You Mispronounced Spider

By LlibLo

59.9K 2.6K 10.2K

An ordinary accident leaves Peter Parker an orphan once again. The worst part was nothing could have prevente... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 1

10.8K 290 1.3K
By LlibLo

[A/N: Ready for the crossover you never knew you wanted?? Lol anyways I kinda need to state a few facts before we start so there's no confusion.

-Civil war did happen, Peter just wasn't invited despite being known about by Tony.
-Homecoming didn't happen, but this sorta takes the place of it.
-Throw timelines out the window because were going to fit everything together like a mismatched puzzle set, don't know how it's going to work yet but just keep that in mind. I'll try to fit thing together best I can, though, I shouldn't have to much trouble unless I decide to wright a squeal.
-Peter is an American wizard so remember no-maj means muggles.
-Spidey sense mixed with magic makes Peter kinda psychic. Or as the wizarding world calls them Legilimens

Also this story is originally posted on my AO3 account, link is on my profile.

That's about it, enjoy!]

Peter was still in shock as he stared  down at his untied shoes. The laces were neglected and laid across the floor haphazardly, but Peter couldn't find the will to tie them.

When he received the news, he'd rushed to the hospital as fast as he could. So fast, in fact, that he still had part of his home made Spider-Man suit still on. Now, it lay hidden under black sweats and a gray hoodie he managed to throw on.

His mind was empty, yet noisy and uncooperative at the same time. Still, he had to focus despite the difficulty. If he wasn't careful, his emotions could trigger an eruption of magic he had no hopes of controlling. It would be devastating to the already vulnerable no-majs. That was currently the only motivation he had to keep himself from breaking down right there in the hospital hallway.

He wished he had his wand, at least then he'd have somewhere to point the magic if it exploded.

But no, students were required to keep their wands at school over the summer brakes. That stupid school and the stupid government and the stupid wand permit you couldn't get till you were 17. If he had his wand...

Peter let out a shaky sigh.

If he had his wand... he still wouldn't be able to save her.

Peter's attention was suddenly drawn away from his shoelaces, which had been his main focus for the past thirty  minutes, by the light clicking of heels against the tiled floor in the dim hallway.

"Mr. Parker?" The woman said in a soft voice.

He didn't remember commanding his head to look up at her, but his body responded anyways. There was a small hope that she'd at least be someone from MACUSA (The Magical Congress of the United States of America), but one look at her and his spidey sense told him she was just another no-maj. That terrified him.

It's not that he wasn't used to the no-maj world, he'd grown up in it and was very familiar with it, it was just there were always so many rules and restrictions when dealing with them. The wizarding world of America had little to no contact with no-majs if it could be helped, so what would it mean for Peter if he ended up in the no-maj adoption service? How would he get to school? Would he be stuck on the wrong side of the two worlds forever? Even if he could get to his owl, who was he even supposed to contact in situations like this?

Peter's brain kept spinning with panic and the woman seemed to pick up on it, she knelt down in front of him and put  a hand over his.

"Peter?" She said in a more gentle tone. "My name is Sally Yale, I'm the social worker assigned to your case. I'm sorry... but I have to ask, is there anyone you can contact?" Peter's spider sense told him she already knew the answer, but even without the sense, he could see it in her eyes.

Peter slowly shook his head. "No one," he finally choked out. He clenched his fists and she pulled her hand away.


Hospitals were definitely his least favorite place, but he had to be here. There was no way he was leaving that kid alone, not when he could do something about it.

He loosely put his hands into the pockets of his jeans as he approached the reception desk. "Excuse me, I'm looking for a Mr. Peter Parker? He was in here with a May Parker"

The receptionist made a small noise in the back of her throat acknowledging that she knew he was there even though she was currently focused on the computer. "I'm sorry, sir, but visiting hours are-" She glanced up at him and had to do a double take. She blinked at him wide eyed, "Tony Stark?"

"Yup, now can you tell me where Peter is?" He asked quickly, he was already a little impatient, but it was mostly because he was on a time limit. If Tony couldn't find Peter or the social worker for his case in time, the poor kid could get swept up in the system for the night. Peter didn't deserve that.

The woman gave him a confused look.

"Kid, midish teens, Aunt was just killed in a car accident? She was brought in earlier tonight with a few others..." He trailed off prompting her to react.

She seemed to have to shake her head slightly before speaking, "If he was still here then he'd be in the waiting room by the emergency entrance on the other side of the bild-"

Tony disappeared down the hallway behind her before she could finish.


"Peter, I need you to come with me ok?" Ms. Yale said,

Peter was standing now, he didn't even remember following through with the  action. He wasn't even sure what she said, all he could think of now was whether or not he might trip on his shoelaces.

"We have a place for you to stay tonight, but we'll need to go to your house first, get you clothes for the night" She continued

Peter nodded, yet another command he didn't actively make. It almost felt like he was on autopilot. He suddenly noticed another presence in the hallway but he was looking down at his shoelaces again, debating whether or not he should tie them. He didn't listen to the conversation between the social worker and the other but there was one word that suddenly snapped him out of his daze.

"I'm his godfather," the man claimed, something was strikingly familiar about his voice, and it forced Peter to look up.

"Tony Stark is my godfather?" Peter finally spoke up. He looked at the man with wide eyes, he never thought he'd see his idol standing in front of him, let alone have the man claim he's his godfather. A part of him questioned for a moment whether or not the man was a wizard, but his spidey sense immediately confirmed the man was a no-maj.

"Yup, chosen by your parents and everything" Tony said with a faint smile.

"Mr. Stark, I can't just hand this child over to you." Ms. Yale said as she crossed her arms.

"I have all the proper paperwork," Tony said, but paused as if waiting for something. He frowned and then did a 180 to look down the hall behind him.

