Belated Blessings

By idreamofme

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Elise Riley-Tate moves through life in search of her happily ever after. After suffering a devastating loss... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1: Honeybun
Chapter 2: First Things First
Chapter 3: Who's the Doctor?
Chapter 4: Hopeful
Chapter 5: Memories
Chapter 6: Peaceful Slumber
Chapter 7: All White Everything
Chapter 8: Slowly but Surely
Chapter 9: Feelings
Chapter 10: Where were you?
Chapter 11: Realizations
Chapter 12: Back To You
Chapter 13: A Deal is a Deal
Chapter 14: Sunny Skies and Thighs
Chapter 15: As The World Turns
Chapter 16: Change of Plans
Chapter 17: A Day to be Thankful
Chapter 18: The Lies We Tell; The Secrets We Keep
Chapter 19: Twinkle Twinkle
Chapter 20: Sharing is Caring
Chapter 21: Daddy's Blues
Chapter 22: Birthday Wishes
Chapter 23: Let's Straighten It Out
Chapter 24: Enough is Enough
Chapter 25: Preventative Measures
Chapter 26: Birthday Woes
Chapter 27: Cuts and Bruised Egos Pt. 1
Chapter 28: Cuts and Bruised Egos Part 2
Lets Talk
Chapter 29: Heartbreak Hotel
Chapter 30: Talking Tables
Chapter 31: New Year, New Possibilities
Chapter 32: Tate v. Simmons
Chapter 33: Aftershock
Chapter 35: These Are My Confessions
Chapter 34: Cake Cake Cake
Author's Note
Chapter 36: Just Spit it Out
Chapter 37: On Sight
Chapter 38: Taming the Beast
Chapter 39: New Adventures
Chapter 40: Game Changer
Chapter 41: Roads Less Traveled
Chapter 43: Champagne in my Chalice
Cherry Soliloquy
Chapter 44: I'll be Here
Chapter 45: Someone Please Call 9-1-1
Chapter 46: A Dangerous Woman
Chapter 47: I Was Here
Chapter 49: Rise Up
Sneak Peek: Peace from Pieces

Chapter 48: I Understand

3.1K 191 69
By idreamofme

 "There's no way I can pay you back
But the plan is to show you that I understand

You are appreciated "

March 5, 2016


Zach ran around like a chicken with his head cut off in preparation for this day. His original idea was to be executed on a much smaller scale, but after speaking with the family therapist, his mom, and Elise's mother, he knew he needed to make today extraordinary. No one, not even him, could understand the hurt that Elise was feeling. None of them had ever lost a child or knew what the struggles of infertility felt like. Although Davis was also Zach's child, the family therapist explained that it was something different about carrying a child and having it grow within you and take over your body and senses. Mother's form a bond that everyone doesn't get to experience until the child's arrival.

It seemed the hormonal supplements she was taking brought forth her harbored emotions and forced her to feel everything all at once leaving her in a fragile state.

Across town, Gianna, Elise, and Destiny enjoyed a day of pampering. This was the prelude to what her family had in store for her. The trio was at Moon's Day Spa treating themselves to massages, facials, manicures, and pedicures.

"This day was much needed," Elise professed in a muffled voice as she lay face down on the massage table. Every knead of the masseuse's hands caused her to release sighs and grunts of satisfaction.

"You and me both sis," Gianna agreed from the table beside her. Gianna had taken the weekend to spend some much needed time with her sister. Although they were only separated by a few years, Gianna saw Elise more of as a second mother than a big sister. Their mother, Ava, was a single mom, so when her mother was busy trying to make a living to sustain them, Elise stepped in.

"Chile, I'm just enjoying the quiet. Yall can have all that fondling that got yall moaning and groaning," Destiny sassed from her chair in the corner.

"Oh, girl hush! You need to be on the table to calm your hype ass down," Elise said around a chuckle.

"Girl you know how I am about strangers touching on me," Destiny stated while side-eyeing the two petite raven-haired masseuses.

" I guess Jay is rubbing that thang down enough as is," Gianna chuckled while Elise mumbled in agreement.

"Sure is," Destiny quipped while taking a dainty sip of the complimentary wine.

