Lycan's Daughter

By viiyachan

709 6 2

This story is about a Girl who's father was killed one day when she was very young when they where on a walk... More

Lycan's Daughter
Given Up
Baby Steps
The "necessary" deaths
Laura's Eyes
You sleep outside?

Magic Seal

45 1 0
By viiyachan

The twins where only 13. and I was 16 so my age difference also intimidated them. But eyon was pretty sturdy he would probably be ok. I was worried about meghan though. I was afraid that she wouldn't be able to handle it and give up. except not in the way I want her too. I mean. Give up on life. Eyon was stubborn he wouldn't give up. Either way so that would be annoying too.

Anyway I need to learn to not sidetrack myself. and Stay focused.

I was on my way to Lunch with Laura with a splitting headache. David was absent today and laura was all worried because he didn't call her to let her know.

"What if he was in a car accident! I'm so worried!" Laura ran around asking everyone if they knew why he was absent and No-one knew.

I grabbed her shoulder in an attempt to get her to shut up "Laura you are such a worry-wart you need to calm down he's probably just sick and maybe still sleeping so he didn't get a chance to call. it's only 10:50 in the morning" Laura sighed and relaxed "You're right I have no reason to be worried."

"Right" I smiled and she grinned back "you're a god friend Addie I have no-idea what is wrong with your cousins. Evertime i meant ion you to them in the hallways they panic and act like they have to say nothing but good things about you ."

"that's really weird" I said and tilted my head to the side remembering Lycan's conversation with them

"you guys need to understand that Addie must be liked at that school. Never say anything bad about her!" He glared into Meghan and Eyon's eyes as I saw them shake in their clothing.

We reached the lunch room and sat down at a table. I was surrounded by many kids. Pretty much all the gossipers. Why? Because I knew all the gossip. Lycan used Eyon as a spy to spy on everyone and I got all the information I needed to be loved by the gossipers of this school. That way we can insure all who i hang out with are sure to spread the word. 

"so Has anyone heard about what happened to Lyndsey?" Micheal said stealing the conversation. 

"yeah she is such a slut!" Megan smirked "I knew it too"

"I'm confused.. What happened to Lyddy?" Laura said

"how could you NOT know! it was DISGUSTING not to mention stupid." Micheal gasped 

"No i don't know either what happened?" Maddie glared Micheal, her boyfriend, down.

"She got suspended for having sex in the bathroom right?" I said and they all got discussed looks on their face

"Way to put it bluntly Addie" Laura laughed. and I grinned awkwardly I hadn't realized that I shouldn't have said it like that.

"So yea" Micheal said "She was caught doing it, In the girls bathroom!"

"Why would she possibly think that she couldn't get caught girls go in and outa there all the time!" Laura grimaced.

"Apprently it was in a stall" I said followed by a chorus of "Eeeeeeeeewww"s I shook my head. these guys will believe ANYTHING its a perfect set-up. I winced at my head ache.

I went home straight after school. Well to whatever it was you called where I lived. I shook my head. It was feeling heavy and it hurt. I had a headache all day. I was used to getting headaches a lot. My Dad said when I was little I had a head injury so thats why I get them. He said that his magic could only fix the injury but he was too afraid to fix whatever caused the headaches cuz it involved using magic on the brain and thats forbidden. But today. it was worse then normal. It was painful and I felt sick. When I got to camp I plopped down next the the fire pit, holding my head. 

"ready for your lesson Adder?" Lycan hit me on the back of the head playfully and I let out a little yelp of pain. "oh C'mon adder it can't have hit you that hard your tougher then that." I stood up rubbing y head and posed a fake grin. My head was killing me and I felt very hot. Even though it was fall. "yeah sorry you just tok me by surprise. Lets start our lesson." 

We went out to the field "Alright review the basic fighting stances"

I begrudgingly went through each step ver clumsily. I had a hard time focusing on my moves. "Are you sick or something kid?" lycan said when I stopped moving

"Na i'm fine just a little headache I'm used to them I get them a lot this ones just a bit worse then the others"

"oh ok" he said and tilted his head concerned We continued

"I don't think you can handle our magic shots today We'll skip those I don't want you getting hurt." 

"right" I said my vision getting fuzzy He ran at me and I attempted to dodge but found my vision disappearing and I fell to the ground. The last thing I heard was "Addie? Addie!" then I passed out.

"Is she ok? I mean it had to be pretty bad if we had to go into a hotel for real beds.." I heard eons move but I couldn't move. I was in too much pain. I couldn't even open my eyes. I felt hot and sweaty and had a splitting headache. I felt like I was going to die.

