For Better or For Worse

By hakuna_matada

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He's gone. My best friend of 8 years, just left without a simple goodbye. How could he? Now he doesn't even k... More

For Better or For Worse
chapter two: an old face on new walls
chapter three: worst. surprise. ever.
chapter five: 2 dates and Harry Styles
chapter six: starting over
chapter seven: double dates and jealousy
chapter eight: letting the lies slip up
chapter nine: secrets and mistakes (part one)
Chapter nine: secrets and mistakes (part two)
Chapter 10: what are we doing?
chapter 11- well this is awkward...

chapter four: who am I?

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By hakuna_matada

chapter four: who am I?

*Emma's POV*

The door slowly creeked open. My heart was beating so fast you could probably see it through my dress.

Finally, one by one, five boys walked in with smiles and were well dressed. Mary was a huge fan and never stopped talking about them, so I obviously knew their names.

One was all to farmiliar. Harry. No! Shut up, dont say that word. It will only make you want to break down and he cant see you like that.

They all introduced themselves. "I'm Liam."

"I'm Niall."

"I'm Zayn."

"I'm Louis."

"I'm -"  I cut him off before he could say his name. "Mary, can I speak to you outside for a second?"

Her face went from smiling and excited to confused. Instead of  arguing, she floowed me out the door into the empty hall. "What's the matter?" She asked once the door was closed. My eyes went wide at her question. She knew all about Harry and I's past. How could she not know what the matter was?! My ex-bestfriend was in there and he didnt even recognize me.

"Are you kidding me? He is in there probably laughing and having a great time with his new bestfriends. He didnt even recognize me!" I took a deep breathe. "He's such a-" I was cut off by Mary. "Emma, I know where you are going with this. Just give him a chance. He barely saw you before you dragged me out here. Im sure he will remember you once he really looks at you."

I didnt say anything. I just nodded once. The smile appeared back on her face as she turned toward the door. She reached her hand out to open the door, but stopped and turned toward me.

"And by the way, Louis is all mine." I smiled and at her comment and stood behind her as she turned the knob.

As the door began to open, I got butterflies in my stomach. I hope he recognizes me. To be honest, i miss him. i really miss him.

I walked into the room behind Mary, and shut the door behind me. She went and sat down in the empty space between Louis and Harry. I sat on the second couch, across from the other one, between Liam and Zayn.

They both smiled at me. I smiled back and said, "Hello, I'm Emma." I turned to Zayn and he held out his hand. "I'm Zayn." I kindy shook his hand then turned to Liam. "I'm Liam." Like Zayn, he held out his hand for me to shake. I gladly took the offer. His smile looked like it got bigger when I grabbed his hand.

Now that I really look at him, he was very good looking. His light brown hair matched well with his chocolate brown eyes. He had a beautiful smile and voice. He was

I hadnt noticed that we were staring at eachother or that or hands were still connected. A small cough broke my thoughts. My cheeks started to heat up as I tuned to see Mary smiling at us. She looked at me, then at Liam. I could tell what she was thinking by the huge grin on her face. She wanted to get Liam and I together.

I wouldnt mind if she did. He was very good looking and from what I know, he is the sweet and sensible one. He looked like a big teddy bear that couldnt hurt a fly.

I realized I was staring at the coffee table that seperated the two couches. I bliked a few times then looked aroud at the other four boys.

Zayn was on his phone texting, Louis and Mary were deep into a conversation. They are so cute together. Niall was at the food table devowering just about everything there. I chuckled at the sight. Liam was staring at his hands, deep in thought. I wonder what he was thinking about. I shruged it off.

I forced myself to look in Harry's direction. He was staring at me. He might be zoned out. He blinked a few times then looked at the others like I did.

His gaze locked back on me. He smiled before asking, "So, who are you again, love?"

My mouth swung open and my eyes went wide. Silence filled the room and all eyes were on me now. I stared at him in disbelief for a few second longer the practically screamed, "Who am I? Really?! Are you kidding me?!" I took a quick glance at Mary. She was slightly shaking her head and mouthing the word 'stop'. I ignored her then turned back to Harry and he was in complete shock and confusion as were the other boys.

"Uh, did I miss something?" Harry finally spoke. Of course. He became such a huge star, that he couldnt even remember his old bestfriend. I knew this would happen. I had hoped he was still the same Harry, sweet and thoughtful. But no, fame has changed him so much.

I was speechless. My eyes began to water and all i could manage to choke out was,"Your unbelievable." I walked out and slammed the door behind me. I had no clue where to go, so I just slid my back down the wall and sat on the floor. Tears were blurring my vision and make up was running down my face.

This felt strangly like earlier. I wish someone could just take me home. I wanted Mary to stay here and enjoy her time with Louis.