Peter's sensitive hearing picked up the faint clicking of heels; soon enough, a woman appeared from behind the corner with a scowl directed at Tony when she spotted him. She held a few files in her arms.

"Ah, there they are," he looked back at Ms. Yale, "Ms. Potts will be giving you the proper paperwork, and I assure you I have proof of contact with them as well as their wills with their statements saying I'm his godfather."

Ms. Yale just looked at him, "We'll see, Mr. Stark," she started walking towards Pepper.

Tony looked back at Peter. "Hey kid," he smiled.

"Hi?" Peter replied. He wasn't exactly sure what was going on, none of this was making much sense. He already knew very little about his parents then all of a sudden it turned out that they knew Tony Stark well enough to be name him Peter's godfather?

Tony's smile faltered slightly and he reached his hand up to rub the back of his neck. "I know this is a lot to take in..."

"Tell me about it," Peter said quietly his eyes fell to the ground just at Tony's feet.

There was only silence between them, the only sounds in the halls were the two women talking over the paperwork.

After what felt like hours but was probably only a minute Tony let out a sigh. Then without warning, he pulled Peter into a hug.

Peter was surprised at first but noticed Tony gave him enough time to pull away before his arms were completely wrapped around him.

Peter just stood there frozen for a moment, but the lifted his arms up wrapping them around Tony, his hands holding tightly onto the fabric on the back of the man's blazer. Peter didn't realize how much he needed a hug.

After a long moment Tony was the one to break the silence. "I know kid... I know," he rested his chin on Peter's head as he rubbed his back.

Peter was confused for a moment but then realized he'd started crying; when exactly, Peter couldn't tell you. But the relief that his magic wasn't going to lose control make him cry a little more. He buried his head in the man's chest and sobbed quietly.

He tried to ignore when his sensitive hearing picked up the subtle noise of the fluorescent lights over head going up an octave as Peter's magic charged the air.


The woman Tony called Pepper was very efficient when it came to paperwork. Peter suspected the social worker was just glad Peter had somewhere to go since his previous situation had been up in the air.

Tony had to sign four different papers, he almost did it without reading them at all, but Pepper stopped him each time so she could examine the agreements.

During this, Peter sat in the waiting chair he was in before, but this time with Tony next to him. He felt a lot better after but his chest still hurt from the loss, at least he no longer had to worry about his magic exploding.

Once all the paperwork required that night was signed Peter was lead to a black car with tinted windows. Pepper got in the front while Peter and Tony sat in the back. The man who was driving Tony called Happy

And then it hit him.

He was in the same car as Tony FREAKING Stark!!

... Oh my god, he just cried on Tony Stark's shirt.

Peter went ridged with embarrassment. "Mr. Stark I am so sorry about messing up your shirt," Peter glanced down at the man's clothes and realized it was an ACDC t-shirt, it was strange how the man made the casual wear look professional.

"Don't sweat it, kid." He paused for a moment. "And call me Tony."

Peter's eyes went a little wide causing Tony to let out a small laugh.

"Might as well," he continued, "You're going to be sticking with me from now on, I think it'd be awkward if we weren't on a first name basis"

Peter slowly nodded.

The drive didn't take to long but Peter hadn't realized they were heading to his apartment building until they stopped in front of it. Peter couldn't help but look confused, he grew even more so when Tony stepped out of the car. Peter felt no choice but to follow.

"Um.. Mr. Stark?"

"Tony," The man quickly corrected.

"Right, Tony... um, what are we doing here?" Peter suddenly got a little nervous.

Was Tony going to drop him off and leave? The guy was probably very busy and didn't expect to need to care for a teenager, but if he was leaving him here why was Tony walking to the front door?

The man stood there and looked back at Peter.

"You coming?" He asked as he raised an eyebrow.


"... Into your apartment, you got to grab some stuff to hold you over for a few days," Tony explained.

"Oh, right" Peter cursed at himself for asking such a stupid questions. His worry from before fell away, so far it looked like Tony was serious about keeping Peter around. He walked up the short steps and pulled out his house keys as he opened the front door.

Soon they were up the elevator and into Peter's apartment. It was strange how nothing changed.

Peter spotted Aunt May's book sitting on the coffee table, the bookmark stuck out on the last pages she read. Peter just stared for a moment, he didn't snap out of it till a hand was placed on his shoulder.

"You alright there, kid?" Tony asked gently. Peter just looked back at him with a small nod before he pulled away heading towards his room, if first priority was changing out of the spider costume.

"I'm going to change real quick, then I'll grab a bag" Peter said as he closed his bedroom door. He didn't wait for an answer.

It took only a few minutes and he then opened his door with a backpack full of clothes on his shoulder and a large cage with a brown short eared owl in it, this was going to be a little hard to explain but he wasn't just going to leave his beloved pet on its own. He hopped Tony didn't mind.

Tony turned to face Peter but his eyes were immediately drawn to the cage. The owl gave a hoot to greet the man.

"You have... an owl?" He said a little surprised.

"Her name is Leia. I hope you don't mind" Peter said hesitantly.

"No it, um.. Sure yeah, it's fine. Just didn't know you had an owl." He gave a small laugh. "Like, who has an owl in New York, don't you need a permit for that?"

"Technically?" Peter said as he set the cage beside his feet.

"Ha! A little rebellious aren't we?" Stark laughed.

Peter just shrugged, he couldn't exactly tell him that the owl was meant for mail delivery. Ben and May got it for him after his first year at school, Leia helped him keep up with the two friends he made while on summer break.

Peter didn't realize silence fell between them until Tony spoke again.

"So kid, what were those things on your wrists?" He asked looking at Peter with a knowing smile.