Meanwhile, Zach stood in the middle of the ornately decorated private dining room. Purple and pink hues organically fused into each other creating a harmonious marriage of the two. Centerpieces adorned in purple, and pink flowers with touches of greenery lined the center of the table flanked by tea light candles in long stem vases. Place settings in pink and purple with gold accents were expertly placed at each seat. The uplights added a hazy but soft feel to the room drawing all of the elements together.

He surveyed the room once more with hi hands tucked in his pockets. He nodded his head in approval as he made his way to the back of the room to await the arrival of his guests.

The first to arrive was Mama Vivian and her "friend" Kingston along with Mama Ava and her new "friend" Maxwell. Zach lifted an eyebrow at his mother and mother-in-law as they strolled in arm and arm with their beaus.

"Hey, son! You remember Kingston," Mama Vivian said as she hugged her son.

"Hey, Mama and yeah I remember," Zach mumbled while hugging his mother back and throwing a head nod in Kingston's direction.

"Hey baby," Mama Ava greeted next while hugging him. After she pulled back, she lovingly took Maxwell's hand in her's and guided him to her side. "This is my friend Maxwell, Maxwell this is my son, Zach." Maxwell extended his right hand forward, and Zach hesitated before his mother nudged him in the side causing him to take the outstretched hand giving it a firm squeeze.

"Well aren't you all quite the welcoming committee, making all these friends," Zach huffed using air quotes around the word friend.

"Boy hush," Mama Vivian said slightly pushing his shoulder while the men laughed off the obviously perturbed young man's jab.

"Hey, Hey, Hey," a voice belonging to Papa Tate sung out from the doorway.

"Come on Ava, let's go take our seats before the riff-raff funnels in," Mam Vivian stated while pulling Kingston in the direction of the elaborately decorated table.

"Son, you outdid yourself! This is nice. I hope you got your handkerchief ready because my baby is definitely going to cry," Papa Tate expressed while wrapping his son in a man hug.

"Mmhm, this is absolutely gorgeous. I wish someone would do something like this for me," Janice, Papa Tate's wife, spoke from behind him.

"Aw hell, that's my cue, let me go sit my ass down before she gets started," Papa Tate huffed leaving Mrs. Janice behind as he made his way to the table. Janice gave Zach a gentle pat on the back as she followed the trail her husband had just taken.

Next to arrive, were the children. Alana was now driving Elise's old Honda Civic and volunteered to drive them over. Alana wore a purple maxi dress with her braids pulled up into a neat bun atop her head. She accessorized with a pair of caramel colored open-toed booties, gold hoops, dangling necklace, and bangles. Zakiyah wore a pink jumper with gold flats and a gold sequin jacket; she just had to have. Her curly mane was swept up into two puff balls with gold ribbons tied around them. Zykese, who was not a fan of pink or purple, wore black dress pants and loafers with a black button-down neatly tucked in his pants and a gold bow tie. His freshly tapered sides made his curly fro pop.

They walked in and hugged Zach while inquiring about Elise's whereabouts. Zach told them she would be here soon and ushered them to the table to sit with their grandparents. Although Alana was not biologically theirs, there was no distinction in how the family treated her. She received the same love as the other two. Zach and Elise had their first instance of discipline with Alana when she came home with a C in her Applied Sciences course from dual enrollment. While they understood she had gone and was continuing to go through a lot with the passing of her mother, they were sure to let her know the expectations they had for her. Her poor graded resulted in her car priviliges being revoked until she could pull her grade up, which only took a week, seeing as though her professor allowed her to turn in her missing assignments. Alana was resentful for a few days but ultimately understood where Zach and Elise were coming from.

Last to arrive was a few of Elise's coworkers and a few students that she had mentored that were now in college. Zach's phone buzzed with a message from Gianna letting them know they had just pulled up.

"Ok everybody, she's on her way in," Zach said quieting the room as everyone stood to their feet anticipating her arrival.

"I just don't understand why we had to get all dressed up for dinner. Y'all always being extra," the guests heard Elise fussing from outside the room.

"Lord, my child," Mama Ava sighed.

"Girl, live a little," Destiny sassed.

"I could live a whole lot better in a pair of sweats, with a halter top and no bra on," Elise rebutted causing everyone one in the room to stifle laughs hoping not to alert her.

