Smalltown {h.s.}

By stealinstyles

203 27 6

Sophia Lynn Morris is just a girl from a small town with big dreams. When her dad gets a new job that uproots... More



41 5 1
By stealinstyles

"Sophie hurry up! We only have the auditorium for 45 minutes!" Briana, my best friend, yells from outside the school bathroom.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," I reply walking out into the hallway and throwing my long, curly, brown hair into a messy bun, "you stress too much Bri."

She shot me a glare for a moment but then her face softened, "I just want this to be perfect, I'm so nervous." I totally get where she's coming from.

We are on our way to rehearse for our school's talent show. Ever since we met in the 6th grade we have been writing and singing songs together. And every year we have come second in the talent show, right behind a hot guy playing the electric guitar. We have thought about trying out for a show like America's Got Talent or The X Factor but we aren't quite confident enough for that yet.


"That was a great rehearsal!" I say, out of breath, as I walk off the stage and go to grab my water.

"It really was! I can almost taste those first place ribbons. This is our last chance to win this thing and I think this is our best performance yet!" Briana exclaims while pulling her hoodie over her head and pulling her short, blonde hair back into a ponytail.

"Hey, it's way too cold to be walking home. Let me drive you," I tell her.

"Sounds good to me. It's unreasonably cold for early September. Wait! It's September, your birthday is coming up!"

"Not until the 21st," I say laughing.

"We have to do something huge!!" She yells with a big smile on her face.

"It's only my 17th. It's not that big of a deal."

She gasps and gapes at me looking fake offended, "Birthdays are ALWAYS a big deal. Especially when it's my best friends birthday! Now come on, we have a lot of planning to do."


We eventually decide that Briana should come to my house so that we can get this party planning out of the way. As we pull down my long driveway we notice a moving truck parked by the garage.

"Maybe Boston is finally moving out", I say with hope in my voice.

"Ha! That'll be a miracle," she laughs. Boston is my 23-year-old freeloading brother. He and his girlfriend, Becca, have been living in our parents' basement since they came home from college. They don't pay anything and my dad has been telling him for months that he needs to start looking for somewhere else to live.

We walk inside and see my mom and dad sitting at the kitchen table smiling and laughing. It's a great contrast to how it's been around here lately, ever since my dad lost his job. Well, if you can call playing professional soccer a job.

They stop what they are doing and look up at us when they hear us set our bags down on the kitchen island.

"Hey momma. Hey daddy. We're gonna go upstairs and start planning for my birthday party, " I tell them as we start walking towards the stairs.

"Okay honey, dinner is in an hour, " My mom calls after us as we disappear into my room.


"Oooh here's an idea. We hang lights up in the barn, get some speakers, play beer pong, and ooh we could invite Johnny! Have you seen the way he looks at you?!" I roll my eyes as Briana goes on and on with ideas of drunken games and cute boys.

"You know my parents are never going to let us throw a party in the barn involving alcohol. Especially since my birthday is on a Saturday and there's church the next morning."

"But maybe if we just — "

"Girls!! Dinner!!" Briana is cut off by my mom calling us down to eat. As we walk down the steps the smell of steak and potatoes fills our noses. That is Boston and I's favorite meal. Mom only makes it on special occasions. This must be because Boston is finally moving out.

"It smells delicious momma", I tell her as I sit at the dinner table.

"Thank you, sweetheart." She replies as we all begin to eat and socialize about our days. Becca and mom went shopping. Boston went out looking for jobs. Bri and I had school and rehearsal.

"Your mother and I have some news to share with y'all." My dad announces.

"We don't want you guys to freak out," my mother began, "but your father has found a new job!"

"That's great news!" I yell as I get up and hug my dad.

"Hold on, there's more to it. The job is in England, ladybug." My father tells me with a little bit of worry in his eyes.

"What? But daddy, you can't move to England. I would miss you too much. I can't lose my hunting buddy. Boston's no good at it. I mean, the boy can barely fish!" I yell with tears in my eyes.

"No ladybug, you're not losing me. We are all moving to England."

Briana and I look at each other shocked, "WHAT?!?!"



Hey guys, this is my first time writing a story. It probably won't be the best but I'm gonna try haha. I hope you all enjoy it and vote and comment and stuff. If you have any ideas or tips feel free to comment those as well. Thank you for reading ✌🏼

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