Another Love Story ||Liam Dun...

By _teen_wolfiez_

16K 394 21

What's so special about this love story? Guess you'll just have to read to find out! I will tell you one thin... More

Chapter 1: Day 1 of High School
Chapter 2: Lacrosse an a Eventful Trip to The Hospital
Chapter 3: Party at Lydias
Chapter 4: Dead pools an a lacrosse game
Chapter 6: First Date & Supernatural Diseases
Chapter 7: Stupid an Dangerous Plan
Chapter 8: To close to the flame
Chapter 9: Is it really over...
Chapter 10: A Promise To The Dead
Chapter 11: The Sun The Moon The Truth
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Please Read Pt 2
New Story!
New Story!

Chapter 5: Depression Is Always A Familiar Feeling

1K 26 1
By _teen_wolfiez_

Warning: I write the scenes that occur on the actually from memory so if I get lines wrong or miss some please accept my greatest apology don't forget to vote an comment. Leave some constructive criticism in the comments, it will help me be e better write. Thanks!!


I wipe the tears from my face an go to the door to see who it is, an it's Scott, Stiles, and Liam. I break down admittedly an hug Scott, quickly. Then Stiles, an finally get to Liam I refuse to let go, as I cry while having my head buried in his muscular chest.

"The sherif wanted us to be here when he gave you the call. I'm so sorry Crystal an I also called Bella she said she will be here soon as possible." Says Scott.

"Why do people always have to leave me." I say as a begin to weep.

"They didn't have much of a choice, I promise if people had a choice they would never leave you." Says Liam managing to get a small smile out of me.

I push away from Liam to turn to face the rest of my friends who came to comfort me.

Scott puts his hand on my shoulder an says "It's going to be okay. I talked to my mom an she says you can stay in our guess room for as long as you like."

I begin to walk towards the stairs an tell him "Thanks just let me get some close first." As soon as I walk into my room I shut the door behind me an slid down the wall an begin to cry, again. I here a knock on the door an admittedly get to my feet. An say "One moment." I rub my eyes an quick grab close to make it look like I had done something productive. "Come in" I say as I sit on my bed.

Liam walks through the door and closes it behind him "Hey, I just wanted to make sure your okay."

"I'm doing okay" I lie

"Stop lying" Liam says an that makes me cry. He sits next to me an wraps his arms around me which makes me cry a little less.

I hear the door open an Stiles says "Oh god, I'll come back later"

I laugh "Stiles you can come in Liam an I weren't doing anything an we should go anyways Scott's probably waiting."

Liam, Stiles, an I all walk down the stairs together an meet Scott.

"Got everything you need" Scott asks.

I nod

"Okay I got my jeep so let's go." Says Stiles.

We get to Scott's house an we all go in. Scott shows me where I'll be staying which is a room near Scotts.

"I will go get you some sheets an stuff like that." Says Scott

"Can I talk to Liam for a moment, alone." I ask Stiles

"Sure, I'll be right outside." Replies Stiles as he leaves an shuts the door behind him

L= Liam, C= me

C- I never thought I would say this but I'm still going to school tomorrow, as long as your there.

L- Are you sure that's a good idea

C- Yah it will get my mind off of things, you guys have made this a lot easier an it's not the first time I've had to deal with lost, cause of my bro-" I didn't get to finish cause Liam had leaned in an kissed me. An I just sit there in his arms quietly for a few minutes then get up.

C- As much as I'd like to stay like this you should probably go home an get some rest ok, an I'm kinda tired too.

L- Okay.

I know he sounded disappointed but I actual really wanted to be alone.

He gives me one last kiss on the fore head an leaves. Stiles comes in to talk

"You're gonna get through this, your one of the strongest people mentally an physically I know. Says Stiles

I let out a little chuckle "Thanks"

"I will always be here okay?" Says Stiles

"Okay. Not to be rude or anything but can I just be alone an I'm tired." I tell Stiles

"Of course" an hands me the sheets "Scott told me to give these to you an said if you need anything he'll be down the hall"

"Thank you Stiles, it means a lot that your even here." I thank Stiles an give him one last hug.