"Girl if you don't hush," Gianna fussed as they saw the door creak open to which they all yelled surprise.

Elise jumped back in shock almost losing her footing in her taupe open toed stiletto heels. Her rose gold sequined dress with sheer gold sleeves caught the purple and pink lights giving her an ethereal glow. Tears began to cloud her eyes as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes swept over all the guests finally landing in her husband that was making his way towards her.

He strode effortlessly in his tailored slacks and long slim fit matching jacket. As Zach moved in closer to Elise, he extended his arms to her. She shyly walked into his embrace hiding her teary eyes and rosied cheeks in his chest. Zach rubbed her back soothingly for a moment before pulling back from her. The shift in his body caused her to look up at him. He then took the opportunity to say, "Happy Belated Birthday baby," before he placed a gentle kiss upon her lips careful not to mess up her lipstick or have it smeared across his lips. Zach gently took Elise's hands in his as he guided her to the throne-like chair at the head of the table.

Zach sat to her right as Gianna sat to her left. Destiny made her way to the opposite end of the table and sat beside Jayme. Destiny cuddled into Jayme's side while lazily laying her head on his shoulder. Jayme wrapped his arm around Destiny pulling her deeper into his side as her head shifted from his shoulder to his chest. Elise sent a wink in Destiny's direction causing Destiny to turn further into Jayme's chest to hide her blush.

"Look, Mama," Zakiyah exclaimed as she cat-walked her way to Elise striking several poses to show off her sequined jacket.

"Ooo look at you," Elise cooed as she and Zakiya went into a rant about Zakiya's outfit of choice. As they were talking, two servers entered the room, one balancing arugula salads on a circular serving tray and the other with bottles of wine and pitchers of water and sweet tea. As the servers began to serve the guest, Zakiya made her way back to her seat. An old school, Monica song, Angel of Mine started to play from within the sound system. Elise cooed at the classic while I placed a kiss on the back of her hand.

"Daddy," Zakiya shouted snapping me out of my trance, " they don't have chicken fingers or mozzarella sticks here," she spoke agitatedly scrunching up her face. Everyone around the table broke out in a chorus of laughter while Zakiya mugged everyone equally as hard.

"Stop acting like you have never been to nice places before Kiya," Zykese fussed.

"It's okay baby. I'll see what I can do," Elise said while giggling which satisfied Kiya enough for her to go back to shuffling her salad around on her plate.

"Look at Kese down there fussing at Kiya like he's her daddy," Zach whispered to Elise.

"He can fuss all he wants, Kiya is not hearing it. Look at her face," Elise said still laughing. The evening went on with everyone mixing and mingling. The servers brought out the main course which consisted of Garlic and Rosemary Roast Pork Loin, Herb and Honey Mustard Crusted Leg of Lamb, Brown butter mashed potatoes, asparagus, sauteed spring greens, and various types of rolls. For the children, chicken fingers. A comfortable silence filled the room as everyone indulged in their dinner. You could tell when people were finishing their meal because the chatter was starting to fill the room.

"If I could have everyone's attention, I would like to say something," Alana said sliding her chair back from the table. " Ms. Elise, I just want to say that on this day, and every day I'm thankful for you. When I lost my mom, I gave up hope on everything," Alana began wiping tears from her eyes. Elise moved to console her, but Zykese, always the gentleman beat her to it by standing next to her and wrapping his arms around her waist.

" You believed in me when I had given up on myself. Just when I was starting to doubt God for taking my mother, He gave me you. Happy birthday Mama Lise," Alana finished then made her way around the table to Elise who rushed to meet her halfway. Elise rocked her steadily from side to side as they embraced each other. Elise pulled herself away from Alana and then leaned down to kiss her gently on the forehead before a throat clearing drew their attention elsewhere.

"I remember when I had my accident and they told me I could never play ball again. I was depressed, refused to attend school, or even leave my house. I remember you showing up at my door with all these college acceptance letters and scholarship offers that you managed to sweet talk the schools that were scouting me out of. You showed me that it might have been the end of that season in my life, but not the end of the world. You saved me Mrs. Tate, and for that, I will always be grateful. Happy Birthday to you," Colin, one of her former students, expressed. Colin was scouted by almost every Division one school in the SEC before an ATV accident left him in a coma for two months with a crushed tibia. He was in his senior year, which left him no time for surgery, recovery, and returning to the court.