Peter just froze, the man was referring to the web shooters, and his Spidey sense told Peter Tony already knew one of his secrets.

Peter just looked at him for a moment before speaking. "How did you know?" He asked.

Tony looked a bit taken back by Peter's directness, he was probably expecting the kid to deny it or even make an excuse. Peter didn't really have the energy for that, and there was no use arguing with the man who had already figured out his identity.

"I've been keeping an eye on you since I heard about your uncle," Tony said cautiously.

"Oh," Peter looked relieved and a little surprised, again, not exactly the reaction Tony expecting since most don't take to kindly to being watched. Pete was just glad the genius only figured out he was Spider-Man and not the fact he was a wizard. Then Peter furrowed his brow in a confused look. "If you knew about me for so long why haven't you said anything?" Peter asked.

"That... is an excellent question," he strolled over to the kitchen counter and picked up one of the fake apples in a fruit bowl. "After your parents died and you were sent to live with your aunt and uncle, I thought it was better to stay out of your life. You didn't need to be bombarded with the press when someone finally leaked the news that I was regularly visiting," Stark looked down at the apple with an almost sad expression. Peter's spider sense picked up something, but it was jumbled and hard to decipher. It might have been something along the lines of longing, maybe regret? Either way Peter could tell that Tony wished they'd met sooner.

Feeling the need to comfort the man in some why Peter spike up, "well, I'm glad your here now." But he couldn't stop himself from continuing. "I didn't think I'd have anyone left..." His eyes fell to the floor.

Tony put the fake fruit back into the decorative bowl before taking a few steps towards Peter and placing a hand on his shoulder. "Well, good news. I'm not going anywhere" With that he pulled Peter into another hug.


"Bad news, kid. I've got to go to Europe" Tony said looking annoyed at the announcement.

It had been almost two months since the car crash and within that time the two had grown pretty close. Peter would spend a lot of time in the workshop with Tony. It started with just observing and asking questions and soon it evolved into actually helping build and design upgrades, not just for the Tony's suits but other projects, and an upgraded suit for Peter. He was even secretly coming up with theories about how he could make tech function in magical places like his school, Ilvermorny.

Peter could tell Tony was excited to have a science buddy in the shop with him. (Just because Peter was a wizard didn't mean he couldn't enjoy the awesomeness of science!)

Peter was sitting in the living room of one of the penthouses Tony owned around the city, this one in particular was smaller then the others but made up for it in the size of the workshop. Peter sat up from the couch and closed the book he was reading, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them By Newt Scamander, Peter had been reading the book for a week now but assumed Tony though it was fiction writing, little did he know it was actually one of his text books for school.

"Why?" Peter asked, within the month Peter could tell that Tony was spending as much time as he could with Peter, he even over heard a few conversations with Pepper where he blew off what sounded like important meetings. So now, with the news that Tony might be leaving for while, it made Peter a little nervous of not being able to see the man as much.

"The UN wants wants Iron Man over there for the rest of the summer, something about keeping relations up between the US and Europe." He was pinching the bridge of his nose, Peter could tell there was more to the situation then what Tony was saying.


"Hey, Pete, your going with me. I'm not gonna just leave you behind" Tony said as he walked into the kitchen that overlooked the living room. He pulled a glass from the shelf and filled it with water.

Peter felt his shoulders relax at the news.

"The only problem is I don't know how that's going to affect you when school start. I don't want to send you back over here by yourself if my stay gets extended"

Right, school. Peter really needs to get around to telling Tony he's a wizard but it was kind of illegal to do that in America.

"You don't know if it'll get extended yet." Peter shrugged. "When are we leaving?" He asked.

"Next week, I told them i had a few things to wrap up at the Industry, but I didn't want to spring the news on you so short notice. They wanted me to leave tomorrow" Tony grumbled then practically chugged the glass of water.

"Thanks, that would have been kinda... disorienting" Peter stood up with his book in hand. It had taken him this long to get only sorta comfortable with the extravagant life Tony was used to, and Peter could tell Tony was toning down that part of his lifestyle for Peter. It made him feel warm inside, something Peter didn't expect he would feel again after he heard the news of May.

"Anything for you, kid." Tony smiled but it then turned sly "Plus I love seeing them squirm when they don't get their way"

Both of them laughed as Peter passed through the kitchen. "No wonder they hate you," Peter said while shaking his head. He walked through to the entrance of the hall that lead to the bedrooms. "I'll be in my room," Peter called "I've got summer reading I need to catch up on"

"Don't get a paper cut," Tony replied as he busied himself with emails that FRIDAY was projecting onto the kitchen counter.

Peter closed his bedroom door then tossed his book onto his bed when he got to his room. He walked over to the desk that was set up on one wall of the room and pulled out a pen and paper, he thought it was smart to ask someone about the legality of telling a no-maj about magic. At school they kinda drilled in the rule that you shouldn't tell a no-maj anything no matter what the circumstances, Peter though his case might be an exception but this wasn't exactly something you could google. Luckily he knew just the friend to ask... but unfortunately that meant he had to tell them what happened. He wasn't sure if he was ready for that, but would he ever be?


I know I haven't written you or Ned all summer but a lot had happened.

It's May, she was killed in a car accident last June.

Yeah, it sucks but honestly it hasn't been as bad as it could have been. I was almost sent into no-maj child services but I was adopted by my godfather, who apparently was good friends with my parents. The only problem is he's a no-maj and I don't exactly know about telling him I'm a wizard, let alone if that's even legal. Not to mention I don't even have my wand to prove it and the only wandless magic I know might not be compelling enough. He might try to explain it off as some kind of trick.