Stiles gets up from my temporary bed an says "I'm am uh gonna go now" an just as he's about to walk out the door he says "Good night, don't let the werewolves bite."

I smile an say "You too."

I look at the clock that's right next to the bed an it says 3:17. I probably should get some rest I lay down an try my hardest to fall asleep it takes a while but I manage. Scott comes to my room an wakes me up at 7:00.

"Are you sure you want to still go?" Scott asked

"Anything to get my mind off of what happened." I say

Scott sits at the end of the bed "Do you wanna talk about it?"

"There's not much to talk about, all I know is that it wasn't an accident." I say getting a little irritated I don't know why though

"What do you mean" Scott says with a look of confusion on his face

"I don't know how to explain it just um, Nothing's an accident in Beacon Hills." I say

"Hmm, you should start getting ready, Stiles will be here to pick you up in half an hour." Scott tells me as he leaves the room an closes the door behind him

I get ready an head down stairs where Mama McCall stops me. An I'm force to make more conversation. For once this big mouth of mine would like to shut up. An not be reminded of what happened last night, Actually more like this morning.

"Did you eat?" Ms. McCall asks

"I'm not really in the mood to eat right now." I say

"Okay but make sure you eat something later" she says

I nod. I hear Stiles honk an I head out the door. I hop into Stiles car not saying a word.

"So you alright?" Ask stiles but I ignore him an continue to look out the window

"I understand if you don't want to talk I lost my mom too you know, I know what it's like to loose someone."

"I'll shut up now."

I look at Stiles an give him a tiny smile an turn back to the window

"That's an award winning smile there."

I growl at him.

"Okay gosh" an Stiles shuts up until we get to school

"An we're here" Stiles speaks an shockingly he opens the door for me.

"Thanks." I say just to show a little gratitude for the ride

"She talks." Says Stiles as I elbow him an let out a little chuckle "See you later"

I walk inside an go to my locker a grab my history text book an book an close my locker to see Liam leaning on the locker next to mine. He's about the only person I want to talk to right now.

Liam= L an C= Me

L- You okay?

C- I'm still in shock but I guess I'm okay

We start walking to history an Liam wraps his arm around me.

L- Well if you need to talk I'm here

C- What I really need is to for people to stop asking me if I'm alright. *I Snapped* Sorry I'm a little stressed I just have a feeling something bad is gonna happen.

L- it's fine you don't have to apologize to me

C- Yes I do

We get to history an I take my normal seat next to Liam.

Class is over. I gather my stuff as Liam waits for me

L- well I have a free period next

C- an I have math


C- yah see ya after

L- yep Mason an I are going for a run so I better go an meet him. *he kisses me on the cheek an goes off*

I let out a smile an head to math all alone. I don't mind I kinda like the solitude. I go to math an just draw in my sketch book. Did I mention I was kinda an artist an I'm a gymnast before I forget. The teacher notices I'm drawing but pretends to not notice, instead of bickering at me like she normally does. She probably heard about what happened with my parents. I don't even know what happened really. I've been trying my hardest to forget about it, I'm not doing so well every single minute I sit in this place makes me want to break down even more. I keep my self together till the end of math. Then I run into the girls bathroom with no intentions of going to my next class. I start balling my eyes out until Malia walks in an sees me sitting on the floor with my back against the wall wiping the tears away.

"What are you doing" Malia asks an takes a seat next to me

"Nothing I just didn't feel like going to my next class, what are you doing?" I say

M- I hate math

C- cool

M- hey it's gonna be alright, you'll make it through this, okay?

C- okay

M- I should get back to class, you gonna be alright?

C- Yeah

When the bell rings for students to change to their next period I get up an realize skipping class isn't gonna make me forget about it. An dealing with depression sucks, especially alone. I leave the bathroom an notice Mason an Scott leaving coaches office with a worried look on their faces. I rush towards them an ask whats wrong.