Elise turned to Colin with a smile on her face, " You were the first child to ever curse me without getting pooped in the mouth," Elise laughed at the memory, "but I'm proud of you!" Elise moved to hug Colin before she returned to her seat.

"Sis," Gianna dragged, " You remember when you first left for school and I took Mama's car and drove to Tuscaloosa because I missed you so much. You beat my behind so bad and then cuddled with me in that twin sized bed until Mama showed up with Ms. Cheryl from across the street slinging her belt every which way."

"And rightfully so! Your butt knew better, and if you didn't I was going to teach you," Mama Ava cut in giving Gianna a stern look.

"My point is," Gianna said shifting on her heels, " Elise I have loved you for my entire life, as my sister, my best friends, and even sometimes as a second mother. I look up to you in every way possible. You're a great friend, sister, daughter, wife, and mother. I aspire to that type of greatness. Happy Birthday, Sis," Gianna finished while returning to her seat.

" Oh and I worked too hard on this beat so don't come down here with all that hugging and crying," Gianna fussed while waving Elise off. Everyone laughed at the polar opposite sisters.

"Elise, my first born, my first great love in human form. I am so honored to be called your Mom. I'm not one to do a lot of talking, but I do want you to know that I love you and I'm proud of you. Happy Birthday, El," Mama Ava cooed at her daughter. Elise's heart swelled at the outpouring of love from her friends, family, coworkers, and former students. Her makeup was slightly smudged from the copious amount of tears she'd shed as people went around the room giving their gift and heartfelt words.

"This is what they would say," Zach leaned over and whispered into her ear.

"Huh," Elise replied lost at her husband's words.

"You asked what the world would say about you, and while this is not the whole world, this is our world, and that is what they would say,"

Tears immediately brimmed her eyes as she stared into the eyes of her adoring husband. She felt overwhelmed and overtaken by the amount of love in the room. Despite the tragedy and stain that life had left on her pure heart, she was loved, not for what she could or could not do but because of who she was. The lovers were drawn out of there's unspoken journey with the server wheeling out a rose gold sequin ombre cake with a full-blown sugar rose motif. The partygoers joined in with the servers as they sung an off-key version of Happy Birthday.

Once they all ended their horrible singing, Alana stepped forward and belted out a verse of Happy Birthday in the most soulful voice. Everyone looked on in awe as the young girl sang freely with her eyes closed tightly and her mouth wide open. At the end of the song, she let out a Mariah Carey inspired note that left everyone's jaw on the floor. Elise gushed over the young girl's hidden talent.

Elise stood in front of her cake adorned in twenty-six candles. She allowed her eyes to roam the room taking in every person and every ounce of love they were emitting to her. Through them, Elise saw her past, present, and future. The lives she'd touched as well as the ones that kissed her own.

"Before I attempt to blow out all these candles, I want to say thank you to you all for coming out to celebrate with me. I know it's a month late, and I apologize for messing up the initial plan, but tonight was greater than anything I could have ever imagined," Elise confessed as she reached over to grab Zach's hand for support. To everyone in attendance, it seemed Elise was getting choked up, but a wave of vertigo had swept over her leaving her feeling unbalanced.

"I-" Elise cleared her throat, "I just want," Elise choked out as beads of swept crept across her forehead and goosebumps prickled her skin. Before her next words could pass her lips, Elise was falling over, luckily falling onto Zach. Zach braced her in her arms and eased down to the floor with her cradled in his arms. Zakiya and Zykese rushed to Zach's side wondering what was going on.

"Elise.... Elise, baby, wake up for me," Zach stuttered out trying not to panic externally, although he was losing it internally.

"Mama, wake up," Zakiya chimed in while rubbing her hands gently against Elise's legs. Mama Vivian pulled her back to her as they all stood around panic-stricken.

"Someone call 9-1-1," Zach yelled out.


There are two more chapters and an Epilogue left! Ya'll have been so supportive of my writing journey and my characters journeys, and for that I'm grateful.

This was me writing this chapter! See yall in the comments. ~Kay😘

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