I know I should have contacted you guys sooner and I'm kinda running out of time. Please reply as soon as you get this, I'm leaving for Europe next week because my godfather has to be there for business for the rest of the summer. I'm not comfortable with sending Leia to fly overseas.




I'm so sorry to hear about your aunt, if there's anything I can do for you just name it. Ned says the same.

Now, as for your no-maj problem, you are allowed to tell them if their close family and since you godfather is now your adoptive father there shouldn't be any consequences. Plus if you tell him while your in Europe then it shouldn't even matter, the rules there are more way more lax. As for proof, since you don't know any flashy wandless spells, I suggest instead you bring him to a magic shopping area while your in Europe, there should be enough proof there to convince him if the way you got there doesn't (Us and our dramatic magical entrances). I'll send you a tourist guide map with my next letter, but you have to tell me what city you're going to so I can get it.

Also don't think I didn't notice how you avoided naming your godfather. I know he's a no-maj but that's hardly a reason to avoid it... unless he's someone famous? Then I'd understand a little more of your worry, if he's untrustworthy you can threaten him with obliviate ( just don't tell him you'd need your wand.)

With that out of the way, I expect a full report on how this guy is treating you. There's a gnarly jinx I've been working on and I wouldn't hesitate to use him as a test dummy if need be.

P.S WORK ON YOUR WANDLESS MAGIC!! I swear, only knowing a shield spell and Accio is not going to cut it.




I really appreciate you guys offering to help but right now I'm doing alright, considering.

And thanks for the info, I'm revealed I won't get arrested. I've seen enough prison tv shows to not want to go to no-maj prison, I'd hate to know what wizarding prison looks like, but to play it safe I'll tell him in Europe since the wizarding areas are probably more no-maj friendly anyways.

But yeah, anyways, about by godfather... I know you pretty knowledgeable about wizarding and no-maj culter (With how much you know it doesn't surprise me that the horned serpent picked you during the sorting ceremony) so you're definitely going to know who he is, well even if you didn't know so much you'd still probably know who he is now that I'm thinking about it. I'm going to stop stalling now and just tell you... It's Tony Stark. Yup, kinda couldn't believe it at first either. Iron Man is now my adopted father. I'm still trying to wrap my head around it. I can already tell Ned is going to faint when he finds out I wish I could be there to see that!

Tony told me we'll be going to London, something about UN meetings but I don't know much of the detailed. So for the tourist map send me one for there, I have no idea where I'd get one otherwise.

I've never felt so separated from the wizarding world until now, I know I've always been kinda distant from it during the summer months with May and Ben but even as squibs they could still take me places. Without them it feels like someone locked the door, it makes be hate how separate the worlds are.

But enough of me being angsty.

Tony's been cool so you can hold off on the jinx testing. In fact he's been pretty awesome with all this. He blew off some important meetings to hang out with me and he lets me help him tinker with the Iron Man suits in his shop, he even encouraged me to start my own projects. I've been coming up with theories to let no-maj tech be used in magically saturated environments but I haven't been able to test anything yet. I do have a few prototypes made that I'm going to test out when I get to school, can't wait for that!

P.S How was I supposed to know wandless magic would be ridiculously hard to learn. I was only a first year when we made the deal!




You were right, Ned totally fainted.

I'm currently writing over his body.

But yeah, now that I know the no-maj you're going to tell about magic you're definitely going to need more than your wandless magic skills.

So, Tony Stark eh? I'm suspicious of him, I won't be able to trust him till I meet him and even then I probably won't. But I trust your judgment (mostly) so that will have to do for now.

Leia should have the map for you, I hope you have fun in London. I'd suggest you visit Gringott's bank I hear the place has underground vaults with a roller coaster. Get me pictures!

Ned just woke up, he says hi.

Just told him Stark lets you work on the Iron Man suits... he's out again.

P.S You deserve to be a little angsty every now and then.




Thanks so much for the map! This thing is so cool! I can't wait to use it in London.

This will be my last letter to you guys since we're leaving the day after tomorrow, I don't want to make Leia fly to much more. Make sure to give her owl treats when she gets to your house. I'm not able to get the ones she likes so I hope yours will do.

I'll see you guys when school starts.




We wish you luck on convincing the die hard no-maj science guy that magic exists.

Also I made sure to get Leia her favorite owl treats. 10/10 hoots were given.

MJ and Ned (Because he was awake this time)

Peter smiled down at the letter.

"Pete, let's hit the road" Tony called from the living room.

"Coming!" Peter replied before quickly shoving the letter into the front pouch of his backpack with the others he'd received from his friends. Leia had promptly jumped into her cage after arriving only moments ago then seemed to fall asleep immediately. Peter affectionately stroked her chest before closing the cage. She was probably the best owl Peter could ask for, she'd been flying letters back and forth none stop for almost a week just so Peter could have a quick conversation with his only two friends.

He slung his bag over his shoulder and picked up Leia's cage before carrying it into the living room where Tony was waiting by the elevator.

"Alright, ready."

"Well, look who's back. I'm guessing you got a letter from your friends?" Tony said as he looked down at the sleeping owl.

Peter wouldn't have originally told Tony about the letters, mostly because it's not entirely normal to send letters via owl, but one evening she had shown up on the balcony while Peter and Tony where watching a movie. He couldn't just ignore her and Tony had already noticed her tapping on the window. He was able to chock it up to a thing he and his friends do... use illegally owned owls to send letters to each other. Yup, totally a normal teenage thing to do.

"Yeah, just their goodbye and telling me to have fun in London with you" Peter said as he and Tony stepped into the elevator. "Also MJ said that Ned fainted when he found out who my adoptive dad was"

Tony let out a small laugh, "I'd love to meet your friend in person, how about we scheduled something when we get back to the states?"