"Nothing just Liam skipped last period an hasn't been answering his phone." Says Scott

"That doesn't sound like nothing." I say

"He went a head on our run an I never saw him again." Mason told me

"You should go to class I'll tell you if I find anything or if Liam contacts me." Scott tells Mason

"An I'll do the same" says Mason an he leaves

I jump when Scott's phone rings. He looks at the caller then answers an I ease drop an use my were wolf hearing to listen in on the call

Scott answers unsure of what could be awaiting him on the other end of the call "Liam?"

"Sounds like you already know the answer to that" says a voice I can quite make out

"Where's Liam? What, do you want the money I still have it" says Scott I automatically know it was Garrett

"Yes I want the money, an Violet" says Garret

"Do you want me to go to Sherif Stilinski, my dad works for the FBI." Scott says

"Do you honestly think I want you talking to police" says Garrett "meet me outside by the school buses" an hangs up

"You can't go there alone, he could be armed with that Lacrosse stick he used to poison Brett." I tell Scott

"It's nothing you need to worry about Crystal, just stop worrying Liam will be find an I will find him I promise I just want you out of it okay. I can't have you get hurt too." Says Scott

I say "Well I can take care of myself an if it has to do with Liam let me worry, okay? I'm done losing people, I can't keep letting people die or get hurt knowing I could've done something to save them. I'm just done okay."

He looks at me an nods "I'm going to go meet Garrett, alone"

I roll my eyes an allow him to walk away an follow him close behind my far enough to were he doesn't see me. I follow him all the way to the buses. An hide by one to ease drop their conversation

*I don't exactly know how this conversation went so it's not going to be exact. An I'm gonna miss some parts sorry*

S- What do you want me to do

G- Violet is being transferred tonight in an armored truck to another prison an I need you to stop, an intercept the truck

S- You want me attack the truck.

G- If you can't stop one little truck, then one little betas going to die!

G- I stabbed your boy with this blade laced in wolfs bane, an once it gets to the hard bad thing happen.

I begin to have what I think is a panick attack an don't notice got is coming my way

"I told you to stay out of it I don't need you getting hurt, Crystal." Says Scott angrily

"Sorry" I struggle to say since I was mid-panick attack

"What's wrong" Scott says with a worried look on his face

"N-nothing iim just having a minor panick attack" I say still struggling to speak

"Don't worry he's going to be fine" Scott says as he puts both hands on my shoulders which seems to make me calm down a little

We walk back inside together an I trust him enough to handle the car jacking by himself.

*Later on in the day*

I find my self at Deaton's veterinarian work space with an unconscious Scott an laying on one of the tables with a Berserker knife in his lower left abdomen. Also Chris Argent is here too. Apparently the jacking went terribly wrong cause two of Kate's berserkers got to Violet first an had gotten the Sherif an Agent McCall into a car accident leave McCall unconscious, but their at the hospital now. An Garrett is dead, finally. What? He tried to kill me an all my friends I can't help but want him dead. Scott wakes up.

"I was hoping you'd be unconscious a little bit longer" Dr. Deaton says

"Scott, this is going to hurt" says Chris as he pulls the knife out of Scott

Scott stumbles off the table an on to his feet. I rush to catch him as it seems his about to fall. I get him stable on his feet then let go

"It was Kate an the ber-" says Scott but is cut off my Chris

"We know"

"Maybe Scott can use the knife to track him" Dr. Deaton says, he always has the best ideas an always there to help when people need it.

"I got scent" Scott says

"Let's go" says Chris

I grab my stuff an follow them

"What do you think your doing?" Scott asks even though he knows what I'm doing

"I'm coming with you guys" I tell Scott

"Crys, maybe you should stay out of this one." Scott begins to bicker with me even though he knows I'm not going to listen

"No, I'm going" I tell Scott I'm starting to get irritated by his over protectiveness over me but it makes me feel like I have an older brother again

"Fine but your staying in the car I've faces these things before an there dangerous. I'm not letting you get hurt." Scott gives in

I give him a nod something's better then nothing.

