First Love (TinCan) (Rewritte...

By CoffeeDolgantte

35.4K 1.5K 219

What happen if your boyfriend forget about you? "Can! watch out!" said Good Bugh . . . . "Are you okay, Can?"... More

1. Forget
2. Regret and Past
3. Past 2
Author Note
4. Past 3 - Problem
5. Past 4 - Tools
6. Past 5 - Wish come true
7. Present an Decision
Side Story - Can's Birthday pt. 2
8. Anniversary pt. 1
Anniversary pt. 2
10. Gloomy and Truth
11. Family and Game 1
12. Family and Game 2
13. The dinner
The Journal
The Routine

Side Story - Can's Birthday pt. 1

1.6K 74 18
By CoffeeDolgantte


This is a short story about Can's birthday.
Today is his birthday, November 7th, check it out 😊😊😊


Tin house

Today is my faen birthday, I am preparing something for his present. This morning I deliberately did not wake him up and didn't say happy birthday to him. I am writing a note making some excuse.

Dear honey,

I am sorry I have to do something and it is urgent. I'll call Pete and Ae to pick you up and send you to the campus.Today you have afternoon activity on campus, right? Don't be late and eat your breakfast.

From your Faen


As I left Can alone sleeping at home, I am going to my family house. My brother promised me to give a address to somewhere.

"This is the address, not to far from Siam Paragon what are you doing there?" My brother ask and I just smiling at him and take the note that he give me. 

"Ah, I remember today is Can birthday, right? Don't tell me.." I leave my brother didn't want him teasing me. "Wait, Tin.." I looked back at my brother and he give me something in paper bag. "Give it to Can, give my blessing to him in his birthday, this is from me, Hin, and my son" my brother said to me. I nodded to him. "I gotta go"

I look at the address that my brother gave me. Hmm.. Forest Bake it is really not far to Siam. I call the place.

"Sawadee, may I help you?"

"I reserved some homemade cake, yesterday I called the owner to help him making the cake together today at 9 am."

"May I know whose name the order is?"

"Tin Methannat"

".... Okay sir, the owner told me and she is waiting for you."

"Okay I will be there in 30 minutes, may you informed her?"

"Okay, Sir."

"Thank you" I hung up the call and going to the place.

At Forest Bake Bangkok

I see the place, it is beautiful. The place have vintage charm and comfy place. I am looking a woman standing there wearing white clothes (chef clothes) and black apron. She look at me when I see her standing.

(cr: Forest Bake Bangkok Facebook)

"You must be Tin, your brother tell me about you"

"Sawadee P'"

"Come in"

I follow her to the cooking room and I can see the ingredients that she prepared for me to help her making homemade cake. 

"Wash your hand first and put your apron" She giving me the apron and told the restroom is.


As I finished wash my hand and put my apron, I am back to the field (cooking room) and help her making homemade cake.

"So, this cake is for?"

"My faen, P'" I help her stirring the ingredients.

"Who is the lucky girl in Methannat family"

I chuckle, "She is He P'"

"Huh? Ah.. I am sorry, I am corrected, Who is the lucky guy?" She said with mischievously smile.

I blushed at her question "He just ordinary boy"

"No, It can't" She said with disagreement in her voice. I looked at her confused.

"Methannat family really picky about their partner, even your brother getting divorce with his wife, it turned out that all he has loved is Hin" She said with pridefull

I smile and looking at her. "It is look like you know my brother a lot"

She shook her head. "Not your brother that I am closed but P'Hin" I shock at her statement.

"P'Hin always talks how he loved your brother, even your brother got married P'Hin still beside him stand up for him when he was down. Never I know P'Hin such a considering person."

"My brother, I never knew that we can get closed like right now. In the past, my relation with my brother, Tul, not good. After I met Can, I know something in me change slowly."

"So his name is Can.. Right what I said, Methannat family has it's own taste for their partner. It is mean their partner can melt the cold Methannat heart hahahaha" She said jokingly with me and we talk while making homemade cake. After 3 hours, homemade cake finally done. 

(cr: Forest Bake BKK IG)

At Tin house


I wake up and see no one beside me. Where is Tin?

"Tin..?" No one answer. My heart beat really fast because there are no one call my answer from the room. I startled as I heard my phone ringing loudly. I see the phone Ae is calling me. I pick it up.

"What's up Ai'Ae?" 

"Are you ready? I am pick you up in 30 minutes?"