"Um... yeah, ok yeah that would be cool" Peter said with a small smile. By that point Tony will know about wizards, so it shouldn't be that bad.

"Can't wait to meet them" Tony said, Peter's spidey sense told him the man is just as excited about the idea.


Peter had never been on a plain before, the only thing he's flown on is a broom but never this high. He was excited but nervous, there was some unexpected turbulence causing the plane to shake. After Peter visibly tensed up Tony gave a playful laugh before reassuring him it was normal.

After landed they were taken to a hotel room that could have easily passed as an apartment. Peter went off to look through every room before getting back to the living room finding all their stuff waiting there. Peter took his bags to the room he decided was his.

"So kid, want to take a walk around town before I have to go to my meeting this afternoon?" Tony asked as he leaned against Peter's door frame.

Peter was currently placing Leia's cage on the desk near the balcony door. He could tell she was getting restless but they both knew he couldn't let her out till night. "That would be cool... can we maybe grab something to eat? I'm starving"

"We eat two hours ago, but I guess a super metabolism will do that to you," He frowned for a moment "We need to find a way to test what your calorie intake needs to be, I'd hate to find out I've been underfeeding you"

"Don't worry about it Tony, I'll just eat when I get hungry" Peter said with a shrug.

Tony raised an eyebrow, "You seem pretty reserved when eating, kid"

"That's just because I'm used to a different budget" Peter said hesitantly. He couldn't help but feel kinda guilty for not getting used to what feels like endless amounts of money.

Tony just gave an understanding nod before saying "Well, let's go get you something to eat then, we can go local but if you're not feeling adventurous we can find a Mcdonald's, those things are everywhere."

"I didn't know Tony Stark ate such common food" Peter teased.

"Don't give me that, you've seen me practically inhale the pizza we had last week" Tony said pointing at Peter.

"And I will be forever scarred," Peter pretended to shutter.

Tony walked over putting Peter into a headlock as he ruffled his hair. "Come on, let's go you little punk" Tony started pulling Peter out of his room.

Peter just laughed and complained as he pretended to struggle, but they both knew Peter could easily escape.

Once out on the streets Peter was kind of taken back by how much Wizards and no-majs interacted in the streets. It was by no means obvious or drastic but there were a lot of places he could feel the faint trace of magic in the air, not to mention he saw a few witches and wizards walking around in robes and pointy hats. No one seemed to really notice, well except for Tony. He made a few comments about how there wasn't as much questionable fashion trends last time he was in London. This made Peter wonder if he was the reason Tony was suddenly seeing a glimpse into the magic community.

When they got back to the hotel Tony had to leave, he told Peter that he could explore the area if he wanted, said that FRIDAY would be keeping a close eye on him if he did, and was very clear about keeping his phone with him and turned on at all times. Peter found no reason to disagreed, in fact he was touched by the obvious worry Tony had for him. Before he left Tony pulled a sleek black credit card from his pocket and handed it to Peter.

"I've been meaning to give you this, go crazy with it... but not to crazy. I don't want you getting any alcohol with, but I know your a good kid so you wouldn't do that. No more owls either, Leia's great an all but it's one of those 'one is more than enough' kinda things. I'm not even sure if you can buy an owl around here, I wouldn't be surprised if you somehow managed it though," Tony cleared his throat realizing he was rambling. "... Just don't worry about using it, I promise whatever you want to get won't break the bank. Just no owls, or booz"

Peter just looked at it for a moment before taking the card from Tony. "Thanks," Peter smiled up at the older man.

Tony then put his hand on Peter's should, Peter didn't need his spidey sense to see that Tony was unsure whether to hug him or not. Peter decided to make the first move. In one sudden movement he had his arms wrapped around Tony, Tony hesitated from surprise before reciprocating the embrace.

"I'll be back this evening, don't get into to much trouble"

"I was going to say the same to you" Petter joked.

Tony let out a small laugh. "And I know you brought the suit, but I suggest you don't use it right away. I want you to settle in before you do your spider thing"

Peter sighed "Fine, but you have to promise not to be a total jerk to the government before you settle in"

"I'll do my best" Tony said as he pulled away. He ruffled Peter's hair before walking to the door. "See ya, kid. Call me if you need anything, I'd love an excuse to get away from those asshats at the UN"

"I'll keep that in mind"

With that Peter watched as Tony walked out the door. He stood there a moment trying to decide what to do, he quickly decided that it was the perfect time to find a part of the wizarding world to show as proof for Tony. Peter grabbed his bag from his room and pulled out the tourist map MJ gave him. Opening it up the paper showed their current location along with a few tidbits of information. There were a few highlighted areas on the map that were showed to be wizarding areas, there was one no to far from the hotel called the leaky cauldron, apparently it was connected to an area called diagon alley. The map told him it was a hot spot for students to get their supplies as well as one of the largest wizarding shopping districts around. That sounded perfect, he didn't want to take Tony anywhere sketchy that would leave a bad first impression. Still Peter didn't want to go in there blind, he'll need to check the place out for himself.

Peter gathered his bag stuffing a large bag of dragots (American wizarding curacy), along with a few other items he might need including his suit, who knows if he'd need it but he didn't plan on using it.

With the map in hand Peter made his way out of the hotel and into the streets. It took him about an hour to find the place, since Peter wasn't exactly used to the area, but he did it nonetheless.

Looking up at the old wooden building Peter could just feel the magic with his spidey sense, if was nice to finally have the familiar feeling surround him again. Peter pulled out his phone looking down at it, FRIDAY was not going to like this, if Peter went in there then to her eye it would be like he dropped of the map since the GPS in his phone wouldn't registered the location. If she notified Tony before he could fully scope the place out then it would ruin his plane.

Peter cleared his throat "Hey, Friday?"