I could hear the others talking, then some footsteps that grew louder. The door swung open the closed. I was staring at my hands, and didnt look up to see who had walked out. I just didnt want it to be Harry.

They walked over and sat down next to me. The person's large hand was then placed on top of mine. My head shot up to see big brown eyes staring at me with concern.

"Are you ok, love?" I shook my head and stared at my hands again. Liam placed two fingers under my chin and lifted my head up, so that I was staring directly into his eyes.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked after a few seconds. I didnt know if I should tell him. Could I trust him? I just met him. If I did tell him would he tell Harry? I want Harry to remember on his own. If he really was my 'bestfriend' then he would remember me.

Liam was different though. I took a chance and nodded my head. I looked over at him, and took a deep breathe. I started when I moved here when I was 8.

*Harry's POV*

What just happen? Did I do anything to upset her? I just asked who she was.

She looked a little farmiliar, but I might have just seen her in the crowd somewhere. "Do you know here from somewhere?" Zayn said, interrupting my thoughts.

I shook my head. "No, I dont think so. She looked very farmiliar though." Everyone except her friend nodded their heads.

The girl, Mary, raised her eyebrows then said, "You really dont know who she is?" I really thought about it for a minute.

I had seen her before, or I knew her before. But from where? Was she an old friend? A relative?

I finally shook my head. "No, I dont. Should I?" She didnt answer my question, but she only sighed then returned talking to Louis. Why didnt she answer my question? What was I missing?

*Mary's POV*

Louis continued to talk about his family and hometown.

I nodded and laughed when needed, but i was thinking about something else.

How could Harry not recognize Emma? They have been bestfriends since age 8, and yet he cant recognize her. Becoming famous must have really effected him. Or maybe he just hasnt seen or talked to her in so long that he couldnt remember her.

Now that I think about it, Emma's appearence has changed kind of changed in the past two years.

She had exchanged her glasses for contacts, her hair was about four inches longer, her braces were removed, and she grew an inch.

Either way, I know Emma was taking this hard. I wasnt surprised when Liam ran into the hall after her. They obviously liked eachother and as Emma's new bestfriend, it was my job to get them together.

*Liam's POV*

Emma continued with her story of her and Harry's past. Now, she was telling me about them at age 14. She was so beautiful. Wait? I just met her and I am already falling for her? I couldnt help it though, she was so sweet and innocent. How could anybody hurt her?

I didnt say a word as she finished her story. Her voice was so beautiul, I could listen to her talk all day.

"Then he left for the X-Factor, and never told me a proper goodbye. He just left a note." She took an unsteady breathe before continuing. "After that, he never called, texted, or skyped me. I never heard from him again." Another silent tear fell down her cheek. Without thinking I reached up and wiped it away with my thumb. She looked up from her hands and met my gaze. She smiled. "Mary took me here tonight without me knowing where I was going. At first I regretted it, but now im glad she did." My eyebrows knit together in confusion.

"And why is that?" She giggled and looked at her hands again. "Because I met this really cute guy, and I think he likes me back but im not sure yet."

My confusion instantly changed to excitement. She was talking about me. I just knew it. I actually have a chance with her know.

"Does this boy have a name?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled. "Its you silly." My smile quickly grew larger.

*Emma's POV*

He looked at his hands, then back at me. "Really? Well you are very beautiful, so how about we grab some lunch tomorrow? What do you say, love?"

Did that just happen? Liam Payne just asked me out. Liam freaking Payne! I wasnt a huge fan like Mary, but they had great voices and were vry attractive.

I didnt know what to say, I was speechless. I forced myself to speak. "Uh, yeah. That would be great." He started to stand up, then held out his hand to help me up. I gladly took his hand and was gently lifted up. He turned toward the door, and reached for the knob. Before turning the it, he turned to face me.

"I will get your number after the rest of the lads leave," he grabbed my hand and innertwined our fingers."and I will be sure nothing happens in here."

We both smiled at eachother, then turned to the door. I guess he felt me tense up because he slightly squeezed my hand.

He twisted the knob and opened the door slowly. All eyes shot up at us, and our hands. The room grew silent. Nobody dared to move or speak.

Finally, Mary stood up and walked over toward me. Liam released my hand and walked to the spot he was sitting at earlier. Mary pulled me to the furthest corner of the room. We both looked back at the boys to make sure they werent evesdropping. Luckily, they were in their own conversation and payed no mind to us.

"What happened out there? And why were you holding hands?" The look on her face was full of curiosity.

I sighed and said, "Well I told him about our past." I nodded my head toward Harry. "Then we found out that we both liked eachother and he's taking me to lunch tomorrow." A smile slowly appeared on my face at the idea of Liam and me at lunch.

