The Longing ⇝ BOOK 1 > LOK [A...

By xdistantwords

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Lyra (LYE-RUH) is the adopted daughter of Tenzin and Pema. No one knows anything about where she came from... More

Extended Summary
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12.5K 408 149
By xdistantwords

Lyra (1)

We arrived at City Hall. My father called for a meeting with the rest of the Council and Chief Saikhan.

"Thank you all for meeting us at such short notice." My father said to them. Beifong and Chief Saikhan faced each other.



They eyed each other until another person made themself known. "Have you news of Avatar Korra?"

When I saw Tarrlok, chills ran down my body. I hid behind my father. Mako noticed this. I ignored his stare.

"We do." My father pointed an accusing finger at the Councilman. "You kidnapped her Tarrlok!"

Offended, Tarrlok began to defend himself. "I am shocked you would accuse me of such an evil act. I already explained, Equalists attacked us and took her." 

"But there were no Chi blockers here last night. You planted the evidence, didn't you?!"

"That is a ridiculous accusation!"

From the railings, the council page popped his head out behind one of the pillars. "It's true! He took her! I was here when Avatar Korra arrived last night, but Councilman Tarrlok ordered me to leave. I was on my way out when I saw Tarrlok bring her down to the garage."

"That is nonsense!" Tarrlok yelled. "Everyone knows you're nothing but a squeaky-voiced liar!"

Beifong crossed her arms, "Why did you wait until now to fess up?"

"I was terrified to tell because... because Tarrlok is a blood bender! He blood bent Avatar Korra!"

We all gasped as we averted our attention back to Tarrlok. My father and Beifong got into a fighting stance, "Don't make this worse for yourself. Tell us where you have Korra!"

I got into position to attack as well. Tarrlok stood there frozen - angry because he got caught. When he made his first move, we fired, but then a sort of pain I've never felt before striked me.

Tarrlok began to blood bend us all. I groaned, trying to fight it. But it was no use. I could feel my muscles tighten and my veins pulse rapidly. My arms turned in ways I didn't know it could.

After a minute of him doing so, I fell to the floor, darkness taking over.


I gasped when I woke up. I looked around at my unfamiliar surroundings. I was in what looked like a basement. In the middle of the room was a large metal box.

My hands and ankles were tied up, leaving me unable to move. My body was sore due to earlier.

"Help!" I yelled. "Someone help!"


I snapped my head at the metal box when I thought I heard Korra. Her voice sounded stuffy as it echoed.

"Korra? Is that you?!"

"Yeah, it's me! What are you doing here?"

I jumped when I heard footsteps from behind me. I turn my head around, Tarrlok was walking down the wooden steps.

"My life is a disaster now, thanks to you." Tarrlok said to Korra, frustrated.

"So, your little blood bending secret's out?" Korra asked. I knew by the tone of her voice that she was smirking. 

"It sure is." I gritted. Tarrlok rolled his eyes at me. "I can see your awake."

"I know how you blood bent me without a full moon. You're Yakone's son." Korra said.

"I was his son. But in order to win Republic City, I had to become someone else." Tarrlok respondes with his voice low. "My father failed because he tried to rule the City from its rotten underbelly. My plan was perfect. I was to be the City's savior, but you... you ruined everything!

"It's over, Tarrlok." I interjected. "Everyone knows. You have nowhere to go."

He smirked at me. "Oh no, I'll escape. And start a new life. The Avatar is coming as my hostage and you, you're just the crave for my sweet tooth."

"You're disgusting!" I spat. "I will never give you what you want."

"We'll see about that." Tarrlok laughed. As he walked up the stairs, Korra pounded on the box. "You'll never get away with this!"

A few seconds passed when I heard Tarrlok stop in his tracks. "Amon!"

I widened my eyes. I looked at the metal box and whispered, "Korra."

"I know."

I tugged at my wrists, trying to break them free from what felt like rope. When it didn't budge, I tried my other only option. I pointed my finger tip at the rope and made a small flame. I smelt and heard the rope burning and I mentally high-fived myself. Once my wrists were free, I quickly do the same with the rope around my ankles.

I bit my lip nervously when I heard Tarrlok scream then a loud thud. When the rope was off, I looked around for anywhere to hide. In the corner of the room, there were barrels stacked on top of each other. I stood up and scurried behind them.

"I'll take care of him. You four retrieve the Avatar. Do not underestimate her. Electrocute the box to knock her out before you open it." Amon ordered to who I'm sure were his henchmen.

"What do I do? What do I do?" I ask myself quietly. You can't take them by yourself. If by some miracle you do, then you'll have to face Amon. On your own.

I covered my mouth to hide my loud breathing as they walked down to the basement.

"It's payback time." One said. When Korra began to scream, I shut my eyes. I'm so sorry Korra.

After a few seconds, the light bulb from the lamp popped due to the electricity. A loud thud from the box was heard - I opened my eyes and uncovered my mouth before taking a peek.

"Open the box." The lieutenant ordered. The other three Equalists did as he said.

"Tie her up."

I smiled when a blast of fire unexpectedly shot out of the box to the Equalists. I took this as my cue and left behind the barrels. I ran to Korra's side, sending out flames to the Equalists.

Korra punches the floor, making a wave of stones. The Equalists are thrown back and Korra and I take this as our chance to escape.

We slam our way out the front door. I am immediately attacked with the cold air. In front of us was Amon. He was placing an unconscious Tarrlok into the back of a van.

Korra water bends sharp icicles at him and without looking back, we run off. I yell as we slide down the mountain.

Not even a minute went by when I went flying face first. I groaned as I rolled down the snow. I stopped when I slammed into a large rock.

I hiss as I bring my hand to the back of my head. I felt warm liquid and checked my fingers. I was bleeding.

When I saw that I also lost a shoe, I frowned. I looked around for any sign of help. I furrowed my brows once I saw a large, white figure.

I grinned, realizing who it was. "Naga! Over here!"


I didn't realize I fell asleep until I woke up to feeling some sort of warmth. I blinked a few times to get my vision clear and I softly smiled at my father standing in front of me. He was almost teary eyed. "I was so worried. I thought something terrible had happened to you."

"Where's Tarrlok? How did you get away?" Beifong questioned Korra and I.

"Give them some space!" Mako pushes Beifong and my father aside. He lifts me off of Naga then places me down. I whimpered as I stood on my feet.

"What's wrong?" Mako asked, concern laced in is voice.

"M-my ankle." I point down to my left foot - the one with the missing shoe. Mako kneels down and inspects it. "It's sprained. Here," Mako carries me bridal style before walking me to Oogi.

"Once I saw that you were missing, I went crazy. Your dad and Beifong had to calm me down." Mako said to me. "Did Tarrlok do this to you?"

I slowly shook my head.

Mako laid me down on Oogi's saddle. He slowly rested me down. When he removed his arm from under my head, he widened his eyes. "You're bleeding! Tenzin, we need a Doctor!"

I grabbed Mako's arm and looked at his stained sleeve. I lightly chuckle, "Sorry."

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