<Yes, Peter?> The A.I. answered with a Irish accent.

"Can you keep a secret from Tony for me?" He asked already knowing what the answer would be.

There was a pause <I'm not permitted to withhold information from Mr. Stark>

"What if I promise to tell him? It's just, there's this really big thing about me that he needs to know but I don't think he'll believe without proof."

<When will you tell him?> She asked.

"Tomorrow? Maybe the next day, I'm not sure it just depends on when I get the right proof. And I need to get the right proof, if I don't I'm afraid of what he might do. If I don't do this right, what if it makes him not want me anymore?" Peter hadn't thought of that until he actually said it. He was suddenly very worried.

<Peter, I'm sure whatever it is, Mr. Stark would never abandon you. I don't think you realize it but he's gone to great length to make sure your allowed to stay with him> FRIDAY's tone was gentle and strangely made Peter calm down a little. <I will allow this information to be delayed, but I will not withhold it from him>

Peter sighed with relief "Ok, thanks Friday. I promise he'll definitely know by the time school starts for me, so there's your time limit. Is that ok?"

<For now it is acceptable> The A.I replied.

"Now that we got that settled, you're really going to hate this next part. I'm going into this place but it will cause by phone to glitch out and you can't track my GPS" Peter looked down at his phone waiting for some kind of response.

<I have concerns> Friday said after a long pause of silence.

"I promise I won't be long, 30 minutes tops. So like, don't freak out until ok? I'm just going to take a quick look around and if I need more time I'll come right back out here and tell you"

<Alright> Peter could practically hear the A.I sigh in the silence.

"Thank you so much Friday" Peter grinned "I'll be right back," he put his phone back into his pocket and approached the door with a metal sign hanging above it with a witch stirring a large cauldron.

Once he pushed opened the door he was greeted with a dingy but welcoming atmosphere. There were all sorts of witches and wizards scattered around the small room, but despite its size it felt in no way crowded. He slowly walked through the room making sure not to bump into anyone but at the same time taking in the atmosphere.

"Ye look a little lost there, boy" Said very, very, large man with dark long hair that seemed to connect to his beard practically covering his face.

A little taken back by the shear size of the man Peter stumbled with his words. "well, I, Um..." Falling back on his spidey sense Peter got no bad intent coming from the wizard in front of him. So he did the only thing he could think of and held out his hand. "My name is Peter Parker"

The large man looked him over for a moment and his eye scrunched up as he smiled "Rubeus Hagrid, gamekeeper, and keeper of the keys and grounds at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." He took Peter's hand in what might have been a crushing grip but with his spider strength he returned with an equally strong grasp. "Blimey, that's quite the grip ya got there"

"Right back at you" Peter said, he was glad to meet someone from the local wizarding school and he seemed friendly enough.

"You obviously ain't from around here, and without any parents no less. Hope ya aren't lookin' for trouble" Hagrid asked pulling his hand away, Peter did the same.

"Actually kinda the opposite, I'm trying to fix some of my troubles." Peter paused for a moment. "Maybe you can help me?" Peter said hesitantly but quickly added "If it's not to much to ask! It totally cool if you don't want to"

"I see no harm in listenin' before I decide," Hagrid replied, he then motioned to the bar stool next to him. Peter took the invite and climbed up onto it.

"Ok... Well," Peter looked down at the dark wood of the bar as he nervously picked at the corner of the counter. He debated how much Hagrid needed to know before continuing. "I was recently adopted by a no-maj-"

"A no-maj?" Hagrid asked.

"You know, none magic people," Peter said looking over with a confused look.

Hagrid nodded immediately understanding, "here we call em muggles"

"Well like I was saying he's a.. muggle" Peter said testing out the word, it felt strange on his tongue. "but he doesn't know I'm a wizard, and I don't really have any way of proving what I am since my school makes us keep our wands there during the brakes and he's not the kind of guy that would just believe this kind of thing without proof but I really don't want to keep this a secret from him since it's such an important part of my life and he's becoming an important part of my life, and I have no idea how I'd even hide the fact from him since I still need to gather school supplies for next year but I can't exactly do it myself and-" Peter realized he started rambling and forced himself to stop, he looked up at Hagrid after his eyes drifted to the wooden bar in front of them. "So, um, yeah, that's my problem"

"That doesn't sound to difficult to fix, you can bring em to diagon alley. Penty a magic stuff there, plus the way to get there's got magic," Hagrid said with a small wave of his hand.

"Yeah, but it has to be perfect, if it doesn't look safe enough or looks threatening I'm not sure he'll like it. I hear this stuff scares the no-majs and I don't want him to freak out, and doesn't exactly help that he's kinda the type to be suspicious of something until proven otherwise. Plus I have no familiarity with this place so I wouldn't even know where to start" Peter sighed.

"Well ya said ya need help and I don't mind helpin', If ya'd like I can be here when you bring em,"

Peter's eyes widened as he snapped his head to look over at Hagrid, "Really? I mean we just met, I would hate to be a bother."

"Nonsense!" Hagrid boomed "I always do enjoy that look on a muggle's face when seein' magic for the first time, it would be my pleasure. Now what's yer dad's name? I want to be polite like when we meet."

"Oh, um" Peter hesitated. "Tony Stark." He braced himself for the reaction.

"By Merlin's beard, Iron Man seeing the wizarding world? Now that'll be a show!" Hagrid laughed, his words turned a few heads and people started to mumble.

"Good, I'm so glad you're cool with this. So when do you want to do this? Tomorrow?" Peter asked hopefully.

Hagrid though for a moment, "Depends on the time. The headmaster has a few things that he needs me tendin' to at the school"

Peter nodded understandingly, "Of course, I'll need to call him first. But I gotta do it outside side since phone don't work in here" Peter already had his phone out and gestured to it.