"What?!" Mary whispered/yelled. "Are you freaking serious? Thats amazing, Im so happy for you."

I chuckled, "Thanks, but what about you and Louis? You both obviously like eachother." She smiled then replied."Well, I really like him, but I dont know if he likes me. He hasnt asked for my number yet either." She sighed.

"I promice he will ask for your number before we leave." I looked at her with a light smile. Louis was her absolute favorite and was crazy about him. If he didnt ask for her number, she is going to be devestated.

"Okay." Thats all she said before turning back to the boys. Their heads shot up and their mouths shut as we grew closer to the couches.

I took my original spot between Zayn and Liam. Mary took her original spot as well. Nobody spoke for a few seconds. I could tell Liam was looking at Harry and nudging his head toward me. Why? Did he tell Harry about me, and wanted him to make up with me? I hope he didnt. I dont want Liam to lose my trust that easily.

Finally, Harry sighed."Emma, im sorry if i acted up in any way. I didnt mean to upset you. Can you forgive me?" His smile was half-hearted and the apology was obviously froced.

"It's alright, I forgive you." I lied. It wasnt alright that he didnt remember his bestfriend, but I didnt want to start again on bad terms.

It's 9:30, and I decided that its time to leave. I stand up and say,"Well its been fun being here," I lied. "but we better get home." "Aww, do we have to leave?" Mary whined standing up. I sighed, "Yeah, we better get home. My mom will get mad if we are not at my house by 10:30."

The rest of the boys stood up while I finished. We gave hugs to all the boys. First was Zayn, then Niall, Louis, Liam, and finally Harry.

I wrapped my arms around Harry's neck and he wrapped his arms around my waist. I was about to pull away after a few seconds when he whispered into my ear, "Check your purse." He pulled away with a wink. What did he mean 'check your purse'?

I walked over to Liam to get his number like he promiced. "Hey, you wanted to get my number before we left, right?" I said with a smile.  He smiled back. "I already got your number from Mary. I will message you later." I gave him a questioning look, but shruged it off. I will have to thank Mary later.

I turned toward the door and started walking. Mary was waiting in the hall when I shut the door. We walked in silence down the empty corridor, then into the parking lot. Something must be wrong. She would be fan girling by now, but she hasnt said a word.

I opened te passenger door then sat inside as Mary did the same. Like the walk throught the parking lot, the car ride was silent. Mary made no sound the whole way to my house. We finally pulled into my driveway, and Mary cut the engine.

I sighed. "Okay, whats wrong? You havent talked since we left." Then she turned to face me. A few tears were running down her face. Had she been crying the whole way home?

She sucked in a quick breathe before saying, "Louis doesnt like me back." I gasped. How could he not like her back? They were having such a good time together.

"How do you know? Did he tell you?" I questioned. She shook her head. "No, but if he did like me then he would have asked for my number or gave me his." She wiped the water on her cheeks then got out of the car. I did the same.

It was 10 o' clock. I unlocked the door quietly. Luckily, my mom was already asleep. We quickly ran up the stairs to my bedroom. I set my purse on my dresser then started to walk away. I stopped when I heard a 'beep beep', signaling i had a message.

I walked back to my dresser as Mary walked into the bathroom. I opened my purse and searched for my phone but couldnt find it. I turned my purse upside down and dumped everything out. I searched through the pile of things on my dresser for my phone. Wallet, keys, chapstick, a folded piece of paper, markers, an extra t-shirt, a pack of gum, and finally my phone.

I started to reach for my phone, when the paper caught my eye. What was that? Then I remembered Harry's commet. 'Check your purse.' I quickly grabbed the paper and unfolded it. My mouth dropped when I read the paper.

'You are very familiar but also very beautiful. message me. 649-283-6684'

"" As if on cue, my phone beeped again. I grabbed it but kept the paper in my other hand. I had a new message and notification from twitter. I ignored twitter and went straight to the message.

From: Leeyum

'Hope you got home safe. sweet dreams, love xx'

I quickly replied.

To: Leeyum

'I did thanks. goodnight, see you tomorrow :) x'

I plugged my phone into the charger and set the paper on my nightstand. I grabbed a t-shirt and tracky shorts. I pulled them on quickly and made my way to the bed. 

Then Mary walked out of the bathroom with similar clothes on and red eyes. She walked to the bed and layed down. "Were you just crying?" I asked.

She nodded her head, then turned on her side. I turned out the light then got comfortable. "Tomorrow will be better. I promice." That was the last thing I said before falling into a deep sleep.


long chapter! yay! :) sorry for the late update i have been super busy but i will try to update as quickly as i can. i made some changes to the preveious chapters (such as the date) so feel free to go back and read them. VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE!

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