We get to a place an I listen to Scott an stay in the car. Chris grabs a gun that's right next to me an the go in. It's been like 5 minutes, it's already dark an I'm having another panick attack. I begin to worry that we're not going to find Liam. An this is freaking me out, I never realized how much I cared for him until now, I think I actually love him an I can't lose my first love. That just might push me over the edge I'm done losing people I've lost my brother my parents. I honestly don't know what I'll do with out him. I see Scott run out of the building shortly after I here a wolves howl. I jump out of the car an follow shortly behind him. Scott runs into the woods an I'm still following him struggling to keep up but somehow I manage. I follow Scott all the way to well where we find Liam an Scott an I pull him out of the well he was almost at the top already which I don't see how that's possible seeing the well was like 20ft deem an he was poisoned so he has to have been weak.

Scott hugs Liam an says "Its okay, you're okay Liam" Liam hugs Scott back

I love their little bromance they've got going on, well it's not really a bromance it's more like Liam's Scott's son. Scott has been treating having a beta like have a baby. I think it's just flat out adorable. Liam looks like he's about to cry an so am I I'm so glad he's back. Scott gently pushes away from Liam an gets up.

"I'll be over there if you need me." Says Scott giving me a little alone time with his beta

I admittedly fall to my knees I'm front of Liam an hug him an just start crying. He hugs me back an we sit there for a while

"Today out of all days you get kidnapped by some psychotic high school teenage assassin" I tell Liam in a joking matter an we both let out a little laugh an he gives me the most adorable smile before he kisses me. After we kissed I go back to hugging until I hear him groan a little. Then I look down around his chest an notice there's a cut near his heart. I yell for Scott an he comes rushing to him we both lift him up putting one arm around each of us an run to Chris's car which doesn't see, that far from where we were at. We put him in the car an take him to Deaton's.

We lay him on the table an Deaton looks I'm his medical supplies to get a surgical knife to make an incision to let the wolves bane out, by the time we get there Liam is already unconscious, luckily Stiles was there to help us get him in.

I ask "What can I do"

"You can start by taking his shirt off so I can make the incision" Dr. Deaton says I look over to Scott who raises an eye brow an Stiles gives me a wink I punch the both of them on the arm

"Ow! You know I'm fragile" Stiles says giving me a smirk.

I laugh an begin carefully doing what Dr. Deaton instructed me to do. I can't help but enjoy myself. He is so muscular for only being 15. Deaton makes the incision an yellow gash flows into the hair from the incision, letting us know the poisons out.

"You kids can leave, he'll be safe here." Says Deaton "I promise" he says more directed over to me.

"Okay, Crys, you coming" Scott asks

"I think I'm gonna stay at least till he wakes up, you guys should leave you guys have the S.A.T. Tomorrow remember?" I tell Scott an Stiles "I can walk"

"Are you sure" Stiles asks me

"100%" I tell him

They leave.

"I'll be in my office if you need me okay. Don't stay to long you need some rest it's been a long day for you" Deaton tells me as he exits the room.

I sit for about 10 to 20 minutes until he wakes up an I rush to his side an he sits up.

C- Hey, your awake

L- Where's my shirt

*I look down an notice I had it in my hands the entire time an I begin to blush an I hand him his shirt back*

C- Sorry the Dr. had to make an incision to get the poison out of you an he couldn't do so with your shirt on so I had to take it off

*He laughs an begins to smile an rubs the back of his next like always*

L- You had to take my shirt off

*I playfully tap him on the shoulder*

C- Don't push it

L- Okay fine

C- I'm just glad your okay

*I sit on the table next to him an hug him*

L- Thanks for saving me

C- No problem

*We both lean I'm an kiss each other an we kiss for the longest time we ever had. I lightly push away*

C- I probably should tell Deaton your awake

L- Okay

*I get up an head to Deatons office*

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