Hagrid waved him off "Take yer time, I ain't goin' anywhere" He took a drink of the large mug Peter just now noticed sitting in front of him.

Peter took off out the door, once he was out he took a few steps away from the building.

"Hey Friday, everything alright?" He asked, he didn't think he went over the time but he had been in there while.

<You were cutting it close, Peter>

"Sorry... if it makes you feel better I plan on telling him tomorrow"

<There is some relief in that, I do not like delaying information from Mr. Stark> She finally said.

Peter smiled, "Can you call him for me please? I need ask about something"

FRIDAY didn't reply but the phone went to the call screen with Tony's name on the ID. It picked up on the third ring.

"Hey, kiddo. What's up?"

"You said you wanted me to give you an excuse, did it work?" Peter asked.

"Like a charm, you should have seen their faces when I said my son was calling. They were stuck between disbelief and shock, I'll make sure Friday sends you the video" Peter could hear the grin in Tony's voice, but he was still caught up on the fact Tony referred to him as his son.

Peter almost forgot to respond, "Can't wait to see it... but hey, do you have any meetings tomorrow? I kinda want to show you something"

"Yeah, I got one in the morning but I'll be free all afternoon," Peter could tell Tony was a little suspicious.

"Ok cool, that was all, I'll let you get back to your boring meeting." Peter said quickly.

"Don't remind me. It's like nails on a chalkboard in there. I'll see you later, Pete."

"See ya" With that Tony ended the call and Peter was left looking at the blank screen.

"Friday, I got to go back in there. Same drill ok?"

<Ok> She confirmed.

Peter rushed into the Leaky Cauldron and found Hagrid in the same spot as before if not with a slightly lighter mug.

"He told me he won't be busy all afternoon, so what time works for you?" Peter asked.

Hagrid looked over at him before taking a sip of his drink in thought. "How's 4 sound?"

"Totally works" Peter said excellently, things where starting to come together. "I've actually got to go, I've probably been out longer the I should, but I'll see you tomorrow. And thanks again, you have no idea how much this means to me."

"Happy to help," Hagrid said with a grin "Now get going, wouldn't want to get ya in trouble"

Peter said his goodbyes and was out the door of the tavern for the final time that day, he immediately started walking back to the hotel with a grin on his face.


While waiting for Tony to get back, Peter had taken a few naps (they weren't joking about jet lag) but made sure to be up around the time Tony opened the door to the hotel room. Peter could tell something was wrong as Tony closed the door a little harder the he should have, then immediately made a beeline for the mini bar. He was about to grab a scotch but forced his hand to divert and grabbed an orange juice instead. He opened the cap of the plastic bottle and started to drink a good portion of it before setting it down.

By then Peter found himself leaning against the opposite side of the counter as he watched the man. He really hopped whatever it was didn't upset his chances for tomorrow.

Tony let out a sigh, "they want me to stay till the end of the year." He finally said looking at the orange juice bottle.

"Oh..." Peter said quietly, did that mean he'd be sent back to the states without Tony? Despite knowing that school was coming up and he wouldn't have much contact with the man anyways, he still didn't want to be an ocean away from Tony.

"Peter, I don't want to pull you away from your friend, but.." Tony trailed off.

"I know," Peter hand his arms close to himself and had one of his hands resting on his neck as he rubbed it nervously.

There was a long pause where nether spoke, Peter was the first to break it.

"I don't mind going to school here," He blurted out. He panicked a little on the inside, he didn't even know that was possible. He'd never even heard of a transfer student in wizarding schools.

"Really?" Tony asked, looking up at Peter. "I mean, I've been meaning to get a house here. Now would be as good a time as any. Hey, I'll have Friday pull up a list of schools you might like, if you see one that sticks out we can get a place near it so you don't have-"

"I can't go to those school," Peter said quickly.

Tony raised an eyebrow "You haven't even look at them Pete, I'm sure there's at least-"

"No, I promise there won't. I have to go to a... special school" Peter had no other way of saying it "Like the one I go to back home."

Tony just looked at him for a moment. "Yeah I've been meaning to ask, what exactly is the school you go to. I was looking up what was on your file and there's literally no information other then the name. There's no record of anything, have you even been going to school?" He questioned.

"Yes, I have I swear, It's just- It's complicated" Peter replied.

"Well uncomplicate it," Tony said suddenly, he then paused realizing how harsh that sounded. He let out a small sigh, "I just want to understand why you education looks so sketchy," He reverted to a softer tone.

"It's not easy to explain, I'm not- It wasn't- Ugh!" Peter huffed in frustration, his plan was getting kicked ahead sooner than he wanted it to. "I'm a wizard!" He said raising his voice.

Tony just stared at Peter in confusion. "Kid, I think you mispronounced spider" He finally said.

"No, I'm serious," Peter was almost begging. "I go to a wizarding school with other wizards and witches my age, and we learn about magic and history and stuff. The reason it looks so sketchy is because people like you are not supposed to know we exist"

"People like me?" Tony had his eyebrow raised again.

"People without magic, we call them no-majs. I'm telling the truth I really am, I just can't prove it to you right now," Peter was clutching his arms close to his person, he couldn't even force himself to make eye contact with Tony.

Tony was slowly moving to the over side of the counter. "Why not?" He was obviously vary skeptical but Peter was glad he hadn't immediately thrown away the thought.