This was a lot like the time I tried to escape.. but not exactly the same… I listened trying to focus on something else other then the pain.

I hear Lycan speak up and I felt him sit on the bed I was laying on.

"she has a high fever and she said her head hurt she must be aching all over too. She also said she gets headaches ALL THE TIME I should have realized this sooner!!" he sounded mad as he hit the bed.

"Realized what?" Meghan said in her soft scared voice.

"That damned Gerard, He had to know what that would do to the poor girl!!!" He snapped and I felt myself tense even more in anger HOw DARE he talk about my father that way! He would do anything to me.

"Guys stay back… I need to do something" I felt his hand on my face and I coughed he pulled it away "ew" I hear him whisper under my breath I felt the need to smile but it hut too much he puts his hand back on my face and squeezes my temples. Oh god did it hurt. It hurt so bad. I yelped in pain. I felt him use magic on me. the familiar feeling rushing through my body. and suddenly it hurt slightly less but I heard him say to me "Addie you have too use magic."

"I thought she couldn't?" Eyon said

"She can now" Lycan said

 "Use magic!!" he said "But try to focus it on something simple like your hair or something"

I slowly nodded my head and moved my hand onto my head still unable to open my eyes i breathed 

"remember what I tight you about magic using"

I tied to focus and take deep but sadly cracking breaths as I felt that feeling of magic except focused it on my hands I imagined long hair and bruised my hand down my head and continued it feeling the longer my hair got the less pain i felt I kept going till I think My hair was too my waist when I suddenly stopped hurting. I ached a little but that was it. I slowly opened my eyes still week from it all

"what.." I said "How could I use magic? Why did it make me feel better…."

I saw lycans face and hew looked concerned but that quickly changed to a serious look 

"its ok.. I found out why you couldn't use magic finally…"

"Why?" eyon asked for me. 

"You had a spell set on you that blocked your magic. it was just bent all up inside you building up. Cuz you see Magicians must use their magic regularly or they'll get sick… its amazing you lasted this long for passing out.."

"Oh?" I coughed "well yay for me..I really am a magician.. i'm… so.. tired.."

I really was. so I flipped over and curled up in the soft hotel bed.

"Ok you sleep." Lycan said "We should al get to sleep its really late..

 I curled up and My breathing became deep. but I couldn't sleep. I felt lycan it down on my bed. "Where are you going to sleep Lycan" Meghan said "There's only two beds.."

"We don't have to sleep on the floor….. do we?"

"No. I'll share a bed with Addie" He said and I hear meghan make a little gasp I felt akward…. I didn't mind him laying next to me… I don't know why.. but it makes me feel safe. But it is a little weird.

"no it's fine" Lycan said "i'm not going to do anything" 

"Wouldn't addie mind?" Eyon said

"No. You see when addie was still young. even when she still believed i was the most evil thing on this planet she got bad dreams frequently.. and apparently when that happened she used to go and sleep next to Gerard. but he wasn't there. So the first time this happened I found her crying in the middle of the night scared and I asked her what was wrong and she told me she had a nightmare. When I asked her how I can help that she asked me.. sheepishly of course if I could sleep next to her. and ever since then every time she got a nightmare she would come to where I slept and slip into the "bed" or wherever I was sleeping at the time with me..she still does sometimes.. we don't talk about it though.."

"oh so she really is like she's your daughter " Eyon laughed

"Well like ISaid I wish but I can't have a real daughter"

"Ok well good night then?"

Good night."

I felt Lycans lay down beside me and I felt safe suddenly for some reason like always…. I hated him but..

I woke up the next morning and my head felt lighter. Lighter and better then it ever did in my life. I tried to move and I realized lycan was holding my hand. I jerked it away, waking him up he shook his head

"oh good morning Adder You ready for some REAL magic training today? we have to work that magic outa you or whenever you use it it will be outa control.."

"What nice first words in the morning" I said I walked to the bathroom. It felt good to be in a hotel but we couldn't afford on every night.

"Ok checkout time is 7 and it's 6 so we have an hour. good thing its a weekend or you'd be missing school." 

