normani states 

"Answer me " Becky orders and everyone including Camila knows that it is dangerous territory. 

Camila knows exactly how Normani's parents are especially her father. She has had to deal with both a few time the last couple of days. Normani's Mom was very nice but it was clear that with it came to her daughter she help high expectation and as for Derek Hamilton, that mad was not friendly at all. So she understood why Normani would try and keep Becky away from then as much as possible. 

knowing that she had no other choice, Normani let out a sigh and looked her girlfriend straight in the eye. 

"They want me to marry a girl that is with in the circle. That comes from a well defined family with a certain title. Their main requirement along with those is that she is Black." Normani answers with her head hanging down 

"What do you mean with in the circle?" Becky questions 

At that Normani looks at Lauren who nods her head letting her know to continue with the truth. 

"We are part of what is known a witches council. My parents are council leaders along with Ally's parents, Dinah's parents and Lauren's parents. As their children we have certain expectations to live up which includes preserving the blood lines. Meaning even if I am in love with you to the point giving my life, to my parents our relationship would considered catastrophic." Normani explains looking down in shame. 

"Camila are you hearing this bullshit?" Becky says pointing at Norman after that truthful answer 

"Beatrice, she isn't lying" Lauren steps in knowing that her best friend must be dying inside at the moment 

"No you are pranking me. Come on seriously witches council?" Becky says 

"Lauren show her" Camila says after pausing the movie 

At Camila's request, Lauren does at told. Stands up from her set then walks down to the small space in front of the recliners while all eyes stayed on her 

"Lights" Lauren says flicking her wrist, causing the lights to turn on 

"Seriously the voice activated light system" Becky argues 

"Alright them" Lauren says with a smirk 

"Lauren no" Normani says 

"Mani let her" Camila says knowing that her girl knew what she was doing. 

"clothes" The older girl says snapping her finger making her clothes change instantly. 

The older girl then places both her hands in front of her and out of thin air creates an energy ball. 

"DJ, Catch" Lauren states then spirals it towards the younger girl, who instantly gets up and semi teleports closer to it to grab it with one hand with out destroying it. 

"Need anymore confirmation?" Dinah says in a cocky tone with smirk and her head slightly tilted to the side. 

"You-You" Becky stutters 

"We-we, We're witches welcome to the family" Dinah says and Becky faints 


"What were the five of you thinking doing that?" Micheal says yelling at all 5 girls that stood in front of him. 

"Dad, it was bound to happen. She's been dating Normani for 2 years now" Lauren argues 

"Telling her is one thing but showing off your powers light are you insane" Micheal yells 

"Um, since I don't exactly have any you know magical powers shouldn't I be trying to act normal and keep an eye on Becky" Camila says trying to avoid the lecture

"Oh no Camila, magic powers or not you don't get out of this one. You knew what would happen and you didn't stop idiot one and idiot two over there from showing off" Micheal argues 

"Then Can I be excused" Normani asks looking up at the older man from her seat on one of the chairs 

"Not until you explain to me whittled to this" Micheal states and in that moment all heads turn to Dinah. 

"Oh course, why am I not surprised" Micheal says looking at the youngest of the five 

"Hey I did not do anything" Dinah says defending herself 

"No you just brought up the topic of Normani's parents to a girl that has been nagging her for 2 years about meeting them, When Normani still hasn't figured out how to tell them that she's dating a girl with no magical link and who also happens to be far from what they want for her daughter" Lauren states 

"Ah, no we are getting somewhere" Micheal says then looks at Normani

"Camila, Ally, Dinah, Lauren step outside for a moment. I need to talk with Normani" Micheal says and all four girls look scared 

"Dad" Lauren says 

"Just wait outside okay. After we will all have a talk. Camila go and check on your friend" Micheal orders and the four girls leave the office. 

"So you want t tell me why you haven't told your parents about this girl" Micheal asks after the office door closes 

"You know how my parents are. I mean look at how they reacted to Camila when she first walked in. They only started showing a little respect after her Bloodline was revealed. They won't accept Beatrice not if the is human" Normani admits 

"Let me tell you something, your parents might set a certain standard on you as their own personal way to have dominance. The final choice of who is allowed within this circle doesn't lie with them. I am the one who makes that choice, and after I step down, Lauren Makes the choice, meaning you as her right hand hold a title higher than your parents. Now do you love that girl?" Micheal asks 

"I do, I really do. If I didn't I wouldn't be feeling this way" Normani answers 

"That is all I needed to hear. Have Lauren come in here" Micheal says dismissing his daughter's best friend. 


In one of the guest room in the mansion:

"Becky, you need to calm down okay, breath" Camila says trying to calm down her friend 

"Calm down are you serious, did you not see what I saw earlier?" Becky says freaking out

"Listen to me getting overwhelmed won't help. So please sit down and breath" Camila states 

"How can you be so calm about this?" Becky asks 

"I am calm because I listened. Now you need to not over think things" Camila says and in that moment Lauren and Normani walk into the room 

"You" Becky says pointing and Lauren and Normani

"Beatrice please is down" Lauren request in a soft tone 

"Why should I?" Becky asks 

"Because I am going to explain everything to you" Normani states 

"Which is what?" Becky question. 

"It's true I am a witch, I am Lauren's right had. Lauren's father is the leader of our coven. If I didn't tell you any of this sooner it wasn't because I didn't want to, because trust me I did. It was because I was scared. You mean everything to me Becky, and being in a coven certain things are expected. Growing up I always thought that what my parents said is what had to be followed, but I met you and I just couldn't do what they wanted from me so I distanced myself from you and tried to keep you away from it so that they wouldn't find some way to take you away from me. I realized that I was wrong for doing that. I don't want to lose you if anything I want you in my life forever if you let me. Matter of fact, Lauren's father just put the hammer down. As of now, my parents have no say in what I do meaning if you'll have me I would like" Normani say then takes a deep breath while getting down on one knee

"Marry me?" Normani says pulling out the ring after making a quick snap. Making Camila's jaw drop and Lauren smile at her best friend. 


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