"Just get ready already, hurry up"


I look at the time 10 AM. It is weird, why Tin didn't wake me up. I am prepared myself like taking a bath and change my clothes. The house is quiet. I am pouting at the silent in the house. I am going to the dining room and see some food and a note? I read the note loudly.

"I have to do something and it is urgent. I'll call Pete and Ae to pick you up and send you to the campus.Today you have afternoon activity on campus, right? Don't be late and eat your breakfast." Why he didn't tell me before? But the weird thought is gone when I see a lot of food in the table. Looks yummy. I digging my food happily. (A/N: sometime Can really choose food over Tin and football too, so the order of Can love is food-football-Tin, I am pitying Tin sometime because Can behaviour)

Ding Dong

"Wait.." as I finishing my food I put the plates and wash it quickly and open the door. I see Ae and Pete together holding hand. I look at them unamused face as they look at Can innocently.

"Where is Tin?" Ae ask Can.

"I don't know, Let's go" Can hurried Ae talking with uninterested voice. 

Ae nodded, they going to the Ae car.

"Why Pete didn't come?"

"Sorry, Can. I have appointment with the owner in here. So, I am waiting him." Pete said while he see out Ae and Can who in the car.

"I'll be back in 5 pm, okay. Wait here" Ae said to Pete and he nodded to Ae.

On the road

"Hey, why you are silent today?"

"Nothing." I answer Ae. Ae sighed with my behavior and trying to take something in the back seat.

"This is for you, from me and Pete. Happy Birthday na~" Ae said and giving me a box. I take the gift and remember. Ah, right! Today is my birthday! Uh? Tin didn't said anything to me? I am giving a force smile to Ae. "You don't like a gift?" Ae ask "No, I like it" I smile at Ae though my heart hurt when the person I love didn't said anything to me even didn't wake me up in this morning. We arriving at campus and do the assignment in meeting.

At Tin House

Pete POV

"Where are you?" Pete message Tin

"I am done be there in a minutes" Tin reply.

Pete sigh and look around inside house. Tin gave an apartment key to the Pete yesterday just in case Ae and Pete didn't come together. Damn it is a nice house, I wanna living together with Ae.

Pete take around and going to the living room. He prepare the decoration and gift that Can gave to him yesterday in other room that Tin lock yesterday without Can consciousness. They put the decoration in the living room and begin decorating for Can's birthday. Five minutes later, someone enter the apartment. Pete startled at sudden voice in the entrance and relieve when he know Tin come.

"Whoa..." Tin dumbfounded at Pete decoration in the living room.

"You decorating alone?"

"No, I am bringing my ghost aide here. Of course, I am!" Pete said sarcastically to Tin. Tin just glare at his friend attitude to him. "It is good by the way" Tin compliment Pete. "Of course, it is because Can's birthday, he is my bestfriend" Pete told Tin while rolling his eyes not amused at his friend compliment. Tin just shrugged and put the cake to the refrigerator and put the ingredients to evening-night dinner. 

"You are cooking?!" Pete shock when he heard some chopping sound in the kitchen.

"No, I am doing laundry. Can't you see by yourself?" Tin backbite Pete with sarcasm.

"Since when? I don't know you can cooking"

"Only for Can of course, why I should cooking for you and the other"

"Yeah.. Yeah.. Only for Can" Pete going back to decorating. After some hours Pete finish his decoration. 

At dining room

At living room

"Tin, I am done, are you need help?"

"Yeah, can you cut all the vegetables here?" Tin said from living room.

Pete going to the kitchen and shock at all the food that Tin prepared for Can.

"Are you a chef?"

"Wh..." Tin look at Pet unamused and back to his doing.

"It is look delicious. Can I have a bite?" Pete said exitedly.

"Here, try this spring rolls, Can love spring rolls." Pete take a bite and scream excitedly.

"Woaa!!! It is delicious" Pete said and Tin smile in return.

Pete help Tin cooking until evening. At least, maybe 5 hours they prepare all of it, the decoration and the food. Tin really great full having Pete to helping him prepare all of it. Maybe I should give Pete my thanks to all of it. While he get out from the kitchen Tin shock at the decoration. It so beautiful and Tin delighted.

"Shia! All of this, you decorating alone?!" Tin said

"Thank you Pete, you make my day"

They look at the time 4 PM.

"Shia!!" Pete and Tin said together.

"Go to Can's room there and gird yourself" Tin point Can's room and they prepare their self.

*To be continued*


A/N I am sorry I thought I want finished all of this in November 7th, it turns out I can't due to my assignment in college (>.<)"

I promised this night writing the continuation for this side story of Can's birthday but first let read the part one of Can's birthday.


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