"your a creep" I snap and I slap the bed to wake up meghan and Eyon. Eyon startles up and Meghan just groans and rolls over. "Meghan c'mon we have to get up"

"After what happened yesterday I don't wanna go to school" Meghan grumbled

"its a saturday" Eyon said

"Good, then let me sleep." Meghan rolled onto her face while Eyon let out a big sigh

I laughed and entered the restroom. The mirror above the sink filled up the whole wall and the tub was bigger then a dresser. the only small thing was the toilet. Which looked so clean you could eat on it. Lycan must have spent a FORTUNE one this hotel.  I washed my face and took a shower, a real one, for the first time in weeks. I usually take my showers at school when I go in early and go the the gym showers.

 It felt really really good until I heard the door open. "i'm in here" I said

"I know" Lycan laughed "I'm just getting changed"

"Oh dude no! do that in the closet or wait for me to get out" I was glad I couldn't see him through the curtains I made sure I looked on the opposite side so I won't even see a shilloette "Ok bye" i heard him leave and shut the door and i released my breath

He was acting like that more and more every week. He would get very comfortable with me around him in a way that was almost creepy. I got out Locked the door and dried off. I tilted my head back as I squeezed out my now long hair.. which I had to cut or people would get suspicious.. So I did. I focused magic to between two fingers so they formed blades and I snipped off my hair. Made it a bit shorter then before so People will think I got a hair cut.and not just made it choppy. In fact I cut it much shorter then before. It was now at my shoulders. I brushed off the hair I cut and died my fingers. it felt really good to do that I wanted to just shoot something with my magic. But I knew I shouldn't. I held myself back.  I took a deep breath and finished getting breath. and I left the restroom await eons gape at my hair Lycan ignored it. looking into a book chilling on the bed "you didn't blow up the bathroom did you? ya know you have to be careful. Someone with your power of magic held inside can be very dangerous and hard to control so we gotta be careful. I suggest you don't use anymore magic until I train you properly. You could have  sheared your hole head with those fingers of yours."

"sorry" I said and eon said

"Thats actually not that bad of a hair cut" I laughed "yaaa sure… get meghan up?"

"she at the continental breakfast… said she couldn't wait to have real food again."

Lycan looked up "isn't my food good?" he had a puppy dog look on his face. this was one of those times you forget he's "evil" and trying to take over the world.

"No" Eyon said plainly and Lycan Pouted.

"what's up with that?" Eyon suddenly burst. surprising us.

"why.. why are you like that?" Eyon's voice cracked.

"You've killed. and killed. You've killed so many people yet still. You can do this. You live on and whats worse is that you don't seem to show any remorse for what you've done. and you too addie. you people are monsters you can laugh and make fun of what i've said. You can do anything you want because of who you are and you choose do do this! why do you still laugh and kid and smile why do you pretend to care when you've even said yourself that you don't. What IS this plan… oh ya the plan WHAT IS IT!" 

I blink and just stared. I shot a glance at Lycan who looked very serious. he stood up and walked over to eyon I leaned aginsted the dresser and watched knowing what was going to happen next because I had done the same thing when I was young.

"How can you live like this!! How can you expect me to! you are evil! your an EVIL EVIL MONSTER you KILLED innocent people!!! Why are you always so kind to me in that way and so happy all the time yet you can slice off a perfectly kinda magician's head without a second thought!!!!!" Tears rolled down my face as I was standing in front of the body of another young magician. Lycan's face grew serious and he walked up to me.

 Lycan placed his hand on Eyon's head and grabbed a fistful of his hair causing him to cringe "You don't get it kid do you?"

I dgrabbed his hands hoping he wouldn't rip out my hair has he started his lecture "You ask me how I can live with myself then ask me why I act like I do?"

Eyon looked confused and terrified. "What do you mean?" Lycan put his hand on his face and pinched between his eyes in frustration. "Find how about I put it this way..

"…. YOU ask me a question about an how I do something. Then you state how I do something asking me why." I was trembling in front of him terrified at what he meant.

He tossed me down.

"I don't get it!!" Eyon said. I snickered and lycan walked back over to the bed. "Your a stupid little magician you know that? YOu'll get it someday… so stop asking dumb questions like that." He plopped down on the bed again 

"Dear god look at the time we gotta go. Eyon round up your sister and her muffins and lets go"

"c'mon Adder, we've got places to go.." I trotted behind him slowly when I realized something………. I realized what he said…. what he meant….. and I realized…. he… evil's can't be real….. and if it is he's not it…

I realized that I didn't care anymore. I looked back at the body and no more did I feel sadness for it. I felt proud of it. I felt jelous of it. It got to leave this terrible place, while i'm stuck here for as long as this damned man makes me stay…. I mean.. if he wanted too..

He could make me immortal..

and thats what I feared the most….


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