"Underage wizards aren't really supposed to use magic, and because the school keeps our wands over the brakes, it acts like a conduit. All witches and wizards have natural abilities of magic, it's just really difficult to use without it. But I had a plain, I was going to show it to you because I know you'd need proof... that's why I called you today. To know when you'd be free, I meet a wizard who works at a wizarding school here. He said he'd help me show you, there was this tavern I was going to take you to at four"

"Right, going to a tavern to meet a wizard from a wizarding school at four," Tony thought it over for a moment. "Alright, sounds fun" Tony shrugged. "To be honest what your saying is not to far fetched, considering I've met gods and aliens, it's just the whole secret society of wizards thing that's holding me up. I knew Doctor Strange was a wizard but-"

"He's not a wizard" Peter interrupted.

Tony gave him a funny look, "Have you met the guy? He kinda looks like a wizard to me, he's got all that magic and even a sentient cape." Tony was now standing next to Peter as he leaned over the counter.

"Yeah I have, and that's how I know. He's something else, there's a difference," Peter was still a little hesitant but his stance had relaxed slightly.

"Tell be about it then," Tony looked over at Peter with a curious expression. Peter could tell the older man still had doubts but he was glad Tony at least was willing to listen.

Peter moved closer to Tony so he could sit on one of the bar stools just next to the counter. Tony shifted and did the same but after settling he was still partly leaning over the counter.

"Witches and wizards are born with their magic, it's like a genetic trait, but Dr. Strange learned his magic. I don't know the full details but from what I know he doesn't have his own magic, instead he draws power from the world around him, those who do that are called sorcerer. Wizards usually aren't a big fan of people like that because they see it as stealing power."

"What about you?"

Peter just shrugged, "I mean yeah he's taking the power but I wouldn't call it stealing, he uses what he takes to protect the world. So I've always seen it like the police department giving a cop one of their guns to help protect people."

Tony just nodded, "So what about your school? Your file called it Ilvermorny."

Peter perked up, he always enjoyed talking about school so once he started he couldn't make himself stop.

He told Tony all about the four different houses at the school, even explained what the magic creatures representing them were. He then moved to the sorting process. He described his experience as he stood in the center of a large round room with the four statues of the house creatures looking down at him. He remembered waiting at least a minute longer than it should have taken for one of the statues to chose him, but suddenly three out of the four statues reacted. It was uncommon for two to react at once but three was pretty spectacular. Horned Serpent, Thunderbird, and the Pukwudgie statues were the ones to react, with the three options in front of him Peter remembered choosing the Thunderbird because of how cool the creature sounded. Despite his reasoning for picking it, Peter never regretted it. Peter then went on to explain what quidditch was, and how he was the seeker on his team, but the only reason he was so good at it was because he'd use his spidey sense and enhanced hearing to help locate the snitch.

"So what, you're cheating?" Tony asked with an amused grin, they had moved to the couch at one point during the conversation and ordered room service, the tense atmosphere from before had completely dissipated.

"No, it's not really cheating... I'm just using my abilities to my advantage. But just because I find the snitch doesn't mean I win. The other team's seeker will notice me going after it and then it's a race of skill to see who gets it first, the snitch doesn't exactly want to be caught so it'd be doing it's best to stay away from us" Peter explained.

"Still sounds like cheating," He said with a knowing look. "But hey, your spider powers. Are those magic?" He asked.

Peter shook his head, "No, I thought it might have been, that maybe it was a jinx or a curse since it got me really sick at first. But after I got better I started looking into it, turns out it was just a genetically enhanced spider that was highly irradiated. I think when it bit me it would have done the same to a no-maj... well except for my spidey sense, I think it might have combined with my magic somehow."

"How so?"

"Well instead of just telling me danger and when to dodge, it also kinda lets me get a sense of what a person is thinking. Nothing complicated, can't tell you exact thoughts it's mostly feeling if anything, but I can sense their surface emotions or whether or not someone might be lying, and even if they had bad intentions or not. But it's not always on, I kinda have to use some focus to get a good reading, otherwise it's like glancing at an image, easily to overlook and miss details" Peter wasn't going to mention he wasn't nearly as powerful as a natural born legilimen, a witch or wizard that can see into others minds.

"So could you tell what I'm thinking right now?" He asked as he sat up and faced Peter.

"Tony, it-"

"Come on just try it" Tony insisted.

Peter just looked at the older man before he positioned himself to sit cross legged on the couch as he faced Tony. He focused on Tony for a moment, like usual things were jumbled, but this was a unique quality of Tony for some reason. After a moment of deciphering Peter was a little surprised of what he found. Support, understanding, and a deep caring for Peter that he hadn't noticed before. Probably because he never took the time to fully decipher the thoughts like he was now. There was also an underlying feel of skepticism but that was to be expected.

Tony must have noticed Peter's expression change, "What'd you find, kid?"

"Well, you mind's always going like 100 miles a minute so it things get kinda jumbled" Tony looked a little smug at that comment but Peter chose to ignore it. "But, I can sense that your understanding and supportive, despite that fact that you still vary skeptical about all of this... and then.." He trailed off. He wasn't even sure how to put that last feeling into words without calling it love.

"And?" Tony said prompting Peter to continue.

"And you really care about... well, me."

"'Course I do, Peter," The older man's expression softened and Peter could feel the skepticism already start to lessen. "Wouldn't be hearing you out about all of this if I didn't" Tony then stood up and ruffled Peter's hair after glancing at the time. "But as much as I've been enjoying this talk, we should be getting to bed, we got a big day tomorrow, wizard tavern and everything"

"Yeah, ok" Peter nodded, he suddenly realized how tired he was.

Making his way into his room peter slowly got ready for bed, he made sure to let Leia out before he fell into bed. When his head hit the pillow, he was asleep almost immediately.

[A/N: Boy, do I hope you enjoyed that. It was a lot of fun to write.

Let me know what you guys think! I'd love to hear your feedback, questions, and even critiques if you have any. Just drop the comment, I'm sure the internet owls will enjoy stretching their wings.]

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