Fabricated Fate - A Breath of...

By CapricornSiren

15.7K 407 232

A young girl named Thalia is found by Princess Zelda and her knight at the time, Link. Taken into the castle... More

Author's Note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Extra: Characters

Chapter 1

1.1K 23 9
By CapricornSiren

A blood moon was in the night sky. Many monsters were coming to life, every area becoming dark and dreary. There was no light in sight, every shadow covered the moonlight reflections that touched the ground.

A young Hylian girl that looked about 10 years old with long brown hair and brown eyes was running from a group of Yiga Clan members. No weapon in hand, there was no way for her to defend herself if she tried. Her best chance was to run away.

The young girl stopped in her tracks as she saw a few Yiga Clan members in front of her. She turned around to escape, but there were more members. She found herself completely surrounded.

The Yiga Clan members were drawing closer, the girl was feeling hopeless as it felt like death was closing in on her. The Yiga Clan members raised their weapons, readying to strike down the girl where she stood.

The girl screamed loudly, covering herself with her arms. Preparing for the worst, she was expecting to feel immense pain. Seeming like it was taking a while, the girl slowly opened her eyes, seeing the Yiga Clan members getting cut down one by one.

It was a domino effect as one next to the other fell to the ground. Every member that was surrounding her was now dead on the ground.

Shaking in fear, the girl looked up to see a young knight in shining armor. Not exactly as he wasn't wearing any armor. This knight had long chestnut hair with piercing blue eyes. He put his sword away, closing his eyes. It seemed like he was around the same age as her.

The girl saw someone walking next to the knight, gradually walking towards her. The girl recognized this person instantly as she saw the long blonde hair and calm blue eyes, dressed in a lovely gown. The young Princess Zelda of Hyrule.

Princess Zelda extended her hand towards the girl. "Are you alright?" The girl nodded as she took the princess's hand. "You're safe with us now."

Feeling shy, the girl responded. "Thank you, your highness..."

"May I ask your name?"

The young girl looked at the knight for a second before her gaze turned back to the princess. "It's Thalia."

The princess smiled. "Well, Thalia... Would you like to come with us for the time being? It's very dangerous to be out here at this time."

"Y-Yes..." The young girl that went by Thalia followed Princess Zelda and the young knight as she followed right behind them. She felt scared, yet secured that she wasn't alone any longer.

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